To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The DNR is required to submit the attached report per s. 23.0916(6), Wis. Stats. This report is to be shared with the Joint Committee on Finance, Senate Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources, and Assembly Committee on Natural Resources.
Please contact Mary Rose Teves, Grants Section Chief, at 267‐7683 if you should have any questions about this document.
Vance L. Rayburn, Administrator
Division of Customer and Employee Services
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
November 25, 2008
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the claims heard on November 6, 2008.
Those claims approved for payment pursuant to the provisions of s. 16.007 and 775.05 Stats., have been paid directly by the Board.
This report is for the information of the Legislature. The Board would appreciate your acceptance and publication of it in the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
Cari Anne Renlund
Referred to committee on State Affairs.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
November 20, 2008
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
As required by s. 13.94(1)(em), Wis. Stats., we have completed a program evaluation of the Wisconsin Lottery, which is administered by the Department of Revenue. Although annual sales have fluctuated, they increased from a total of $482.9 million in fiscal year (FY) 2003‐04 to $494.7 million in FY 2007‐08, or by 2.4 percent over the past five years. Net lottery proceeds provided $146.5 million in property tax relief in FY 2007‐08.
In FY 2005‐06, the Wisconsin Lottery implemented an evaluation tool to assist in the development and management of instant games. We include a recommendation for the Wisconsin Lottery to include product information costs, which include spending to publicize individual games, in the evaluation tool and to require its contractor to regularly report on product information expenditures associated with specific games.
Between FY 2003‐04 and FY 2007‐08, the Wisconsin Lottery paid one contractor $25.2 million for product information services and another contractor $61.1 million for operations services such as computerized gaming system services. Formal annual performance evaluations are required under both contracts. While the Wisconsin Lottery meets regularly with its product information contractor to provide verbal feedback, it has not completed formal annual evaluations, as it does with its operations contractor. We include a recommendation for the Wisconsin Lottery to evaluate its product information contractor annually.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by Wisconsin Lottery staff in the Department of Revenue. The Department's response follows the appendices.
A848 Respectfully submitted,
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
November 25, 2008
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
At the request of the departments of Commerce and Administration, and in accordance with s. 13.94(1s), Wis. Stats., we have completed a financial audit of the State of Wisconsin Petroleum Inspection Fee Revenue Obligations Program for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2007. We express our unqualified audit opinion on the Statement of Changes in Program Assets and related notes.
Under the program, the State has issued revenue obligations, such as bonds and commercial paper, to provide financing for payment of claims under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) program. These revenue obligations are not general obligation debt of the State. Instead, they are to be repaid primarily from the $0.02 per gallon fee charged to suppliers of petroleum products sold in Wisconsin, which is collected by the Department of Revenue.
During fiscal year (FY) 2007‐08, the State collected $76.6 million in petroleum inspection fees and made $30.4 million in scheduled debt service payments, including $20.3 million in principal repayment and $10.1 million in interest. As of June 30, 2008, a total of $252.3 million in revenue obligations remained outstanding, to be repaid from future petroleum inspection fees.
Petroleum inspection fees in excess of debt service requirements are deposited to the Petroleum Inspection Fund and are used to pay PECFA claims and for other purposes authorized by the Legislature, including the early redemption of petroleum inspection fee revenue obligations. During FY 2007‐08, $47.0 million in inspection fees was deposited to the Petroleum Inspection Fund while $16.8 million in PECFA claims was paid from the Fund. The remaining $30.2 million was used for a variety of purposes, including a $20.3 million transfer authorized by the Legislature to the Transportation Fund, as well as $1.0 million in transfers to the General Fund to help meet lapse requirements included in 2007 Wis. Acts 20 and 226.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us during our audit by staff of the departments of Commerce, Administration, and Revenue.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor