AB400,100,16 14322.014 Article 14—Delivery of offenders to civil authorities. (1) A
15person subject to this code accused of an offense under this code or under the state's
16civilian penal statute may be delivered to the civil authority for trial or confinement.
AB400,100,22 17(2) When delivery under this section is made to any civil authority of a person
18undergoing sentence of a court-martial, the delivery, if followed by conviction in a
19civil tribunal, interrupts the execution of the sentence of the court-martial, and the
20offender after having answered to the civil authorities for the offense shall, upon the
21request of competent military authority, be returned to the place of original custody
22for the completion of the person's sentence.
1322.015 Article 15—Commanding officer's nonjudicial punishment. (1)
2Under regulations as prescribed, any commanding officer, and for purposes of this
3section, officers-in-charge, may impose disciplinary punishments for minor offenses
4without the intervention of a court-martial. The governor, the adjutant general, or
5an officer of a general or flag rank in command may delegate the powers under this
6section to a principal assistant who is a member of a state military force.
AB400,101,8 7(2) Any commanding officer may impose any of the following upon enlisted
8members of the officer's command:
AB400,101,99 (a) Admonition.
AB400,101,1010 (b) Reprimand.
AB400,101,1211 (c) Withholding of privileges for not more than 6 months, which need not be
AB400,101,1313 (d) Forfeiture of not more than 7 days' pay.
AB400,101,1414 (e) Fine of not more than 7 days' pay.
AB400,101,1715 (f) Reduction to the next inferior pay grade, if the grade from which demoted
16is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the reduction or any officer
17subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction.
AB400,101,1918 (g) Extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not more than 14 days,
19which need not be consecutive.
AB400,101,2120 (h) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty,
21for not more than 14 days, which need not be consecutive.
AB400,101,24 22(3) Any commanding officer of the grade of major or lieutenant commander, or
23above may impose any of the following upon enlisted members of the officer's
AB400,101,2525 (a) Any punishment authorized in sub. (2) (a), (b), and (c).
1(b) Forfeiture of not more than one-half of one month's pay per month for 2
AB400,102,33 (c) Fine of not more than one month's pay.
AB400,102,84 (d) Reduction to the lowest or any intermediate pay grade, if the grade from
5which demoted is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the
6reduction or any officer subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction, but an
7enlisted member in a pay grade above E-4 may not be reduced more than 2 pay
AB400,102,109 (e) Extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not more than 45 days,
10which need not be consecutive.
AB400,102,1211 (f) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty,
12for not more than 60 days, which need not be consecutive.
AB400,102,15 13(4) The governor, the adjutant general, an officer exercising general
14court-martial convening authority, or an officer of a general or flag rank in command
15may impose any of the following penalties:
AB400,102,1816 (a) Upon officers of the officer's command, any punishment authorized in sub.
17(3) (a), (b), (c), and (f) and arrest in quarters for not more than 30 days, which need
18not be consecutive.
AB400,102,2019 (b) Upon enlisted members of the officer's command, any punishment
20authorized in sub. (3).
AB400,102,25 21(5) Whenever any of the punishments under this section are combined to run
22consecutively, the total length of the combined punishment cannot exceed the
23authorized duration of the longest punishment in the combination, and there must
24be an apportionment of punishments so that no single punishment in the
25combination exceeds its authorized length under this section.
1(6) The service member shall have the right to demand trial by court-martial
2in lieu of nonjudicial punishment, and shall have the right to consult with a judge
AB400,103,7 4(7) The officer who imposes the punishment, or the successor in command, may,
5at any time, suspend, set aside, mitigate, or remit any part or amount of the
6punishment and restore all rights, privileges, and property affected. The officer also
7may do any of the following:
AB400,103,88 (a) Mitigate reduction in grade to forfeiture of pay.
AB400,103,99 (b) Mitigate arrest in quarters to restriction.
AB400,103,1010 (c) Mitigate extra duties to restriction.
AB400,103,15 11(8) The mitigated punishment shall not be for a greater period than the
12punishment mitigated. When mitigating reduction in grade to forfeiture of pay, the
13amount of the forfeiture shall not be greater than the amount that could have been
14imposed initially under this section by the officer who imposed the punishment
AB400,103,25 16(9) A person punished under this section who considers the punishment unjust
17or disproportionate to the offense may, through the proper channel, appeal to the
18next superior authority within 15 days after the punishment is either announced or
19sent to the accused, as the commander may determine. The appeal shall be promptly
20forwarded and decided, but the person punished may in the meantime be required
21to undergo the punishment adjudged. The superior authority may exercise the same
22powers with respect to the punishment imposed as may be exercised under sub. (7)
23by the officer who imposed the punishment. Before acting on an appeal from a
24punishment, the authority that is to act on the appeal may refer the case to a judge
25advocate for consideration and advice.
1(10) The imposition and enforcement of disciplinary punishment under this
2section for any act or omission is not a bar to trial by court-martial or a civilian court
3of competent jurisdiction for a serious crime or offense growing out of the same act
4or omission and not properly punishable under this section; but the fact that a
5disciplinary punishment has been enforced may be shown by the accused upon trial
6and, when so shown, it shall be considered in determining the measure of
7punishment to be adjudged in the event of a finding of guilty.
AB400,104,10 8(11) Whenever a punishment of forfeiture of pay is imposed under this section,
9the forfeiture may apply to pay accruing before, on, or after the date that punishment
10is imposed.
AB400,104,13 11(12) Regulations may prescribe the form of records to be kept of proceedings
12under this section and may prescribe that certain categories of those proceedings
13shall be in writing.
AB400,104,1514 SUBCHAPTER IV
AB400,104,17 16322.016 Article 16—Courts-martial classified. The 3 kinds of
17courts-martial in the state military forces are as follows:
AB400,104,18 18(1) General courts-martial, consisting of any of the following:
AB400,104,1919 (a) A military judge and not less than 5 members.
AB400,104,2320 (b) Only a military judge, if before the court is assembled the accused, knowing
21the identity of the military judge and after consultation with defense counsel,
22requests orally on the record or in writing a court composed only of a military judge
23and the military judge approves.
AB400,104,24 24(2) Special courts-martial, consisting of any of the following:
1(a) A military judge and not less than 3 members. An accused may waive
2having 12 members and proceed to a special court-martial with not less than 6
AB400,105,54 (b) Only a military judge, if one has been detailed to the court, and the accused
5under the same conditions as those prescribed in sub. (1) (b) so requests.
AB400,105,6 6(3) Summary courts-martial, consisting of one commissioned officer.
AB400,105,11 7322.017 Article 17—Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general. Each
8component of the state military forces has court-martial jurisdiction over all
9members of the particular component who are subject to this code. Additionally, the
10state military forces have court-martial jurisdiction over all members subject to this
AB400,105,15 12322.018 Article 18—Jurisdiction of general courts-martial. Subject to
13s. 322.017, general courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this
14code for any offense made punishable by this code, and may, under limitations as the
15governor may prescribe, adjudge any punishment not forbidden by this code.
AB400,105,21 16322.019 Article 19—Jurisdiction of special courts-martial. Subject to s.
17322.017, special courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this code
18for any offense made punishable by this code, and may, under limitations as the
19governor may prescribe, adjudge any punishment not forbidden by this code except
20dishonorable discharge, dismissal, confinement for more than one year, forfeiture of
21pay exceeding two-thirds pay per month, or forfeiture of pay for more than one year.
AB400,106,2 22322.020 Article 20—Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial. (1)
23Subject to s. 322.017, summary courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons
24subject to this code, except officers, cadets, candidates, and midshipmen, for any

1offense made punishable by this code under limitations as the governor may
AB400,106,11 3(2) No person with respect to whom summary courts-martial have jurisdiction
4may be brought to trial before a summary court-martial if that person objects. If
5objection to trial by summary court-martial is made by an accused, trial by special
6or general court-martial may be ordered, as may be appropriate. Summary
7courts-martial may, under limitations as the governor may prescribe, adjudge any
8punishment not forbidden by this code except dismissal, dishonorable or
9bad-conduct discharge, confinement for more than one month, restriction to
10specified limits for more than 2 months, or forfeiture of more than two-thirds of one
11month's pay.
AB400,106,1412 SUBCHAPTER V
AB400,106,16 15322.022 Article 22—Who may convene general courts-martial. (1)
16General courts-martial may be convened by any of the following:
AB400,106,1717 (a) The governor.
AB400,106,1818 (b) The adjutant general.
AB400,106,1919 (c) The commanding general officer of any force of the state military forces.
AB400,106,2020 (d) The commanding officer of a division or a separate brigade.
AB400,106,2121 (e) The commanding officer of a separate wing.
AB400,106,24 22(2) If any commanding officer is an accuser, the court shall be convened by
23superior competent authority and may in any case be convened by a superior
24authority if considered desirable by the authority.
1322.023 Article 23—Who may convene special courts-martial. (1)
2Special courts-martial may be convened by any of the following:
AB400,107,33 (a) Any person who may convene a general court-martial.
AB400,107,54 (b) The commanding officer of a garrison, fort, post, camp, station, air national
5guard base, or naval base or station.
AB400,107,76 (c) The commanding officer of a brigade, regiment, detached battalion, or
7corresponding unit of the army national guard.
AB400,107,98 (d) The commanding officer of a wing, group, separate squadron, or
9corresponding unit of the air national guard.
AB400,107,1110 (e) The commanding officer or officer in charge of any other command when
11empowered by the adjutant general.
AB400,107,14 12(2) If the officer is an accuser, the court shall be convened by superior
13competent authority and may in any case be convened by a superior authority if
14considered desirable by the superior competent authority.
AB400,107,16 15322.024 Article 24—Who may convene summary courts-martial. (1)
16Summary courts-martial may be convened by any of the following:
AB400,107,1717 (a) Any person who may convene a general or special court-martial.
AB400,107,1918 (b) The commanding officer of a detached company or other detachment, or
19corresponding unit of the army national guard.
AB400,107,2120 (c) The commanding officer of a detached squadron or other detachment, or
21corresponding unit of the air national guard.
AB400,107,2322 (d) The commanding officer or officer in charge of any other command when
23empowered by the adjutant general.
AB400,108,3 24(2) When only one commissioned officer is present with a command or
25detachment that officer shall be the summary court-martial of that command or

1detachment and shall hear and determine all summary court-martial cases.
2Summary courts-martial may, however, be convened in any case by superior
3competent authority if considered desirable by that authority.
AB400,108,6 4322.025 Article 25—Who may serve as a member on courts-martial. (1)
5Any commissioned officer of the state military forces is eligible to serve on all
6courts-martial for the trial of any person subject to this code.
AB400,108,9 7(2) Any warrant officer of the state military forces is eligible to serve on general
8and special courts-martial for the trial of any person subject to this code, other than
9a commissioned officer.
AB400,108,23 10(3) Any enlisted member of the state military forces who is not a member of the
11same unit as the accused is eligible to serve on general and special courts-martial
12for the trial of any enlisted member subject to this code, but that member shall serve
13as a member of a court only if, before the conclusion of a session called by the military
14judge under s. 322.039 (1) prior to trial or, in the absence of a session, before the court
15is assembled for the trial of the accused, the accused personally has requested orally
16on the record or in writing that enlisted members serve on it. After a request, the
17accused may not be tried by a general or special court-martial the membership of
18which does not include enlisted members in a number comprising at least one-third
19of the total membership of the court, unless eligible enlisted members cannot be
20obtained on account of physical conditions or military exigencies. If the members
21cannot be obtained, the court may be assembled and the trial held without them, but
22the convening authority shall make a detailed written statement, to be appended to
23the record, stating why they could not be obtained.
AB400,108,25 24(4) When it can be avoided, no person subject to this code may be tried by a
25court-martial any member of which is junior to the accused in rank or grade.
1(5) When convening a court-martial, the convening authority shall detail
2members of the state military forces as, in the convening authority's opinion, are best
3qualified for the duty by reason of age, education, training, experience, length of
4service, and judicial temperament. No member of the state military forces is eligible
5to serve as a member of a general or special court-martial when that member is the
6accuser, a witness, or has acted as investigating officer or as counsel in the same case.
AB400,109,8 7(6) Before a court-martial is assembled for the trial of a case, the convening
8authority may excuse a member of the court from participating in the case.
AB400,109,10 9(7) The convening authority may delegate the authority under this section to
10a judge advocate or to any other principal assistant.
AB400,109,13 11(8) In this section, "unit" means any regularly organized body of the state
12military forces not larger than a company, a squadron, a division of the naval militia,
13or a body corresponding to one of them.
AB400,109,17 14322.026 Article 26—Military judge of a general or special
(1) A military judge shall be detailed to each general and special
16court-martial. The military judge shall preside over each open session of the
17court-martial to which the military judge has been detailed.
AB400,109,18 18(2) A military judge shall meet all of the following qualifications:
AB400,109,1919 (a) Be a commissioned officer of an organized state military force.
AB400,109,2120 (b) Be an attorney licensed to practice in this state or be a member of the bar
21of a federal court for at least 5 years.
AB400,109,2322 (c) Certified as qualified for duty as a military judge by the senior force judge
23advocate which is the same force as the accused.
AB400,110,2 24(3) In the instance when a military judge is not an attorney licensed to practice
25in this state, the military judge shall be deemed admitted on motion, subject to filing

1with the senior force judge advocate of the same force as the accused setting forth the
2qualifications provided in sub. (2).
AB400,110,9 3(4) The military judge of a general or special court-martial shall be designated
4by the state senior force judge advocate of the same force as the accused if possible,
5or otherwise by the senior of the senior force judge advocates, or a designee, for detail
6by the convening authority. Neither the convening authority nor any staff member
7of the convening authority shall prepare or review any report concerning the
8effectiveness, fitness, or efficiency of the military judge so detailed, which relates to
9performance of duty as a military judge.
AB400,110,12 10(5) No person is eligible to act as military judge in a case if that person is the
11accuser or a witness, or has acted as investigating officer, trial counsel, or defense
12counsel in the same case.
AB400,110,15 13(6) The military judge of a court-martial may not consult with the members
14of the court except in the presence of the accused, trial counsel, and defense counsel
15nor vote with the members of the court.
AB400,110,18 16322.027 Article 27—Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel. (1) For
17each general and special court-martial the authority convening the court shall detail
18trial counsel, defense counsel, and assistants as are appropriate.
AB400,110,24 19(2) No person who has acted as investigating officer, military judge, witness or
20court member in any case may act later as trial counsel, assistant trial counsel, or,
21unless expressly requested by the accused, as defense counsel or assistant or
22associate defense counsel in the same case. No person who has acted for the
23prosecution may act later in the same case for the defense nor may any person who
24has acted for the defense act later in the same case for the prosecution.
1(3) Except as provided in sub. (4), trial counsel or defense counsel detailed for
2a general or special court-martial must meet all of the following: