AB400,68,415 1. In the case of an obligation payable in installments under a contract for the
16purchase of real estate, or secured by a mortgage upon real estate, a stay of the
17enforcement of the obligation during the period of active state service active duty
18and, from the date of the end of the period of active state service active duty or from
19the date of requesting the relief if made after the service state active duty is ended,
20for a period equal to the period of the remaining life of the installment contract or
21instrument evidencing the obligation plus a period of time equal to the period of
22active state service active duty, or any part of that combined period. The court may
23issue a stay under this paragraph if the service member makes payments of the
24balance of the principal and accumulated interest due and unpaid at the date of the
25end of the period of active state service active duty or from the date of requesting the

1relief, whichever is appropriate, in equal installments during the combined period
2and at the rate of interest as is prescribed in the contract or instrument evidencing
3the obligation for installments paid when due. The court may order other terms
4under this paragraph as are just.
AB400,68,165 2. In the case of any other obligation or liability, a stay of the enforcement of
6that obligation or liability during the service member's period of active state service
7active duty and, from the date of the end of the period of active state service active
or from the date of requesting the relief if made after the service duty is ended,
9for a period equal to the period of active state service active duty or any part of that
10period. The court may issue a stay under this paragraph if the service member
11makes payments of the balance of the principal and accumulated interest due and
12unpaid at the date of the end of the period of active state service active duty or from
13the date of requesting the relief, whichever is appropriate, in equal installments
14during the extended period and at the rate of interest as is prescribed for the
15obligation or liability when due. The court may order other terms under this
16paragraph as are just.
AB400, s. 170 17Section 170. 21.75 (21) of the statutes is renumbered 321.62 (21), and 321.62
18(21) (b), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB400,68,2319 321.62 (21) (b) No power of attorney executed after December 14, 2001, by a
20service member in active state service active duty may be extended under par. (a) if
21the document creating the power of attorney clearly indicates that the power granted
22expires on the date specified even if the service member, after the date of execution
23of the document, is reported missing to the department.
AB400, s. 171 24Section 171. 21.75 (22) of the statutes is renumbered 321.62 (22), and 321.62
25(22) (a), (b) 2. and (c) 1., as renumbered, are amended to read:
1321.62 (22) (a) 1. If a service member who is called ordered into active state
2service active duty has coverage under a professional liability insurance policy that
3does not cover claims filed with respect to the service member during the period of
4active state service active duty unless the premiums are paid for the coverage for that
5period, the insurer that provides the coverage shall suspend the service member's
6coverage under the policy upon receipt of a written request from the service member
7to do so. The insurer may not require that premiums be paid for the suspended
8coverage. The insurer shall refund any premium amount already paid for coverage
9of the service member for the period after the coverage is suspended or shall, at the
10option of the service member, apply such amount to payment of any premium that
11becomes due upon reinstatement of the coverage.
AB400,69,1512 2. Subdivision 1. does not require the suspension of coverage for any other
13person who has coverage under the policy and who is not a service member called
14ordered into active state service active duty or relieve any person of the obligation
15to pay premiums for coverage that is not required to be suspended under subd. 1.
AB400,69,2116 (b) 2. For purposes of subd. 1., a claim that is based on the failure of a
17professional to make adequate provision for the care of patients during the
18professional's period of active state service active duty shall be considered to be based
19on an action or the failure to take action before the beginning of the period during
20which coverage is suspended under this subsection, unless professional services
21were provided after the date on which the suspension of coverage began.
AB400,70,422 (c) 1. If a service member whose professional liability insurance coverage is
23suspended under par. (a) transmits to the insurer, within 30 days after the date on
24which the service member is released from active state service active duty, a written
25request for reinstatement of his or her professional liability insurance coverage, the

