11 71.01 (6) (r) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2004, and before
12January 1, 2006,
for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear
13decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal
14Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2004, excluding sections 103,
15104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203
16(d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
17104-188, sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554,
18P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L.
19107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173,
20sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and sections 101, 201, 211,
244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and as amended by P.L.
22109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
231326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
24of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
25section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151,

1P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
2109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280,
and as
3indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L.
4101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L.
5102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L.
6102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and
713203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L.
8104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605
9(d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L.
10105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L.
11106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16,
12excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L.
13107-147, excluding section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181,
14P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201,
15and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L.
16108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 308, 316,
17401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242,
18244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476,
19P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
201326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
21of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
22section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151,
23P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
24109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280
. The
25Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal

1purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after
2December 31, 2004, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years
3beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2006, except that changes
4to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections
51305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L.
6109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding
7sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and
8(q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207,
9209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding
10sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the
11provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding
12sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351
13of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135,
14excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e),
15(j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections
16101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280,
17excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the
18same time as for federal purposes
19Section 1943. 71.01 (6) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
20 71.01 (6) (s) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005, and before
21January 1, 2007, for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear
22decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal
23Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2005, excluding sections 103,
24104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203
25(d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.

1104-188, sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554,
2P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147,
3sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, sections 306,
4308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337,
5422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-1, sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310,
61323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, section 11146 of
7P.L. 109-59, section 301 of P.L. 109-73, and sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates
8to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and as
9amended by P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L.
10109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L.
11109-280, and as indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L.
12101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L.
13102-90, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L.
14102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d),
1513174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L.
16104-7, P.L. 104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f),
171311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L.
18105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L.
19106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15,
20P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L.
21107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, P.L.
22107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections
23106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201
24of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306,
25308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201,

1211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, P.L.
2108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323,
31324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-59, excluding
4section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L.
5109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402
6(e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding
7sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L.
8109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code
9applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
10Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2005,
11do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after
12December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, except that changes to the Internal
13Revenue Code made by P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and
14513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844
15of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this
16subchapter made by P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513
17of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of
18P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
19Section 1944. 71.01 (6) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
20 71.01 (6) (t) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2006, for natural
21persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear decommissioning trust or
22reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
23as amended to December 31, 2006, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
24102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66,
25sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, sections 1, 3,

14, and 5 of P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section
2431 of P.L. 107-16, sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201, and
3202 of P.L. 108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403
4(a) of P.L. 108-311, sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910
5of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-1, sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326,
61328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, section 301
7of P.L. 109-73, sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403
8(e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of
9P.L. 109-222, sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and P.L. 109-432, and as
10indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L.
11101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L.
12102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L.
13102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and
1413203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L.
15104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605
16(d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L.
17105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L.
18106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16,
19excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L.
20107-147, excluding sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L.
21107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and
22202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L.
23108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 308, 316,
24401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242,
25244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, P.L. 108-476, P.L.

1109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
21326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-59, excluding section 11146
3of P.L. 109-59, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135,
4excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e),
5(j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections
6101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280,
7excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code applies
8for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the
9federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2006, do not apply to this
10paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.
11Section 1945. 71.01 (7r) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
12 71.01 (7r) (c) Notwithstanding sub. (6), section 101 of P.L. 109-222, related to
13extending the increased expense deduction under section 179 of the Internal
14Revenue Code, applies to property used in farming that is acquired and placed in
15service in taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008, and used by a person
16who is actively engaged in farming. For purposes of this paragraph, "actively
17engaged in farming" has the meaning given in 7 CFR 1400.201, and "farming" has
18the meaning given in section 464 (e) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
19Section 1946. 71.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 71.02 (1) For the purpose of raising revenue for the state and the counties,
21cities, villages and towns, there shall be assessed, levied, collected and paid a tax on
22all net incomes of individuals and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear
23decommissioning trust or reserve funds subject to the tax under s. 71.23 (2), by every
24natural person residing within the state or by his or her personal representative in
25case of death, and trusts resident within the state; by every nonresident natural

1person and trust of this state, upon such income as is derived from property located
2or business transacted within the state including, but not limited by enumeration,
3income derived from a limited partner's distributive share of partnership income,
4income derived from a limited liability company member's distributive share of
5limited liability company income, income derived from a covenant not to compete to
6the extent that the covenant was based on a Wisconsin-based activity,
the state
7lottery under ch. 565, any multijurisdictional lottery under ch. 565 if the winning
8lottery ticket or lottery share was purchased from a retailer, as defined in s. 565.01
9(6), located in this state or from the department, winnings from a casino or bingo hall
10that is located in this state and that is operated by a Native American tribe or band
11and pari-mutuel wager winnings or purses under ch. 562, and also by every
12nonresident natural person upon such income as is derived from the performance of
13personal services within the state, except as exempted under s. 71.05 (1) to (3). Every
14natural person domiciled in the state shall be deemed to be residing within the state
15for the purposes of determining liability for income taxes and surtaxes. A
16single-owner entity that is disregarded as a separate entity under section 7701 of the
17Internal Revenue Code is disregarded as a separate entity under this chapter, and
18its owner is subject to the tax on the entity's income.
19Section 1947. 71.04 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 71.04 (1) (a) All income or loss of resident individuals and resident estates and
21trusts shall follow the residence of the individual, estate or trust. Income or loss of
22nonresident individuals and nonresident estates and trusts from business, not
23requiring apportionment under sub. (4), (10) or (11), shall follow the situs of the
24business from which derived, except that all income that is realized from the sale of
25or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets

1were originally bought in this state shall be allocated to this state. All items of
2income, loss and deductions of nonresident individuals and nonresident estates and
3trusts derived from a tax-option corporation not requiring apportionment under
4sub. (9) shall follow the situs of the business of the corporation from which derived,
5except that all income that is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent
6sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in
7this state shall be allocated to this state. Income or loss of nonresident individuals
8and nonresident estates and trusts derived from rentals and royalties from real
9estate or tangible personal property, or from the operation of any farm, mine or
10quarry, or from the sale of real property or tangible personal property shall follow the
11situs of the property from which derived. Income from personal services of
12nonresident individuals, including income from professions, shall follow the situs of
13the services. A nonresident limited partner's distributive share of partnership
14income shall follow the situs of the business, except that all income that is realized
15from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery prizes if
16the winning tickets were originally bought in this state shall be allocated to this
17state. A nonresident limited liability company member's distributive share of
18limited liability company income shall follow the situs of the business, except that
19all income that is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or
20redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in this state
21shall be allocated to this state. Income of nonresident individuals, estates and trusts
22from the state lottery under ch. 565 is taxable by this state. Income of nonresident
23individuals, estates and trusts from any multijurisdictional lottery under ch. 565 is
24taxable by this state, but only if the winning lottery ticket or lottery share was
25purchased from a retailer, as defined in s. 565.01 (6), located in this state or from the

1department. Income of nonresident individuals, nonresident trusts and nonresident
2estates from pari-mutuel winnings or purses under ch. 562 is taxable by this state.
3Income of nonresident individuals, estates and trusts from winnings from a casino
4or bingo hall that is located in this state and that is operated by a Native American
5tribe or band shall follow the situs of the casino or bingo hall. Income derived by a
6nonresident individual from a covenant not to compete is taxable by this state to the
7extent that the covenant was based on a Wisconsin-based activity.
All other income
8or loss of nonresident individuals and nonresident estates and trusts, including
9income or loss derived from land contracts, mortgages, stocks, bonds and securities
10or from the sale of similar intangible personal property, shall follow the residence of
11such persons, except as provided in par. (b) and sub. (9), except that all income that
12is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery
13prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in this state shall be allocated
14to this state.
15Section 1947g. 71.05 (1) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
16 71.05 (1) (ae) Pension, individual retirement income. Except for a payment
17that is exempt under par. (a), (am), or (an), or that is exempt as a railroad retirement
18benefit, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, up to $5,000 of
19payments or distributions received each year by an individual from a qualified
20retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code or from an individual retirement
21account established under 26 USC 408, if all of the following conditions apply:
22 1. The individual is at least 65 years of age before the close of the taxable year
23to which the exemption claim relates.

12. If the individual is single or files as head of household, his or her federal
2adjusted gross income in the year to which the exemption claim relates is less than
4 3. If the individual is married and is a joint filer, the couple's federal adjusted
5gross income in the year to which the exemption claim relates is less than $30,000.
6 4. If the individual is married and files a separate return, the sum of both
7spouses' federal adjusted gross income in the year to which the exemption claim
8relates is less than $30,000.
9Section 1947i. 71.05 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 71.05 (1) (am) Military retirement systems. All retirement payments received
11from the U.S. military employee retirement system, to the extent that such payments
12are not exempt under par. (a) or (ae).
13Section 1947j. 71.05 (1) (an) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 71.05 (1) (an) Uniformed services retirement benefits. All retirement payments
15received from the U.S. government that relate to service with the coast guard, the
16commissioned corps of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, or the
17commissioned corps of the public health service, to the extent that such payments are
18not exempt under par. (a), (ae), or (am).
19Section 1948. 71.05 (6) (a) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:
20 71.05 (6) (a) 15. The amount of the credits computed under s. 71.07 (2dd), (2de),
21(2di), (2dj), (2dL), (2dm), (2dr), (2ds), (2dx), (3g), (3n), (3p), (3s), (3t), (3w), (5b), (5d),
(5e), (5f), and (5h), (5i), (5j), and (5k) and not passed through by a partnership,
23limited liability company, or tax-option corporation that has added that amount to
24the partnership's, company's, or tax-option corporation's income under s. 71.21 (4)
25or 71.34 (1) (g).

1Section 1949. 71.05 (6) (a) 21. of the statutes is created to read:
2 71.05 (6) (a) 21. Any amount deducted as income attributable to domestic
3production activities under section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code if the
4individual claiming the deduction is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state
5and if the domestic production activities income is not attributable to a trade or
6business that is taxable by this state.
7Section 1950. 71.05 (6) (a) 22. of the statutes is created to read:
8 71.05 (6) (a) 22. If an individual is a nonresident or part-year resident of this
9state and a portion of the amount the individual deducted as income attributable to
10domestic production activities under section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code is
11attributable to a trade or business that is taxable by this state, the amount deducted
12under section 199 for federal income tax purposes and in excess of that amount,
13multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the individual's net earnings from
14the trade or business that is taxable by this state and the denominator of which is
15the individual's total net earnings from the trade or business to which the deduction
16under section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code applies.
17Section 1951. 71.05 (6) (a) 23. of the statutes is created to read:
18 71.05 (6) (a) 23. Any amount deducted by an individual under section 62 (a) (19)
19of the Internal Revenue Code related to attorney fees or court costs, involving an
20unlawful discrimination claim, if the individual is a nonresident or part-year
21resident of this state and if the judgment or settlement resulting from the claim is
22not taxable by this state.
23Section 1951m. 71.05 (6) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
24 71.05 (6) (b) 4. Disability payments other than disability payments that are
25paid from a retirement plan, the payments from which are exempt under sub. (1) (ae),

1(am), and (an)
, if the individual either is single or is married and files a joint return,
2to the extent those payments are excludable under section 105 (d) of the internal
3revenue code
Internal Revenue Code as it existed immediately prior to its repeal in
41983 by section 122 (b) of P.L. 98-21, except that if an individual is divorced during
5the taxable year that individual may subtract an amount only if that person is
6disabled and the amount that may be subtracted then is $100 for each week that
7payments are received or the amount of disability pay reported as income, whichever
8is less. If the exclusion under this subdivision is claimed on a joint return and only
9one of the spouses is disabled, the maximum exclusion is $100 for each week that
10payments are received or the amount of disability pay reported as income, whichever
11is less.
12Section 1952. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.) An amount paid by a claimant for tuition expenses and
14mandatory student fees
for a student who is the claimant or who is the claimant's
15child and the claimant's dependent who is claimed under section 151 (c) of the
16Internal Revenue Code, to attend any university, college, technical college or a school
17approved under s. 38.50, that is located in Wisconsin or to attend a public vocational
18school or public institution of higher education in Minnesota under the
19Minnesota-Wisconsin reciprocity agreement under s. 39.47, calculated as follows:
20Section 1953. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
21 71.05 (6) (b) 28. a. An amount equal to one of the following per student for each
22year to which the claim relates: for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2007,

23not more than twice the average amount charged by the board of regents of the
24University of Wisconsin System at 4-year institutions for resident undergraduate
25academic fees for the most recent fall semester, as determined by the board of regents

1by September 1 of that semester, per student for each year to which the claim relates;
2for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006, $6,000
3Section 1954. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. h. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 71.05 (6) (b) 28. h. No modification may be claimed under this subdivision for
5an amount paid for tuition expenses and mandatory student fees, as described under
6this subdivision, if the source of the payment is an amount withdrawn from a college
7savings account, as described in s. 14.64 or from a college tuition and expenses
8program, as described in s. 14.63, and if the claimant owner of the account has
9claimed a deduction under subd. 32. or 33. that relates to such an amount.
10Section 1955. 71.05 (6) (b) 39. of the statutes is created to read:
11 71.05 (6) (b) 39. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and
12before January 1, 2009, an amount paid by an individual who is the employee of
13another person, if the individual's employer pays a portion of the cost of the
14individual's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the individual, his
15or her spouse, and the individual's dependents, calculated as follows:
16 a. Ten percent of the amount paid by the individual for medical care insurance.
17In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care insurance policy
18that covers the individual, his or her spouse, and the individual's dependents and
19provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical, or other health service coverage,
20and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a self-insured plan, but
21"medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity policies or policies with
22ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss of income resulting
23from a total or partial inability to work because of illness, sickness, or injury.

1b. From the amount calculated under subd. 39. a., subtract the amounts
2deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal
3adjusted gross income.
4 c. For an individual who is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state,
5multiply the amount calculated under subd. 39. a. or b., by a fraction the numerator
6of which is the individual's wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings
7from a trade or business that are taxable by this state and the denominator of which
8is the individual's total wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from
9a trade or business. In this subd. 39. c., for married persons filing separately "wages,
10salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the
11separate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
12business of each spouse, and for married persons filing jointly "wages, salary, tips,
13unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the total wages,
14salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business of both
16 d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 39. a., b., or c. to the individual's
17aggregate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
18business that are taxable by this state.
19Section 1956. 71.05 (6) (b) 40. of the statutes is created to read:
20 71.05 (6) (b) 40. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and
21before January 1, 2010, an amount paid by an individual who is the employee of
22another person, if the individual's employer pays a portion of the cost of the
23individual's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the individual, his
24or her spouse, and the individual's dependents, calculated as follows:

1a. Twenty-five percent of the amount paid by the individual for medical care
2insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care
3insurance policy that covers the individual, his or her spouse, and the individual's
4dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical, or other health
5service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a
6self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity
7policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss
8of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness,
9sickness, or injury.
10 b. From the amount calculated under subd. 40. a., subtract the amounts
11deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal
12adjusted gross income.
13 c. For an individual who is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state,
14multiply the amount calculated under subd. 40. a. or b., by a fraction the numerator
15of which is the individual's wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings
16from a trade or business that are taxable by this state and the denominator of which
17is the individual's total wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from
18a trade or business. In this subd. 40. c., for married persons filing separately "wages,
19salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the
20separate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
21business of each spouse, and for married persons filing jointly "wages, salary, tips,
22unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the total wages,
23salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business of both

1d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 40. a., b., or c. to the individual's
2aggregate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
3business that are taxable by this state.
4Section 1957. 71.05 (6) (b) 41. of the statutes is created to read:
5 71.05 (6) (b) 41. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009, and
6before January 1, 2011, an amount paid by an individual who is the employee of
7another person, if the individual's employer pays a portion of the cost of the
8individual's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the individual, his
9or her spouse, and the individual's dependents, calculated as follows:
10 a. Forty-five percent of the amount paid by the individual for medical care
11insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care
12insurance policy that covers the individual, his or her spouse, and the individual's
13dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical, or other health
14service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a
15self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity
16policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss
17of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness,
18sickness, or injury.
19 b. From the amount calculated under subd. 41. a., subtract the amounts
20deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal
21adjusted gross income.
22 c. For an individual who is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state,
23multiply the amount calculated under subd. 41. a. or b., by a fraction the numerator
24of which is the individual's wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings
25from a trade or business that are taxable by this state and the denominator of which

1is the individual's total wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from
2a trade or business. In this subd. 41. c., for married persons filing separately "wages,
3salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the
4separate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
5business of each spouse, and for married persons filing jointly "wages, salary, tips,
6unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the total wages,
7salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business of both
9 d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 41. a., b., or c. to the individual's
10aggregate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
11business that are taxable by this state.
12Section 1958. 71.05 (6) (b) 42. of the statutes is created to read:
13 71.05 (6) (b) 42. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, an
14amount paid by an individual who is the employee of another person, if the
15individual's employer pays a portion of the cost of the individual's medical care
16insurance, for medical care insurance for the individual, his or her spouse, and the
17individual's dependents, calculated as follows:
18 a. One hundred percent of the amount paid by the individual for medical care
19insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care
20insurance policy that covers the individual, his or her spouse, and the individual's
21dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical, or other health
22service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a
23self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity
24policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss

1of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness,
2sickness, or injury.
3 b. From the amount calculated under subd. 42. a., subtract the amounts
4deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal
5adjusted gross income.
6 c. For an individual who is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state,
7multiply the amount calculated under subd. 42. a. or b., by a fraction the numerator
8of which is the individual's wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings
9from a trade or business that are taxable by this state and the denominator of which
10is the individual's total wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from
11a trade or business. In this subd. 42. c., for married persons filing separately "wages,
12salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the
13separate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
14business of each spouse, and for married persons filing jointly "wages, salary, tips,
15unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the total wages,
16salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business of both
18 d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 42. a., b., or c. to the individual's
19aggregate wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or
20business that are taxable by this state.
21Section 1959. 71.05 (6) (b) 43. of the statutes is created to read:
22 71.05 (6) (b) 43. Subject to subd. 43. e. and f., one of the following allowable
23amounts, specified in subd. 43. a. to d., of employment-related expenses claimed by
24the claimant under section 21 of the Internal Revenue Code in the taxable year to
25which that claim relates:

1a. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and before January
21, 2009, up to $750 if the claimant has one qualified individual and up to $1,500 if
3the claimant has more than one qualified individual.
4 b. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and before January
51, 2010, up to $1,500 if the claimant has one qualified individual and up to $3,000
6if the claimant has more than one qualified individual.
7 c. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009, and before January
81, 2011, up to $2,250 if the claimant has one qualified individual and up to $4,500
9if the claimant has more than one qualified individual.
10 d. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, up to $3,000 if the
11claimant has one qualified individual and up to $6,000 if the claimant has more than
12one qualified individual.
13 e. A claimant who claims the subtraction under this subdivision is subject to
14the special rules in 26 USC 21 (e) (2) and (4).
15 f. An individual who is a nonresident or part-year resident of this state and who
16claims the subtraction under this subdivision shall multiply the amount calculated
17under subd. 43. a., b., c., or d. by a fraction the numerator of which is the individual's
18wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business that
19are taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the individual's total wages,
20salary, tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business. In this
21subd. 43. f., for married persons filing separately "wages, salary, tips, unearned
22income, and net earnings from a trade or business" means the separate wages, salary,
23tips, unearned income, and net earnings from a trade or business of each spouse, and
24for married persons filing jointly "wages, salary, tips, unearned income, and net

1earnings from a trade or business" means the total wages, salary, tips, unearned
2income, and net earnings from a trade or business of both spouses.
3Section 1961. 71.07 (2dx) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 71.07 (2dx) (a) 5. "Member of a targeted group" means a person who resides
5in an area designated by the federal government as an economic revitalization area,
6a person who is employed in an unsubsidized job but meets the eligibility
7requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3) for a Wisconsin Works employment position,
8a person who is employed in a trial job, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (n), or in a real work,
9real pay project position under s. 49.147 (3m),
a person who is eligible for child care
10assistance under s. 49.155, a person who is a vocational rehabilitation referral, an
11economically disadvantaged youth, an economically disadvantaged veteran, a
12supplemental security income recipient, a general assistance recipient, an
13economically disadvantaged ex-convict, a qualified summer youth employee, as
14defined in 26 USC 51 (d) (7), a dislocated worker, as defined in 29 USC 2801 (9), or
15a food stamp recipient, if the person has been certified in the manner under sub. (2dj)
16(am) 3. by a designated local agency, as defined in sub. (2dj) (am) 2.
17Section 1962. 71.07 (2dx) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
18 71.07 (2dx) (b) 2. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
19determined under s. 560.785 (1) (b) by the number of full-time jobs created in a
20development zone and filled by a member of a targeted group and by then subtracting
21the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
22under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
23Section 1963. 71.07 (2dx) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
24 71.07 (2dx) (b) 3. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
25determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs created in a

1development zone and not filled by a member of a targeted group and by then
2subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and
3reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
4Section 1964. 71.07 (2dx) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
5 71.07 (2dx) (b) 4. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
6determined under s. 560.785 (1) (bm) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
7provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been
8claimed under sub. (2dj), in an enterprise development zone under s. 560.797 and for
9which significant capital investment was made and by then subtracting the
10subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
11under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
12Section 1965. 71.07 (2dx) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
13 71.07 (2dx) (b) 5. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
14determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
15provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been
16claimed under sub. (2dj), in a development zone and not filled by a member of a
17targeted group and by then subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or
18the subsidies and reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
19Section 1966. 71.07 (3p) of the statutes is created to read:
20 71.07 (3p) Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit. (a) Definitions.
21In this subsection:
22 1. "Claimant" means a person who files a claim under this subsection.
23 2. "Dairy manufacturing" means processing milk into dairy products or
24processing dairy products for sale commercially.

13. "Dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion" means constructing,
2improving, or acquiring buildings or facilities, or acquiring equipment, for dairy
3manufacturing, including the following, if used exclusively for dairy manufacturing
4and if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin
5after December 31, 2006, and before January 1, 2015:
6 a. Building construction, including storage and warehouse facilities.
7 b. Building additions.
8 c. Upgrades to utilities, including water, electric, heat, and waste facilities.
9 d. Milk intake and storage equipment.
10 e. Processing and manufacturing equipment, including pipes, motors, pumps,
11valves, pasteurizers, homogenizers, vats, evaporators, dryers, concentrators, and