AB570,20,2323 3. The adult children of the individual.
AB570,20,2424 4. The parents of the individual.
AB570,20,2525 5. The adult siblings of the individual.
16. The adult grandchildren of the individual.
AB570,21,22 7. The grandparents of the individual.
AB570,21,43 8. Adults who exhibited special care and concern, except as a compensated
4health care provider, for the individual.
AB570,21,65 9. Persons who were guardians of the individual near or at the time of the
6individual's death.
AB570,21,77 10. Any other persons who have authority to dispose of the individual's body.
AB570,21,148 (b) If the members of a class of persons under par. (a) 1., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., or 9.
9have priority to make an anatomical gift of an individual's body or part under par.
10(a) and the class consists of more than one member, any member of the class may
11make an anatomical gift unless that member or the person to whom the anatomical
12gift will pass under sub. (11) has actual knowledge of an objection by another member
13of the class, in which case the anatomical gift may be made only by a majority of
14members of the class who are reasonably available.
AB570,21,1715 (c) A person may not make an anatomical gift of an individual's body or part
16under this subsection if a person who is a member of a class with higher priority
17under par. (a) is reasonably available.
AB570,21,20 18(10) Manner of making, amending, or revoking an anatomical gift near or
19upon donor's death.
(a) A person authorized under sub. (9) to make an anatomical
20gift of an individual's body or part may do so by doing any of the following:
AB570,21,2121 1. Signing a record of gift.
AB570,21,2322 2. Subject to sub. (25m) (c), making an oral communication of an anatomical
23gift that is electronically recorded.
13. Subject to sub. (25m) (c), making an oral communication of an anatomical
2gift that is contemporaneously reduced to a record and that is signed by the
3individual receiving the oral communication.
AB570,22,94 (b) A member of a class of persons that has higher priority to make an
5anatomical gift under sub. (9) than the person who made an anatomical gift under
6par. (a) and who is reasonably available may amend the anatomical gift in the
7manner provided in par. (d), except that if more than one member of the class with
8higher priority is reasonably available, the agreement of a majority of the reasonably
9available members is required to amend the anatomical gift.
AB570,22,1510 (c) 1. Subject to subd. 2., a member of a class of persons that has higher priority
11to make an anatomical gift under sub. (9) than the person who made an anatomical
12gift under par. (a) may revoke the anatomical gift in the manner provided in par. (d),
13except that if more than one member of the class with higher priority is reasonably
14available, the agreement of at least one-half of the reasonably available members
15is required to revoke the anatomical gift.
AB570,22,2016 2. A revocation of an anatomical gift under subd. 1. is effective only if before
17an incision is made to remove a part from the donor's body or before invasive
18procedures have been begun to prepare the recipient, the procurement organization,
19transplant hospital, or physician or technician has actual knowledge of the
AB570,22,2221 (d) A person who is authorized to amend or revoke an anatomical gift under par.
22(b) or (c) may do so orally or by including the amendment or revocation in a record.
AB570,22,24 23(11) Persons that may receive anatomical gifts; purpose of gifts. (a) An
24anatomical gift may be made to any of the following persons:
11. For the purpose of research or education, a hospital, accredited medical
2school, dental school, college, university, organ procurement organization, or other
3appropriate person.
AB570,23,54 2. Subject to par. (b) 1., an individual designated by the person making the
5anatomical gift into which individual's body a part is intended to be transplanted.
AB570,23,66 3. An eye bank or tissue bank.
AB570,23,87 4. An organ procurement organization, as custodian of a part for transplant or
AB570,23,129 (b) 1. If a part that is the subject of an anatomical gift made to an individual
10under par. (a) 2. cannot be transplanted into the individual, the part passes as
11provided in par. (f) absent an express, contrary indication by the person making the
12anatomical gift.
AB570,23,1613 2. If tissue that is the subject of an anatomical gift made to an organ
14procurement organization is unsuitable for transplantation or therapy, the organ
15procurement organization may give the tissue to an appropriate person for research
16or education if authorized to do so by the person who made the anatomical gift.
AB570,23,1917 (c) If an anatomical gift of one or more parts does not name a person under (a)
181. to 4. as the person to whom the anatomical gift is made, but identifies the purpose
19of the anatomical gift, all of the following apply:
AB570,23,2120 1. If the purpose of the anatomical gift is transplantation or therapy, the part
21passes as provided in par. (f).
AB570,23,2322 2. If the purpose of the anatomical gift is research or education, the part passes
23to the appropriate procurement organization.