1insurer must reinstate the coverage as of the date on which the insurer receives the
2written request. The period for which the coverage must be reinstated may not be
3less than the balance of the period for which the coverage would have continued
4under the policy had the coverage not been suspended.
AB400, s. 172 5Section 172. 21.75 (23) of the statutes is renumbered 321.62 (23) and amended
6to read:
AB400,70,97 321.62 (23) Notice of benefits under this section. The department shall
8provide each service member a brochure explaining this section when that service
9member enters active state service active duty.
AB400, s. 173 10Section 173. 21.78 (title), (1), (2), (3) and (4) of the statutes are renumbered
11321.63 (title), (1), (2), (3) and (4) and amended to read:
AB400,71,2 12321.63 (title) Employees Local government employees or officers in
13military service federal active duty. (1) The governing body of any county, town,
14city, village, school district, or technical college district
A local governmental unit, as
15defined in s. 66.0135 (1) (c),
may grant a leave of absence to any employee or officer
16who is inducted or who enlists in the U.S. armed forces for a period of military service
17federal active duty of not more than 4 5 years unless the employee is involuntarily
18retained for a longer period. No salary or compensation of the employee or officer
19shall be paid, nor claim for the salary or compensation exist, during the leave of
20absence, except as provided in this section. If the employee's or officer's salary or
21compensation is less in the U.S. armed forces than was paid by the county, town, city,
22village, school district, or technical college district
local governmental unit, that
23governmental unit may pay the employee or officer the difference between the salary
24or compensation paid by the U.S. armed forces and the salary or compensation that
25the employee or officer was paid by the county, town, city, village, school district, or

1technical college district
local governmental unit at the time that he or she enlisted
2in or was inducted into the U.S. armed forces.
AB400,71,5 3(2) The governing body local governmental unit may provide for safeguarding
4the reinstatement and pension rights, as limited in this section, of any employee or
5officer so inducted or enlisted.
AB400,71,8 6(3) No employee or officer who is appointed to fill the place of any employee or
7officer so inducted or enlisted shall acquire permanent tenure during the period of
8the replacement service.
AB400,71,25 9(4) If the leave of absence under sub. (1) is granted to an elected or appointed
10official or employee and the official or employee has begun service in the U.S. armed
federal active duty, a temporary vacancy exists and a successor may be
12appointed to fill the unexpired term of the official or employee, or until the official
13or employee returns and files an election to resume the office if the date of the filing
14is prior to the expiration of the term. The appointment shall be made in the manner
15provided for the filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, except
16that no election need be held to fill a temporary vacancy. The appointee has all the
17powers, duties, liabilities, and responsibilities and shall be paid and receive the
18compensation and other benefits of the office or position, unless otherwise provided
19by the governing body local governmental unit. Within 40 days after the termination
20of service in the U.S. armed forces federal active duty, the elected or appointed official
21or employee, upon filing with the clerk of the local governmental unit, a statement
22under oath of termination and that the official or employee elects to resume the office
23or position, may resume the office or position for the remainder of the term for which
24elected or appointed. The person temporarily filling the vacancy shall cease to hold
25the office on the date of the filing.
AB400, s. 174
1Section 174. 21.78 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 175 2Section 175. 21.79 of the statutes is renumbered 321.64, and 321.64 (title), (1)
3(a) (intro.), 1., 3. and 5., (2) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB400,72,16 4321.64 (title) Reemployment after completion of military service
5federal active duty or service. (1) (a) (intro.) Any person who has enlisted or
6enlists in or who has been or is inducted or ordered into active service in the U.S.
7armed forces pursuant to 50 App. USC 301, 401, and 451, or P.L. 87-117
8active duty for 90 days or more
, and any person whose services are requested by the
9federal government for national defense work as a civilian during a period officially
10proclaimed to be a national emergency or a limited national emergency, who, to
11perform the training duty or service, has left or leaves a position, other than a
12temporary position, in the employ of any political subdivision of the state or in the
13employ of any private or other employer, shall be restored to that position or to a
14position of like seniority, status, pay, and salary advancement as though service
15toward seniority, status, pay, or salary advancement had not been interrupted by the
16absence, if all of the following conditions are met:
AB400,72,1917 1. The person presents to the employer evidence of satisfactory completion of
18the period of training or civilian federal active duty or federal government service,
19or of discharge from the U.S. armed forces under conditions other than dishonorable.
AB400,72,2420 3. The person makes application for reemployment and resumes work within
2190 days after completion of the training or federal active duty or federal government
22service, military or civilian, or was so discharged from the U.S. armed forces, or
23within 6 months after release from hospitalization for duty-connected or
24service-connected injury or disease.
15. The military service federal active duty or federal government service was
2not for more than 4 5 years unless extended by law.
AB400,73,17 3(2) The service of any person who is or was restored to a position in accordance
4with sub. (1) shall be considered not to be interrupted by the absence, except for the
5receipt of pay or other compensation for the period of the absence and he or she shall
6be entitled to participate in insurance, pensions, retirement plans, or other benefits
7offered by the employer under established rules and practices relating to employees
8on furlough or leave of absence in effect with the employer at the time the person
9entered or was enlisted, inducted, or ordered into the forces and service federal active
10duty or federal government service
. The person whose position was restored may not
11be discharged from the position without cause within one year after restoration and
12the discharge is subject to all federal or state laws affecting any private employment
13and to the provisions of contracts that may exist between employer and employee.
14Each county, town, city, or village political subdivision shall contribute or pay all
15contributions of the employer to the applicable and existent pension, annuity, or
16retirement system as though the service of the employee had not been interrupted
17by military service federal active duty or federal government service.
AB400,73,21 18(4) No person who is appointed in the service of the state or of any county, city,
19village, or town
political subdivision to fill the place of a person entering service in
20the U.S. armed forces
federal active duty or federal government service under sub.
21(1) shall acquire permanent tenure during the period of that replacement service.
AB400, s. 176 22Section 176. 21.80 (title) and (1) (intro.) of the statutes are renumbered 321.65
23(title) and (1) (intro.).
AB400, s. 177 24Section 177. 21.80 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (1) (a), and
25321.65 (1) (a) (intro.), 1. and 3., as renumbered, are amended to read:
1321.65 (1) (a) (intro.) "Active state service" means any of the following:
AB400,74,52 1. Active service in the national guard or the state defense force under an order
3of the governor issued under this chapter
State active duty or active service duty in
4the national guard under 32 USC 502 (f) that is not considered to be service in the
5uniformed services.
AB400,74,76 3. Active service duty in the national guard of any state under an order of the
7governor of that state.
AB400, s. 178 8Section 178. 21.80 (1) (b) to (e) of the statutes are renumbered 321.65 (1) (b)
9to (e).
AB400, s. 179 10Section 179. 21.80 (1) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 180 11Section 180. 21.80 (1) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (1) (f).
AB400, s. 181 12Section 181. 21.80 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (2) and amended
13to read:
AB400,74,1714 321.65 (2) More generous rights permitted. Nothing in this section prohibits
15an employer from providing employees who are called ordered into active state
16service with reemployment rights and benefits that are more generous to the
17employee than the rights and benefits provided under this section.
AB400, s. 182 18Section 182. 21.80 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (3), and 321.65 (3)
19(a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 4., (c), (d) 2., (e) 1., 2. and 3., (f) 1. and (h), as renumbered, are
20amended to read:
AB400,74,2421 321.65 (3) (a) Prerequisites. (intro.) Subject to par. (d), any person who is a
22resident of this state and absent from a position of employment because of active
23state service is entitled to the reemployment rights and benefits specified in this
24section if all of the following apply:
11. Except as provided in par. (b), the person or an appropriate officer in the
2national guard of this or another state or the state defense force has given advanced
3notice of the active state service to the person's employer.
AB400,75,74 2. Except as provided in par. (c), the cumulative length of the absence from the
5position of employment and of all previous absences from a position of employment
6with the employer by reason of active state service or service in the uniformed
federal active duty does not exceed 5 years.
AB400,75,108 4. In the case of active state service in the national guard in this or another state
9or the state defense force, the active state service has not been terminated under
10other than honorable conditions.
AB400,75,1411 (c) Length of absence limit. The periods of service in the uniformed services
12federal active duty described in 38 USC 4312 (c) (1) to (4) and all of the following
13periods of active state service are not included in calculating the 5-year period
14specified in par. (a) 2.:
AB400,75,1715 1. Any period of active state service, as defined in sub. (1) (a) 1., beyond that
165-year period that is required to complete an initial period of obligated active state
AB400,75,2118 2. Any period of active state service, as defined in sub. (1) (a) 1., for which the
19person, through no fault of the person's own, was unable to obtain orders releasing
20the person from a period of active state service before the expiration of the 5-year
AB400,76,222 3. Any period of active state service, as defined in sub. (1) (a) 1., that was
23performed to fulfill any additional training requirements determined and certified
24in writing by the federal secretary of the army, the federal secretary of the air force,

1or the adjutant general to be necessary for professional development or for
2completion of skill training or retraining.
AB400,76,93 4. Any period of active state service that was performed by a person who was
4ordered to, or retained in, active state service, other than for training, because of a
5state emergency declared by the governor, because of a war or national emergency
6declared by the president of the United States or Congress, because of insurrection,
7rebellion, riot, invasion, or resistance to the execution of the laws of this state or of
8the United States, or in support of an operational mission, a critical mission, or any
9other requirement of the uniformed services U.S. armed forces.
AB400,76,1310 (d) 2. The position of employment that the person left to perform active state
11service was for a brief, nonrecurrent period and there was no reasonable expectation
12that the position of employment would continue indefinitely or for a significant
13period of time.
AB400,77,614 (e) 1. Subject to subds. 4. and 5., if a person who has been absent from a position
15of employment because of active state service that lasted for less than 31 days, who
16has been absent from a position of employment for any period of time for the purpose
17of an examination to determine the person's fitness to perform active state service,
18or who has been absent from a position of employment because the person was
19hospitalized for or was convalescing from an illness or injury that was incurred in
20or aggravated during the performance of that active state service wishes to receive
21the reemployment rights and benefits specified in this section, the person must
22notify the person's employer of the person's intent to return to the position of
23employment by reporting to the employer by no later than the beginning of the first
24full regularly-scheduled work period on the first full calendar day following the
25completion of the active state service, examination, or period of hospitalization or

1convalescence, a period of time that allows for the safe transportation of the person
2from the place of active state service, examination, hospitalization, or convalescence
3to the person's residence, and a rest period of 8 hours following that transportation
4period or, if through no fault of the person's own reporting to the employer within that
5time is impossible or unreasonable, by reporting to the employer as soon as possible
6after that 8-hour rest period.
AB400,77,197 2. Subject to subds. 4. and 5., if a person who has been absent from a position
8of employment because of active state service that lasted for more than 30 days, but
9less than 181 days, or who has been absent from a position of employment because
10the person was hospitalized for or was convalescing from an illness or injury that was
11incurred in or aggravated during the performance of that active state service wishes
12to receive the reemployment rights and benefits specified in this section, the person
13must notify the person's employer of the person's intent to return to the position of
14employment by submitting to the employer an application for reemployment by no
15later than 14 days after the completion of the active state service, hospitalization, or
16convalescence or, if through no fault of the person's own submitting the application
17within that time is impossible or unreasonable, by submitting to the employer an
18application for reemployment by no later than the first full calendar day on which
19submission of the application becomes possible.
AB400,78,720 3. Subject to subds. 4. and 5., if a person who has been absent from a position
21of employment because of active state service that lasted for more than 180 days or
22who has been absent from a position of employment because the person was
23hospitalized for or was convalescing from an illness or injury that was incurred in
24or aggravated during the performance of that active state service wishes to receive
25the reemployment rights and benefits specified in this section, the person must

1notify the person's employer of the person's intent to return to the position of
2employment by submitting to the employer an application for reemployment by no
3later than 90 days after the completion of the active state service, hospitalization, or
4convalescence or, if through no fault of the person's own submitting the application
5within that time is impossible or unreasonable, by submitting to the employer an
6application for reemployment by no later than the first full calendar day on which
7submission of the application becomes possible.
AB400,78,168 (f) 1. A person who submits an application for reemployment under par. (e) 2.
9or 3. must, on the request of the person's employer, provide to the employer
10documentation to establish that the application was submitted within the time
11limits specified in par. (e) 2. or 3., that the person's cumulative length of all absences
12from employment with the employer because of active state service or service in the
13uniformed services
and federal active duty does not, except as permitted under par.
14(c), exceed 5 years, and, in the case of active state service in the national guard in this
15or another state
or the state defense force, that the person's service was not
16terminated under other than honorable conditions.
AB400,78,2117 (h) Prohibited bases for denial of reemployment. In determining a person's
18right to reemployment and other benefits under this section, an employer may not
19deny reemployment or any other benefits based on the timing, frequency, duration,
20or nature of the person' s active state service or service in the uniformed services
21federal active duty so long as the requirements under par. (a) are met.
AB400, s. 183 22Section 183. 21.80 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (4), and 321.65 (4)
23(a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB400,79,924 321.65 (4) (a) Prompt reemployment required. 1. Subject to subds. 3. and 4. and
25par. (b), an employer shall reemploy a person who is entitled to reemployment under

1sub. (3) and whose period of active state service was for less than 91 days promptly
2on completion of that period of active state service in the position of employment in
3which the person would have been employed if the continuous employment of the
4person with the employer had not been interrupted by that active state service so
5long as the person is qualified to perform the duties of that position or, if after
6reasonable efforts by the employer to qualify the person to perform those duties the
7person is not qualified to perform those duties, in the position of employment in
8which the person was employed on the date on which the person's period of active
9state service began.
AB400,79,2110 2. Subject to subds. 3. and 4. and par. (b), an employer shall reemploy a person
11who is entitled to reemployment under sub. (3) and whose period of active state
12service was for more than 90 days promptly on completion of that period of active
13state service in the position of employment in which the person would have been
14employed if the continuous employment of the person with the employer had not been
15interrupted by that active state service or in a position of employment of like
16seniority, status, and pay so long as the person is qualified to perform the duties of
17that position or, if after reasonable efforts by the employer to qualify the person to
18perform those duties the person is not qualified to perform those duties, in the
19position of employment in which the person was employed on the date on which the
20person's period of active state service began or in a position of employment of like
21seniority, status, and pay.
AB400,80,922 3. Subject to par. (b), in the case of a person who has a disability that was
23incurred in or aggravated during a period of active state service and who, after
24reasonable efforts by the employer to accommodate the disability, is not qualified due
25to the disability to perform the duties of the position of employment in which the

1person would have been employed if the continuous employment of the person with
2the employer had not been interrupted by the active state service, the employer shall
3reemploy the person promptly on completion of that period of active state service in
4any other position that is equivalent to that position in seniority, status, and pay, the
5duties of which the person is qualified to perform or would become qualified to
6perform with reasonable efforts by the employer, or, if there is no other position of
7employment available that is equivalent to that position in seniority, status, and pay,
8in a position that is the nearest approximation to that equivalent position in terms
9of seniority, status, and pay, consistent with the person's circumstances.
AB400,81,210 4. Subject to par. (b), in the case of a person who is not qualified to be employed
11in the position of employment in which the person would have been employed if the
12continuous employment of the person with the employer had not been interrupted
13by the person's active state service or in the position of employment in which the
14person was employed on the date on which the person's period of active state service
15began for any reason other than disability incurred in or aggravated during a period
16of active state service and who cannot become qualified to be so employed with
17reasonable efforts by the employer, the employer shall reemploy the person promptly
18on completion of that period of active state service in any other position that the
19person is qualified to perform and that is the nearest approximation to the position
20of employment in which the person would have been employed if the continuous
21employment of the person with the employer had not been interrupted by that active
22state service, with full seniority, or if no position of employment that is the nearest
23approximation to that position is available, in a position of employment that the
24person is qualified to perform and that is the nearest approximation to the position

1of employment in which the person was employed on the date on which the person's
2period of active state service began, with full seniority.
AB400, s. 184 3Section 184. 21.80 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (5) and amended
4to read:
AB400,81,115 321.65 (5) Rights, benefits, and obligations. (a) Seniority. A person who is
6reemployed under this section is entitled to the seniority and other rights and
7benefits determined by seniority that the person had on the last day of employment
8before the person's active state service began, plus all seniority and other rights and
9benefits determined by seniority that the person would have had if the continuous
10employment of the person with the employer had not been interrupted by that active
11state service.
AB400,81,1912 (b) Continuation of benefits. 1. Subject to subds. 2. to 5., a person who is absent
13from employment because of active state service is considered to be on furlough or
14leave of absence while performing the active state service and is entitled to receive
15all rights and benefits not determined by seniority that are generally provided by the
16employer to employees having similar seniority, status, and pay who are on furlough
17or leave of absence under a contract, agreement, policy, practice, or plan that is in
18effect on the day on which the active state service began or that is established while
19the person is performing the active state service.
AB400,82,220 2. If an employer shows that a person who is absent from a position of
21employment because of active state service has knowingly provided written notice
22of the person's intent not to return to a position of employment with the employer
23after that active state service and, in doing so, was aware of the specific rights and
24benefits under subd. 1. that the person would lose while absent from the position of

