Tuesday, July 31, 2007
4:20 P.M.
Ninety-Eighth Regular Session
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Chief Clerk Marchant, pursuant to Senate Rule
5 (4)(b).
The Chair, with unanimous consent, asked that the proper entries be made in the journal.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 248
Relating to: authorizing the creation of local park districts, authorizing a local park district to levy a property tax, authorizing a local park district to apply for funding from certain programs administered by the Department of Natural Resources, and authorizing a local park district to impose impact fees and issue debt.
Darling, Wirch and Erpenbach; cosponsored by Representatives J. Ott, Sinicki, Jeskewitz, A. Ott and Townsend.
To committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
The committee on Transportation, Tourism and Insurance reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 106
Relating to: designating and marking a bridge on STH 156 in the town of Navarino as the Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Carlson, Karen,
of Frederic, as a member of the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2010.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Cerny, Mike,
of Sharon, as a member of the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2010.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Chwala, Thomas,
of Lake Mills, as a member of the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2009.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Steimel, Richard,
of Dane, as a member of the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2009.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Willman, Michael,
of Merrill, as a member of the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2010.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 154
Relating to: health insurance coverage of a full-time student on medical leave.
Ayes, 6 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke and Schultz.
Noes, 1 - Senator
Senate Bill 186
Relating to: neighborhood electric vehicles.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 204
Relating to: the removal of nonconforming outdoor advertising signs.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 78
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain amounts of mileage reimbursement received by volunteer drivers.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
7 - Senators
Breske, Plale, Erpenbach, Hansen, Kapanke, Schultz and Leibham.