2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
December 19, 2007 - Introduced by Representatives Kaufert, Roth, Hahn and
Boyle, cosponsored by Senators Cowles and Roessler. Referred to Joint
Committee on Finance.
AB633,2,2 1An Act to renumber and amend 16.45; to amend 13.121 (1), 13.123 (1) (c),
213.45 (3) (a), 13.48 (7) and 16.53 (1) (d) 1.; and to create 11.24 (4), 11.60 (3p),
313.085, 13.086, 13.124, 16.42 (3), 16.45 (2) and 20.923 (19) of the statutes;
4relating to: withholding of pay of certain state elected officials and prohibiting
5the reimbursement of certain legislator expenses; acceptance of certain
6political contributions by certain elective state officials and committees;
7deadlines for the transmittal of the Building Commission's long-range state
8building program recommendations and the delivery of the governor's biennial
9budget message; submission of a report on the timeliness of the submittal of
10agency biennial budget requests; legislative consideration of biennial budget

1bill; operation of legislature before passage of biennial budget bill; and
2providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Withholding of pay of certain state elected officials and prohibiting the
reimbursement of certain legislator expenses
This bill provides that, if the legislature has not passed a biennial budget bill
before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, the governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, and each member of the
legislature may not receive any installments of their salary until the legislature has
passed a biennial budget bill. In addition, the bill provides that no member of the
legislature may be paid any expenses to which the member is entitled for food and
lodging for each day that he or she is in Madison on legislative business or for work
as a member of a committee between August 1 of the odd-numbered year and the
date on which the legislature passes a biennial budget bill.
Under the bill, upon passage of a biennial budget bill, the state elected officials
specified above are to be paid all salary installments that were withheld during the
period before passage of the biennial budget bill. If the legislature has not passed
a biennial budget bill before the end of the legislative session, however, the state
elected officials are to be paid all salary installments on the last day of the session
that were withheld during the session.
Acceptance of certain political contributions by certain elective state
officials and committees
The bill prohibits any incumbent partisan elective state official or his or her
personal campaign or authorized support committee from accepting any political
contribution for the purpose of promoting his or her nomination or reelection to the
office held by the official during the period from the first Monday in January of each
odd-numbered year through the date of enactment of the biennial budget act. The
prohibition does not apply to contributions accepted by an incumbent official who is
subject to a recall election or by the official's personal campaign or authorized
support committee from the date on which the petition for a recall election is filed
until the date of the recall election.
Violators are subject to a forfeiture (civil penalty) of treble the amount or value
of any unlawful contribution. Intentional violators are guilty of a misdemeanor and
may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than six months or
Development of state biennial budget
Currently, the governor is required to deliver the budget message, along with
the biennial state budget report and executive budget bill or bills, on or before the
last Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered year, unless the governor requests a
later date and the legislature approves the later date by joint resolution.

The bill provides, generally, that the governor must deliver the budget message
on or before the second Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered year. If January
1 in an odd-numbered year falls on a Tuesday, however, the budget message must
be delivered on or before the third Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered year.
If a governor is newly elected and not an incumbent, the governor must deliver his
or her first budget message on or before the fourth Tuesday in January in the year
following the governor's election. If January 1 in the year following the election of
a newly elected, nonincumbent governor falls on a Tuesday, the deadline for the
budget message is the fifth Tuesday in January in the year following that election.
The bill also eliminates a current law provision that authorizes the governor to
request, and the legislature to approve by joint resolution, a date later than the
statutory deadline for the delivery of the governor's budget message.
Currently, the Building Commission must transmit the portions of its
recommended budget for the long-range state building program that require
legislative approval to the Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) by the first Tuesday
in April of each odd-numbered year, unless the Building Commission requests a
later date and that later date is approved by JCF. The bill changes this submittal
deadline to the first Tuesday in March of each odd-numbered year.
Currently, all executive branch state agencies are required to submit their
biennial budget requests to the Department of Administration (DOA) and the
Legislative Fiscal Bureau no later than September 15 of each even-numbered year.
The bill requires DOA to report to the legislature by October 1 of each
even-numbered year which agencies met the September 15 deadline and which were
late, and, for those that were late, the reason for the delay in their submission.
Legislative consideration of biennial budget bill
The bill provides that the assembly and senate may not consider an amendment
or substitute amendment to a biennial budget bill that contains a nonfiscal policy
that has no or minimal state fiscal effect or a private or local measure.
The bill further provides that the cochairpersons of JCF must identify all items
in any biennial budget bill that, in the opinion of the cochairpersons, propose a
nonfiscal policy that has no or minimal state fiscal effect or a private or local
measure. Under the bill, the cochairpersons must request the Legislative Reference
Bureau (LRB) to draft each of the items, including any related appropriations, as a
separate bill for introduction in the assembly by the assembly speaker, majority
leader, minority leader, and cochairperson of JCF and in the senate by the senate
president, majority leader, minority leader, and cochairperson of JCF. The bills shall
be introduced at the request of the governor.
Finally, the bill requires the LRB to identify all items in any DOA drafting
request for a biennial budget bill, that, in its opinion, propose a nonfiscal policy that
has no or minimal state fiscal effect or a private or local measure. If the LRB
identifies such an item, it must record the identification and so notify DOA. The LRB
must maintain a list of all such items that are drafted for inclusion in a biennial
budget bill. Upon introduction of a biennial budget bill, the LRB must submit a list
of all such items that are included in the bill to the cochairs of JCF.

Operation of legislature before passage of biennial budget bill
The bill provides that, beginning on July 1, 2009, if the legislature has not
passed a biennial budget bill before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, no bills may
be introduced in the assembly or senate, other than a biennial budget bill; no joint,
senate, or assembly committee may conduct any business, other than business
related to a biennial budget bill; no member of the legislature may request that the
LRB draft any legislation, other than legislation relating to a biennial budget bill;
and the assembly and senate may not pass any bill, other than a biennial budget bill.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
report concerning the proposed penalty and the costs or savings that are likely to
result if the bill is enacted.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB633, s. 1 1Section 1. 11.24 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,4,72 11.24 (4) (a) No incumbent partisan state elective official or personal campaign
3committee or support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) of such an official
4may accept any contribution for the purpose of promoting that official's nomination
5or reelection to the office held by the official during the period beginning on the first
6Monday of January in each odd-numbered year and ending on the date of enactment
7of the biennial budget act.
AB633,4,138 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), an incumbent partisan state elective official
9against whom a recall petition has been filed or personal campaign or authorized
10support committee of such an official may accept a contribution during the period
11beginning on the date on which the petition is filed under s. 9.10 (3) (b) and ending
12on the date of the recall election or the date on which the official resigns if the official
13resigns at an earlier date under s. 9.10 (3) (c).
AB633, s. 2 14Section 2. 11.60 (3p) of the statutes is created to read:
111.60 (3p) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any elective state official or personal
2campaign or authorized support committee of such an official who accepts a
3contribution in violation of s. 11.24 (4) shall forfeit treble the amount of the
AB633, s. 3 5Section 3. 13.085 of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,5,8 613.085 Legislative consideration of biennial budget bill. (1) In this
7section, "biennial budget bill" means an executive budget bill under s. 16.47 (1) or a
8biennial budget bill comparable in scope to such an executive budget bill.
AB633,5,10 9(2) The assembly and senate may not consider an amendment or a substitute
10amendment to a biennial budget bill that contains any of the following:
AB633,5,1111 (a) A nonfiscal policy that has no or minimal state fiscal effect.
AB633,5,1312 (b) A private or local measure subject to article IV, section 18, of the
AB633,5,16 14(3) (a) The cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance shall identify all
15items in any biennial budget bill that, in the opinion of the cochairpersons, propose
16any of the following:
AB633,5,1717 1. A nonfiscal policy that has no or minimal state fiscal effect.
AB633,5,1818 2. A private or local measure subject to article IV, section 18, of the constitution.
AB633,5,2519 (b) The cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance shall request the
20legislative reference bureau to draft each of the items identified under par. (a),
21including any related appropriations, as a separate bill for introduction in the
22assembly by the assembly speaker, majority leader, minority leader, and
23cochairperson of the joint committee on finance and in the senate by the senate
24president, majority leader, minority leader, and cochairperson of the joint committee
25on finance. The bills shall be introduced at the request of the governor.
1(c) The joint committee on finance may not recommend the passage of a
2biennial budget bill, unless the joint committee on finance recommends passage of
3the bill amended in such a way as to delete all of the items identified under par. (a).
AB633,6,6 4(4) (a) The legislative reference bureau shall identify all items in any
5department of administration drafting request for a biennial budget bill, that, in its
6opinion, propose any of the types of policy specified in sub. (3) (a).
AB633,6,127 (b) If the legislative reference bureau identifies an item under par. (a), it shall
8record the identification and so notify the department of administration. The
9legislative reference bureau shall maintain a list of all such items that are drafted
10for inclusion in a biennial budget bill. Upon introduction of a biennial budget bill,
11the legislative reference bureau shall submit a list of all such items that are included
12in the bill to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance.
AB633, s. 4 13Section 4. 13.086 of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,6,17 1413.086 Operation of legislature before passage of biennial budget bill.
In this section, "biennial budget bill" means an executive budget bill under s.
1616.47 (1) or a biennial budget bill comparable in scope to such an executive budget
AB633,6,20 18(2) Beginning on July 1, 2009, if the legislature has not passed a biennial
19budget bill before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, all of the following shall apply
20before the date on which the legislature passes a biennial budget bill:
AB633,6,2221 (a) No bills may be introduced in the assembly or senate, other than a biennial
22budget bill.
AB633,6,2423 (b) No joint, senate, or assembly committee may conduct any business, other
24than business related to a biennial budget bill.
1(c) No member of the legislature may request that the legislative reference
2bureau draft any legislation, other than legislation relating to a biennial budget bill.
AB633,7,43 (d) The assembly or senate may not pass any bill, other than a biennial budget
AB633, s. 5 5Section 5. 13.121 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB633,7,86 13.121 (1) Current member. From the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or
7(b), but subject to s. 13.124 (2), each member of the legislature shall be paid, in equal
8instalments installments, the salary provided under s. 20.923.
AB633, s. 6 9Section 6. 13.123 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB633,7,1810 13.123 (1) (c) Each member shall certify to the chief clerk of the house in which
11the member serves, as promptly as may be following the 1st of each month, the
12number of days during the previous calendar month on which the member was in
13Madison on legislative business and for which the member seeks the allowance
14provided by this subsection. Such Subject to s. 13.124 (3), such allowances shall be
15paid from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or (b) within one week after each
16calendar month; and shall be paid, upon the filing with the department of
17administration, the chief clerk's affidavit stating the number of days in Madison on
18legislative business for all members of the chief clerk's house.
AB633, s. 7 19Section 7. 13.124 of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,7,23 2013.124 Withholding of legislator salaries and prohibiting the payment
21of certain expense reimbursements.
(1) In this section, "biennial budget bill"
22means an executive budget bill under s. 16.47 (1) or a biennial budget bill comparable
23in scope to such an executive budget bill.
AB633,8,7 24(2) Beginning on July 1, 2009, if the legislature has not passed a biennial
25budget bill before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, no member of the legislature

1may receive a salary installment, as required under s. 13.121 (1), until such time as
2the legislature passes a biennial budget bill. Upon passage of a biennial budget bill,
3the members of the legislature shall receive all salary installments that were
4withheld during the period before passage of the biennial budget bill. If the
5legislature has not passed a biennial budget bill before the end of the legislative
6session, the members of the legislature shall receive all salary installments on the
7last day of the session that were withheld during the session.
AB633,8,12 8(3) Beginning on July 1, 2009, if the legislature has not passed a biennial
9budget bill before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, no member of the legislature
10may be paid any expenses to which the member is entitled under s. 13.123 (1) or 13.45
11(3) (a) between August 1 of the odd-numbered year and the date on which the
12legislature passes a biennial budget bill.
AB633, s. 8 13Section 8. 13.45 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB633,8,1914 13.45 (3) (a) For any day for which the legislator does not file a claim under s.
1513.123 (1), and subject to s. 13.124 (3), any legislator appointed to serve on a
16legislative committee or a committee to which the legislator was appointed by either
17house or the officers thereof shall be reimbursed from the appropriations under s.
