Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a

report concerning the proposed penalty and the costs or savings that are likely to
result if the bill is enacted.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB171, s. 1 1Section 1. 8.35 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,4,152 8.35 (4) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any unspent and unencumbered moneys
3received by a candidate from the Wisconsin election campaign fund shall be
4immediately transferred to any candidate who is appointed to replace such
5candidate, upon filing of a proper application therefor under s. 11.50 (2). If there is
6no candidate appointed or if no proper application is filed within 7 days of the date
7on which the vacancy occurs, such moneys shall revert to the state as provided in s.
811.50 (8). Notwithstanding par. (a), any unspent and unencumbered moneys
9received by a candidate from the democracy trust fund shall be immediately
10transferred to any candidate who is appointed to replace that candidate upon filing
11of a proper application therefor under s. 11.502 (1). For purposes of qualification,
12contributions received and disbursements made by the former candidate are
13considered to have been received or made by the replacement candidate. If there is
14no candidate appointed or if no proper application is filed within 7 days of the date
15on which a vacancy occurs, the moneys shall revert to the state.
SB171, s. 2 16Section 2. 11.01 (14m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB171,4,1917 11.01 (14m) "Partisan state office" means the office of governor, lieutenant
18governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, state senator, state
19representative to the assembly, or district attorney.
SB171, s. 3 20Section 3. 11.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.12 (2) Any No registrant, except a candidate who receives a public financing
2benefit from the democracy trust fund, may accept an
anonymous contribution
3exceeding $10 received by a campaign or committee treasurer or by an individual
4under s. 11.06 (7) may not be used or expended. The
. No candidate who receives a
5public financing benefit from the democracy trust fund may accept an anonymous
6contribution exceeding $5. Any anonymous
contribution that may not be accepted
7under this subsection
shall be donated to the common school fund or to any a
8charitable organization at the option of the registrant's treasurer.
SB171, s. 4 9Section 4. 11.16 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,5,1610 11.16 (2) Limitation on cash contributions. Every Except as provided in s.
1111.506 (6), every
contribution of money exceeding $50 shall be made by negotiable
12instrument or evidenced by an itemized credit card receipt bearing on the face the
13name of the remitter. No treasurer may accept a contribution made in violation of
14this subsection. The treasurer shall promptly return the contribution, or donate it
15to the common school fund or to a charitable organization in the event that the donor
16cannot be identified.
SB171, s. 5 17Section 5. 11.16 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,6,318 11.16 (3) Form of disbursements. Every Except as authorized under s. 11.511
19(1), every
disbursement which is made by a registered individual or treasurer from
20the campaign depository account shall be made by negotiable instrument. Such
21instrument shall bear on the face the full name of the candidate, committee,
22individual or group as it appears on the registration statement filed under s. 11.05
23and where necessary, such additional words as are sufficient to clearly indicate the
24political nature of the registrant or account of the registrant. The name of a political
25party shall include the word "party". The instrument of each committee registered

1with the board and designated under s. 11.05 (3) (c) as a special interest committee
2shall bear the identification number assigned under s. 11.21 (12) on the face of the
SB171, s. 6 4Section 6. 11.26 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,6,65 11.26 (1) (a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
6state treasurer, attorney general, or state superintendent or justice, $10,000.
SB171, s. 7 7Section 7. 11.26 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB171,6,88 11.26 (1) (am) Candidates for justice, $1,000.
SB171, s. 8 9Section 8. 11.26 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,6,1210 11.26 (2) (a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
11state treasurer, attorney general, or state superintendent or justice, 4 percent of the
12value of the disbursement level specified in the schedule under s. 11.31 (1).
SB171, s. 9 13Section 9. 11.26 (2) (an) of the statutes is created to read:
SB171,6,1414 11.26 (2) (an) Candidates for justice, $1,000.
SB171, s. 10 15Section 10. 11.26 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,6,2116 11.26 (9) (a) No Except as provided in par. (ba), no individual who is a candidate
17for state or local office may receive and accept more than 65 percent of the value of
18the total disbursement level determined under s. 11.31 for the office for which he or
19she is a candidate during any primary and election campaign combined from all
20committees subject to a filing requirement, including political party and legislative
21campaign committees.