AB570,24,224 3. If an anatomical gift is for more than one purpose, but the purposes are not
25set forth in any priority, the part shall be used for transplantation or therapy, if

1suitable, and if the part cannot be used for transplantation or therapy, may be used
2for research or education.
AB570,24,63 (d) If an anatomical gift of one or more parts does not name a person under par.
4(a) 1. to 4. as the person to whom the anatomical gift is made and does not identify
5the purpose of the anatomical gift, the parts may be used only for transplantation or
6therapy, and the parts pass as provided in par. (f).
AB570,24,107 (e) If an anatomical gift specifies only a general intent to make an anatomical
8gift by words such as "donor," "organ donor," or "body donor," or by a symbol or
9statement of similar meaning, the anatomical gift may be used only for the purpose
10of transplantation or therapy, and the parts pass as provided in par. (f).
AB570,24,1111 (f) If par. (b) 1., (c) 1., (d), or (e) applies, all of the following apply:
AB570,24,1212 1. If the part is an eye, the part passes to the appropriate eye bank.
AB570,24,1313 2. If the part is tissue, the part passes to the appropriate tissue bank.
AB570,24,1514 3. If the part is an organ, the part passes to to the appropriate organ
15procurement organization as custodian of the organ.
AB570,24,1916 (g) If a body or part that is the subject of an anatomical gift does not pass
17pursuant to pars. (a) to (e) or is not used for transplantation, therapy, research, or
18education, custody of the body or part passes to the person who is obligated to dispose
19of the body or part.
AB570,25,220 (h) A person may not accept an anatomical gift of a decedent's body or part if
21the person has actual knowledge that the anatomical gift was not made as provided
22in sub. (5), (6), or (10) or if the person has actual knowledge that the decedent made
23a refusal to make an anatomical gift under sub. (7) that was not revoked. For
24purposes of this paragraph, if a person has actual knowledge that an anatomical gift
25was made on a record of gift, the person is deemed to have actual knowledge of any

1amendment or revocation of the anatomical gift or any refusal to make an anatomical
2gift that is on the same record of gift.
AB570,25,43 (i) Except as provided under par. (a) 2., nothing in this section affects the
4allocation of organs for transplantation or therapy.
AB570,25,9 5(12) Search and notification. (a) If any of the following persons reasonably
6believes an individual to be dead or near death, the person shall make a reasonable
7search of the individual for a record of gift or a record of refusal or other information
8identifying the individual as a donor or as an individual who has refused to make an
9anatomical gift.
AB570,25,1110 1. A law enforcement officer, fire fighter, emergency medical technician, first
11responder, or ambulance service provider.
AB570,25,1312 2. If no other source of information is immediately available, a hospital, as soon
13as practical after the individual's arrival at the hospital.
AB570,25,1714 (b) If a record of gift or record of refusal is located by a search under par. (a) 1.,
15and the individual or deceased individual to whom the record or gift or record of
16refusal relates is taken to a hospital, the person responsible for conducting the search
17shall send the record of gift or record of refusal to the hospital.
AB570,25,2018 (c) A person is immune from any criminal or civil liability for failure to
19discharge the duties imposed under this subsection but may be subject to an
20administrative sanction for such failure.
AB570,25,22 21(13) Delivery of record of gift not required; right to examine. (a) A record
22of gift need not be delivered during the donor's lifetime to be effective.
AB570,26,223 (b) Upon or after an individual's death, a person who has possession of a record
24of gift or a record of refusal relating to the individual's body or part shall allow any
25person who is authorized to revoke, make, or object to the making of an anatomical

1gift of the individual's body or part, and any person to whom the body or part could
2pass under sub. (11), to examine and copy the record of gift or record of refusal.
AB570,26,5 3(14) Rights and duties of procurement organization and others. (a) A
4procurement organization shall do all of the following when a hospital refers an
5individual who is near death or who is deceased to the procurement organization:
AB570,26,86 1. If the individual is a prospective donor, make a reasonable search for any
7person under sub. (9) having priority to make an anatomical gift of the individual's
8body or part.
AB570,26,139 2. If the individual referred is a minor who is a donor or who made an unrevoked
10refusal to make an anatomical gift, unless the procurement organization has actual
11knowledge that the minor was emancipated, conduct a reasonable search for the
12parents of the minor and provide the parents an opportunity to revoke or amend the
13anatomical gift or refusal relating to the minor.
AB570,26,1714 3. If the procurement organization receives information about an anatomical
15gift of the individual's body or part that under sub. (11) passes to a person other than
16the procurement organization, promptly advise the other person of relevant
17information regarding the anatomical gift.
AB570,27,218 (b) When a hospital refers an individual at or near death to a procurement
19organization, the procurement organization may conduct any reasonable
20examination to determine whether a part of the individual that is or could be the
21subject of an anatomical gift is medically suitable for transplantation, therapy,
22research, or education. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, an examination under
23this paragraph may include an examination of all of the individual's medical or
24dental records. During the examination period, measures necessary to ensure the
25medical suitability of the part may not be withdrawn unless the hospital or

1procurement organization has actual knowledge that the individual expressed a
2contrary intent.
AB570,27,73 (c) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, at any time after a donor's death, the
4person to whom the donor's body or part passes under sub. (11) may conduct any
5reasonable examination, including an examination of all of the donor's medical or
6dental records, to determine the medical suitability of the donor's body or part for its
7intended purpose.
AB570,27,138 (d) Subject to subs. (11) (g), (22m), and (23m), the rights of the person to whom
9an anatomical gift of a part passes under sub. (11) are superior to the rights of all
10others with respect to a part. The person may accept or reject an anatomical gift in
11whole or in part. A person who accepts an anatomical gift of a part shall cause the
12part to be removed from the donor's body after the death of the donor and before
13embalming, burial, or cremation and without unnecessary mutilation.
AB570,27,1614 (e) A person who accepts an anatomical gift of an entire body may, subject to
15the terms of an anatomical gift and this section, allow embalming, burial, cremation,
16or use of the remains of the body in a funeral service.
AB570,27,1917 (f) A physician who attends a decedent at death or determines the time of death
18may not participate in the procedures for removing or transplanting a part from the
AB570,27,2120 (g) A physician or technician may remove from the body of a donor a donated
21part that the physician or technician is qualified to remove.
AB570,27,23 22(14m) Coordination of procurement and use; duties of hospitals. Each
23hospital shall do all of the following:
1(a) Enter into agreements or affiliations with procurement organizations for
2coordination of procurement and use of bodies and parts that are the subject of
3anatomical gifts, including the following:
AB570,28,64 1. An agreement with an organ procurement organization to notify the organ
5procurement organization or its designee in a timely manner of individuals whose
6death is imminent or who have died in the hospital.
AB570,28,107 2. Agreements with at least one tissue bank and at least one eye bank to
8cooperate in the retrieval, processing, preservation, storage, and distribution of
9tissues and eyes to assure that all usable tissues and eyes are obtained from potential
10donors, as long as such agreements do not interfere with the procurement of organs.
AB570,28,1411 (b) Ensure, in collaboration with the organ procurement organization with
12which the hospital has an agreement under par. (a) 1. that the family of each
13potential donor is informed of its options to donate organs, tissues, or eyes or to refuse
14to donate organs, tissues, or eyes.
AB570,28,2115 (c) Ensure that the individual who requests family members of potential donors
16to make anatomical gifts of organs, tissues, or eyes is either an organ procurement
17representative or has completed a course on the methodology for approaching
18persons to request that they make anatomical gifts, which course is designed in
19conjunction with the tissue and eye bank community and offered or approved by the
20organ procurement organization with which the hospital has an agreement under
21par. (a) 1.
AB570,28,2522 (d) Ensure that requests of family members of potential donors to make
23anatomical gifts of organs, tissues, or eyes are made with discretion and sensibility
24with respect to the circumstances, views, and beliefs of the families of potential
1(e) Ensure that the hospital works cooperatively with the procurement
2organizations with which it has agreements with under par. (a) in educating staff on
3donation issues, reviewing death records to improve identification of potential
4donors, and maintaining potential donors while necessary testing and placement of
5potential donated organs, tissues, and eyes takes place.
AB570,29,10 6(17) Prohibited acts related to records. Any person who intentionally
7falsifies, forges, conceals, defaces, or obliterates a record of gift, an amendment or
8revocation of a record of gift, or a record of refusal for pecuniary gain is guilty of a
9Class H felony, except that notwithstanding the maximum fine specified in s. 939.50
10(3) (h), the person may be fined not more than $50,000.
AB570,29,14 11(18) Immunity. (a) A person who acts, or in good faith attempts to act, in
12accordance with this section or with the applicable anatomical gift law of another
13state is not liable for the act in a civil action, criminal prosecution, or administrative
AB570,29,1715 (b) A person who makes an anatomical gift and the person's estate are not liable
16for any injury or damage that results from the making of the anatomical gift or the
17use of the body or any part that is the subject of the anatomical gift.
AB570,29,2218 (c) A person may rely on a representation made by an individual purporting to
19be an individual listed under sub. (9) (a) 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., or 8. as to the individual's
20relation to a donor or prospective donor in determining whether an anatomical gift
21of the donor's or prospective donor's body or part has been made, amended, or
AB570,29,25 23(19) Law governing validity; choice of law as to making of anatomical gift;
24presumption of validity.
(a) An anatomical gift is valid if made in accordance with
25any of the following:
11. This section.
AB570,30,22 2. The laws of the state or country where it was made.
AB570,30,53 3. The laws of the state or country where the individual making the anatomical
4gift was domiciled, had a place of residence, or was a national at the time the
5anatomical gift was made.
AB570,30,76 (b) If an anatomical gift is valid under this subsection, the law of this state
7governs the interpretation of the anatomical gift.
AB570,30,108 (c) A person may presume that an anatomical gift or an amendment of an
9anatomical gift is valid unless the person has actual knowledge that it was not
10validly made or was revoked.
AB570,30,17 11(20) Donor Registry. The department of health and family services may
12establish a donor registry. If the department of health and family services
13establishes a donor registry under this subsection, the department of transportation
14shall cooperate with the department of health and family services in establishing the
15donor registry. The department of health and family services shall promulgate
16administrative rules governing any donor registry established under this
AB570,30,23 18(21) Effect of anatomical gift on advance health care directive. If a
19prospective donor executed a declaration, as defined in s. 154.02 (1), or a power of
20attorney for health care instrument under ch. 155, measures necessary to ensure the
21medical suitability of an organ for transplantation or therapy may not be withheld
22or withdrawn from the prospective donor unless the declaration or power of attorney
23for health care instrument expressly provides to the contrary.
AB570,31,8 24(22m) Authorization by coroner or medical examiner; no evidence of
25anatomical gift.
(ag) If a decedent is within the custody of a coroner or medical

1examiner and if there is no evidence that an anatomical gift of the decedent's body
2or part has been made or that the decedent has refused to make an anatomical gift,
3the coroner or medical examiner shall contact by telephone the organ procurement
4organization designated for the region in which the death occurs. The coroner or
5medical examiner shall provide the organ procurement organization with
6information, if known to the coroner or medical examiner, concerning the decedent's
7age, the cause of the decedent's death and, if available, the decedent's medical
AB570,31,129 (am) The coroner or medical examiner may release and permit the removal of
10a part from a decedent specified in par. (ag) within that official's custody, for
11transplantation or therapy, including to a tissue bank under the requirements of sub.
12(24m), if all of the following apply:
AB570,31,1413 1. The official has received a request for the part from a hospital, physician, or
14organ procurement organization.
AB570,31,1815 2. The official has made a reasonable effort, taking into account the useful life
16of the part, to locate and examine the decedent's medical records and, subject to sub.
17(25m), inform persons listed in sub. (9) of their option to make, or object to making,
18an anatomical gift.
AB570,31,2119 3. The official does not have actual knowledge of a refusal to make an
20anatomical gift or contrary indication by the decedent or of an objection by a person
21having priority to act as listed in sub. (9).
AB570,31,2222 4. The removal will be by a physician, except for the following:
AB570,31,2323 a. In the case of eyes, the removal may be by a physician or by an enucleator.
AB570,31,2524 b. In the case of tissue or bone, the removal may be by a physician or by a
15. The removal will not interfere with any autopsy or investigation.
AB570,32,22 6. The removal will be in accordance with accepted medical standards.
AB570,32,33 7. Cosmetic restoration will be done to the decedent's body, if appropriate.
AB570,32,74 (b) A coroner or medical examiner who releases, and permits the removal of a
5part under this subsection shall maintain a permanent record of the name of the
6decedent, the name of the person making the request, the date and purpose of the
7request, the part requested, and the name of the person to whom it was released.
AB570,32,14 8(23m) Authorization by coroner or medical examiner; potential donations
9of organs and tissue.
(a) Subject to par. (b), for a decedent who meets the criteria
10for a determination of death under s. 146.71, who is a donor, and who is within the
11jurisdiction of a coroner or medical examiner under ch. 979, any vascularized organ
12that is the subject of an anatomical gift may be removed by a physician, within a time
13period compatible with preservation of the organ for purposes of transplantation or
14therapy, if all of the following take place:
AB570,32,2115 1. Immediately after the hospital in which the donor or potential donor is
16located contacts the organ procurement organization designated for the region of
17which the hospital is a part concerning the potential donation, the organ
18procurement organization shall, by oral conversation, provide notice to the coroner
19or medical examiner or his or her designee of the referral of the donor or potential
20donor and shall provide notice of the referral to the district attorney or his or her