SECTION 460. 48.57 (3p) (fm) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (fm) 2. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may provisionally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or provisionally permit a person to be an adult resident if the person receiving those payments states to the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the employee or adult resident does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident until the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of this state is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3. and the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services so advises the person receiving payments under sub. (3m) or until a decision is made under par. (h) 4. to permit a person who is receiving payments under sub. (3m) to employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom payments are being made or to permit a person to be an adult resident and the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services so advises the person receiving payments under sub. (3m). A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident conditioned on the receipt of information from the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the federal bureau of investigation indicates that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3.

SECTION 461. 48.57 (3p) (fm) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (fm) 2m. A person receiving payments under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (5) (a) or (b) may provisionally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or provisionally permit a person to be an adult resident if the person receiving those payments states to the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the employee or adult resident does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child. A person receiving payment under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (5) (a) or (b) may not finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident until the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice relating to the person's conviction record under the law of this state and that record indicates either that the person has not been arrested or convicted or that the person has been arrested or convicted but the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines that the conviction record is satisfactory because it does not include any arrest or conviction that is likely to adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child and the county department or department of health and family services so advises the person receiving payments under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (5) (a) or (b). A person receiving payments under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (5) (a) or (b) may finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident conditioned on the receipt of information from the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the federal bureau of investigation indicates that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory because the conviction record does not include any arrest or conviction that the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines is likely to adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child.

SECTION 462. 48.57 (3p) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (g) (intro.) Except as provided in par. (h), the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may not make payments to a person applying for payments under sub. (3m) and a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit a person to be an adult resident if any of the following applies:

SECTION 463. 48.57 (3p) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (g) 3. The person has been convicted of a violation of ch. 940, 944m or 948, other than a violation of s. 940.291, 940.34, 944.36, 948.45, 948.63m or 948.70, or of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law that would be a violation of ch. 940, 944m or 948, other than a violation of s. 940.291, 940.34, 944.36, 948.45, 948.63m or 948.70, if committed in this state, except that a county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may make payments to a person applying for payments under sub. (3m) and a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may employ in a position in which the person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit to be an adult resident a person who has been convicted of a violation of s. 944.30, 944.31, or 944.33 or of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law that would be a violation of s. 944.30, 944.31, or 944.33 if committed in this state, if that violation occurred 20 years or more before the date of the investigation.

SECTION 464. 48.57 (3p) (h) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (h) 2. The request for review shall be filed with the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, with the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to receive requests for review filed under this subdivision. If the governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band has entered into an agreement under sub. (3t) to administer the program under this subsection and sub. (3m), the request for review shall be filed with the person designated by that governing body to receive requests for review filed under this subdivision.

SECTION 465. 48.57 (3p) (h) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (h) 3. (intro.) The director of the county department, the person designated by the governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services shall review the denial of payments or the prohibition on employment or being an adult resident to determine if the conviction record on which the denial or prohibition is based includes any arrests, convictions, or penalties that are likely to adversely affect the child or the ability of the kinship care relative to care for the child. In reviewing the denial or prohibition, the director of the county department, the person designated by the governing body of the federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or the person designated by the secretary of health and family services shall consider, but not be limited to, all of the following factors:

SECTION 466. 48.57 (3p) (h) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (h) 4. If the director of the county department, the person designated by the governing body of the federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services determines that the conviction record on which the denial of payments or the prohibition on employment or being an adult resident is based does not include any arrests, convictions, or penalties that are likely to adversely affect the child or the ability of the kinship care relative to care for the child, the director of the county department, the person designated by the governing body of the federally recognized American Indian tribe or band, or the person designated by the secretary of health and family services may approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) or may permit a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) to employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom payments are being made or permit a person to be an adult resident.

SECTION 467. 48.57 (3p) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (i) A county department and, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services shall keep confidential all information received under this subsection from the department of justice or the federal bureau of investigation. Such information is not subject to inspection or copying under s. 19.35.

SECTION 468. 48.57 (3p) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.57 (3p) (j) A county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may charge a fee for conducting a background investigation under this subsection. The fee may not exceed the reasonable cost of conducting the investigation.

SECTION 469. 48.576 of the statutes is created to read:

48.576 Shelter care facilities; general supervision and inspection by department. (1) GENERALLY. The department shall investigate and supervise all shelter care facilities and familiarize itself with all the circumstances affecting their management and usefulness.

(2) INSPECTIONS. The department shall inquire into the methods of treatment, instruction, government, and management of children placed in shelter care facilities; the conduct of the trustees, managers, directors, superintendents, and other officers and employees of those facilities; the condition of the buildings, grounds, and all other property pertaining to those facilities; and all other matters pertaining to the usefulness and management of those facilities; and recommend to the officers in charge such changes and additional provisions as the department considers proper.

(3) FREQUENCY OF INSPECTIONS. The department shall inspect and investigate each shelter care facility at least annually and, when directed by the governor, the department shall conduct a special investigation into a shelter care facility's management, or anything connected with its management, and report to the governor the testimony taken, the facts found, and conclusions drawn.

(4) ENFORCEMENT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL AND DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Upon request of the department, the attorney general or the district attorney of the proper county shall aid in any investigation, inspection, hearing, or trial had under the provisions of this chapter relating to powers of the department, and shall institute and prosecute all necessary actions or proceedings for the enforcement of those provisions and for the punishment of violations of those provisions. The attorney general or district attorney so requested shall report or confer with the department regarding the request, within 30 days after the receipt of the request.

(5) OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT. All trustees, managers, directors, superintendents, and other officers or employees of a shelter care facility shall at all times afford to every member of the department and its agents unrestrained facility for inspection of and free access to all parts of the buildings and grounds and to all books and papers of the shelter care facility, and shall give, either verbally or in writing, such information as the department requires. Any person who violates this subsection shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $100.

(6) TESTIMONIAL POWER; EXPENSES. The department or any person delegated by the department may administer oaths, take testimony, and cause depositions to be taken. All expenses of the investigations, including fees of officers and witnesses, shall be charged to the appropriation for the department.

(7) STATISTICS TO BE FURNISHED. Whenever the department is required to collect statistics, the person or agency shall furnish the required statistics on request.

SECTION 470. 48.578 of the statutes is created to read:

48.578 Shelter care facilities; establishment, approval, inspection. (1) The department shall fix reasonable standards and regulations for the design, construction, repair, and maintenance of shelter care facilities, with respect to their adequacy and fitness for the needs that they are to serve.

(2) The selection and purchase of the site, and the plans, specifications, and erection of buildings for shelter care facilities shall be subject to the review and approval of the department. Department review shall include review of the proposed program to be carried out by the shelter care facility.

(3) Before any shelter care facility is occupied, and at least annually thereafter, the department shall inspect the shelter care facility, with respect to safety, sanitation, adequacy, and fitness, and report to the authorities managing the shelter care facility any deficiency found, and order the necessary work to correct that deficiency. If within 6 months after the inspection the work is not commenced, or not completed within a reasonable period after commencement of the work, to the satisfaction of the department, the department shall suspend the allowance of state aid for, and prohibit the use of the shelter care facility, until the order is complied with.

SECTION 471. 48.60 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.60 (3) Before issuing or continuing any license to a child welfare agency under this section, the department of health and family services shall review the need for the additional placement resources that would be made available by licensing or continuing the license of any child welfare agency after August 5, 1973, providing care authorized under s. 48.61 (3). Neither the department of health and family services nor the department of corrections may make any placements to any child welfare agency where the departmental review required under this subsection has failed to indicate the need for the additional placement resources.

SECTION 472. 48.62 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.62 (5) (d) The department shall request from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services a waiver of the requirements under 42 USC 670 to 679a that would authorize the state to receive federal foster care and adoption assistance reimbursement under 42 USC 670 to 679a for the costs of providing care for a child who is in the care of a guardian who was licensed as the child's foster parent or treatment foster parent before the guardianship appointment and who has entered into a subsidized guardianship agreement with the county department or department. If the waiver is approved for a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall provide the monthly payments under par. (a) from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cx), (gx), (kw), and (mx). If the waiver is approved for any other county, the department shall determine which counties are authorized to provide monthly payments under par. (a) or (b), and the county departments of those counties shall provide those payments from moneys received under s. 46.495 48.569 (1) (d).

SECTION 473. 48.627 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (2) (c) The department shall conduct a study to determine the cost-effectiveness of purchasing insurance to provide standard homeowner's or renter's liability insurance coverage for applicants who are granted a waiver under par. (b). If the department determines that it would be cost-effective to purchase such insurance, it may purchase the insurance from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) and (pd).

SECTION 474. 48.627 (2c) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (2c) The department shall determine the cost-effectiveness of purchasing private insurance that would provide coverage to foster, treatment foster, and family-operated group home parents for acts or omissions by or affecting a child who is placed in a foster home, a treatment foster home, or a family-operated group home. If this private insurance is cost-effective and available, the department shall purchase the insurance from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) and (pd). If the insurance is unavailable, payment of claims for acts or omissions by or affecting a child who is placed in a foster home, a treatment foster home, or a family-operated group home shall be in accordance with subs. (2m) to (3).

SECTION 475. 48.627 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (2m) Within the limits of the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) and (pd), the department shall pay claims to the extent not covered by any other insurance and subject to the limitations specified in sub. (3), for bodily injury or property damage sustained by a licensed foster, treatment foster, or family-operated group home parent or a member of the foster, treatment foster, or family-operated group home parent's family as a result of the act of a child in the foster, treatment foster, or family-operated group home parent's care.

SECTION 476. 48.627 (2s) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (2s) (intro.) Within the limits of the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) and (pd), the department may pay claims to the extent not covered by any other insurance and subject to the limitations specified in sub. (3), for all of the following:

SECTION 477. 48.627 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (3) (f) If the total amount of the claims approved during any calendar quarter exceeds 25% of the total funds available during the fiscal year for purposes of this subsection plus any unencumbered funds remaining from the previous quarter, the department shall prorate the available funds among the claimants with approved claims. The department shall also prorate any unencumbered funds remaining in the appropriation under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) at the end of each fiscal year among the claimants whose claims were prorated during the fiscal year. Payment of a prorated amount from unencumbered funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year constitutes a complete payment of the claim for purposes of this program, but does not prohibit a foster parent or treatment foster parent from submitting a claim under s. 16.007 for the unpaid portion.

SECTION 478. 48.627 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.627 (4) Except as provided in s. 895.485, the department is not liable for any act or omission by or affecting a child who is placed in a foster home, treatment foster home, or family-operated group home, but shall, as provided in this section, pay claims described under sub. (2m) and may pay claims described under sub. (2s) or may purchase insurance to cover such claims as provided for under sub. (2c), within the limits of the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) 20.437 (1) (cf) and (pd).

SECTION 479. 48.64 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.64 (1) DEFINITION. In this section, "agency" means the department of health and family services, the department of corrections, a county department, or a licensed child welfare agency authorized to place children in foster homes, treatment foster homes, or group homes.

SECTION 480. 48.651 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.651 (1) (intro.) Each county department shall certify, according to the standards adopted by the department of workforce development under s. 49.155 (1d), each day care provider reimbursed for child care services provided to families determined eligible under s. 49.155, unless the provider is a day care center licensed under s. 48.65 or is established or contracted for under s. 120.13 (14). Each county may charge a fee to cover the costs of certification. To be certified under this section, a person must meet the minimum requirements for certification established by the department of workforce development under s. 49.155 (1d), meet the requirements specified in s. 48.685 and pay the fee specified in this section. The county shall certify the following categories of day care providers:

SECTION 481. 48.651 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.651 (1) (a) Level I certified family day care providers, as established by the department of workforce development under s. 49.155 (1d). No county may certify a provider under this paragraph if the provider is a relative of all of the children for whom he or she provides care.

SECTION 482. 48.651 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.651 (1) (b) Level II certified family day care providers, as established by the department of workforce development, under s. 49.155 (1d).

SECTION 483. 48.651 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.651 (2m) Each county department shall provide the department of health and family services with information about each person who is denied certification for a reason specified in s. 48.685 (4m) (a) 1. to 5.

SECTION 484. 48.658 of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

48.658 Child care quality rating system. The department of workforce development shall provide a child care quality rating system that rates the quality of the child care provided by a child care provider licensed under s. 48.65 that receives reimbursement under s. 49.155 for the child care provided or that volunteers for rating under this section. The department of workforce development shall make the rating information provided under that system available to the parents, guardians, and legal custodians of children who are recipients, or prospective recipients, of care and supervision from a child care provider that is rated under this section, including making that information available on the department of workforce development's department's Internet site.

****NOTE: This is reconciled s. 48.658. This SECTION has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: -1220 and -1261.

SECTION 485. 48.66 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (1) (a) Except as provided in s. 48.715 (6) and (7), the department shall license and supervise child welfare agencies, as required by s. 48.60, group homes, as required by s. 48.625, shelter care facilities, as required by s. 938.22, and day care centers, as required by s. 48.65. The department may license foster homes or treatment foster homes, as provided by s. 48.62, and may license and supervise county departments in accordance with the procedures specified in this section and in ss. 48.67 to 48.74. In the discharge of this duty the department may inspect the records and visit the premises of all child welfare agencies, group homes, shelter care facilities, and day care centers and visit the premises of all foster homes and treatment foster homes in which children are placed.

SECTION 486. 48.66 (2m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (a) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the department of health and family services shall require each applicant for a license under sub. (1) (a) to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or day care center who is an individual to provide that department with the applicant's social security number, and shall require each applicant for a license under sub. (1) (a) to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or day care center who is not an individual to provide that department with the applicant's federal employer identification number, when initially applying for or applying to continue the license.

SECTION 487. 48.66 (2m) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (a) 2. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social security number, the applicant shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to the department of health and family services that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of workforce development. A license issued in reliance upon a false statement submitted under this subdivision is invalid.

SECTION 488. 48.66 (2m) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (am) 2. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social security number, the applicant shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to the department of corrections that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of workforce development. A license issued in reliance upon a false statement submitted under this subdivision is invalid.

SECTION 489. 48.66 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (b) If an applicant who is an individual fails to provide the applicant's social security number to the department of health and family services or if an applicant who is not an individual fails to provide the applicant's federal employer identification number to that the department, that department may not issue or continue a license under sub. (1) (a) to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or day care center to or for the applicant unless the applicant is an individual who does not have a social security number and the applicant submits a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation as required under par. (a) 2.

SECTION 490. 48.66 (2m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (c) The subunit of the department of health and family services that obtains a social security number or a federal employer identification number under par. (a) 1. may not disclose any that information obtained under par. (a) 1. to any person except to the department of revenue for the sole purpose of requesting certifications under s. 73.0301 or on the request of the subunit of the department of workforce development that administers the child and spousal support program under s. 49.22 (2m).

SECTION 491. 48.66 (2m) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.66 (2m) (cm) The department of corrections may not disclose any information obtained under par. (am) 1. to any person except on the request of the department of workforce development under s. 49.22 (2m).

SECTION 492. 48.675 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.675 (3) SUPPORT SERVICES. (intro.) The department shall provide funds from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (6) 20.437 (1) (a) to enable foster parents and treatment foster parents to attend education programs approved under sub. (2) and shall promulgate rules concerning disbursement of the funds. Moneys disbursed under this subsection may be used for the following purposes:

SECTION 493. 48.685 (2) (am) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.685 (2) (am) 5. Information maintained by the department of health and family services under this section and under ss. 48.651 (2m), 48.75 (1m), and 120.13 (14) regarding any denial to the person of a license, continuation or renewal of a license, certification, or a contract to operate an entity for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (a) 1. to 5. and regarding any denial to the person of employment at, a contract with, or permission to reside at an entity for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (b) 1. to 5. If the information obtained under this subdivision indicates that the person has been denied a license, continuation or renewal of a license, certification, a contract, employment, or permission to reside as described in this subdivision, the department, a county department, a child welfare agency or a school board need not obtain the information specified in subds. 1. to 4.

SECTION 494. 48.685 (2) (b) 1. e. of the statutes is amended to read:

48.685 (2) (b) 1. e. Information maintained by the department of health and family services under this section and under ss. 48.651 (2m), 48.75 (1m), and 120.13 (14) regarding any denial to the person of a license, continuation or renewal of a license, certification, or a contract to operate an entity for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (a) 1. to 5. and regarding any denial to the person of employment at, a contract with, or permission to reside at an entity for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (b) 1. to 5. If the information obtained under this subd. 1. e. indicates that the person has been denied a license, continuation or renewal of a license, certification, a contract, employment, or permission to reside as described in this subd. 1. e., the entity need not obtain the information specified in subd. 1. a. to d.

SECTION 495. 48.685 (5c) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.685 (5c) (a) Any person who is permitted but fails under sub. (5) (a) to demonstrate to the department or a child welfare agency that he or she has been rehabilitated may appeal to the secretary of health and family services or his or her designee. Any person who is adversely affected by a decision of the secretary or his or her designee under this paragraph has a right to a contested case hearing under ch. 227.

SECTION 496. 48.685 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.685 (8) The department, the department of health and family services, a county department, a child welfare agency, or a school board may charge a fee for obtaining the information required under sub. (2) (am) or (3) (a) or for providing information to an entity to enable the entity to comply with sub. (2) (b) 1. or (3) (b). The fee may not exceed the reasonable cost of obtaining the information. No fee may be charged to a nurse's assistant, as defined in s. 146.40 (1) (d), for obtaining or maintaining information if to do so would be inconsistent with federal law.

SECTION 497. 48.715 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:

48.715 (6) The department of health and family services shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or otherwise withhold a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or day care center, and the department of corrections shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or otherwise withhold a license under s. 48.66 (1) (b) to operate a secured residential care center for children and youth, for failure of the applicant or licensee to pay court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses, or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or for failure of the applicant or licensee to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of workforce development or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child support proceedings, as provided in a memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857. Notwithstanding s. 48.72, an action taken under this subsection is subject to review only as provided in the memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857 and not as provided in s. 48.72.

SECTION 498. 48.743 of the statutes is created to read:

48.743 Community living arrangements for children. (1) In this section, "community living arrangement for children" means a residential care center for children and youth or a group home.

(2) Community living arrangements for children shall be subject to the same building and housing ordinances, codes, and regulations of the municipality or county as similar residences located in the area in which the facility is located.

(3) The department shall designate a subunit to keep records and supply information on community living arrangements for children under ss. 59.69 (15) (f), 60.63 (7), and 62.23 (7) (i) 6. The subunit shall be responsible for receiving all complaints regarding community living arrangements for children and for coordinating all necessary investigatory and disciplinary actions under the laws of this state and under the rules of the department relating to the licensing of community living arrangements for children.

(4) A community living arrangement for children with a capacity for 8 or fewer persons shall be a permissible use for purposes of any deed covenant which limits use of property to single-family or 2-family residences. A community living arrangement for children with a capacity for 15 or fewer persons shall be a permissible use for purposes of any deed covenant which limits use of property to more than 2-family residences. Covenants in deeds which expressly prohibit use of property for community living arrangements for children are void as against public policy.