SB171, s. 11 22Section 11. 11.26 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,7,323 11.26 (9) (b) No Except as provided in par. (ba), no individual who is a candidate
24for state or local office may receive and accept more than 45 percent of the value of
25the total disbursement level determined under s. 11.31 for the office for which he or

1she is a candidate during any primary and election campaign combined from all
2committees other than political party and legislative campaign committees subject
3to a filing requirement.
SB171, s. 12 4Section 12. 11.26 (9) (ba) of the statutes is created to read:
SB171,7,65 11.26 (9) (ba) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to a candidate who receives
6a public financing benefit from the democracy trust fund.
SB171, s. 13 7Section 13. 11.26 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,7,108 11.26 (13) Except as provided in sub. (9), contributions received from the
9Wisconsin election campaign fund and public financing benefits received from the
10democracy trust fund
are not subject to limitation by this section.
SB171, s. 14 11Section 14. 11.31 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,7,1312 11.31 (1) (d) Candidates for secretary of state, state treasurer, justice or state
13superintendent, $215,625.
SB171, s. 15 14Section 15. 11.50 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB171,7,2215 11.50 (1) (a) 1. With respect to a spring or general election, any individual who
16is certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) as a candidate in the spring election for justice or state
17superintendent, or an individual who receives at least 6% of the vote cast for all
18candidates on all ballots for any state office, except district attorney, for which the
19individual is a candidate at the September primary and who is certified under s. 7.08
20(2) (a) as a candidate for that office in the general election, or an individual who has
21been lawfully appointed and certified to replace either such individual on the ballot
22at the spring or general election; and who has qualified for a grant under sub. (2).
SB171, s. 16 23Section 16. 11.50 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is repealed.
SB171, s. 17 24Section 17. 11.50 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.50 (3) (b) If a vacancy occurs in the office of state superintendent or justice
2after August 15 in any year and an election is scheduled to fill the vacancy at the
3spring election in the following year, the state treasurer shall transfer an amount not
4exceeding 8 percent of the moneys transferred to the fund on the preceding August
515 to the superintendency account for the office in which the vacancy occurs, such
6moneys to be drawn from any account within the accounts created under sub. (4) in
7the amount or amounts specified by the board.
SB171, s. 18 8Section 18. 11.501 to 11.522 of the statutes are created to read:
SB171,8,9 911.501 Definitions. In ss. 11.501 to 11.522:
SB171,8,11 10(1) "Allowable contribution" means a qualifying contribution, seed money
11contribution, or personal contribution authorized under ss. 11.502 to 11.522.
SB171,8,12 12(2) "Campaign" has the meaning given in s. 11.26 (17).
SB171,8,15 13(3) "Election campaign period" means the period beginning on the day after the
14spring primary election or the day on which a primary election would be held, if
15required, and ending on the day of the succeeding spring election.
SB171,8,21 16(4) "Eligible candidate" means a candidate for the office of justice who has an
17opponent who has qualified to have his or her name certified for placement on the
18ballot at the spring primary or election and who qualifies for public financing by
19collecting the required number of qualifying contributions, making all required
20reports and disclosures, and being certified by the board as being in compliance with
21ss. 11.502 to 11.522.
SB171,8,24 22(5) "Excess disbursement amount" means the amount of disbursements made
23by a nonparticipating candidate in excess of the public financing benefit available to
24an eligible candidate for the same office that the nonparticipating candidate seeks.
1(6) "Excess qualifying contribution amount" means the amount of qualifying
2contributions accepted by a candidate beyond the number or dollar amount of
3contributions required to qualify a candidate for a public financing benefit.
SB171,9,6 4(7) "Exploratory period" means the period that begins after the date of a spring
5election and ends on the first day of the public financing qualifying period for the next
6election for justice.
SB171,9,8 7(9) "Immediate family," when used with reference to a candidate, includes the
8candidate's spouse and children.
SB171,9,13 9(10) "Independent disbursement" means a disbursement by a person expressly
10advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate which is made
11without cooperation or consultation with a candidate, or any authorized committee
12or agent of a candidate, and which is not made in concert with, or at the request or
13suggestion of, any candidate, or any authorized committee or agent of a candidate.
SB171,9,16 14(11) "Nonparticipating candidate" means a candidate for the office of justice
15who does not apply for a public financing benefit or who is otherwise ineligible or fails
16to qualify for a public financing benefit under ss. 11.502 to 11.522.
SB171,9,18 17(12) "Personal funds" means funds contributed by a candidate or a member of
18a candidate's immediate family.
SB171,9,22 19(13) "Primary election campaign period" means the period beginning on the
20day after the last day prescribed by law for filing nomination papers for that office
21and ending on the day of the spring primary election for that office or the day on
22which the primary election would be held, if required.
SB171,9,25 23(14) "Public financing qualifying period" means the period beginning on the
24first day of July of any year and ending on the day before the beginning of the primary
25election campaign period for that office.
1(15) "Qualifying contribution" means a contribution made to a candidate by an
2elector of this state during the public financing qualifying period, which is
3acknowledged by written receipt identifying the contributor.
SB171,10,9 4(16) "Seed money contribution" means a contribution in an amount of not more
5than $100 made to a candidate by an elector of the jurisdiction or district in which
6the candidate seeks office during the exploratory period or the public financing
7qualifying period, or a contribution made to a candidate consisting of personal funds
8of that candidate in an amount not more than the amount authorized under s. 11.507
9during the exploratory period or the public financing qualifying period.
SB171,10,18 1011.502 Qualification; certification. (1) Before a candidate for justice in the
11primary election may be certified as an eligible candidate to receive a public
12financing benefit for the primary election campaign period, the candidate shall apply
13to the board for a public financing benefit and file a sworn statement that the
14candidate has complied and will comply with all requirements of this section and ss.
1511.503 to 11.522 throughout the applicable campaign, which includes the primary
16and election for that office. A candidate shall file the application and statement no
17later than the beginning of the primary election campaign period for the office that
18the candidate seeks.
SB171,10,23 19(2) A candidate shall be certified by the board as an eligible candidate for
20receipt of public financing for a primary election if the candidate complies with sub.
21(1) and receives at least 1,000 qualifying contributions in amounts equal to not less
22than $5 nor more than $100 and in an aggregate amount of not less than $5,000 nor
23more than $15,000 before the close of the public financing qualifying period.
1(3) The board shall verify a candidate's compliance with the requirements of
2sub. (2) by such verification and sampling techniques as the board considers
SB171,11,4 4(4) Each candidate shall:
SB171,11,65 (a) Acknowledge each qualifying contribution by a receipt to the contributor
6which contains the contributor's name and home address.
SB171,11,107 (b) No later than the 15th or the last day of the month which immediately
8follows the date of receipt of a qualifying contribution, whichever comes first, file a
9copy of the receipt under par. (a) with the board, except that during July, August, and
10September a copy need only be filed on the last day of the month.
SB171,11,12 11(5) A qualifying contribution may be utilized only for the purpose of making
12a disbursement authorized by law.
SB171,11,20 1311.503 Time of application. (1) Before a candidate may be certified as
14eligible for receipt of public financing for a spring election, the candidate shall apply
15to the board and file a sworn statement that the candidate has fulfilled all the
16requirements of ss. 11.502 to 11.522 during the primary election campaign period
17and will comply with such requirements during the election campaign period.
18Except as authorized in s. 8.35 (4) (b), the application shall be filed no later than the
197th day after the date of the spring primary election or the day on which the primary
20election would be held if a primary were required.
SB171,11,23 21(2) The board shall certify a candidate as an eligible candidate for receipt of
22public financing for a spring election if the candidate complies with sub. (1) and the
23candidate was an eligible candidate during the primary election campaign period.
SB171,12,6 2411.505 Agreement by candidate. An eligible candidate who accepts a public
25financing benefit under ss. 11.502 to 11.522 during the primary election campaign

1period shall agree to comply with all requirements of ss. 11.502 to 11.522 throughout
2the election campaign period during the same campaign as a precondition to receipt
3of public financing. An eligible candidate who accepts a public financing benefit
4during a primary election campaign period may not elect to accept private
5contributions in violation of ss. 11.502 to 11.522 during the corresponding election
6campaign period.
SB171,12,10 711.506 Requirements imposed upon candidates. (1) An eligible
8candidate may not accept private contributions other than seed money contributions
9and qualifying contributions that the candidate accepts during the exploratory
10period and the public financing qualifying period.
SB171,12,18 11(2) In addition to reports required to be filed under ss. 11.12 (5) and 11.20, a
12candidate who receives a public financing benefit shall furnish complete financial
13records, including records of seed money contributions, qualifying contributions, and
14disbursements, to the board on the 15th or the last day of the month that
15immediately follows the receipt of the contribution or the making of the
16disbursement, whichever comes first, except that during July, August, and
17September records need only be furnished on the last day of the month. Each such
18candidate shall cooperate with any audit or examination by the board.
SB171,13,2 19(3) In addition to adhering to requirements imposed under ss. 11.06 (5) and
2011.12 (3), a candidate who receives a public financing benefit shall maintain records
21of all contributions received by the candidate of more than $5 but less than $50,
22including seed money contributions and qualifying contributions, which shall
23contain the full name of the contributor and the contributor's full home address. In
24addition, if a contributor's aggregate contributions to any candidate exceed $50 for
25any campaign, the candidate shall also maintain a record of the contributor's

1principal occupation and the name and business address of the contributor's place
2of employment.
SB171,13,4 3(4) The failure to record or provide the information specified in sub. (3)
4disqualifies a contribution from counting as a qualifying contribution.
SB171,13,7 5(5) No eligible candidate and no person acting on a candidate's behalf may
6deposit any contribution that is not recorded in accordance with sub. (3) in a
7candidate's campaign depository account.
SB171,13,11 8(6) No eligible candidate may accept more than $25 in cash from any
9contributor and no such candidate may accept cash from all sources in a total amount
10greater than one-tenth of 1 percent of the public financing benefit for the office that
11the candidate seeks or $500, whichever is greater.
SB171,13,14 1211.507 Personal funds of candidates. (1) The personal funds of a candidate
13contributed as seed money contributions may not exceed an aggregate amount of
SB171,13,16 15(2) No eligible candidate may make any disbursement derived from personal
16funds after the close of the public financing qualifying period.
SB171,13,23 1711.508 Seed money contributions. (1) An eligible candidate may accept
18seed money contributions from any individual or committee prior to the end of the
19public financing qualifying period, provided the total contributions received from one
20contributor, except personal funds and qualifying contributions otherwise permitted
21under ss. 11.502 to 11.522, do not exceed $100, and the aggregate contributions,
22including personal funds, but not including qualifying contributions, do not exceed
1(2) An eligible candidate may make disbursements derived from seed money
2contributions only during the exploratory period and the public financing qualifying
SB171,14,12 411.509 Excess contributions. If an eligible candidate receives excess seed
5money contributions or qualifying contributions on an aggregate basis, the
6candidate may retain the contributions and make disbursements derived from the
7contributions, in an amount not exceeding $15,000. An amount equivalent to the
8excess contributions shall be deducted by the board from the candidate's public
9financing benefit. A candidate shall return to the board all seed money and
10qualifying contributions that exceed the limits prescribed in this section within 48
11hours after the end of the exploratory period. The board shall deposit all
12contributions returned under this section in the democracy trust fund.
SB171,14,19 1311.51 Certification by candidate. (1) To apply for a public financing benefit,
14a candidate shall certify to the board that the candidate has complied and will
15comply, throughout the applicable campaign, with all requirements of ss. 11.502 to
1611.522 and that all disclosures required as of the time of application have been made,
17and shall present evidence of the requisite number of qualifying contributions
18received by the candidate. The candidate's request for certification shall be signed
19by the candidate and the candidate's campaign treasurer.
SB171,14,25 20(2) The board shall distribute to each eligible candidate at the spring primary
21election a check for the amount of the public financing benefit payable to the
22candidate promptly after the candidate demonstrates his or her eligibility and, in
23any event, not later than 5 days after the end of the public financing qualifying
24period; however, no candidate may utilize a check received under this subsection
25until the beginning of the primary election campaign period.
1(3) The board shall distribute to each eligible candidate for justice at a spring
2election a check for the amount of the public financing benefit payable to the
3candidate not later than 48 hours after the date of the spring primary election for the
4office of justice, or the date that the primary election would be held if a primary were
5required. However, no candidate for a particular office shall receive a check until all
6candidates for the office of justice who apply and qualify for a public financing benefit
7have been certified as eligible candidates.
SB171,15,11 8(4) If any candidate who receives a public financing benefit violates the
9requirements of ss. 11.502 to 11.522, the board shall require the candidate to repay
10all public funds received by the candidate to the board. The board shall deposit all
11repayments received under this subsection in the democracy trust fund.
SB171,15,21 1211.511 Public financing benefits. (1) The board shall provide to each
13eligible candidate who qualifies to receive a public financing benefit for the primary
14or election campaign period separate checks for the public financing benefits payable
15to the candidate for the primary and election campaign periods in the amounts
16specified in this section, subject to any required adjustment under s. 11.509, 11.512
17(2) or 11.513 (2). An eligible candidate may use this public financing benefit to
18finance any lawful disbursements during the primary and election campaign periods
19to further the election of the candidate in that primary or election. An eligible
20candidate may not use this public financing benefit to repay any loan, or in violation
21of ss. 11.502 to 11.522 or any other applicable law.
SB171,15,23 22(2) Except as provided in ss. 11.512 (2) and 11.513 (2), the public financing
23benefit for a primary election campaign period is $100,000.
SB171,15,25 24(3) Except as provided in ss. 11.512 (2) and 11.513 (2), the public financing
25benefit for an election campaign period is $300,000.
1(4) If there is no spring primary election for the office of justice, no eligible
2candidate may receive a public financing benefit for the primary election campaign
SB171,16,8 4(5g) An eligible candidate who receives a public financing benefit in the
5primary election campaign period and whose name is certified to appear on the ballot
6at the election following that primary may utilize any unencumbered balance of the
7public financing benefit received by the candidate in the primary election campaign
8period for the election campaign period.
SB171,16,13 9(5r) Except as permitted in sub. (5g), an eligible candidate who receives a
10public financing benefit and who does not encumber or expend some portion of the
11benefit for a purpose described in sub. (1) shall return any unencumbered portion of
12the benefit to the board within 30 days after the primary or election in which the
13candidate participates.
SB171,16,18 14(6) Notwithstanding subs. (2) and (3), beginning on July 1, 2010, and every 2
15years thereafter, the board shall modify the public financing benefits provided for in
16subs. (2) and (3) to adjust for the change in the consumer price index, all items, U.S.
17city average, published by the U.S. department of labor for the preceding 2-year
18period ending on December 31.
SB171,17,15 1911.512 Financial activity by nonparticipating candidates. (1) In
20addition to other reports required by law, a nonparticipating candidate for an office
21at a primary or election who receives contributions or makes or obligates to make
22disbursements in an amount more than 5 percent greater than the public financing
23benefit applicable to an eligible candidate for the same office at the same primary or
24election shall file a report with the board itemizing the total contributions received
25and disbursements made or obligated to be made by the candidate as of the date of

1the report. The board shall transmit copies of the report to all candidates for the
2same office at the same election. A nonparticipating candidate shall file additional
3reports after the candidate receives each additional $1,000 of contributions, or the
4candidate makes or obligates to make each additional $1,000 of disbursements. If
5such contributions are received or such disbursements are made or obligated to be
6made more than 6 weeks prior to the date of the primary election at which the name
7of the candidate appears on the ballot, or prior to the date that the primary election
8would be held, if a primary were required, such reports shall be made at the next
9regular reporting interval under s. 11.506. If such contributions are received or such
10disbursements made or obligated to be made within 6 weeks prior to the date of the
11primary election at which the name of the candidate appears on the ballot, or within
126 weeks prior to the date that the primary election would be held, if a primary were
13required, such reports shall be made within 24 hours after each instance in which
14such contributions are received, or such disbursements are made or obligated to be
SB171,17,19 16(2) Upon receipt of such information, the state treasurer shall immediately
17issue a check to an opposing eligible candidate in an additional amount equivalent
18to the total excess disbursements made or obligated to be made, but not to exceed 3
19times the public financing benefit for the applicable office.
SB171,18,6 2011.513 Independent disbursements. (1) If any person makes, or becomes
21obligated to make, by oral or written agreement, an independent disbursement in
22excess of $1,000 with respect to a candidate for the office of justice at a spring primary
23or election, that person shall file with the board a notice of such disbursement or
24obligation to make such a disbursement. Any such person shall file reports of such
25disbursements or obligations to make such disbursements on the 15th or last day of

1the month that immediately follows the date of the disbursement or the obligation
2to make the disbursement, whichever comes first, except that, within 6 weeks prior
3to the date of the spring primary election, the person shall file such reports within
424 hours after each independent disbursement is made or obligated to be made. Any
5such person shall file additional reports after each additional $1,000 of
6disbursements are made or obligated to be made.