1employment, the person is not entitled to the rights and benefits specified in subd.
21. while absent from employment.
AB400,82,63 3. A person who is considered to be on furlough or leave of absence under subd.
41. while performing active state service is not entitled to any benefit to which the
5person would not otherwise be entitled if the person had remained continuously
AB400,82,107 4. An employer may require a person who is considered to be on furlough or
8leave of absence under subd. 1. while performing active state service to pay the
9employee cost, if any, of any benefit that is continued under subd. 1. to the same
10extent that other employees who are on furlough or leave of absence are so required.
AB400,82,1311 5. A person who is absent from a position of employment because of active state
12service is entitled to receive coverage under a health benefit plan during the absence
13and on reemployment as provided in sub. (6).
AB400,82,2014 (c) Protection from discharge. An employer that reemploys under this section
15a person whose period of active state service lasted for more than 30 days, but less
16than 181 days, may not discharge the person within 180 days after the date of
17reemployment except for cause. An employer that reemploys under this section a
18person whose period of active state service lasted for more than 180 days may not
19discharge the person within one year after the date of reemployment except for
AB400, s. 185 21Section 185. 21.80 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (6), and 321.65 (6)
22(a) (intro.) and (c), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB400,83,323 321.65 (6) (a) Option to continue coverage. (intro.) Notwithstanding s. 632.897,
24if a person who has coverage under a health benefit plan in connection with the
25person's employment is absent from a position of employment because of active state

1service, the insurer that issued the health benefit plan shall permit the person, and
2the person's dependents, to continue coverage under the health benefit plan until the
3first to occur of the following:
AB400,83,114 (c) Reinstatement on reemployment. If a person's coverage under a health
5benefit plan in connection with his or her employment was terminated because of the
6person's active state service and if after returning from that active state service the
7person is reemployed under sub. (3), coverage under the health benefit plan shall be
8reinstated for the person and the person's dependents immediately upon
9reemployment. With respect to the reinstated coverage, no exclusion or waiting
10period may be imposed that would not have been imposed had the coverage not been
11terminated because of the active state service.
AB400, s. 186 12Section 186. 21.80 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 321.65 (7).
AB400, s. 187 13Section 187. 21.80 (8) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 188 14Section 188. 40.05 (4g) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,83,1915 40.05 (4g) (a) 4. Has received a military leave of absence under s. 230.32 (3) (a)
16or 230.35 (3), under a collective bargaining agreement under subch. V of ch. 111 or
17under rules promulgated by the director of the office of state employment relations
18or is eligible for reemployment with the state under s. 21.79 321.64 after completion
19of his or her service in the U.S. armed forces.
AB400, s. 189 20Section 189. 45.03 (13) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,83,2521 45.03 (13) (e) Provide county veterans service officers with the information
22provided to the department by the adjutant general under s. 21.19 (14) 321.04 (1) (o)
23and may provide county veterans service officers with information on all necessary
24military points of contact and general deployment information for reserve units of
25the U.S. armed forces.
AB400, s. 190
1Section 190. 45.20 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,42 45.20 (2) (d) 3. A veteran may not receive reimbursement under this subsection
3for any semester in which he or she is eligible for or received a grant under s. 21.49
4321.40 or under 10 USC 2007.
AB400, s. 191 5Section 191. 45.60 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,106 45.60 (1) (b) Military funeral honors may be provided by local units of member
7organizations of the council on veterans programs, by local units of veterans
8organizations certified by the department to provide military funeral honors, by
9members of the Wisconsin national guard activated under s. 21.11 (3) 321.04 (2) (e),
10or by staff of the department.
AB400, s. 192 11Section 192. 71.93 (1) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,1312 71.93 (1) (a) 6. An amount owed to the department of military affairs under s.
1321.49 (3m) 321.40 (5).
AB400, s. 193 14Section 193. 106.54 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,1715 106.54 (7) The division shall receive complaints under s. 21.80 (7) (b) 1. or 2.
16321.65 (7) (b) 1. or 2. and shall process the complaints in the same manner that
17employment discrimination complaints are processed under s. 111.39.
AB400, s. 194 18Section 194. 121.05 (1) (a) 13. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,2019 121.05 (1) (a) 13. Pupils attending the Youth Challenge Academy program
20under s. 21.26 321.03 (1) (c).
AB400, s. 195 21Section 195. 121.095 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,84,23 22121.095 (title) State aid adjustment; Youth Challenge Academy
AB400, s. 196 24Section 196. 121.095 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1121.095 (1) (a) Determine the number of pupils counted in the school district's
2membership who are attending the Youth Challenge Academy program under s.
321.26 321.03 (1) (c).
AB400, s. 197 4Section 197. 121.095 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB400,85,65 121.095 (1) (b) 1. The amount determined by the department of military affairs
6under s. 21.26 (2) (a) 321.03 (1) (c) 1.
AB400, s. 198 7Section 198. 121.90 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: