Buchholtz, Rebecca - S 436
Buell, Alexander P. - S 163
Bundgaard, Avery - S 571
Burke, Timothy - S 163
Bunyan, John - S 163
Burbach, Kevin - S 854, 867
Burgess, Robert D. - S 854
Burkhardt, Daniel Merrick - S 200
Burroughs, Orren "Mick", III - S 292
Burrows, Lindsey - S 200
Bushman, Martin Vincent - S 163
Butterfield, Jacob Blake - S 867
Cai, Willa - S 292
Caldwell, Brendan - S 867
Callen Construction - S 785
Camp Lakota - S 330
Cannon, Caleb Patrick - S 867
Capital Times, The - S 495
Carlson, Richard - S 241
Carlson Tool and Manufacturing Corporation - S 867
Carriveau, Cody - S 330
Carriveau, Dan - S 495
Carroll, Patrick - S 241
Carter, Pastor Kevin - S 200
Carter, Lorraine Ester Peters - S 200
Cartier, Joel and Lynn (family of) - S 785
Casey, Brian - S 737
Cass, Jonathan M. - S 309
Cayemberg family - S 292
Central Burnett County Fair - S 348
Chacon, Ernesto - S 785
Chambers, Zachary Ambrose - S 495
Chapman, Timothy John - S 884
Chappell, Tom - S 737
Chegwin Elementary School (Fond du Lac) - S 348
Chestnut, Annie - S 737
Christensen, Ty - S 910
Christian Faith Fellowship Church and Destiny Youth Plaza - S 292
Chrnelich, Adam - S 309
Church of God in Christ - S 449
Ciske, Brandon - S 76
Clark, Michael N. - S 348
Clarke, Matthew Harrison - S 200
Classical School (Appleton Area School District) - S 436
Cline, Jonathan - S 835
Coakley, Daniel A. - S 241
Cole, Christine - S 241
Cole, James - S 241
Coleman, Bailey - S 835
Color Guard (VFW) - S 127
Colosky, Edward C. - S 200
Columbus Elementary (Appleton Area School District) - S 436
Commando's Phase II - S 292
Concord Development Company - S 891
Connolly, Bruce - S 241
Coonen, Bob and Marge - S 835
Copening, Delores - S 76
Core, Ryan - S 891
Corkin, Kevin Charles - S 737
Cornerstone Community Bank - S 845
Coughlin, Joseph W. - S 835
Coxen, Matthew Edward Grant - S 845
Craanen, Melissa - S 127
Crawford, Kyler - S 292
Cream City Medical Society - S 436
Cronin, Gail Patricia - S 845
Cueller, Patricia - S 241
Cullen, Mark - S 54
Culp, Paul Christopher - S 200
Cummings, Matthew David - S 163
Cupp, Michael - S 835
Curley, Edward - S 241
Dahl, Lydia - S 737
Dahlgren, Brandon Miles - S 76
Dahlgren, Travis Michael - S 76
Daily Citizen (newspaper) - S 571
Daniels, Bishop Sedgwick - S 910
Darcy, Joseph - S 449
Darlington School District - S 127
Darrow, Russell M., Jr. - S 891
Davies, Don - S 241
Davies, Jordan A. - S 845
Day, Josh - S 241
Dean, Adam - S 572
Dean, Laura Jane - S 835
DeBroux, Bradley Stephen - S 55
Delaney, Jim - S 200
de la Torre, Manuel - S 77
Delhey, John Donald, II - S 309