Although federal covered advisers are excluded from the definition of
"investment adviser" and state registration of federal covered advisers is preempted
under the NSMIA, federal covered advisers are generally subject to notice filing
requirements under current law. A federal covered adviser must comply with notice
filing requirements to transact investment advisory business in this state unless the

federal covered adviser's only clients who are residents of this state are sophisticated
investors or the federal covered adviser does not have a place of business in this state
and, during the preceding 12-month period, has advised no more than five in-state
clients who are not sophisticated investors.
Under current law, unless exempt from licensing, a person may not transact
business in this state as an investment adviser representative unless the person is
licensed as an investment adviser representative. An "investment adviser
representative" is, with certain exceptions, a "supervised person," as defined by the
division by rule, of an investment adviser or federal covered adviser unless the
supervised person does not regularly solicit or communicate with clients or provides
only impersonal investment advice or is a third-party solicitor, as defined by the
division by rule. Current law provides a number of exemptions to the investment
adviser representative licensing requirement, including exemptions for persons who
are licensed as agents; persons whose only clients in this state are sophisticated
investors; and persons who do not have a place of business in this state and, during
the preceding 12-month period, have had no more than five in-state clients who are
not sophisticated investors.
Under current law, a licensed investment adviser may not employ as an
investment adviser representative a person who is neither licensed nor exempt from
licensing. A person employed or supervised by, or associated with, a federal covered
adviser may not act as an investment adviser representative in this state unless the
person is licensed or exempt from licensing.
Under current law, a broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment
adviser representative may obtain a license by filing with the division, or with an
organization designated by the division, such as Web-CRD or IARD, an application
together with a consent to service of process. The application must contain all
information required by the division by rule. Unless an exception applies, a federal
covered adviser must file with the division a notice filing together with payment of
a notice filing fee. The notice filing must consist either of a notice filing form
prescribed by the division or a copy of documents filed with the SEC. The division
may, upon appropriate proceedings, deny an application or suspend or revoke a
license or censure a licensee under certain conditions, including if the applicant or
licensee filed an application that is materially false or misleading with respect to any
material fact; willfully violated state or federal securities laws; has been convicted
of certain criminal offenses or has been enjoined by a court; has engaged in dishonest
or unethical practices in the securities or investment advisory business or has taken
unfair advantage of a customer; is insolvent; is unqualified; or has failed reasonably
to supervise agents or employees.
Under current law, the division may prescribe standards of qualification with
respect to training, experience, and knowledge of, and provide for examinations of,
broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser
representatives. The division may also, subject to federal law, establish minimum
net capital requirements for licensed broker-dealers and investment advisers and
require licensed broker-dealers and investment advisers who have custody of or
discretionary authority over client funds or securities to post bonds. The division

must cooperate with other securities administrators and regulatory authorities to
simplify and coordinate license application, notice filing, and renewal procedures.
A licensed broker-dealer, agent, or investment adviser may not transact business in
this state if it is in violation of the state's securities laws.
This bill, in adopting the USA 2002 with some modification, retains the general
structure and content of current law with respect to securities professionals.
Although the bill changes the terminology of regulation from "licensing" to
"registration," the bill continues to require registration of entities and individuals in
a similar manner, contains exemptions to registration, and retains similar
administrative and supervisory authority by the division over these entities and
individuals. However, the bill also includes a number of changes to current law with
respect to securities professionals, including the following:
1. The bill eliminates specific exclusions under current law from the definition
of a broker-dealer for a personal representative, guardian, conservator, or pledgee;
a person whose dealings in securities are limited to transactions in mortgage-backed
securities; a person licensed as a real estate broker who has only isolated and
incidental transactions in securities; and SWIB. The bill also changes the specific
exclusion for a bank, savings institution, or trust company, consistent with federal
law under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, so that the exclusion applies only
to a bank or savings institution whose activities as a broker-dealer are limited to
certain activities specified under federal law, such as third-party brokerage services,
trust activities, custodial services, and de minimus transactions; buying or selling
securities for its own account, including in a fiduciary capacity, but not as a part of
a regular business; or buying or selling certain securities, under certain conditions,
as specified under federal law. The bill also excludes from the definition of
broker-dealer an international banking institution and a bank or savings institution
that, in 1999, was a member of a national securities exchange and was required by
SEC rule to comply with federal broker-dealer regulations.
2. The bill also makes changes to the exemptions to broker-dealer registration.
The bill eliminates the group presentation exemption under current law and changes
the exemption for transactions exclusively for sophisticated investors. The bill
creates several new exemptions to broker-dealer registration. Under the bill, a
broker-dealer is exempt from registration if its only transactions effected in this
state are with the following: the issuer of the securities involved in the transactions;
a broker-dealer registered with the division or exempt from registration;
institutional investors, as defined above; accredited investors, as defined above, but
not including individuals; a nonaffiliated federal covered investment adviser with
investments under management in excess of $100,000,000 acting for the account of
others pursuant to discretionary authority in a signed record; a bona fide preexisting
customer whose principal place of residence is not in the state if the broker-dealer
is registered with the SEC or with the state in which the customer maintains a
principal place of residence; a bona fide preexisting customer whose principal place
of residence is in this state if the broker-dealer was not present in this state when
the customer relationship was established, if the broker-dealer is registered with
the SEC or with the state in which the customer relationship was established and

the customer maintained his or her residence, and if, with certain exceptions, the
broker-dealer files an application for registration within 45 days after the
customer's first transaction in this state and no further transaction is effected more
than 75 days later; or any other person exempted by the division. In addition, the
division may permit a broker-dealer registered in a foreign jurisdiction that does not
have a place of business in this state to effect certain transactions, including with
individuals from the same jurisdiction who are temporarily present in this state and
with whom the broker-dealer had a bona fide customer relationship before the
individual entered the United States, and may permit an agent to effect these
transactions for the broker-dealer.
3. The bill eliminates all specific exclusions under current law from the
definition of agent but provides the division with authority to exclude individuals
from this definition. The bill also makes changes to the exemptions to agent
registration. The bill changes the exemptions for transactions exclusively for
sophisticated investors and transactions involving accredited investors. The bill
makes a slight change in the wording related to the exemption for de minimus
transactions for certain preexisting clients. The bill creates several new exemptions
to agent registration, including exempting from agent registration an individual who
represents an exempt broker-dealer; represents an issuer with respect to an offer or
sale of the issuer's own securities and who receives no commission; represents an
issuer in effecting most exempt transactions; with exceptions, represents an issuer
that effects transactions solely in federal covered securities; represents a
broker-dealer registered with the division or exempt from registration in the offer
and sale of securities for an account of a nonaffiliated federal covered investment
adviser with investments under management in excess of $100,000,000 acting for
the account of others pursuant to discretionary authority in a signed record;
represents an issuer in connection with the purchase of the issuer's own securities;
represents an issuer or broker-dealer and who restricts participation to performing
clerical or ministerial acts; represents a broker-dealer and effects transactions in
this state exclusively with certain customers (those whose transactions with a
broker-dealer do not require the broker dealer to be registered); and is otherwise
exempted by the division.
4. The bill eliminates specific exclusions under current law from the definition
of "investment adviser" for trust companies that are not banks and for SWIB. The
bill also modifies the exclusion under current law related to federal covered advisers,
so that a federal covered adviser is excluded regardless of whether it pays to the
division notice filing fees. The bill specifically provides that "investment adviser"
includes a financial planner that provides investment advice for compensation. The
bill also makes changes to the exemptions to investment adviser registration. The
bill eliminates the specific exemption for a licensed broker-dealer and changes the
exemptions for persons whose only clients in this state are sophisticated investors
and persons who do not have a place of business in this state and, during the
preceding 12-month period, have had no more than five in-state clients who are not
sophisticated investors. Under the bill, the following persons are exempt from
investment adviser registration: persons whose only clients in this state are federal

covered investment advisers, investment advisers registered with the division,
broker-dealers registered with the division, institutional investors, or accredited
investors other than individuals; persons whose only clients in this state are bona
fide preexisting clients whose principal places of residence are not in this state if the
investment adviser is registered or exempt from registration in the state in which the
clients maintain principal places of residence; persons whose only clients in this
state are clients exempted by the division; persons who do not have a place of
business in this state and who have had, during the preceding 12 months, no more
than five in-state clients in addition to the institutional investors, accredited
investors, federal covered investment advisers, registered investment advisers or
broker-dealers, or bona fide preexisting clients to which another exemption applies;
and any other person exempted by the division.