1820.765 (1) (a) or (b) for actual and necessary expenses incurred as a member of the
AB633, s. 9 20Section 9. 13.48 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB633,9,721 13.48 (7) Biennial recommendations. The building commission shall prepare
22and formally adopt recommendations for the long-range state building program on
23a biennial basis. The building commission shall include in its report any projects
24proposed by the state fair park board involving a cost of not more than $250,000,
25together with the method of financing those projects proposed by the board, without

1recommendation. Unless a later date is requested by the building commission and
2approved by the joint committee on finance, the building commission shall, no later
3than the first Tuesday in April March of each odd-numbered year, transmit the
4report prepared by the department of administration under s. 16.40 (20) and the
5commission's recommendations for the succeeding fiscal biennium that require
6legislative approval to the joint committee on finance in the form of proposed
7legislation prepared in proper form.
AB633, s. 10 8Section 10. 16.42 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,9,119 16.42 (3) (a) If an agency fails to furnish the information required under sub.
10(1) by the date specified in sub. (1), the agency shall include with the information a
11written explanation of the reason for the delay.
AB633,9,1812 (b) No later than October 1 of each even-numbered year, the secretary shall
13submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to
14the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that identifies each agency that furnished a
15complete submittal of the information required under sub. (1) by the date specified
16in sub. (1), each agency that failed to furnish a complete submittal by the applicable
17date, and the reason that any agency failed to furnish a complete submittal by the
18applicable date.
AB633, s. 11 19Section 11. 16.45 of the statutes is renumbered 16.45 (1) and amended to read:
AB633,9,2520 16.45 (1) In each regular session of the legislature, the governor shall deliver
21the budget message to the 2 houses in joint session assembled. Unless a later date
22is requested by the governor and approved by the legislature in the form of a joint
23resolution, the budget message shall be delivered on or before the last Tuesday in
24January of the odd-numbered year
by the date provided in sub. (2). With the
25message the governor shall transmit to the legislature, as provided in ss. 16.46 and

116.47, the biennial state budget report and the executive budget bill or bills together
2with suggestions for the best methods for raising the needed revenues. The governor
3may distribute the biennial state budget report in printed or optical disk format.
AB633, s. 12 4Section 12. 16.45 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB633,10,75 16.45 (2) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), the governor shall deliver
6the budget message on or before the 2nd Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered
AB633,10,108 (b) If January 1 in an odd-numbered year falls on a Tuesday, the governor shall
9deliver the budget message on or before the 3rd Tuesday in January of the
10odd-numbered year.
AB633,10,1411 (c) If a governor was elected governor for the first time in the most recent
12gubernatorial election and was not an incumbent governor at the time of the election,
13the governor shall deliver the budget message, for the fiscal biennium starting July
141 of the year following the gubernatorial election, on or before:
AB633,10,1615 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the 4th Tuesday in January in the year
16following the gubernatorial election.
AB633,10,1817 2. If January 1 in the year following the gubernatorial election falls on a
18Tuesday, the 5th Tuesday in January in the year following the gubernatorial election.
AB633, s. 13 19Section 13. 16.53 (1) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB633,10,2420 16.53 (1) (d) 1. The secretary, with the approval of the joint committee on
21employment relations, shall fix the time and frequency for payment of salaries due
22elective and appointive officers and employees of the state. As determined under this
23subdivision, except as provided in ss. 13.124 (1) and 20.923 (19), the salaries shall
24be paid either monthly, semimonthly or for each 2-week period.
AB633, s. 14 25Section 14. 20.923 (19) of the statutes is created to read:
120.923 (19) Withholding of salaries of certain state elected officials.
2Beginning on July 1, 2009, if the legislature has not passed a biennial budget bill
3under s. 16.47 (1), or a biennial budget bill substantially similar in scope to the
4biennial budget bill under s. 16.47 (1), before August 1 of the odd-numbered year,
5the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, and attorney
6general may not receive a salary installment until such time as the legislature has
7passed such a biennial budget bill. Upon passage of such a biennial budget bill, the
8governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, and attorney
9general shall receive all salary installments that were withheld during the period
10before passage of the biennial budget bill. If the legislature has not passed such a
11biennial budget bill before the end of the legislative session, the governor, lieutenant
12governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, and attorney general shall receive all
13salary installments on the last day of the session that were withheld during the