Committee on Tourism, Recreation and State Properties
Reference Bureau Corrections
Assembly Bill 567
1.   Page 8, line 17: delete “(4)" and substitute “(5)".
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 567
1.   Page 8, line 17: delete “(4)" and substitute “(5)".
Executive Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
January 4, 2008
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bills, originating in the Assembly, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
A422 Bill Number   Act Number   Date Approved
Assembly Bill 254   43   January 4, 2008
Assembly Bill 341   44   January 4, 2008
Assembly Bill 279   45   January 4, 2008
Respectfully submitted,
JIm Doyle
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number   Act Number   Publication Date
Assembly Bill 254   43   January 18, 2008
Assembly Bill 341   44   January 18, 2008
Assembly Bill 279   45   January 18, 2008
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
January 4, 2008
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co‐author of Assembly Bill 647. Thank you.
Steve Hilgenberg
State Representative
51st Assembly District
January 7, 2008
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co‐author of Assembly Bill 566. Thank you.
Bob Ziegelbauer
State Representative
25th Assembly District
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
December 20, 2007
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Attached please find the report pursuant to Chapter 118.40(2r)(f). This report has been prepared by the Charter School office on behalf of Chancellor Keating and is submitted to your office pursuant to s. 13.172(2).
Should you have questions or need additional information you can contact me at UW‐Parkside, my email address is Note that I am only part‐time and email works best for contacting me.
Respectfully yours,
Paul A. Haubrich, Ph.D.
Charter School Consultant
Referred to committee on Education Reform.
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Technical College System
January 3, 2008
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
This letter certifies that all sixteen Wisconsin Technical Colleges have provided sexual assault and harassment orientation, materials and information to students as required under state statute 38.12(11) for the 2007‐2008 school year.
Individual college letters assuring compliance are on file in our office at this time. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Linda Fahey, System Equal Opportunity Officer at 267‐2479.
Daniel Clancy, President
Wisconsin Technical College System
Referred to committee on Colleges and Universities.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
January 7, 2008
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Department of Health and Family Services operates BadgerCare under Wis. Stats. s. 49.665. This statute also requires the Department to submit an annual report summarizing the BadgerCare program and its progress. This submission fulfills that legislative requirement.
A423 BadgerCare was established under the terms of the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) which was enacted through the federal budget of 1997. The SCHIP program provided states with the option of creating a new independent program to insure children or expanding the state's existing Medicaid program. Under 1997 Act 27, the Wisconsin Legislature created BadgerCare as an SCHIP Medicaid expansion program. Following recent federal requirements the State added a separate SCHIP program under BadgerCare to cover the unborn children of immigrants.
Attached is a chart showing enrollment and expenditures in BadgerCare by state fiscal year. BadgerCare began enrolling residents in July 1999. BadgerCare leverages significant amounts of federal funding for health care coverage of eligible Wisconsin residents.
In his 2007 State of the State Address, Governor Doyle emphasized access to health care coverage and committed to ensuring that all of Wisconsin's children and more adults have access to health care. This commitment resulted in the creation of a single health care safety net-BadgerCare Plus. The Department will implement BadgerCare Plus in February 2008.
BadgerCare Plus will cover eligible children and help ensure that 98 percent of Wisconsin's citizens have access to health care. The program will provide coverage and enhanced benefits for more pregnant women while simplifying the program and promoting prevention and healthy behaviors.
BadgerCare Plus will merge Family Medicaid, BadgerCare, and Healthy Start to form a comprehensive health insurance program for low income children and families. The program may also eventually incorporate other programs such as the General Assistance Medical Program (GAMP) in Milwaukee.
Wisconsin will lead the nation in streamlining health care eligibility by making BadgerCare Plus more efficient and less costly to administer. The expansion of managed care and the administrative savings from streamlining the eligibility process will generate a savings of approximately $17.4 million over the first two years of BadgerCare Plus. We look forward to keeping Wisconsin on the cutting edge of quality and efficient health care coverage for those in need.