2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 29, 2008 - Introduced by Representatives Zipperer, Vukmir, Roth,
Ballweg, Bies, Davis, Gunderson, Hahn, Honadel, Jeskewitz, Kerkman,
Kleefisch, Kramer, F. Lasee, LeMahieu, Lothian, Moulton, Musser, Nass,
Nygren, Owens, Petersen, Pridemore, Strachota, Townsend, Van Roy, Vos

and Wood, cosponsored by Senators Leibham, Kanavas, Cowles, Darling,
Ellis, Grothman, Harsdorf, Kapanke, Lazich, Roessler
and Schultz.
Referred to Joint Committee on Finance.
AB739,1,3 1An Act to amend 16.42 (1) (intro.) and 16.45; and to create 13.102, 13.39, 13.95
2(1r), 16.42 (1m) and 16.465 of the statutes; relating to: preparation and
3legislative consideration of a biennial budget bill.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes all of the following changes relating to the preparation and
consideration of biennial budget bills:
State agency budget requests
Currently, state agencies in every even-numbered year must submit certain
program and financial information to the Department of Administration and the
Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) that is used by the governor in preparing the
executive budget bill. Among the required information that state agencies must
submit is proposed legislation to implement programmatic and financial plans.
This bill prohibits state agencies from submitting a proposal for an earmark or
a nonfiscal policy item. Under the bill, an earmark is a provision that authorizes or
requires the payment of state moneys to a specific beneficiary or beneficiaries in a
manner not determined by laws of general applicability for the selection of the
beneficiary or beneficiaries. Similarly, a nonfiscal policy item is a provision that does
not appropriate money, provide for revenue, or relate to taxation.
Biennial state agency budget modification report
Currently, the secretary of administration must prepare a biennial budget
report for distribution to the legislature on the same day that the governor delivers
his budget message to the legislature. The report contains a variety of information

relating to the state's finances, state expenditures, and state revenues. This bill
requires the secretary of administration to also prepare a biennial state agency
budget modification report that includes the following information: a statement
identifying each proposal in the executive budget bill that was requested by a state
agency, but that was altered by the governor; a statement identifying each proposal
in the executive budget bill that was not requested by a state agency; and a statement
specifying the costs of each of these two proposals, the policy reasons for including
each proposal in the executive budget bill, and the intended beneficiary or
beneficiaries of each proposal.
Earmark transparency report
The bill requires LFB to prepare an earmark transparency report on each
biennial budget bill and on each amendment thereto. The report must contain all
of the following: a list of all earmarks and nonfiscal policy items; the cost of each
earmark and nonfiscal policy item; and the beneficiary of each earmark and nonfiscal
policy item. If the beneficiary is an individual, LFB must identify the assembly and
senate district in which the beneficiary resides. If the beneficiary is an entity, LFB
must identify the assembly and senate district in which the beneficiary is located,
incorporated, or organized. With respect to an amendment to a biennial budget bill,
LFB must identify the representative to the assembly or senator who proposed the
earmark or nonfiscal policy item.
Joint Committee on Finance consideration of biennial budget bill
The bill provides that the Joint Committee on Finance may not vote to
recommend passage of a biennial budget bill or an amendment thereto until LFB has
distributed a copy of the earmark transparency report to each member of the
legislature and at least 48 hours have passed from the time when LFB has
distributed the report to all of the members.
Senate and assembly consideration of biennial budget bill
The bill provides that neither house of the legislature may pass a biennial
budget bill until LFB has distributed a copy of an earmark transparency report on
the biennial budget bill, as amended, to each member of the legislature and at least
48 hours have passed from the time when LFB has distributed the report to all of the
members. The bill further provides that, if a committee of conference is convened on
a biennial budget bill, a conference report may not contain any earmark or nonfiscal
policy item that was not included in the executive budget bill or an amendment
thereto that was passed by either house of the legislature.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB739, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.102 of the statutes is created to read:
113.102 Joint committee on finance; consideration of biennial budget
(1) The joint committee on finance may not vote to recommend passage of a
3biennial budget bill or an amendment thereto until the legislative fiscal bureau has
4distributed a copy of an earmark transparency report on the biennial budget bill, as
5amended, prepared under s. 13.95 (1r) (b), to each member of the legislature and at
6least 48 hours have passed from the time when the legislative fiscal bureau has
7distributed the report to all of the members.
AB739,3,11 8(2) If a member of the joint committee on finance makes a motion during
9committee deliberations on a biennial budget bill to remove an earmark or nonfiscal
10policy item from a biennial budget bill, the motion shall prevail on either a majority
11or a tie vote.
