Under Assembly Rule 76(8), I wish to be recorded in the Assembly Journal as having voted “aye" on the main question of the following measures appearing on the Assembly Calendar for October 24, 2007:
Assembly Resolution 11   Assembly Bill 280
Assembly Joint Resolution 54   Assembly Bill 295
Assembly Joint Resolution 55   Assembly Bill 302
Assembly Joint Resolution 62   Assembly Bill 305
Assembly Bill 198   Assembly Bill 341
Assembly Bill 8   Assembly Bill 368
Assembly Joint Resolution 39   Assembly Bill 400
Assembly Bill 34   Assembly Bill 409
Assembly Bill 50   Assembly Bill 420
Assembly Bill 163   Assembly Bill 425
Assembly Bill 184   Assembly Bill 457
Assembly Bill 238   Assembly Bill 498
Assembly Bill 239   Assembly Bill 39
Assembly Bill 254   Assembly Bill 82
Assembly Bill 266  
Thank you for your assistance.
Bill Kramer
State Representative
97th Assembly District
November 8, 2007
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Patrick:
I am writing in regards to Assembly Bill 564.
According to Assembly Rules, I am required to contact your office in writing to have my name added as a co‐sponsor of an Assembly Bill that still resides within the Assembly. I would like to have my name added as a co‐sponsor to Assembly Bill 564.
Thank you in advance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 266‐3363.
Scott Gunderson
State Representative
83rd Assembly District
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Women's Council
September 28, 2007
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
A360 In 2004, the Wisconsin Women's Council Board was charged with restarting and revitalizing the Council. We are proud of our achievements in this regard and pleased to present to you the Council's 2005‐2007 Biennial Report. The following pages detail activities and programs that were carried out between July 1,2005 and June 30, 2007.
Many Wisconsin women are seeing real improvements in their social and economic status. Nonetheless, many women in our state still face significant barriers to full social and economic participation. The Women's Council continues its 24‐year history of Working to identify obstacles, address inequities and develop partnerships to help make Wisconsin a state of opportunity and prosperity for all Wisconsin women and girls. The Work of the Women's Council over this period has been built on two main themes:
Partnerships. The Women's Council has developed creative and successful partnerships, which have allowed us to implement meaningful, targeted initiatives that promote social and economic opportunity for women. Through our collaborations, the Women's Council has provided leadership in educating, informing and developing new ideas to bring a fresh point of view to bear on the issues facing Wisconsin women and their families.
Quality. The Women's Council has built a reputation for providing high quality, objective, nonpartisan and timely research, analyses and program development. In doing so, we endeavor to provide a central and lasting resource for the people of Wisconsin and their elected officials.
On behalf of the Wisconsin Women's Council, we thank Governor Jim Doyle and members of the Wisconsin Legislature for the commitment you have shown to improving the status of women by funding the Women's Council and supporting our efforts. We look forward to working with you over the 2007‐2009 biennium.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Lidbury
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Children and Families.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
November 9, 2007
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
At the request of the departments of Commerce and Administration, and in accordance with s. 13.94(1s), Wis. Stats., we have completed a financial audit of the State of Wisconsin Petroleum Inspection Fee Revenue Obligations Program for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2007, and June 30, 2006. We express our unqualified audit opinion on the Statement of Changes in Program Assets and related notes.
Under the program, the State has issued revenue obligations, such as bonds and commercial paper, to provide financing for payment of claims under the Wisconsin Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) program. These revenue obligations are not general obligation debt of the State. Instead, they are to be repaid primarily from petroleum inspection fees established under s. 168.12(1), Wis. Stats., and collected by the Department of Revenue.
During fiscal year 2006‐07, the State collected $75.4 million in petroleum inspection fees and made $32.5 million in scheduled debt service payments, including $19.8 million in principal repayment and $12.7 million in interest. In addition, fees collected during the previous fiscal year were used for the early redemption of $37.9 million in outstanding petroleum inspection fee revenue bonds. As of June 30, 2007, a total of $272.6 million in revenue obligations remained outstanding, to be repaid from future petroleum inspection fees.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us during the audit by staff of the departments of Commerce, Administration, and Revenue.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Mueller
State Auditor