XX30 Legislature.
XX31 Lieutenant Governor.

XX32 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board.
XX33 Medical College of Wisconsin.
XX34 Military Affairs.
XX35 Natural Resources.
XX36 Public Defender Board.
XX37 Public Instruction.
XX38 Public Lands, Board of Commissioners of.
XX39 Public Service Commission.
XX40 Regulation and Licensing.
XX41 Revenue.
XX42 Secretary of State.
XX43 State Employment Relations, Office of
XX44 State Fair Park Board.
XX45 Supreme Court.
XX46 Technical College System.
XX47 Tourism.
XX48 Transportation.
XX49 Treasurer.
XX50 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
XX51 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.
XX52 University of Wisconsin System.
XX53 Veterans Affairs.
XX54 Workforce Development.
XX55 other.
For example, for general nonstatutory provisions relating to the State
Historical Society, see Section 9123. For any agency that is not assigned a two-digit
identification number and that is attached to another agency, see the number of the
latter agency. For any other agency not assigned a two-digit identification number
or any provision that does not relate to the functions of a particular agency, see
number "55" (other) within each type of provision.
In order to facilitate amendment drafting and the enrolling process, separate
section numbers and headings appear for each type of provision and for each state
agency, even if there are no provisions included in that section number and heading.
Section numbers and headings for which there are no provisions will be deleted in
enrolling and will not appear in the published act.
Following is a list of the most commonly used abbreviations appearing in the
DATCPDepartment of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
DETFDepartment of Employee Trust Funds
DFIDepartment of Financial Institutions
DHFSDepartment of Health and Family Services
DMADepartment of Military Affairs
DNRDepartment of Natural Resources

DOADepartment of Administration
DOCDepartment of Corrections
DOJDepartment of Justice
DORDepartment of Revenue
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DPIDepartment of Public Instruction
DRLDepartment of Regulation and Licensing
DVADepartment of Veterans Affairs
DWDDepartment of Workforce Development
JCFJoint Committee on Finance
OCIOffice of the Commissioner of Insurance
PSCPublic Service Commission
UWUniversity of Wisconsin
WHEDAWisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
WHEFAWisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
Under current law, the land to which a claim for the farmland preservation
credit relates must be subject either to a farmland preservation agreement or to an
exclusive agricultural use zoning ordinance certified by the Land and Water
Conservation Board (LWCB). A farmland preservation agreement commits the
owner to keep the land in agricultural use for the duration of the agreement,
although DATCP or LWCB may release land from an agreement under certain
circumstances. When land is rezoned from exclusive agricultural use, or, under
certain circumstances, released from a farmland preservation agreement, DATCP
must file a lien against the land for the amount of the farmland preservation credit
the owner received during the preceding ten years.
This bill eliminates the requirement that DATCP file a lien against land that
is released from a farmland preservation agreement or that is rezoned from exclusive
agricultural use. Under the bill, to have land released from a farmland preservation
agreement the owner generally must pay $100 per acre to the state, and to have land
rezoned from exclusive agricultural zoning the owner must pay $100 per acre to the
local governmental unit that grants the rezoning.
Currently, DATCP awards grants for land and water resource management
projects and construction of animal waste management systems. This bill increases
the general obligation bonding authority for this program by $7,000,000.
This bill authorizes DATCP to pay a portion a business's costs of improvements
to prevent pollution from agricultural chemicals.
This bill increases the criminal penalties for violating laws regulating
nurseries and laws related to plant pests. The bill also provides forfeitures (civil
penalties) for violating these laws, ranging from a minimum of $200 to a maximum,
for a repeat offense, of $10,000.

This bill requires DATCP to fund, from the recycling fund, research and
development of anaerobic digesters, which produce and collect methane from animal
waste, at farms participating in the Wisconsin Agricultural Stewardship Initiative.
commerce and economic development
Economic development
This bill eliminates the authority of the Department of Commerce (Commerce)
to award a grant or make a loan for technology development, customized labor
training, major economic development, and technology and pollution control and
abatement programs, as well as the programs for revolving loan fund capitalization,
rapid response loans, employee ownership assistance, urban area early planning,
and the Wisconsin Procurement Institute. The bill authorizes Commerce, at the
request of the Development Finance Board, to make a grant or loan to a governing
body or other eligible person for any of the following: capital financing; worker
training; entrepreneurial development; assistance to technology-based businesses
or businesses at a foreign trade show; promoting urban or regional economic
development; establishing revolving loan funds; providing working capital; and
promoting employee ownership.
The bill also requires Commerce to establish procedures and conditions for
grants and loans, including a matching requirement of at least 25 percent.
Currently, WHEDA maintains a surplus fund consisting of assets that are not
required to pay the cost of issuing bonds or notes, to make loans, or to honor
agreements with bondholders and noteholders. This bill requires WHEDA to pay
Commerce from the surplus fund $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $2,000,000
in fiscal year 2008-09 to fund housing cost grants and loans and grants to local
housing organizations.
This bill authorizes Commerce to award a grant or loan from the recycling fund
to a business to increase renewable fuel or energy production or technology. A grant
recipient must provide at least 50 percent of the cost of a project funded by a grant.
The bill also requires Commerce to make grants totaling up to $5,000,000 to a person
who plans to construct a cellulosic ethanol plant.
In addition, the bill allows moneys in the recycling fund to be used to administer
the renewable fuel and energy grant and loan program and for current economic
development programs funded by the Wisconsin development fund.
This bill authorizes Commerce to award a grant to a technology-based
nonprofit organization to assist manufacturers in adopting process improvements
that result in more goods of higher quality produced with less effort. Commerce may
not award more than $1,500,000 in such grants in a fiscal biennium.
Under current law, Commerce provides funding for the promotion of
science-based and technology-based businesses through a nonstock, nonprofit
high-technology business development corporation. Commerce also provides
funding to Forward Wisconsin, Inc., a private corporation, for its economic
development promotion activities.
This bill requires Commerce to organize and assist in maintaining the
Wisconsin Venture Center (WVC), a nonprofit corporation, to raise capital to promote

and support emerging industries in the state. WVC must be governed by a board of
directors that includes the secretary of commerce or his or her designee, the secretary
of financial institutions or his or her designee, and no more than 12 other members
appointed by the governor.
This bill appropriates moneys to Commerce for advertising, marketing, and
promotional activities for economic development of, and business recruitment to,
this state.
Commerce, housing, and buildings and safety
This bill increases the initial and renewal license fees for securities agents and
investment adviser representatives from $30 to $60.
Under current law, annually DOA must allocate $1,100,000 of federal funds for
expenses in administering a low-income energy assistance program. This bill
deletes the specific amount and directs the secretary of administration to determine
the amount to allocate for expenses.
Current law directs Commerce to contract with private organizations to
educate builders of one- and two-family dwellings concerning construction
standards, inspection requirements, and business practices. Commerce must also
educate consumers regarding the process of building these dwellings. This bill
eliminates the requirement that Commerce educate builders on building practices
and eliminates the requirement that Commerce educate consumers. Commerce may
contract to educate builders on construction standards and inspection requirements,
but is not required to do so.
correctional systems
Adult correctional system
Beginning July 1, 2007, current law requires DOC to maintain global
positioning system (GPS) tracking of sex offenders committed as sexually violent
persons (SVPs) and certain sex offenders who have committed specified sex offenses
against a child. Generally, DOC must monitor the sex offenders for the rest of their
lives. DOC may petition a court to terminate the GPS tracking requirement if the
individual is permanently physically incapacitated.
This bill delays the implementation of the requirements until January 1, 2008.
The bill requires DOC only to record the sex offender's location rather than monitor
the person, and applies the tracking requirement only while the sex offender is on
supervised release, conditional release, extended supervision, parole, or lifetime
supervision for the serious child sex offense. The bill eliminates the requirement to
track SVPs discharged from DHFS custody and individuals who are found not guilty
of a serious child sex offense by reason of mental disease or defect who are discharged
from commitment, placed on probation for committing a serious child sex offense,
and released from prison upon completing a sentence imposed for a serious child sex
offense. The bill also allows DOC to petition a court to terminate the tracking
requirement if DOC determines that the individual would not endanger the public
if not tracked.
Currently, the Parole Commission in DOC determines whether, and under
what conditions, inmates serving indeterminate sentences may be released from

imprisonment to parole. A person who is serving a bifurcated sentence is not eligible
for parole and generally must serve the entire confinement portion of his or her
bifurcated sentence before being released to extended supervision. However, a
person who is sentenced to a bifurcated sentence for a Class C to Class I felony may
petition the sentencing court to adjust his or her sentence and release the person
from prison to extended supervision if he or she has served 85 percent (for Class C
to E felonies) or 75 percent (for Class F to I felonies) of the confinement portion of the
sentence. A person who is released to extended supervision must serve his or her
entire sentence before extended supervision terminates.
This bill renames the Parole Commission the Earned Release Review
Commission. The bill authorizes the Earned Release Review Commission to release
to extended supervision a prisoner who was sentenced to a bifurcated sentence for
a Class F to I felony if the prisoner has served 75 percent of the confinement portion
of the sentence and to terminate the extended supervision of a prisoner who was
sentenced to a bifurcated sentence for a Class F to I felony if the prisoner has served
75 percent of the extended supervision portion of the sentence. A prisoner who is
serving a bifurcated sentence for a Class C to a E felony must petition the sentencing
court for sentence adjustment.
Current law requires DOC and DHFS to provide, at the Robert E. Ellsworth
Correctional Center, a substance abuse treatment program for inmates who are
eligible to earn early release to parole or extended supervision upon successful
completion of the program. This bill allows DOC and DHFS to provide the program
at any correctional facility the departments determine is appropriate.
Under current law, DOC may house a person released to extended supervision
for up to 90 days in a regional detention facility or, with the approval of the sheriff,
in a county jail. This bill allows DOC to house a person released to extended
supervision for up to 90 days in any DOC facility, county jail, Huber facility, or work
This bill requires DOC to provide funding for New Hope Project, Inc., a
transitional employment program for criminal offenders.
Juvenile correctional system
Under current law relating to community youth and family aids, generally
referred to as "youth aids," DOC must allocate various state and federal moneys to
counties to pay for state-provided juvenile correctional services and local
delinquency-related and juvenile justice services. DOC charges counties for the
costs of services provided by DOC according to per person daily cost assessments
specified by law. This bill increases those assessments.
The bill also appropriates for youth aids moneys from the county aid fund,
which consists of real estate transfer fees retained by the state, and requires DOC
to allocate the moneys to counties based on each county's proportion of the number
of juveniles statewide who are placed in a juvenile correctional facility during the
most recent three-year period for which that information is available.
Current law directs DOC to enter into contracts with organizations in
Milwaukee County, Racine County, Kenosha County, and Brown County to provide

services for the diversion of youths from gang activities into productive activities.
This bill transfers administration of this program to the Office of Justice Assistance
in DOA.
courts and procedure
Circuit courts
Under current law, the Director of State Courts reimburses counties for certain
costs incurred in administering the circuit courts. Each county is required to submit
information about court costs annually by July 1. This bill requires counties to report
their reimbursable court costs annually by May 15. The bill authorizes the director
to audit the reports and to establish a uniform chart of accounts that each county
would be required to use to record all of its financial transactions relating to court