2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 15, 2008 - Introduced by Senators Vinehout, Kedzie, Coggs, Lehman,
Taylor, Kapanke
and Olsen, cosponsored by Representatives Newcomer, A.
Ott, Zepnick, Sheridan, Townsend, Wasserman, Jorgensen, Bies, Kaufert

and Mason. Referred to Committee on Health, Human Services, Insurance,
and Job Creation.
SB389,2,2 1An Act to renumber 459.01 (1); to renumber and amend 459.24 (3) (d); to
15.405 (6m) (e), 29.193 (2) (a) 1., 29.324 (1) (a), 45.40 (2) (a), 77.54 (22)
3(b), 102.01 (2) (c), 149.14 (3) (k), 459.01 (2), (3) and (5), 459.02, 459.03 (title),
4459.03 (1), 459.03 (2) (b), 459.035, 459.04, 459.05 (1m), 459.06 (2) (a) (intro.) and
53. and (b) (intro.) and 4. and (3), 459.07 (2), 459.08 (1), 459.085, 459.095 (3),
6459.10 (1) (d) and (e), 459.10 (1) (g), 459.10 (1) (i), (j), (k) and (p), 459.14 (2),
7459.20 (2) (a) and (b), (3g) and (3p), 459.22 (2) (b), (c) and (f), 459.24 (1) (a),
8459.24 (1) (b), 459.24 (1m), 459.24 (3) (e), 459.24 (3) (f), 459.24 (3m), 459.24 (6)
9(b), 459.26 (2) (a), 459.26 (2) (b) (intro.) and 4., 459.34 (2) (ce), (cm) and (cs),
10459.34 (2) (d) and 968.27 (7) (b); and to create 459.01 (1d), 459.10 (1) (q), (r),
11(s) and (t), 459.24 (3) (d) 2. and 3., 459.34 (2) (i), 459.34 (2) (j) and 459.34 (2) (k)
12of the statutes; relating to: replacing the term hearing aid with hearing
13instrument, creating new grounds for discipline of hearing instrument
14specialists, audiologists, and speech-language pathologists, changing the

1definition of audiology, and changing licensing requirements for audiologists,
2and granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes the following changes to the regulation of speech-language
pathologists and audiologists.
Prohibited conduct.
1. Deceptive advertising. Under current law, the Hearing and Speech
Examining Board in the Department of Regulation and Licensing (board) may
reprimand the holder of a license or permit issued by the board or revoke, suspend,
limit, or deny a license or permit if the holder or applicant engages in certain
prohibited conduct, including false, misleading, or deceptive advertising. The bill
prohibits deceptive advertising instead of false, misleading, or deceptive advertising.
In addition, the bill creates a definition for "deceptive advertising" which includes
creating or using promotional literature, testimonials, insignia, or other
representation which is misleading, false, or untruthful.
2. Misrepresentation. The bill prohibits the holder of a license or permit from
intentionally or negligently representing that the services or advice of a physician
or audiologist will be used in connection with the fitting, sale, or maintenance of a
hearing instrument when the service or advice will not be used. The bill prohibits
the holder of a license or permit from making an intentional or negligent
representation regarding a hearing instrument or services. The bill also prohibits
the holder of a license or permit from misusing words that imply the involvement of
the medical or audiology professions when there is no such involvement. Finally, the
bill prohibits a hearing instrument specialist from intentionally or negligently
misrepresenting the cause of a hearing impairment, or the cure of a hearing
impairment by the use of a hearing instrument.
3. Use of titles. Under current law, no person may use the titles "certified
hearing aid audiologist" or "licensed hearing aid audiologist." The bill also prohibits
any person from using any of the following titles: "certified hearing instrument
audiologist," "licensed hearing instrument audiologist," or "audioprosthologist."
Audiologist license. Under current law, a person seeking an audiologist
license must have received a master's degree in audiology or completed education or
training that the board determines is substantially equivalent. The person must also
complete a postgraduate clinical fellowship in audiology approved by the board or
substantially equivalent education or training. The person must also pass an
examination required for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association or a substantially equivalent exam, as well as practical techniques tests
administered by the board.
The bill changes the requirements for audiologist licensure effective January
1, 2009. Beginning on that date, to obtain an audiologist license a person must do
all of the following:

1. Either possess a doctoral degree in audiology or submit evidence of
substantially equivalent education or training. The doctoral degree program must
consist of not less than three years of educational course work and not less than 12
months of clinical rotation or externship.
2. Pass an exam selected or approved by the board as well as practical
techniques tests administered by the board. The bill requires the board to select and
approve examinations for audiology by rule.
Temporary license to practice audiology. Under current law, the board may
grant a temporary license to practice audiology to a person who is completing a
postgraduate fellowship if the person practices under the supervision of a licensed
audiologist and satisfies other requirements. The bill eliminates temporary
licensure for audiologists effective January 1, 2009.
Other changes.
Current law defines audiology as applying principles, methods, or procedures
of prevention, identification, evaluation, consultation, intervention, instruction, or
research related to hearing, vestibuar function, or any abnormal condition related
to tinnitus, auditory sensitivity, acuity, function or processing, speech, language, or
other aberrant behavior resulting from hearing loss. The bill amends the definition
to include assessment, measurement, interpretation, treatment, conservation,
management, and counseling to the principles, methods, or procedures applied by an
audiologist. The bill also requires that these activities be undertaken for the purpose
of diagnosing abnormal conditions and designing and implementing a plan for the
treatment, management, or amelioration of the abnormal condition.
The bill also eliminates all statutory references to "hearing aid" and substitutes
the term "hearing instrument."
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB389, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.405 (6m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,3,32 15.405 (6m) (e) Two public members. One of the public members shall be a
3hearing aid instrument user.
SB389, s. 2 4Section 2. 29.193 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,3,75 29.193 (2) (a) 1. "Accompanied" means being subject to continuous visual or
6voice contact without the aid of any mechanical or electronic amplifying device other
7than a hearing aid instrument.
SB389, s. 3
1Section 3. 29.324 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,4,32 29.324 (1) (a) "Contact" means visual or voice contact without the aid of any
3mechanical or electronic amplifying device other than a hearing aid instrument.
SB389, s. 4 4Section 4. 45.40 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,4,75 45.40 (2) Health care. (a) The department may provide health care aid to a
6veteran for dental care, including dentures; vision care, including eyeglass frames
7and lenses; and hearing care, including hearing aids instruments.
SB389, s. 5 8Section 5. 77.54 (22) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,4,119 77.54 (22) (b) Artificial limbs, artificial eyes, hearing aids instruments and
10other equipment worn as a correction or substitute for any functioning portion of the
SB389, s. 6 12Section 6. 102.01 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,4,1813 102.01 (2) (c) "Injury" means mental or physical harm to an employee caused
14by accident or disease, and also means damage to or destruction of artificial
15members, dental appliances, teeth, hearing aids instruments and eyeglasses, but, in
16the case of hearing aids instruments or eyeglasses, only if such damage or
17destruction resulted from accident which also caused personal injury entitling the
18employee to compensation therefor either for disability or treatment.
SB389, s. 7 19Section 7. 149.14 (3) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,4,2220 149.14 (3) (k) Rental or purchase, as appropriate, of durable medical
21equipment or disposable medical supplies, other than eyeglasses and hearing aids
SB389, s. 8 23Section 8. 459.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 459.01 (1m).
SB389, s. 9 24Section 9. 459.01 (1d) of the statutes is created to read:
1459.01 (1d) "Deceptive advertising" means creating, using, or promoting the
2use of any advertising material, promotional literature, testimonial, guarantee,
3warranty, label, brand, insignia, or other representation, however disseminated or
4published, which is misleading, false, or untruthful.
SB389, s. 10 5Section 10. 459.01 (2), (3) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB389,5,96 459.01 (2) "Hearing aid instrument" means any wearable instrument or device
7designed for or offered for the purpose of aiding or compensating for impaired human
8hearing and any parts, attachments or accessories of such an instrument or device,
9except batteries and cords.
SB389,5,12 10(3) "Hearing instrument specialist" means any person who is or is required to
11be licensed under s. 459.05 to engage in the practice of dealing in or fitting hearing
12aids instruments.
SB389,5,17 13(5) "Practice of fitting and dealing in hearing aids instruments" means the
14measurement of human hearing by means of an audiometer or by any other means
15accepted by the examining board solely for the purpose of making selections,
16adaptations or sales of hearing aids instruments intended to compensate for
17impaired hearing. This term also includes making impressions for ear molds.
SB389, s. 11 18Section 11. 459.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,6,3 19459.02 License required to sell and fit hearing aids instruments. (1)
20No person may engage in the practice of selling or fitting hearing aids instruments
21or display a sign or in any other way advertise or represent himself or herself as a
22person who practices the fitting or sale of hearing aids instruments unless he or she
23holds a valid license issued under this subchapter or a valid license or permit to
24practice audiology issued under subch. II. The license required by s. 459.05 shall be
25conspicuously posted in his or her office or place of business as registered with the

1department at all times. Duplicate licenses shall be issued by the department under
2this subchapter to valid license holders operating more than one office without
3additional payment.
SB389,6,11 4(2) Nothing in this subchapter or subch. II shall prohibit any corporation or
5mercantile establishment which maintains an established business address from
6engaging in the business of selling or offering for sale hearing aids instruments at
7retail without a license, provided that for the purpose of selling and fitting hearing
8aids instruments it employs persons licensed under this subchapter or persons
9issued licenses or permits to practice audiology under subch. II. Such corporation
10or mercantile establishment shall annually file with the examining board a list of all
11persons employed for the purpose of selling and fitting hearing aids instruments.
SB389, s. 12 12Section 12. 459.03 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,6,14 13459.03 (title) Receipt required to be furnished to a person supplied with
aid instrument.
SB389, s. 13 15Section 13. 459.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,6,2316 459.03 (1) Whoever practices fitting or selling of hearing aids instruments
17under this subchapter shall deliver to each person supplied with a hearing aid
18instrument a receipt. The receipt shall contain the licensee's signature and show the
19licensee's business address and license title and number, together with specifications
20as to the make and model of the hearing aid instrument furnished and full terms of
21sale clearly stated. If a hearing aid instrument which is not new is sold, the receipt
22and the container thereof must be clearly marked as "used" or "reconditioned"
23whichever is applicable.
SB389, s. 14 24Section 14. 459.03 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1459.03 (2) (b) A statement that the purchaser has been advised at the outset
2of the purchaser's relationship with the hearing instrument specialist that any
3examination or representation made by a hearing instrument specialist in
4connection with the fitting and selling of this hearing aid instrument is not an
5examination, diagnosis or prescription by a person licensed to practice medicine or
in this state and therefore must not be regarded as medical or audiological
7opinion or advice.
SB389, s. 15 8Section 15. 459.035 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB389,7,13 9459.035 Medical exam before being fitted. A hearing aid instrument shall
10not be fitted for or sold to a person 17 years of age or younger unless within 90 days
11prior to the fitting the person to be fitted has been examined by a physician to
12determine whether or not he or she has any physical deficiencies that would prohibit
13the effective use of a hearing aid instrument.
SB389, s. 16 14Section 16. 459.04 of the statutes is amended to read: