Currently, certain adult family homes (those in which three or four adults who are not related to the operator reside and receive care) are licensed by DHFS or by county departments of human services, social services, developmental disabilities services, or community programs. The biennial license fee for such an adult family home is $135. Also currently, community-based residential facilities are licensed by DHFS; the biennial license fee for a community-based residential facility is $306, plus a biennial fee of $39.60 for each resident the community-based residential facility is licensed to serve.
This bill requires that, after March 31, 2008, the amounts of the biennial fees for licensed adult family homes and community-based residential facilities shall be established in rules required to be promulgated by DHFS.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 50.033 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

50.033 (2) Standards for operation of licensed adult family homes and procedures for application for licensure, monitoring, inspection, revocation and appeal of revocation under this section shall be under rules promulgated by the department under s. 50.02 (2) (am) 2. An adult family home licensure is valid until revoked under this section. Licensure is not transferable. The biennial licensure fee for a licensed adult family home is $135, except that, after March 31, 2008, the biennial fee for a licensed adult family home shall be the amount that the department shall establish by rule. The fee is payable to the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437, if the county department licenses the adult family home under sub. (1m) (b), and is payable to the department, on a schedule determined by the department if the department licenses the adult family home under sub. (1m) (b).

SECTION 2. 50.037 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

50.037 (2) (a) The biennial fee for a community-based residential facility is $306, plus a biennial fee of $39.60 per resident, based on the number of residents that the facility is licensed to serve, except that, after March 31, 2008, the biennial fee for a community-based residential facility, including any fee for a resident, shall be the amount that the department shall establish by rule.

SECTION 9121. Nonstatutory provisions; Health and Family Services.

(1) LICENSED ADULT FAMILY HOME FEES; RULES. The department of health and family services shall submit in proper form the rules required under section 50.033 (2) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than November 1, 2007.

(2) COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FEES; RULES. The department of health and family services shall submit in proper form the rules required under section 50.037 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than November 1, 2007.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Miner, BB0220 - Environmental repair tipping fee increase
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Other environment
Current law imposes an environmental repair fee on solid and hazardous waste disposed of at a waste disposal facility (such as a landfill). This type of fee is often called a tipping fee. The environmental repair fee is 50 cents per ton, except that the fee is lower for mining waste and certain kinds of high-volume industrial waste. The environmental repair fee is deposited into the environmental fund.
This bill increases the environmental repair fee on solid and hazardous waste, other than mining waste and certain kinds of high-volume industrial waste, to $1.60 per ton.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 25.46 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:

25.46 (7) The fees imposed under s. 289.67 (1) for environmental management, except that for each ton of waste for which the fee is $1.60 per ton, 75 cents is for nonpoint source water pollution abatement.

SECTION 2. 289.67 (1) (cp) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (1) (cp) Amount of environmental repair fee. Notwithstanding par. (cm) and except as provided under par. (d), the environmental repair fee imposed under par. (a) is 30 50 cents per ton for solid or hazardous waste, other than high-volume industrial waste, disposed of on or after January 1, 1988, but before July 1, 1989, and 50 cents per ton disposed of on or after July 1, 1989 before July 1, 2007, and $1.60 per ton disposed of on or after July 1, 2007.

SECTION 3. 289.67 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (1) (h) Use of environmental repair fee. The fees collected under par. (b) shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental management.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Miner, BB0221 - Environmental repair bonding
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Hazardous substances and environmental cleanup
Current law authorizes DNR to conduct or fund activities to investigate and remedy environmental contamination in some situations. This bill increases the authorized general obligation bonding authority to finance those activities by $3,000,000.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.866 (2) (tg) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.866 (2) (tg) Natural resources; environmental repair. From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources to fund investigations and remedial action under s. 292.11 (7) (a) or 292.31 and remedial action under s. 281.83 and for payment of this state's share of environmental repair that is funded under 42 USC 6991 to 6991i or 42 USC 9601 to 9675. The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $51,000,000 $54,000,000 for this purpose. Of this amount, $7,000,000 is allocated for remedial action under s. 281.83.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Rhodes, BB0215 - Drug Abuse Program Improvement Surcharge
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
courts and procedure
Circuit courts
Under current law, courts impose a drug abuse program improvement surcharge on persons who are fined for criminal violations relating to the manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession of a controlled substance. This bill allocates moneys collected from the surcharge to DHFS and to the Office of Justice Assistance.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 961.41 (5) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, is amended to read:

961.41 (5) (c) 1. Two-thirds The first $850,000 plus two-thirds of all moneys in excess of $1,275,000 collected in each fiscal year from drug surcharges under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (6) (gb).

2. One-third of all All moneys in excess of $850,000 and up to $1,275,000 plus one-third of moneys in excess of $1,275,000 collected in each fiscal year from drug surcharges under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (6) (ku).

SECTION 9407. Effective dates; Circuit Courts.

(1) DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT SURCHARGE. The treatment of section 961.41 (5) (c) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2007.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Jablonsky, BB0223 - Chronic Disease Program
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the Chronic Disease Program.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Health and human services
Public assistance
Under current law, DHFS provides financial assistance for the cost of medical care to persons with chronic kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia. This assistance is collectively referred to as the Chronic Disease Program. This bill makes the following changes to the Chronic Disease Program:
1. Eliminates the requirement that rates paid by DHFS for services provided for the treatment of chronic kidney disease must be equal to or not exceed the allowable charges under the federal Medicare program.
2. Prohibits a provider of a service to a person under the Chronic Disease Program from billing the patient for any difference between the amount the state pays under the program and the provider's charge for the service. Currently this prohibition only applies with respect to services for the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
3. Authorizes DHFS to investigate suspected fraudulent activity and other abuses on the part of persons receiving benefits under the Chronic Disease Program.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 49.68 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.68 (3) (e) State aids for services provided under this section shall be equal to the allowable charges under the federal Medicare program. In no case shall state rates for individual service elements exceed the federally defined allowable costs. The rate of charges for services not covered by public and private insurance shall not exceed the reasonable charges as established by medicare fee determination procedures. A person that provides to a patient a service for which aid is provided under this section shall accept the amount paid under this section for the service as payment in full and may not bill the patient for any amount by which the charge for the service exceeds the amount paid for the service under this section. The state may not pay for the cost of travel, lodging, or meals for persons who must travel to receive inpatient and outpatient dialysis treatment for kidney disease. This paragraph shall not apply to donor related costs as defined in par. (b).

SECTION 2. 49.687 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.687 (title) Disease aids; patient requirements; rebate agreements; cost containment general provisions.

SECTION 3. 49.687 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:

49.687 (2r) A person that provides a patient with a service for which aid is provided under s. 49.68, 49.683, or 49.685 shall accept the amount paid under s. 49.68, 49.683, or 49.685 for the service as payment in full and may not bill the patient for any amount by which the charge for the service exceeds the amount paid for the service under s. 49.68, 49.683, or 49.685.

SECTION 4. 49.687 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

49.687 (5) The department may investigate suspected fraudulent activity and other abuses on the part of persons receiving benefits under the programs under ss. 49.68, 49.683, and 49.685. The activities of the department under this subsection may include comparisons of information provided to the department by an applicant with information provided by the applicant to other federal, state, and local agencies and the development of an advisory welfare investigation prosecution standard. The department shall cooperate with district attorneys regarding fraud prosecutions.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Pawasarat, BB0230 - Populous county pension obligation fund
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL
