2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 3, 2008 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to
Committee on Education Reform.
AB653,1,9 1An Act to renumber 121.58 (6); to renumber and amend 121.91 (4) (f) 1.; to
121.07 (6) (a) (intro.), 121.58 (6) (title), 121.905 (1), 121.91 (2m) (e)
3(intro.), 121.91 (2m) (r) 1. (intro.), 121.91 (2m) (s) 1. (intro.), 121.91 (4) (f) 1m.
4b. and c., 121.91 (7) and 121.91 (8); and to create 121.58 (6) (b), 121.91 (4) (f)
51. a. to c. and 121.91 (9) of the statutes; relating to: increasing the low-revenue
6ceiling for school district revenue limit purposes; authorizing a school district
7to exceed its revenue limit under certain conditions; modifying the school
8district revenue limit adjustment for declining enrollment; distributing
9transportation aid balances to school districts; and providing for a study.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in
the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:

Joint Legislative Council Prefatory note: This bill, developed by the Joint
Legislative Council's Special Committee on Review of State School Aid Formula, makes
a series of changes to the school finance system in the state.
The bill includes provisions relating to school transportation, declining enrollment
districts, low-spending districts, and a revenue limit flexibility option. The bill reflects
the statutory changes made in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, the biennial budget act, after the
committee adopted its recommendations.
The bill requires each school board, by February 1, 2009, to report to the
Department of Public Instruction (DPI) the miles driven in the 2007-08 fiscal year to
provide transportation to and from school for public and private pupils. Excluded from
this calculation are transportation to and from extracurricular activities, the
transportation of children with disabilities, shuttle services, and field trips. The bill
directs DPI to submit a report summarizing the data to the Legislature by May 1, 2009.
Current law authorizes DPI to reduce payments under the school transportation
appropriation that funds a portion of local transportation costs when that appropriation
is insufficient to cover eligible costs filed by school districts. The bill directs DPI to fully
expend the appropriation set aside for such transportation, by increasing payments to
districts on a prorated basis. [See Sections 2, 3 , 4, 15 (1), and 16 (3 ) of the bill.]
Declining Enrollment
The bill extends the enrollment adjustment aid period for school districts to three
years. Under 2007 Act 20, in the first year of an enrollment decline, a school district
would receive 100% of the allowable revenues that the decline would have generated. The
bill continues the 100% in the first year of the decline, but in the year after the decline,
the district would receive an adjustment equal to 75% of the first-year adjustment. In
the third year after the decline year, the district would receive an adjustment equal to
50% of the first year adjustment. [Sections 9, 10 , 11, and 16 (1 ).]
Low Spending Districts
The bill increases the low revenue ceiling for revenue limits by $400 per pupil in
each of the next two years. Thus, the 2008-09 low revenue ceiling would be increased to
$9,100 from the current $8,700 per pupil. Subsequently, the ceiling in the 2009-10 school
year would be increased to $9,500. [Section 5.]
Revenue Limit Flexibility Option
The bill provides school districts with revenue limit flexibility based on a
percentage of statewide average allowable revenue per pupil.
Current revenue limits restrict the annual increase in a school district's per pupil
revenue derived from general school aids, computer aid, and property taxes. Actual
general aids, computer aid, and property tax revenue received in the prior year are used
to establish the base year amount in order to compute the allowable revenue increase of
the current school year. A per pupil revenue limit increase, which is adjusted annually
for inflation, is added to the base revenue per pupil for the current school year. A school
district may exceed this revenue limit by receiving voter approval at a referendum.
The bill allows a school board, by a 2/3 vote of its members, to increase its revenue
limit, on a nonrecurring basis, by an amount equal to 1% of the statewide average
allowable revenue per pupil in the previous school year, multiplied by the district's
current three-year rolling average pupil count. Under the bill, the 1% would not be
included in shared cost and would not be included in the determination of partial school
revenues for purposes of calculating state aid. The additional costs would be funded from
local property taxes and would not be supported by state aid.
Districts would be required to levy the maximum amount allowed under current
revenue caps and would not be allowed to put the additional 1% into a fund balance
account or maintain the excess revenue in the balance of any fund beyond June 30 of the
school year in which the resolution was adopted. As a nonrecurring cost, the additional

spending would not be part of the school district base budget; therefore, for a school board
to exceed its revenue cap in any subsequent years, it would need to authorize the
additional 1% each year by a 2/3 vote of the members. [Sections 1, 6, 7 , 8, 12 , 13, 14 , and
16 (2 ).]
The bill makes other technical changes relating to the placement and
cross-references in the statutes necessary to implement the proposed changes.
AB653, s. 1 1Section 1 . 121.07 (6) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB653,3,122 121.07 (6) (a) (intro.) "Shared cost" is the sum of the net cost of the general fund
3and the net cost of the debt service fund, except that "shared cost" excludes any costs,
4including attorney fees, incurred by a school district as a result of its participation
5in a lawsuit commenced against the state, beginning with such costs incurred in the
6fiscal year in which the lawsuit is commenced,; excludes any expenditures from a
7capital improvement fund created under s. 120.135 and ; excludes the costs of
8transporting those transfer pupils for whom the school district operating under ch.
9119 does not receive intradistrict transfer aid under s. 121.85 (6) as a result of s.
10121.85 (6) (am); and excludes the amount of any excess revenue approved under s.
11121.91 (9) (a)
. In this paragraph, "net cost of the debt service fund" includes all of
12the following amounts:
AB653, s. 2 13Section 2 . 121.58 (6) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB653,3,1414 121.58 (6) (title) Appropriation prorated; proration, distribution of balance.
AB653, s. 3 15Section 3 . 121.58 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 121.58 (6) (a).
AB653, s. 4 16Section 4 . 121.58 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB653,4,217 121.58 (6) (b) If there is a balance in the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cr)
18in any fiscal year after the department has paid the full amount of approved claims
19under this section and s. 121.575, the department shall distribute the balance to
20those school districts entitled to state aid under this section, with each school district

1receiving a percentage of the balance equal to its percentage of the total approved
AB653, s. 5 3Section 5 . 121.905 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20,
4is amended to read:
AB653,4,65 121.905 (1) In this section, "revenue ceiling" means $8,700 $9,100 in the
62007-08 2008-09 school year and $9,000 $9,500 in any subsequent school year.
AB653, s. 6 7Section 6 . 121.91 (2m) (e) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin
8Act 20
, is amended to read:
AB653,4,119 121.91 (2m) (e) (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (3), (4), and (8), and (9), no
10school district may increase its revenues for the 1999-2000 school year or for any
11school year thereafter to an amount that exceeds the amount calculated as follows:
AB653, s. 7 12Section 7 . 121.91 (2m) (r) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB653,4,1613 121.91 (2m) (r) 1. (intro.) Notwithstanding pars. (c), (d), and (e), if a school
14district is created under s. 117.105, its revenue limit under this section for the school
15year beginning with the effective date of the reorganization shall be determined as
16follows except as provided under subs. (3) and, (4), and (9):
AB653, s. 8 17Section 8 . 121.91 (2m) (s) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB653,4,2218 121.91 (2m) (s) 1. (intro.) Notwithstanding par. (e), if territory is detached from
19a school district to create a new school district under s. 117.105, the revenue limit
20under this section of the school district from which territory is detached for the school
21year beginning with the effective date of the reorganization shall be determined as
22follows except as provided in subs. (3) and, (4), and (9):
AB653, s. 9 23Section 9 . 121.91 (4) (f) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 121.91 (4) (f) 1. (intro.) and amended to read:
1121.91 (4) (f) 1. (intro.) Except as provided in subd. 1m., for the 2007-08 school
2year or any school year thereafter,
if the average of the number of pupils enrolled in
3the current and the 2 preceding school years is less than the average of the number
4of pupils enrolled in the 3 previous school years, the limit otherwise applicable under
5sub. (2m) (e) is increased by the additional amount that would have been calculated
6had there been no decline in average enrollment.
as follows:
AB653, s. 10 7Section 10 . 121.91 (4) (f) 1. a. to c. of the statutes are created to read:
AB653,5,98 121.91 (4) (f) 1. a. In the current school year, by the additional amount that
9would have been calculated had there been no decline in average enrollment.
AB653,5,1110 b. In the succeeding school year, by an amount equal to 75 percent of the
11additional amount calculated under subd. 1. a.
AB653,5,1312 c. In the 2nd succeeding school year, by an amount equal to 50 percent of the
13additional amount calculated under subd. 1. a.
AB653, s. 11 14Section 11 . 121.91 (4) (f) 1m. b. and c. of the statutes, as affected by 2007
15Wisconsin Act 20
, are amended to read:
AB653,6,216 121.91 (4) (f) 1m. b. For the school year beginning on the first July 1 following
17the effective date of the school district reorganization, if the number of pupils
18enrolled in that school year is less than the number of pupils enrolled in the previous
19school year, the limit otherwise applicable under sub. (2m) (e) is increased by the
20additional amount that would have been calculated had there been no decline in
21enrollment. In the succeeding school year, the limit otherwise applicable under sub.
22(2m) (e) is increased by an amount equal to 75 percent of the amount calculated under
23this subd. 1m. b. for the school year beginning on the first July 1 following the
24effective date of the reorganization. In the 2nd succeeding school year, the limit
25otherwise applicable under sub. (2m) (e) is increased by an amount equal to 50

1percent of the amount calculated under this subd. 1m. b. for the school year
2beginning on the first July 1 following the effective date of the reorganization.
AB653,6,153 c. For the school year beginning on the 2nd July 1 following the effective date
4of the school district reorganization, if the average of the number of pupils enrolled
5in that school year and the previous school year is less than the average of the
6number of pupils enrolled in the 2 previous school years, the limit otherwise
7applicable under sub. (2m) (e) is increased by the additional amount that would have
8been calculated had there been no decline in average enrollment. In the succeeding
9school year, the limit otherwise applicable under sub. (2m) (e) is increased by an
10amount equal to 75 percent of the amount calculated under this subd. 1m. c. for the
11school year beginning on the 2nd July 1 following the effective date of the
12reorganization. In the 2nd succeeding school year, the limit otherwise applicable
13under sub. (2m) (e) is increased by an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount
14calculated under this subd. 1m. c. for the school year beginning on the 2nd July 1
15following the effective date of the reorganization.
AB653, s. 12 16Section 12 . 121.91 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20,
17is amended to read:
AB653,6,2418 121.91 (7) Except as provided in sub. (4) (f) 2. and (8), if an excess revenue is
19approved under sub. (3) for a recurring purpose or allowed under sub. (4), the excess
20revenue shall be included in the base for determining the limit for the next school
21year for purposes of this section. If an excess revenue is approved under sub. (3) for
22a nonrecurring purpose or approved under sub. (9), the excess revenue shall not be
23included in the base for determining the limit for the next school year for purposes
24of this section.
AB653, s. 13
1Section 13 . 121.91 (8) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, is
2amended to read:
AB653,7,133 121.91 (8) If a school district's initial revenue limit for the current school year,
4as calculated under s. 121.905 or sub. (2m) (e), whichever is appropriate, before
5making any adjustments under sub. (3) or, (4), or (9), is less than the amount
6determined by multiplying the amount under sub. (2m) (e) 1. by the average of the
7number of pupils enrolled in the 3 preceding school years, the school district's initial
8revenue limit for the current school year, before making any adjustments under sub.
9(3) or, (4), or (9), is the amount determined by multiplying the amount under sub.
10(2m) (e) 1. by the average of the number of pupils enrolled in the 3 preceding school
11years. Any additional revenue received by a school district as a result of this
12subsection shall not be included in the base for determining the school district's limit
13under sub. (2m) for the following school year.
AB653, s. 14 14Section 14 . 121.91 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
AB653,7,1815 121.91 (9) (a) A school district may exceed the limit otherwise applicable to the
16school district under sub. (2m) in any school year by the amount determined as
17follows if a resolution to do so is adopted by at least a two-thirds vote of the
18members-elect of the school board by November 1 in that school year:
AB653,7,2019 1. Multiply the statewide average allowable revenue per pupil in the previous
20school year by 0.01.