North Division High School (Milwaukee) -
S 900
Northern Ozaukee High School -
S 449
Northfield, Town of -
S 330
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company -
S 201,
Nowacki, Christopher Warren -
S 330
Nowalis, Dean Warner -
S 847,
Nuernberg, Christine -
S 201,
Nussbaum, Zachary Joseph -
S 449
O'Brien, Daniel K. -
S 331
"Odenigbo" Committee of Friends -
S 868
O'Flanagan, Jacob Todd -
S 293
Oldenburg, Melodie Wilson -
S 837
Olsen's Piggly Wiggly -
S 847
Open Pantry Food Marts of Wisconsin, Inc. -
S 164
Osceola Rod and Gun Club -
S 868
Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce -
S 450
Oshkosh North High School -
S 348
Oshkosh West Boys Basketball Team -
S 164
Ostrowski, Zachary Alan -
S 786
Otto, James and Grace -
S 331
Parkside Elementary School (Fond du Lac) -
S 349
Patterson, Bishop Gilbert Earl -
S 201
Paulson, David and Edith (Monson) -
S 309
Payne & Dolan Inc. -
S 164
Pelc, Nathan Luke -
S 738
Pensaukee, Town of -
S 164
Peterson, James O. and Mary Ruth -
S 293
Peterson, Justin Thomas -
S 855
Peterson, Mary Alice -
S 911
Phillips Pharmacies -
S 437
Piechowski, Anthony -
S 128
Pierce's Supermarket, Inc. -
S 77
Pigeon, Bernard and Patricia -
S 437
Pillsbury, Jessica -
S 437
Pirkey, Christopher John -
S 572
Platteville Power Soccer Club -
S 450
Plum City, Village of -
S 310
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 400 -
S 437
Policastro, Alex Michael -
S 868
Polinske, N. Richard -
S 868
Polish Center of Wisconsin -
S 77
Port Washington High School boys basketball team -
S 163
Port Washington Police Department -
S 201,
Port Washington State Bank -
S 242
Potosi Fire Department -
S 884
Preble High School Management Competition Team -
S 837
Price, Craig -
S 128,
Price, Nicholas Lee -
S 437
Quadracci, Lucas R. -
S 892
Quentin, Genna Catherine -
S 837