SB1,972,521 71.42 (2) (p) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before
22January 1, 2005, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
23as amended to December 31, 2003, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
24102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66,
25sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 106-519,

1sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, section
2sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27,
3section 109 of P.L. 108-121, and section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, and as amended by P.L.
4108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and
5403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336,
6337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L.
7109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
81326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
9of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
10section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227,
11and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280,
and as indirectly
12affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L.
13101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and
14110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections
1513113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L.
16103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202
17(c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L.
18105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L.
19106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554,
20P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L.
21107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding section sections 101 and 301 (a) of
22P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27,
23excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section
24109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L.
25108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and

1403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336,
2337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L.
3109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
41326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
5of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
6section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227,
7and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280,
except that
8"Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the federal Internal Revenue
9Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time
10as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted
11after December 31, 2003, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years
12beginning after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2005, except that changes
13to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311,
14excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357,
15excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L.
16108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections
171305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L.
18109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding
19sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and
20(q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811
21and 844 of P.L. 109-280,
and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable
22to this subchapter made by P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding
23sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding
24sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L.
25108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308,

11309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L.
2109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101,
3105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of
4P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L.
apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
SB1, s. 2084 6Section 2084. 71.42 (2) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,974,137 71.42 (2) (q) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2004, and before
8January 1, 2006,
"Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
9as amended to December 31, 2004, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
10102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66,
11sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, sections 1, 3,
124, and 5 of P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section
13431 of P.L. 107-16, section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201,
14and 202 of P.L. 108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and
15403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909,
16and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and as amended by P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding
17sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351
18of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135,
19excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e),
20(j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections
21101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280,
22excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280,
and as indirectly affected by P.L.
2399-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L.
24101-239, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
25102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150

1(d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L.
2103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f),
31311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L.
4105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L.
5106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15,
6P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L.
7107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147,
8P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding
9sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding
10section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding
11sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding
12sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L.
13108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308,
141309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L.
15109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101,
16105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of
17P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512,
18and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and
19844 of P.L. 109-280,
except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section
20847 of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for
21Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the
22federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2004, do not apply to this
23paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, and
24before January 1, 2006, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by
25P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,

11326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
2of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
3section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151,
4P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
5109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and
6changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by
7P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325,
81326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301
9of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to
10section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-151,
11P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
12109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for
13Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes
SB1, s. 2085 14Section 2085. 71.42 (2) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,976,1315 71.42 (2) (r) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005, and before
16January 1, 2007, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
17as amended to December 31, 2005, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
18102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66,
19sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, sections 1, 3,
204, and 5 of P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section
21431 of P.L. 107-16, sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201, and
22202 of P.L. 108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403
23(a) of P.L. 108-311, sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910
24of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-1, sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326,
251328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, section 301

1of P.L. 109-73, and sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402
2(e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and as amended by P.L. 109-222,
3excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L. 109-227, and
4P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and as indirectly
5affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L.
6101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and
7110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections
813113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L.
9103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202
10(c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L.
11105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L.
12106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554,
13P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L.
14107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L.
15107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27,
16excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173,
17excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311,
18excluding sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357,
19excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L.
20108-357, P.L. 108-375, P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections
211305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L.
22109-58, P.L. 109-59, excluding section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, P.L. 109-73, excluding
23section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it
24relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L.
25109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L.

1109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L.
2109-280, except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the
3federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin
4purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal
5Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2005, do not apply to this
6paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and
7before January 1, 2007, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by
8P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
9109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and
10changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by
11P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L. 109-222, P.L.
12109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for
13Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
SB1, s. 2086 14Section 2086. 71.42 (2) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,978,515 71.42 (2) (s) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2006, "Internal
16Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to
17December 31, 2006, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections
1813113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b),
191202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of P.L.
20106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L.
21107-16, sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L.
22108-27, section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
23108-311, sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L.
24108-357, P.L. 109-1, sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328,
251329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, section 301 of P.L.

1109-73, sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e),
2(j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L.
3109-222, sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and P.L. 109-432, and as indirectly
4affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L.
5101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and
6110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections
713113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L.
8103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202
9(c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L.
10105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L.
11106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554,
12P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L.
13107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L.
14107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27,
15excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173,
16excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311,
17excluding sections 306, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357,
18excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L.
19108-357, P.L. 108-375, P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections
201305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L.
21109-58, P.L. 109-59, excluding section 11146 of P.L. 109-59, P.L. 109-73, excluding
22section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it
23relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L.
24109-151, P.L. 109-222, excluding sections 101, 207, 209, 503, 512, and 513 of P.L.
25109-222, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L.

1109-280, except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the
2federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin
3purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal
4Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2006, do not apply to this
5paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.
SB1, s. 2086k 6Section 2086k. 71.43 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,978,177 71.43 (1) Income tax. For the purpose of raising revenue for the state and the
8counties, cities, villages and towns, there shall be assessed, levied, collected and paid
9a tax as provided under this chapter on all Wisconsin net incomes of corporations that
10are not subject to the franchise tax under sub. (2) and that own property within this
11state; that derive income from sources within this state or from activities that are
12attributable to this state; or whose business within this state during the taxable year,
13except as provided under s. 71.23 (3), consists exclusively of foreign commerce,
14interstate commerce, or both, or that buy or sell lottery prizes if the winning tickets
15were originally bought in this state; except as exempted under ss. 71.26 (1) and 71.45
16(1) (a). This section shall not be construed to prevent or affect the correction of errors
17or omissions in the assessments of income for former years under s. 71.74 (1) and (2).
SB1, s. 2086L 18Section 2086L. 71.43 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,979,1419 71.43 (2) Franchise tax on corporations. For the privilege of exercising its
20franchise, buying or selling lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally
21bought in this state or doing business in this state in a corporate capacity, except as
22provided under s. 71.23 (3), every domestic or foreign corporation, except
23corporations specified in ss. 71.26 (1) and 71.45 (1) (a), shall annually pay a franchise
24tax according to or measured by its entire Wisconsin net income of the preceding
25taxable year at the rates set forth in s. 71.46 (2). In addition, except as provided in

1ss. 71.23 (3), 71.26 (1) and 71.45 (1) (a), a corporation that ceases doing business in
2this state shall pay a special franchise tax according to or measured by its entire
3Wisconsin net income for the taxable year during which the corporation ceases doing
4business in this state at the rate under s. 71.46 (2). Every corporation organized
5under the laws of this state shall be deemed to be residing within this state for the
6purposes of this franchise tax. All provisions of this chapter and ch. 73 relating to
7income taxation of corporations shall apply to franchise taxes imposed under this
8subsection, unless the context requires otherwise. The tax imposed by this
9subsection on insurance companies subject to taxation under this chapter shall be
10based on Wisconsin net income computed under s. 71.45, and no other provision of
11this chapter relating to computation of taxable income for other corporations shall
12apply to such insurance companies. All other provisions of this chapter shall apply
13to insurance companies subject to taxation under this chapter unless the context
14clearly requires otherwise.
SB1, s. 2087 15Section 2087. 71.44 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,980,616 71.44 (3) Extensions. In the case of a corporation required to file a return,
17when sufficient reason is shown, the department of revenue may on written request
18shall allow an automatic extension of 30 days 7 months or until the original due date
19of the corporation's corresponding federal return, whichever is later, if the
20corporation has not received an extension on its federal return
. Any extension of time
21granted by law or by the internal revenue service for the filing of corresponding
22federal returns shall extend the time for filing under this subchapter to 30 days after
23the federal due date if a copy of any extension requested of the internal revenue
24service is filed with
the corporation reports the extension in the manner specified by
25the department on
the return. Termination of an automatic extension by the internal

1revenue service, or its refusal to grant such automatic extension, shall similarly
2require that any returns due under this subchapter are due on or before 30 days after
3the date for termination fixed by the internal revenue service.
Except for payments
4of estimated taxes, income or franchise taxes payable upon the filing of the tax return
5shall not become delinquent during such extension period, but shall be subject to
6interest at the rate of 12% per year during such period.
SB1, s. 2087e 7Section 2087e. 71.45 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 71.45 (1) (intro.) and
8amended to read:
SB1,980,109 71.45 (1) Exempt and excludable income. (intro.) There shall be exempt from
10taxation under this subchapter income as follows:
SB1,981,3 11(a) Income of insurers exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section
12501 (c) (15) of the internal revenue code, town mutuals organized under or subject
13to ch. 612, foreign insurers, and domestic insurers engaged exclusively in life
14insurance business, domestic insurers insuring against financial loss by reason of
15nonpayment of principal, interest and other sums agreed to be paid under the terms
16of any note or bond or other evidence of indebtedness secured by a mortgage, deed
17of trust or other instrument constituting a lien or charge on real estate and
18corporations organized under ch. 185, but not including income of cooperative
19sickness care associations organized under s. 185.981, or of a service insurance
20corporation organized under ch. 613, that is derived from a health maintenance
21organization as defined in s. 609.01 (2) or a limited service health organization as
22defined in s. 609.01 (3), or operating under subch. I of ch. 616 which are bona fide
23cooperatives operated without pecuniary profit to any shareholder or member, or
24operated on a cooperative plan pursuant to which they determine and distribute
25their proceeds in substantial compliance with s. 185.45. This subsection paragraph