5. The bill completely eliminates the current law definition of "investment
adviser representative" and creates a new definition. Under the bill, an "investment
adviser representative" is an individual employed by or associated with an
investment adviser or federal covered investment adviser who makes
recommendations or gives investment advice regarding securities, manages
accounts or portfolios of clients, determines which recommendation or advice
regarding securities should be given, provides investment advice, receives
compensation to solicit, offer, or sell investment advice, or supervises employees who
perform any of these activities. However, "investment adviser representative"
includes an individual employed by or associated with a federal covered investment
adviser only if the individual has a place of business in this state and the individual
is either an "investment adviser representative," as defined under a particular
provision of federal law, or is not a supervised person, as defined under a particular
provision of federal law. "Investment adviser representative" also does not include
an individual who performs only clerical or ministerial acts; is an agent whose
performance of investment advice is solely incidental to the conduct of his or her own
business and who receive no special compensation for investment advisory services;
or is excluded by the division. The bill also makes changes to the exemptions to
investment adviser representative registration. The bill eliminates all specific
exemptions to registration under current law and instead provides exemptions from
investment adviser registration for an individual who is employed by or associated
with an investment adviser that is exempt from registration or a federal covered
investment adviser that is excluded from notice filing requirements; an individual
who is employed by or associated with an investment adviser or a federal covered
investment adviser and has in this state only certain clients (those whose business
with an investment adviser do not require the investment adviser to be registered);
and any other individual exempted by the division.
6. Other than a change in terminology from "federal covered adviser" to "federal
covered investment adviser," the bill makes no significant definitional change with
respect to these advisers. The bill makes changes to the exemptions to notice filing
for federal covered investment advisers. The bill changes the exemptions for federal
covered investment advisers whose only clients in this state are sophisticated
investors and for such advisers who do not have a place of business in this state and,

during the preceding 12-month period, have had no more than five in-state clients
who are not sophisticated investors. Under the bill, federal covered investment
advisers that do not have a place of business in this state are exempt from notice
filing if their only clients in this state are any of the following: federal covered
investment advisers; investment advisers registered with the division;
broker-dealers registered with the division; institutional investors; accredited
investors other than individuals; bona fide preexisting clients whose principal places
of residence are not in this state; or other clients specified by the division. Federal
covered investment advisers that do not have a place of business in this state are also
exempt from notice filing if they have had, during the preceding 12 months, no more
than five in-state clients in addition to the institutional investors, accredited
investors, federal covered investment advisers, registered investment advisers or
broker-dealers, or bona fide preexisting clients to which another exemption applies.
The division may also exempt from notice filing any other federal covered investment
7. The bill provides for qualified immunity for broker-dealers, agents,
investment advisers, federal covered investment advisers, and investment adviser
representatives related to statements they make in records required by the division.
The bill also varies from, or adopts optional language under, the USA 2002 in
a number of respects. These variations, or the adoption of this optional language, are
generally recommended by the WUSA Study Group to retain aspects of current law
or current division rules with respect to certain matters, including: broker-dealer
registration exemptions relating to location of the broker-dealer's place of business,
transactions with entity-type accredited investors, unsolicited liquidation
transactions for bona fide preexisting customers, de minimis exemptions, and
governmental securities dealers; commissions paid to broker-dealers; limited
dual-agent registration for limited partnerships or investment companies;
investment adviser registration exemptions with respect to entity-type accredited
investors, bona fide clients residing out-of-state, and reliance; limits on
employment by investment advisers; investment adviser referral fees; federal
covered investment adviser notice filing exemptions related to entity-type
accredited investors and notice filing expiration; filing of registration applications
with third-party organizations designated by the division; the effective date of
registration applications; and registration application requirements related to a
change of control of a broker-dealer or investment adviser.
Securities fraud, enforcement, and administration
Current law includes numerous provisions prohibiting fraud, in various forms,
in connection with securities transactions or the offering or sale of securities,
including: making any untrue statement of a material fact or omitting a material
fact necessary to make a statement not misleading in connection with the offer, sale,
or purchase of a security; engaging in market manipulation; publishing, circulating,
or using false advertising or, with exceptions, advertising not filed with the division;
and making material false or misleading statements or misleading omissions in
documents filed with the division. Broker-dealers and advisers also may not engage
in fraud or employ manipulative, deceptive, or fraudulent devices.

Under current law, the division administers and enforces the state's securities
laws, has investigative and subpoena powers, may conduct hearings and enter
orders, may bring injunction actions, may summarily take action against a licensee
or summarily take action to prohibit conduct, may impose administrative
assessments for securities law violations, and may promulgate rules and prescribe
forms. The division's orders are generally subject to judicial review. Administrative
assessments imposed by the division are appropriated for the division's investor
education program.
Under current law, a person who violates the state's securities laws may be
subject to criminal or civil liability or both. A person who willfully violates the state's
securities laws, with certain exceptions, is guilty of a Class H felony, punishable by
a maximum fine of $10,000 or a maximum term of imprisonment of six years or both.
The division may refer violations for criminal prosecution to the attorney general or
a district attorney. A person who violates the state's securities laws by offering or
selling a security, by purchasing a security, or by willfully participating in market
manipulation activity, may be civilly liable to, respectively, the purchaser or seller
for specified damages, including interest and reasonable attorney fees, or equitable
relief. Certain persons may also be held civilly liable for the violations of others.
However, a civil action must be commenced within three years after the act or
transaction constituting the violation, but this period of limitation may be extended
under certain circumstances. A purchaser or seller also may not commence an action
if, before suit is commenced, the purchaser or seller receives a written rescission offer
providing specified information about the violation and offering to resolve liability
for the violation.
This bill, in adopting the USA 2002 with some modification, retains the general
structure and content of current law with respect to securities fraud, enforcement,
and administration. However, the bill also includes a number of changes to current
law, including the following:
1. The bill authorizes the division to use some new enforcement techniques,
such as cease and desist orders, asset freezes, and rescission orders. The bill also
expands the division's authority to assist securities regulators in other jurisdictions.
The bill also authorizes the division to seek assistance from district attorneys, the
attorney general, or appropriate federal authorities in judicially enforcing
subpoenas and further authorizes courts to enforce the division's cease and desist
2. The bill modifies the statute of limitations in actions to impose civil liability.
Under the bill, a person must bring an action for relief based upon sale of an
unregistered security or sale by an unregistered securities professional within one
year after the violation. For other claims, a person must bring an action for relief
within the earlier of two years after discovery of the facts constituting the violation
or five years after the violation.
3. With regard to some securities professionals, such as agents, the bill turns
definitional exclusions under current law into registration exemptions, which
results in an expansion of the scope of antifraud provisions; while these individuals

still would not be required to register with the division, they would be subject to the
antifraud provisions of the bill.
4. The bill modifies current law relating to rescission offers arising from
asserted liability for violations, and recognizes a transaction exemption for
rescission offers made in compliance with this rescission offer provision.
5. The bill modifies current law relating to confidentiality of certain
information and documents of the division.
6. The bill slightly changes the division's current investor education program
to an investor education and training program.
The bill also varies from, or adopts optional language under, the USA 2002 in
a number of respects. These variations, or the adoption of this optional language, are
generally recommended by the WUSA Study Group to retain aspects of current law
or current division rules with respect to certain matters, including: fee provisions
for division filings; the division's investigative authority related to acting on
broker-dealer and investment adviser registration applications; division authority
related to grounds for discipline, censure, penalties, and negotiated settlements in
disciplinary actions; continuing education requirements for registered persons;
penalty provisions for criminal securities law violations; certain aspects of civil
liability; administrative assessments by the division and the investor education and
training program; the division's injunctive authority; confidential information and
records of the division; judicial review of summarily issued orders of the division; and
the state's jurisdiction with regard to offers not directed to or received in this state.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB816, s. 1 1Section 1. 19.42 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,14,52 19.42 (12) "Security" has the meaning given under s. 551.02 (13) 551.102 (28),
3except that the term does not include a certificate of deposit or a deposit in a savings
4and loan association, savings bank, credit union or similar association organized
5under the laws of any state.
AB816, s. 2 6Section 2. 20.144 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,15,67 20.144 (1) (i) Investor education and training fund. The amounts in the
8schedule for educating residents of this state about securities and franchise

1investments as provided in ss. 551.605 (2) 551.601 (4) and 553.605 (2) and for any
2other purpose specified in s. 551.601 (4)
. All moneys received from administrative
3assessments under ss. 551.605 (1) 551.604 (4) and 553.605 (1) shall be credited to this
4appropriation. If the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account exceeds
5$100,000 immediately before the end of any fiscal year, the excess shall lapse to the
6general fund at the end of that fiscal year.
AB816, s. 3 7Section 3. 20.923 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,15,148 20.923 (8) Deputies. Salaries for deputies appointed pursuant to ss. 13.94 (3)
9(b), 15.04 (2) and 551.51 551.601 (1) shall be set by the appointing authority. The
10salary shall not exceed the maximum of the salary range one range below the salary
11range of the executive salary group to which the department or agency head is
12assigned. The positions of assistant secretary of state, assistant state treasurer and
13associate director of the historical society shall be treated as unclassified deputies
14for pay purposes under this subsection.
AB816, s. 4 15Section 4. 21.72 (1) (a) 12. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,15,1816 21.72 (1) (a) 12. A license or certificate of registration issued by the department
17of financial institutions, or a division of it, under ss. 138.09, 138.12, 217.06, 218.0101
18to 218.0163, 218.02, 218.04, 218.05, 224.72, or 224.93 or subch. III IV of ch. 551.
AB816, s. 5 19Section 5. 25.186 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,15,2120 25.186 (1) (a) "Broker-dealer" has the meaning given in s. 551.02 (3) 551.102
AB816, s. 6 22Section 6. 25.186 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,15,2323 25.186 (1) (c) "Security" has the meaning given in s. 551.02 (13) 551.102 (28).
AB816, s. 7 24Section 7. 25.186 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
125.186 (2) (a) Of the total funds that are expended by the board for securities
2trading brokerage commissions in any fiscal year, the board shall pay at least 5% of
3the total funds in securities trading brokerage commissions to broker-dealers that
4are licensed registered under s. 551.31 551.406, that are headquartered in this state
5and whose principal business operations are located in this state.
AB816, s. 8 6Section 8. 49.853 (1) (c) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,16,77 49.853 (1) (c) 6. A broker-dealer, as defined in s. 551.02 (3) 551.102 (4).
AB816, s. 9 8Section 9. 49.857 (1) (d) 12. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,16,119 49.857 (1) (d) 12. A license or certificate of registration issued under ss. 138.09,
10138.12, 217.06, 218.0101 to 218.0163, 218.02, 218.04, 218.05, 224.72, 224.93 or
11subch. III IV of ch. 551.
AB816, s. 10 12Section 10. 73.0301 (1) (d) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,16,1613 73.0301 (1) (d) 6. A license or certificate of registration issued by the
14department of financial institutions, or a division of it, under ss. 138.09, 138.12,
15217.06, 218.0101 to 218.0163, 218.02, 218.04, 218.05, 224.72, 224.93 or under subch.
16III IV of ch. 551.
AB816, s. 11 17Section 11. 183.1303 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,16,20 18183.1303 Securities law application. An interest in a limited liability
19company may be a security, as defined in ss. 551.02 (13) (b) and (c) specified in s.
20551.102 (28) (e)
AB816, s. 12 21Section 12. 226.14 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,16,2422 226.14 (8) Every such trust issuing or selling, or offering for sale, beneficial
23certificates in this state, shall be subject to the any applicable restrictions and
24limitations provided in ch. 551.
AB816, s. 13
1Section 13. 227.54 of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, is
2amended to read:
AB816,17,6 3227.54 Stay of proceedings. The institution of the proceeding for review
4shall not stay enforcement of the agency decision. The reviewing court may order a
5stay upon such terms as it deems proper, except as otherwise provided in ss. 49.17
6(7), 96.43, and 448.02 (9) and 551.62.
AB816, s. 14 7Section 14. 421.202 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,17,108 421.202 (8) Transactions in securities accounts or securities transactions by or
9with a broker-dealer, as defined in s. 551.02 (3), licensed 551.102 (4), registered
10under ch. 551.
AB816, s. 15 11Section 15. 422.501 (2) (b) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,17,1412 422.501 (2) (b) 7. A broker-dealer or agent licensed registered under s. 551.31
13551.406 if the broker-dealer or agent is acting within the course and scope of that
AB816, s. 16 15Section 16. Chapter 551 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB816,17,1616 CHAPTER 551
AB816,17,1818 SUBCHAPTER I
AB816,17,21 20551.101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the
21"Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law."
AB816,17,22 22551.102 Definitions. In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
AB816,17,24 23(1m) "Administrator" means the administrator of the division of securities in
24the department of financial institutions.
1(2) "Agent" means an individual, other than a broker-dealer, who represents
2a broker-dealer in effecting or attempting to effect purchases or sales of securities
3or represents an issuer in effecting or attempting to effect purchases or sales of the
4issuer's securities. But a partner, officer, or director of a broker-dealer or issuer, or
5an individual having a similar status or performing similar functions, is an agent
6only if the individual otherwise comes within the term. The term does not include
7an individual excluded by rule adopted or order issued under this chapter.
AB816,18,8 8(3) "Bank" means any of the following:
AB816,18,99 (a) A banking institution organized under the laws of the United States.
AB816,18,1010 (b) A member bank of the Federal Reserve System.
AB816,18,1711 (c) Any other banking institution, whether incorporated or not, doing business
12under the laws of a state or of the United States, a substantial portion of the business
13of which consists of receiving deposits or exercising fiduciary powers similar to those
14permitted to be exercised by national banks under the authority of the Comptroller
15of the Currency pursuant to section 1 of Public Law 87-722 (12 USC 92a), and which
16is supervised and examined by a state or federal agency having supervision over
17banks, and which is not operated for the purpose of evading this chapter.
AB816,18,1918 (d) A receiver, conservator, or other liquidating agent of any institution or firm
19included in par. (a), (b), or (c).
AB816,18,22 20(4) "Broker-dealer" means a person engaged in the business of effecting
21transactions in securities for the account of others or for the person's own account.
22The term does not include any of the following:
AB816,18,2323 (a) An agent.
AB816,18,2424 (b) An issuer.
1(c) A bank or savings institution if its activities as a broker-dealer are limited
2to those specified in sections 3 (a) (4) and 3 (a) (5) of the Securities Exchange Act of
31934 (15 USC 78c (a) (4) and (5)), or a bank that satisfies the conditions specified in
4section 3 (a) (4) (E) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 USC Section 78c (a)
AB816,19,66 (d) An international banking institution.
AB816,19,77 (e) A person excluded by rule adopted or order issued under this chapter.
AB816,19,8 8(5) "Depository institution" means any of the following:
AB816,19,99 (a) A bank.
AB816,19,1610 (b) A savings institution, trust company, credit union, or similar institution
11that is organized or chartered under the laws of a state or of the United States,
12authorized to receive deposits, and supervised and examined by an official or agency
13of a state or the United States if its deposits or share accounts are insured to the
14maximum amount authorized by statute by the Federal Deposit Insurance
15Corporation, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, or a successor
16authorized by federal law. The term does not include any of the following:
AB816,19,1817 1. An insurance company or other organization primarily engaged in the
18business of insurance.
AB816,19,1919 2. A Morris Plan bank.
AB816,19,2020 3. An industrial loan company.
AB816,19,22 21(5m) "Division of securities" or "division" means the division of securities in the
22department of financial institutions.
AB816,19,24 23(6) "Federal covered investment adviser" means a person registered under the
24Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
1(7) "Federal covered security" means a security that is, or upon completion of
2a transaction will be, a covered security under section 18 (b) of the Securities Act of
31933 (15 USC 77r (b)) or rules or regulations adopted pursuant to that provision.