AB739, s. 2 12Section 2. 13.39 of the statutes is created to read:
AB739,3,18 1313.39 Legislative consideration of biennial budget bill. (1) Neither
14house of the legislature may pass a biennial budget bill until the legislative fiscal
15bureau has distributed a copy of an earmark transparency report on the biennial
16budget bill, as amended, prepared under s. 13.95 (1r) (b), to each member of the
17legislature and at least 48 hours have passed from the time when the legislative
18fiscal bureau has distributed the report to all of the members.
AB739,3,23 19(2) If a committee of conference is convened on a biennial budget bill, a
20conference report may not contain any earmark, as defined in s. 13.95 (1r) (a) 1., or
21nonfiscal policy item, as defined in s. 13.95 (1r) (a) 2., that was not included in the
22executive budget bill or an amendment thereto that was passed by either house of
23the legislature.
AB739, s. 3 24Section 3. 13.95 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB739,3,2525 13.95 (1r) (a) In this subsection:
11. "Earmark" means a provision in a bill or amendment that authorizes or
2requires the payment of state moneys to a specific beneficiary or beneficiaries in a
3manner not determined by laws of general applicability for the selection of the
4beneficiary or beneficiaries.
AB739,4,65 2. "Nonfiscal policy item" means a provision in a bill or amendment that does
6not appropriate money, provide for revenue, or relate to taxation.
AB739,4,97 (b) The legislative fiscal bureau shall prepare an earmark transparency report
8on each biennial budget bill and on each amendment thereto. The report shall
9contain all of the following:
AB739,4,1010 1. A list of all earmarks and nonfiscal policy items.
AB739,4,1111 2. The cost of each earmark and nonfiscal policy item.
AB739,4,1912 3. The beneficiary of each earmark and nonfiscal policy item. If the beneficiary
13is an individual, the legislative fiscal bureau shall identify the assembly and senate
14district in which the beneficiary resides. If the beneficiary is an entity, the legislative
15fiscal bureau shall identify the assembly and senate district in which the beneficiary
16is located, incorporated, or organized. If the legislative fiscal bureau cannot
17determine the identity of a beneficiary, the legislative fiscal bureau shall note that
18fact in the report. If the earmark is a tax deduction, credit, exclusion, or exemption,
19all of the following shall apply:
AB739,4,2120 a. All businesses and associations that are members of the same controlled
21group of corporations shall be treated as a single beneficiary.
AB739,4,2422 b. All shareholders of a corporation, partners of a partnership, members of an
23association or organization, or beneficiaries of a trust or estate, respectively, shall be
24treated as a single beneficiary.
AB739,4,2525 c. All employees of a single employer shall be treated as a single beneficiary.
1d. All health or other benefit plans of an employer that are qualified under the
2federal Internal Revenue Code shall by treated as a single beneficiary.
AB739,5,43 e. All contributors to a charitable organization shall be treated as a single
AB739,5,65 f. All holders of the same bond or note issue shall be treated as a single
AB739,5,107 g. If a corporation, partnership, association or organization, or trust estate is
8the beneficiary, the shareholders of the corporation, the partners of the partnership,
9the members of the association or organization, or the beneficiaries of the trust or
10estate shall not be considered beneficiaries.
AB739,5,1211 4. If an amendment, the name of the representative to the assembly or senator
12who proposed the earmark or nonfiscal policy item.
AB739, s. 4 13Section 4. 16.42 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB739,5,1814 16.42 (1) (intro.) All agencies, other than the legislature and the courts, no later
15than September 15 of each even-numbered year, in the form and content prescribed
16by the department, shall, subject to sub. (1m), prepare and forward to the
17department and to the legislative fiscal bureau the following program and financial
AB739, s. 5 19Section 5. 16.42 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB739,5,2320 16.42 (1m) An agency may not include in the program and financial
21information provided to the department and the legislative fiscal bureau under sub.
22(1) a proposal for an earmark, as defined in s. 13.95 (1r) (a) 1., or a nonfiscal policy
23item, as defined in s. 13.95 (1r) (a) 2.
AB739, s. 6 24Section 6. 16.45 of the statutes is amended to read:
116.45 Budget message to legislature. In each regular session of the
2legislature, the governor shall deliver the budget message to the 2 houses in joint
3session assembled. Unless a later date is requested by the governor and approved
4by the legislature in the form of a joint resolution, the budget message shall be
5delivered on or before the last Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered year. With
6the message the governor shall transmit to the legislature, as provided in ss. 16.46
7and to 16.47, the biennial state budget report, the biennial state agency budget
8modification report,
and the executive budget bill or bills together with suggestions
9for the best methods for raising the needed revenues. The governor may distribute
10the biennial state budget report in printed or optical disk format.
AB739, s. 7 11Section 7. 16.465 of the statutes is created to read: