Prescription drug transfer by a pharmacy technician [Admin.Code Phar 7.015] -  CR07-099
Prescription drug wholesale distributors: regulation of [Admin.Code Phar 13.02, 13.03, 13.04, 13.05, 13.055, 13.06, 13.08, 13.09, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, 13.13, 13.14, 13.15, 13.16, 13.17] -  CR08-051
Prescription label revisions [Admin.Code Phar 7.02] -  CR07-097
Psychotropic medication: facility reporting of involuntary administration (re s. 55.14, Wis.Stats) and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 83.04, 83.07, 88.02, 88.03, 89.13, 89.53, 132.13, 132.14] -  CR07-042
Substance abuse professionals [Admin.Code RL 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168] -  CR07-031
Substance abuse professionals: code of conduct and renewal requirements [Admin.Code RL 164, 165]  - CR06-060
Substance abuse professionals examinations [Admin.Code RL 161.04] -  CR08-094
Uniform Controlled Substances Act: scheduling of certain drugs [Admin.Code CSB 2.31, 2.32] -  CR06-058
Uniform Controlled Substances Act: scheduling of certain drugs [Admin.Code CSB 2.33, 2.34] -  CR06-059
duck huntingDuck hunting, see Game bird
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
e - E -
ear piercingEar piercing, see Public health
educational service agency, cooperativeEducational Service Agency, Cooperative
CESA administrators: qualifications and selection procedures established [Admin.Code PI 15] - CR06-093
Nomination paper circulator residency requirements [Admin. Code ELBd 2.05, 2.07] -  CR03-100
elections _ ballotsElections — Ballots
Ballot security [Admin.Code GAB 5] -  CR08-078
Voting by provisional ballot for election-day registrants [Admin.Code ElBd 3.04] -  CR06-137
elections _ campaign expenseElections — Campaign expense
Campaign finance reports: identification of individual contributors [Admin.Code ElBd 1.46] -  CR05-061
Federal campaign finds in campaign for Wisconsin elective office: use of [Admin.Code ElBd 1.395]  - CR06-100
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Election inspectors: training and certification of [Admin.Code ElBd 11] -  CR05-093
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Voter registration [Admin.Code ElBd 3.01. 3.02, 3.03, 3.10 to 3.13, 3.20] -  CR07-059
Voter registration data: charges for [Admin.Code ElBd 3.50] -  CR07-043
Voting by provisional ballot for election-day registrants [Admin.Code ElBd 3.04] -  CR06-137
elections boardElections Board
Campaign finance reports: identification of individual contributors [Admin.Code ElBd 1.46] -  CR05-061
Election inspectors: training and certification of [Admin.Code ElBd 11] -  CR05-093
Federal campaign finds in campaign for Wisconsin elective office: use of [Admin.Code ElBd 1.395]  - CR06-100
Nomination paper circulator residency requirements [Admin. Code ElBd 2.05, 2.07] -  CR03-100
Voter registration [Admin.Code ElBd 3.01. 3.02, 3.03, 3.10 to 3.13, 3.20] -  CR07-059
Voter registration data: charges for [Admin.Code ElBd 3.50] -  CR07-043
Voting by provisional ballot for election-day registrants [Admin.Code ElBd 3.04] -  CR06-137
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) promulgated by U.S. EPA: establishment of provisions for major electric generating units in Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 432] - CR06-104
Electric rate changes due to the cost of fuel [Admin.Code PSC 116] -  CR08-070
Non-municipal electric utility low-income assistance fees [Admin.Code Adm 43 (title), 43.01, 43.02, 43.03, 43.04, 43.05, 43.06, 43.07, 43.08, 43.09, 43.10, 43.11, 43.12]  - CR07-078
Wisconsin State Electrical Code revisions [Admin.Code PSC 114] -  CR07-021
electric vehicleElectric vehicle, see Motor vehicle
Electrical construction revisions [Admin.Code Comm 16.01, 16.013, 16.02, 16.06, 16.065, 16.07, 16.11, 16.12, 16.60, 16.930] -  CR08-047
Fuel and electricity used in certain manufacturing: certifying businesses as being eligible to claim tax credits and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 130]  - CR07-101
elevatorElevator, see Public safety
emergency medical service or technician _ems or emt_Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
employee trust funds, department ofEmployee Trust Funds, Department of
Employment termination and administrative leave of absence [Admin.Code ETF 10.08, 50.30] -  CR08-026
Group health insurance coverage of an insured dependent after the death of the insured employee or annuitant [Admin.Code ETF 40.01] -  CR08-079
Hearsay evidence in administrative appeal hearings [Admin. Code ETF 11.06, 11.12] -  CR07-066
Wisconsin deferred compensation plan: start date for phasing out funds and emergency withdrawals for beneficiaries [Admin.Code ETF 70.02, 70.08, 70.10]  - CR08-016
WRS: determining applicable death benefit re status of non-annuitant at death [Admin.Code ETF 20.37]  - CR07-068
WRS: purchase of credit for service [Admin.Code EFT 10.01, 20.14, 20.15, 20.16, 20.17, 20.18, 20.19, 20.35, 29.19, 50.50] - CR07-062
Employment termination and administrative leave of absence [Admin.Code ETF 10.08, 50.30] -  CR08-026
employment relations commissionEmployment Relations Commission
Filing fees increased [Admin.Code ERC 10.08] -  CR07-092
ems or emt _emergency medical service or technician_EMS or EMT (Emergency medical service or technician), see Medical service
endangered resource or speciesEndangered resource or species, see Natural resource
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource programs [Admin.Code Adm 44] -  CR07-080
Energy efficiency and renewable resource program [Admin. Code PSC 137] -  CR06-139
Renewable resource credit tracking program [Admin.Code PSC 118 (title), 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.05, 118,06, 118.07] - CR06-112
Rental unit energy efficiency requirements and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.35, 67]  - CR07-008
Solar and wind energy system taxation [Admin.Code Tax 12.075, 12.50] -  CR03-032
Engineers: increase in penalties for cheating on examinations [Admin.Code A-E 4.08] -  CR03-088
Flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids; affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 10, 14.002, 47.015, Table 2.43] -  CR07-029
Flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids: credentials for storage; cleanup of properties contaminated by petroleum-produced discharges; affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 5.003, Table 5.02, Table 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.10, 5.68, 5.82, 5.83, 5.84, 5.85, 5.86, 5.87, 5.88, 5.89]  - CR06-127
Hazardous chemicals and extremely hazardous substances housed by facilities: fee revisions [Admin.Code WEM 1.03, 1.04] -  CR08-106
Hazardous waste management [Admin.Code NR 661.07, 662.02, 662.020, 662.032, 662.033, 662.054, 662.060, 662.10, 663.20, 664.0070 to 664.0072, 664.0076, 665.0072, 665.0076, 666.21] -  CR06-102
Invasive species and viruses: general permit criteria requiring decontamination of equipment [Admin.Code NR 320.06, 323.04, 328.04, 328.05, 329.04, 341.08, 343.07, 345.04]  - CR07-094
Invasive species: identification, classification and control of [Admin.Code NR 40] -  CR08-074
Iron and steel foundry hazardous air pollutants: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460 Appendix EEEEE, 463, 484.06] -  CR06-110
Motor carrier safety and hazardous material transportation safety [Admin.Code Trans 325.02, 326.01, 327.03, 327.09] - CR08-100
Nitrogen oxide emissions: implementation of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) limitations applicable to major sources in the 8-hour ozone non-attainment area in southeastern Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 428.04, 428.05, 484.04] -  CR07-016