1does not apply to income that is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent
2sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in
3this state.
SB1, s. 2087g 4Section 2087g. 71.45 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,981,75 71.45 (1) (b) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006, the amount
6of any incentive payment received by an individual under s. 23.33 (5r) in the taxable
7year to which the claim relates.
SB1, s. 2087h 8Section 2087h. 71.45 (1t) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,981,129 71.45 (1t) (i) Those issued under s. 231.03 (6), on or after the effective date of
10this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], if the proceeds from the obligations that are
11issued are used by a health facility, as defined in s. 231.01 (5), to fund the acquisition
12of information technology hardware or software.
SB1, s. 2088 13Section 2088. 71.45 (2) (a) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,981,2014 71.45 (2) (a) 10. By adding to federal taxable income the amount of credit
15computed under s. 71.47 (1dd) to (1dx), (3h), (3n), (3p), (3w), (5b), (5e), (5f), (5g), and
16(5h), (5i), (5j), and (5k) and not passed through by a partnership, limited liability
17company, or tax-option corporation that has added that amount to the partnership's,
18limited liability company's, or tax-option corporation's income under s. 71.21 (4) or
1971.34 (1) (g) and the amount of credit computed under s. 71.47 (1), (3), (3t), (4), and
SB1, s. 2090 21Section 2090. 71.47 (1dx) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,982,922 71.47 (1dx) (a) 5. "Member of a targeted group" means a person who resides
23in an area designated by the federal government as an economic revitalization area,
24a person who is employed in an unsubsidized job but meets the eligibility
25requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3) for a Wisconsin Works employment position,

1a person who is employed in a trial job, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (n), or in a real work,
2real pay project position under s. 49.147 (3m),
a person who is eligible for child care
3assistance under s. 49.155, a person who is a vocational rehabilitation referral, an
4economically disadvantaged youth, an economically disadvantaged veteran, a
5supplemental security income recipient, a general assistance recipient, an
6economically disadvantaged ex-convict, a qualified summer youth employee, as
7defined in 26 USC 51 (d) (7), a dislocated worker, as defined in 29 USC 2801 (9), or
8a food stamp recipient, if the person has been certified in the manner under sub. (1dj)
9(am) 3. by a designated local agency, as defined in sub. (1dj) (am) 2.
SB1, s. 2091 10Section 2091. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,982,1511 71.47 (1dx) (b) 2. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
12determined under s. 560.785 (1) (b) by the number of full-time jobs created in a
13development zone and filled by a member of a targeted group and by then subtracting
14the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
15under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
SB1, s. 2092 16Section 2092. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,982,2117 71.47 (1dx) (b) 3. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
18determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs created in a
19development zone and not filled by a member of a targeted group and by then
20subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and
21reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
SB1, s. 2093 22Section 2093. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,983,423 71.47 (1dx) (b) 4. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
24determined under s. 560.785 (1) (bm) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
25provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been

1claimed under sub. (1dj), in an enterprise development zone under s. 560.797 and for
2which significant capital investment was made and by then subtracting the
3subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
4under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
SB1, s. 2094 5Section 2094. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,983,116 71.47 (1dx) (b) 5. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
7determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
8provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been
9claimed under sub. (1dj), in a development zone and not filled by a member of a
10targeted group and by then subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a) or
11the subsidies and reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3m) (c)
for those jobs.
SB1, s. 2094h 12Section 2094h. 71.47 (3h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,983,1413 71.47 (3h) Biodiesel fuel production credit. (a) Definitions. In this
SB1,983,1515 1. "Biodiesel fuel" has the meaning given in s. 168.14 (2m) (a).
SB1,983,1716 2. "Claimant" means a person who is engaged in the business of producing
17biodiesel fuel in this state and who files a claim under this subsection.
SB1,983,2418 (b) Filing claims. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for
19taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2013, for a
20claimant who produces at least 2,500,000 gallons of biodiesel fuel in this state in the
21taxable year, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.43,
22up to the amount of the tax, an amount that is equal to the number of gallons of
23biodiesel fuel produced by the claimant in this state in the taxable year multiplied
24by 10 cents.
1(c) Limitations. 1. The maximum amount of the credit that a claimant may
2claim under this subsection in a taxable year is $1,000,000.
SB1,984,103 2. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may
4not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of,
5the credit are based on their biodiesel fuel production, as described under par. (b).
6A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute
7the amount of credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim
8and shall provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited
9liability companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the
10credit in proportion to their ownership interests.
SB1,984,1211 (d) Administration. Section 71.28 (4) (e) to (h) as it applies to the credit under
12s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
SB1, s. 2095 13Section 2095. 71.47 (3p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,984,1514 71.47 (3p) Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit. (a) Definitions
15 In this subsection:
SB1,984,1616 1. "Claimant" means a person who files a claim under this subsection.
SB1,984,1817 2. "Dairy manufacturing" means processing milk into dairy products or
18processing dairy products for sale commercially.
SB1,984,2319 3. "Dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion" means constructing,
20improving, or acquiring buildings or facilities, or acquiring equipment, for dairy
21manufacturing, including the following, if used exclusively for dairy manufacturing
22and if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin
23after December 31, 2006, and before January 1, 2015:
SB1,984,2424 a. Building construction, including storage and warehouse facilities.
SB1,984,2525 b. Building additions.
1c. Upgrades to utilities, including water, electric, heat, and waste facilities.
SB1,985,22 d. Milk intake and storage equipment.
SB1,985,53 e. Processing and manufacturing equipment, including pipes, motors, pumps,
4valves, pasteurizers, homogenizers, vats, evaporators, dryers, concentrators, and
SB1,985,76 f. Packaging and handling equipment, including sealing, bagging, boxing,
7labeling, conveying, and product movement equipment.
SB1,985,88 g. Warehouse equipment, including storage racks.
SB1,985,119 h. Waste treatment and waste management equipment, including tanks,
10blowers, separators, dryers, digesters, and equipment that uses waste to produce
11energy, fuel, or industrial products.
SB1,985,1412 i. Computer software and hardware used for managing the claimant's dairy
13manufacturing operation, including software and hardware related to logistics,
14inventory management, and production plant controls.
SB1,985,1615 4. "Used exclusively" means used to the exclusion of all other uses except for
16use not exceeding 5 percent of total use.
SB1,985,2217 (b) Filing claims. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and s.
18560.207, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006, and before January
191, 2015, a claimant may claim as a credit against the taxes imposed under s. 71.43,
20up to the amount of the tax, an amount equal to 10 percent of the amount the
21claimant paid in the taxable year for dairy manufacturing modernization or
22expansion related to the claimant's dairy manufacturing operation.
SB1,985,2523 (c) Limitations. 1. No credit may be allowed under this subsection for any
24amount that the claimant paid for expenses described under par. (b) that the
25claimant also claimed as a deduction under section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code.
12. The aggregate amount of credits that a claimant may claim under this
2subsection is $200,000.
SB1,986,53 2m. a. The maximum amount of the credits that may be claimed under this
4subsection and ss. 71.07 (3p) and 71.28 (3p) in fiscal year 2007-08 is $600,000, as
5allocated under s. 560.207.
SB1,986,86 b. The maximum amount of the credits that may be claimed under this
7subsection and ss. 71.07 (3p) and 71.28 (3p) in fiscal year 2008-09, and in each fiscal
8year thereafter, is $700,000, as allocated under s. 560.207.
SB1,986,179 3. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may
10not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of,
11the credit are based on their payment of expenses under par. (b), except that the
12aggregate amount of credits that the entity may compute shall not exceed $200,000.
13A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute
14the amount of credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim
15and shall provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited
16liability companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the
17credit in proportion to their ownership interest.
SB1,986,2118 4. If 2 or more persons own and operate the dairy manufacturing operation,
19each person may claim a credit under par. (b) in proportion to his or her ownership
20interest, except that the aggregate amount of the credits claimed by all persons who
21own and operate the dairy manufacturing operation shall not exceed $200,000.
SB1,986,2322 (d) Administration. 1. Section 71.28 (4) (e), (g), and (h), as it applies to the credit
23under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
SB1,987,324 2. If the allowable amount of the claim under par. (b) exceeds the tax otherwise
25due under s. 71.43 or no tax is due under s. 71.43, the amount of the claim not used

1to offset the tax due shall be certified by the department of revenue to the department
2of administration for payment by check, share draft, or other draft drawn from the
3appropriation account under s. 20.835 (2) (bn).
SB1, s. 2096 4Section 2096. 71.47 (3w) (a) 5m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,987,65 71.47 (3w) (a) 5m. "Wages" means wages under section 3306 (b) of the Internal
6Revenue Code, determined without regard to any dollar limitations.
SB1, s. 2097 7Section 2097. 71.47 (3w) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,987,128 71.47 (3w) (a) 6. "Zone payroll" means the amount of state payroll that is
9attributable to compensation wages paid to individuals full-time employees for
10services that are performed in a an enterprise zone. "Zone payroll" does not include
11the amount of compensation wages paid to any individuals full-time employees that
12exceeds $100,000.
SB1, s. 2098 13Section 2098. 71.47 (3w) (b) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,987,1914 71.47 (3w) (b) 1. a. The claimant's zone payroll in the taxable year, minus the
15claimant's zone payroll
number of full-time employees whose annual wages are
16greater than $30,000 and who the claimant employed in the enterprise zone in the
17taxable year, minus the number of full-time employees whose annual wages were
18greater than $30,000 and who the claimant employed in the area that comprises the
19enterprise zone
in the base year.
SB1, s. 2099 20Section 2099. 71.47 (3w) (b) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,987,2521 71.47 (3w) (b) 1. b. The claimant's state payroll in the taxable year, minus the
22claimant's state payroll
number of full-time employees whose annual wages are
23greater than $30,000 and who the claimant employed in the state in the taxable year,
24minus the number of full-time employees whose annual wages were greater than
25$30,000 and who the claimant employed in the state
in the base year.
SB1, s. 2100
1Section 2100. 71.47 (3w) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,988,72 71.47 (3w) (b) 2. Subtract the number of Determine the claimant's average
3zone payroll by dividing total wages for
full-time employees that whose annual
4wages are greater than $30,000 and who
the claimant employed in the area that
the enterprise zone in the base taxable year from by the number of
6full-time employees that whose annual wages are greater than $30,000 and who the
7claimant employed in the enterprise zone in the taxable year.
SB1, s. 2101 8Section 2101. 71.47 (3w) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,988,109 71.47 (3w) (b) 3. Multiply Subtract $30,000 from the amount determined under
10subd. 2., but not an amount less than zero, by $30,000.
SB1, s. 2102 11Section 2102. 71.47 (3w) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,988,1312 71.47 (3w) (b) 4. Subtract Multiply the amount determined under subd. 3. from
13by the amount determined under subd. 1.
SB1, s. 2103 14Section 2103. 71.47 (3w) (bm) (intro.) and 4. of the statutes are consolidated,
15renumbered 71.47 (3w) (bm) and amended to read:
SB1,988,2516 71.47 (3w) (bm) Filing supplemental claims. In addition to the credit under
17par. (b) and subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and s. 560.799, a
18claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.43 an amount
19equal to all of the following: 4. The the amount the claimant paid in the taxable year
20to upgrade or improve the job-related skills of any of the claimant's full-time
21employees, to train any of the claimant's full-time employees on the use of
22job-related new technologies, or to train provide job-related training to any
23full-time employee whose employment with the claimant represents the employee's
24first full-time job. This subdivision does not apply to employees who do not work in
25 a an enterprise zone.
SB1, s. 2104
1Section 2104. 71.47 (3w) (bm) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
SB1, s. 2105 2Section 2105. 71.47 (3w) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,989,63 71.47 (3w) (d) Administration. Section 71.28 (4) (g) and (h), as it applies to the
4credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection. Claimants shall
5include with their returns a copy of their certification for tax benefits, and a copy of
6the verification of their expenses, from the department of commerce.
SB1, s. 2106 7Section 2106. 71.47 (5b) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,989,108 71.47 (5b) (c) 1. The Except as provided in s. 73.03 (63), the maximum amount
9of the credits that may be claimed under this subsection and ss. 71.07 (5b) and 71.28
10(5b) for all taxable years combined is $35,000,000 $52,500,000.
SB1, s. 2107 11Section 2107. 71.47 (5b) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 71.47 (5b) (d) 1.
SB1, s. 2108 12Section 2108. 71.47 (5b) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,989,1813 71.47 (5b) (d) 2. The Wisconsin adjusted basis of any investment for which a
14credit is claimed under par. (b) shall be reduced by the amount of the credit that is
15offset against Wisconsin income taxes. The Wisconsin basis of a partner's interest
16in a partnership, a member's interest in a limited liability company, or stock in a
17tax-option corporation shall be adjusted to reflect adjustments made under this
SB1, s. 2109 19Section 2109. 71.47 (5e) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: