Mike Huebsch
Assembly Speaker
June 26, 2007
Christine Lidbury, Executive Director
Wisconsin Women's Council
101 E. Wilson
Madison, WI 53702
Dear Ms. Lidbury:
Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes Section 15.107(11)(b), I am appointing the following members of the public to the Wisconsin Women's Council:
  Mary Jo Baas   Heidi Green
  2920 San Gabriel Drive   5210 Flad Avenue
  Brookfield, WI 53005   Madison, WI 53711
  (262) 754‐9585   (608) 274‐1388
Please contact Debbie Hochkammer in my office if you should have any questions.
Mike Huebsch
Assembly Speaker
A222 Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
June 21, 2007
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed is the report required under s. 343.237(9), regarding the release of photos from the Department driver record files to Wisconsin Law Enforcement, Federal Government Law Enforcement and all other eligible State Law Enforcement.
This report is provided annually and contains the agencies and the purpose for which copies of the photographs were provided. Please forward this report, as you feel appropriate to any interested parties.
If you have any questions regarding the release of photographs please contact Debbie Kraemer, Supervisor in the Records and Licensing Information Section, Bureau of Driver Services, by phone at (608) 264‐7060.
Frank J. Busalacchi
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
June 22, 2007
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) is submitting the attached State Annual Performance Report for the Birth to 3 Program to meet the requirement in s. 51.44 (5)(c) to report on the Department's progress on implementing the Birth to 3 Program. The enclosed report, which covers the federal fiscal year 2005, was provided to the federal government. The federal fiscal year (FFY) is defined as June 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 because this is a program managed by the U.S. Department of Education. Beginning in FFY 2005, the federal government requires all states to report according to new guidelines, which include federally‐established program outcomes. The enclosed report is the first Annual Performance Report based on these new guidelines and will serve as baseline data for future reporting years.
The report highlights the very positive outcomes produced by the Birth to 3 Program. As intended, the vast majority, over 95%, of children are served in their homes (90%) or other settings for typically developing children such as child care centers. Parent satisfaction with the program remains high; in particular, parents report increased capacity to help their children develop and learn and to communicate their children's needs as a result of early intervention services.
Please contact Beth Wroblewski of my staff at 608‐266‐7469 if you have questions regarding this report.
With warm regards,
Kevin R. Hayden
Referred to committee on Children and Family Law.
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
June 22, 2007
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Pursuant to s. 25.17(14r), Wis. Stats., I want to advise you of revisions to SWIB's “Investment Policy, Objectives and Guidelines" recently approved by the Board of Trustees. These guidelines apply to SWIB's internal investment managers. I am sending you electronic copies of the revised guidelines plus a red‐lined copy that shows the language added or deleted.
The statutes do not appear to require SWIB to inform you of changes we make to contracts with external managers. However, the percentage of the assets managed by external managers has grown over the past few years. In light of that, we decided in 2006 to advise you of changes we make to those contracts. During the past six months, SWIB made a change to all contracts with external managers who manage global or emerging market fixed income portfolios. The change clarifies the procedure the manager should follow if sovereign debt the manager holds is downgraded. SWIB also modified the contract with one manager that manages an opportunistic high yield/emerging markets fixed income portfolio to allow the manager to invest up to 5% of the market value of the portfolio in defaulted debt in countries in which it is authorized to invest.
If you have any questions on any of the changes, please contact me 261‐0187 or Sandy Drew at 261‐0182.
Gail Hanson
Interim Executive Director
Referred to committee on Ways and Means.
Representative Petrowski moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 28.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:46 A.M.