2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
February 8, 2008 - Introduced by Senators Lassa, Olsen and Darling, cosponsored
by Representatives Jeskewitz, Grigsby, Nygren, Albers, Musser, Stone,
Hahn, Berceau, Owens, Pocan, Seidel, Townsend
and Sinicki. Referred to
Committee on Tax Fairness and Family Prosperity.
SB464,1,9 1An Act to renumber and amend 48.63 (3) and 48.833; to amend 48.75 (1g) (a)
24., 48.837 (1), 48.837 (1m), 48.837 (4) (d), 48.837 (6) (d), 48.837 (7), 48.84 (3),
348.913 (1) (k), 48.988 (8) (a), 632.896 (1) (c) 1. and 632.896 (1) (c) 2.; and to
48.422 (7) (br), 48.63 (3) (b), 48.833 (2), 48.837 (1r), 48.837 (4) (dm) and
548.837 (6) (br) of the statutes; relating to: placement of a child for adoption
6with a nonrelative prior to termination of parental rights, payment for
7preadoption preparation when a child is placed for adoption by a child welfare
8agency, and the applicability of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill permits a child to be placed for adoption prior to termination of
parental rights (TPR), eliminates a requirement that the Department of Health and
Family Services (DHFS) pay for preadoptive preparation when a child is placed for
adoption by a child welfare agency and expands the applicability of the Interstate
Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).

Adoptive placement prior to TPR
Under current law, DHFS, a county department of human services or social
services that is authorized to place children for adoption (county department), or a
licensed child welfare agency may place a child for adoption in a licensed foster home
without an order of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the Children's
Code (juvenile court) if DHFS, the county department, or the licensed child welfare
agency is the guardian of the child or makes the placement at the request of another
agency that is the guardian of the child (agency adoption). Generally, DHFS, a
county department, or a licensed child welfare agency is not named as a child's
guardian until after a TPR is finalized.
Under current law, when the proposed adoptive parent or parents of a child
reside in this state and are not relatives of the child, a parent having custody of the
child and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child may petition the
juvenile court for placement of the child for adoption in the home of the proposed
adoptive parent or parents if the home is licensed as a foster home. Similarly,
notwithstanding the ICPC, when the proposed adoptive parent or parents of a child
reside outside this state and are not relatives of the child, a parent having custody
of the child and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child may petition the
juvenile court for placement of the child for adoption in the home of the proposed
adoptive parent or parents if the home meets the criteria established by the laws of
the other state for a preadoptive placement of a child in the home of a nonrelative
(private adoption).
Currently, in the case of a private adoption, on the filing of a petition for
adoptive placement and an accompanying petition for TPR, the juvenile court may,
at the request of a petitioning parent or on its own motion after ordering the child
taken into custody, order DHFS, or a county department to place the child, pending
the hearing on the petition, in any home that is licensed as a foster home except the
home of the proposed adoptive parents or a relative of the proposed adoptive parents.
The child may not be placed with the proposed adoptive parent or parents until after
the juvenile court holds hearings on the petitions for adoptive placement and TPR
and approves the proposed adoptive placement and terminates parental rights.
This bill permits, in an agency adoption or a private adoption, DHFS, a county
department, or a licensed child welfare agency, at the request of a parent having
custody of a child and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child, or the
juvenile court, on such a request or on its own motion, to place a child in the home
of the proposed adoptive parent or parents prior to finalization of a TPR as follows:
1. In the case of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside in this state,
if the home is licensed as a foster home.
2. In the case of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside outside this
state, if the placement is made in compliance with the ICPC or other applicable laws
regulating the interstate adoptive placement of children, if the home meets the
criteria established by the laws of the state where the proposed adoptive parent or
parents reside for a preadoptive placement of a child in the home of a nonrelative,
and if an appropriate agency in that state has completed an investigation of the home

and filed a report and recommendation concerning the home with DHFS, the county
department, or the licensed child welfare agency.
The bill also requires DHFS, the county department, or the child welfare agency
making the placement and the proposed adoptive parent or parents to enter into a
written agreement that specifies who is financially responsible for the cost of
providing care for the child prior to the finalization of the adoption and for the cost
of returning the child to the parent who has custody of the child if the adoption is not
finalized. Under the agreement, DHFS, the county department, or the child welfare
agency or the proposed adoptive parent or parents, but not the birth parent of the
child or any alleged or presumed father of the child, is financially responsible for
those costs. In addition, the bill prohibits any person from coercing a birth parent
or any alleged or presumed father, prior to TPR to the child, into refraining from
exercising his or her right to withdraw consent to the transfer or surrender of the
child or to TPR to the child, to have reasonable visitation or contact with the child,
or to otherwise exercise his or her parental rights to the child. Upon a finding of such
coercion, the juvenile court must dismiss the petitions for TPR and adoptive
Payment for preadoptive preparation
Under current law, a proposed adoptive parent who has not previously adopted
a child is required to obtain preadoption preparation on issues that may confront
adoptive parents. The preparation must be provided by a licensed child welfare
agency, a licensed private adoption agency, the State Adoption Information
Exchange, the State Adoption Center, a state-funded foster care and adoption
resource center, or a state-funded postadoption resource center. The proposed
adoptive parents must pay for the training, except that DHFS must pay for the
training if the child is placed for adoption by DHFS, a county department, or a child
welfare agency. This bill requires DHFS to pay for the training only if the child is
placed for adoption by DHFS or a county department. Therefore, under the bill, the
proposed adoptive parents must pay for the training if the child is placed for adoption
by a child welfare agency.
Applicability of ICPC
Under current law, the ICPC provides procedures for sending a child from this
state to another state, placing a child from this state in an institution in another
state, bringing a child from another state into this state, and placing a child from
another state in an institution in this state. Currently, the ICPC does not apply to
the sending or bringing of a child into a receiving state by the child's parent,
stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or sister, adult uncle or aunt, or guardian
and leaving the child with any such relative or nonagency guardian in the receiving
state. This bill provides that the sending or bringing of a child into a receiving state
by such a person is exempt from that compact only if the person is a person whose
full legal right to plan for the child has been established by law prior to initiation of
the placement arrangement and has not been voluntarily terminated or diminished
or severed by the action or order of any court.

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB464, s. 1 1Section 1. 48.422 (7) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
SB464,4,42 48.422 (7) (br) Establish whether any person has coerced a birth parent or any
3alleged or presumed father of the child in violation of s. 48.63 (3) (b) 5. Upon a finding
4of coercion, the court shall dismiss the petition.
SB464, s. 2 5Section 2. 48.63 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 48.63 (3) (a) and amended
6to read:
SB464,4,97 48.63 (3) (a) Subsection (1) does not apply to the placement of a child for
8adoption. Adoptive placements may be made only as provided under par. (b) and ss.
948.833, 48.835, 48.837 and 48.839.
SB464, s. 3 10Section 3. 48.63 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB464,4,1611 48.63 (3) (b) 1. At the request of a parent having custody of a child and the
12proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child, the department, a county
13department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a child welfare agency licensed under
14s. 48.60 may place the child in the home of the proposed adoptive parent or parents
15prior to termination of parental rights to the child as provided in subd. 2. or 3.,
16whichever is applicable, and subd. 4.
SB464,4,2017 2. The department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a child
18welfare agency licensed under s. 48.60 may place a child under subd. 1. in the home
19of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside in this state if that home is
20licensed as a foster home or treatment foster home under s. 48.62.
13. The department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a child
2welfare agency licensed under s. 48.60 may place a child under subd. 1. in the home
3of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside outside this state if the
4placement is made in compliance with s. 48.98 or 48.988, whichever is applicable, if
5the home meets the criteria established by the laws of the state where the proposed
6adoptive parent or parents reside for a preadoptive placement of a child in the home
7of a nonrelative, and if an appropriate agency in that state has completed an
8investigation of the home and filed a report and recommendation concerning the
9home with the department, county department, or licensed child welfare agency.
SB464,5,1810 4. Before a child may be placed under subd. 1., the department, county
11department, or child welfare agency making the placement and the proposed
12adoptive parent or parents shall enter into a written agreement that specifies who
13is financially responsible for the cost of providing care for the child prior to the
14finalization of the adoption and for the cost of returning the child to the parent who
15has custody of the child if the adoption is not finalized. Under the agreement, the
16department, county department, or child welfare agency or the proposed adoptive
17parent or parents, but not the birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed
18father of the child, shall be financially responsible for those costs.
SB464,5,2419 5. Prior to termination of parental rights to the child, no person may coerce a
20birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed father of the child into refraining
21from exercising his or her right to withdraw consent to the transfer or surrender of
22the child or to termination of his or her parental rights to the child, to have
23reasonable visitation or contact with the child, or to otherwise exercise his or her
24parental rights to the child.
SB464, s. 4 25Section 4. 48.75 (1g) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
148.75 (1g) (a) 4. The county of the public licensing agency issuing the license
2has a population of 500,000 or more and the placement is for adoption under s. 48.833
3(1), 48.835, or 48.837.
SB464, s. 5 4Section 5. 48.833 of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 293, is
5renumbered 48.833 (1) and amended to read:
SB464,6,206 48.833 (1) Placement by department or county department. The department,
7or a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a child welfare agency
8licensed under s. 48.60
may place a child for adoption in a licensed foster home or a
9licensed treatment foster home without a court order under s. 48.63 (3) (b) or if the
10department, or county department , or child welfare agency is the guardian of the
11child or makes the placement at the request of another agency that is the guardian
12of the child and if the proposed adoptive parents have completed the preadoption
13preparation required under s. 48.84 (1) or the department, or county department, or
14child welfare agency
determines that the proposed adoptive parents are not required
15to complete that preparation. ,, When a child is placed under this section subsection
16in a licensed foster home or a licensed treatment foster home for adoption, the
17department, or county department , or child welfare agency making the placement
18shall enter into a written agreement with the proposed adoptive parent, which shall
19state the date on which the child is placed in the licensed foster home or licensed
20treatment foster home for adoption by the proposed adoptive parent.
SB464, s. 6 21Section 6. 48.833 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB464,7,922 48.833 (2) Placement by child welfare agency. A child welfare agency
23licensed under s. 48.60 may place a child for adoption in a licensed foster home or a
24licensed treatment foster home without a court order under s. 48.63 (3) (b) or if the
25child welfare agency is the guardian of the child or makes the placement at the

1request of another agency that is the guardian of the child and if the proposed
2adoptive parents have completed the preadoption preparation required under s.
348.84 (1) or the child welfare agency determines that the proposed adoptive parents
4are not required to complete that preparation. When a child is placed under this
5subsection in a licensed foster home or a licensed treatment foster home for adoption,
6the child welfare agency making the placement shall enter into a written agreement
7with the proposed adoptive parent, which shall state the date on which the child is
8placed in the licensed foster home or licensed treatment foster home for adoption by
9the proposed adoptive parent.
SB464, s. 7 10Section 7. 48.837 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,1611 48.837 (1) In-state adoptive placement. When the proposed adoptive parent
12or parents of a child reside in this state and are not relatives of the child, a parent
13having custody of a child and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child
14may petition the court for placement of the child for adoption in the home of a person
15who is not a relative of the child
the proposed adoptive parent or parents if the home
16is licensed as a foster home or treatment foster home under s. 48.62.
SB464, s. 8 17Section 8. 48.837 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,2418 48.837 (1m) Out-of-state adoptive placement. Notwithstanding s. Subject to
19ss. 48.98 and
48.988, when the proposed adoptive parent or parents of a child reside
20outside this state and are not relatives of the child, a parent having custody of a child
21and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child may petition the court for
22placement of the child for adoption in the home of the proposed adoptive parent or
23parents, if the home meets the criteria established by the laws of the other state for
24a preadoptive placement of a child in the home of a nonrelative.
SB464, s. 9 25Section 9. 48.837 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
148.837 (1r) Placement prior to petition. (a) At the request of a parent having
2custody of a child and the proposed adoptive parent or parents of the child, the
3department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a child welfare
4agency licensed under s. 48.60 may place the child in the home of the proposed
5adoptive parent or parents prior to the filing of a petition under sub. (2) as provided
6in par. (b) or (c), whichever is applicable, and par. (d).
SB464,8,107 (b) The department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a
8child welfare agency licensed under s. 48.60 may place a child under par. (a) in the
9home of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside in this state if that home
10is licensed as a foster home or treatment foster home under s. 48.62.
SB464,8,1911 (c) The department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), or a
12child welfare agency licensed under s. 48.60 may place a child under par. (a) in the
13home of a proposed adoptive parent or parents who reside outside this state if the
14placement is made in compliance with s. 48.98 or 48.988, whichever is applicable, if
15the home meets the criteria established by the laws of the state where the proposed
16adoptive parent or parents reside for a preadoptive placement of a child in the home
17of a nonrelative, and if an appropriate agency in that state has completed an
18investigation of the home and filed a report and recommendation concerning the
19home with the department, county department, or licensed child welfare agency.
SB464,9,320 (d) Before a child may be placed under par. (a), the department, county
21department, or child welfare agency making the placement and the proposed
22adoptive parent or parents shall enter into a written agreement that specifies who
23is financially responsible for the cost of providing care for the child prior to the
24finalization of the adoption and for the cost of returning the child to the parent who
25has custody of the child if the adoption is not finalized. Under the agreement, the

1department, county department, or child welfare agency or the proposed adoptive
2parent or parents, but not the birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed
3father of the child, shall be financially responsible for those costs.
SB464,9,94 (e) Prior to termination of parental rights to the child, no person may coerce a
5birth parent of the child or any alleged or presumed father of the child into refraining
6from exercising his or her right to withdraw consent to the transfer or surrender of
7the child or to termination of his or her parental rights to the child, to have
8reasonable visitation or contact with the child, or to otherwise exercise his or her
9parental rights to the child.
SB464, s. 10 10Section 10. 48.837 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,9,1911 48.837 (4) (d) May, at the request of a petitioning parent, or on its own motion
12after ordering the child taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (c),
in the case of a child
13who has not been placed under sub. (1r),
order the department or a county
14department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), at the request of a petitioning parent or on
15its own motion after ordering the child taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (c),
16place the child, pending the hearing on the petition, in any home in this state that
licensed under s. 48.62 except the home of the proposed adoptive parents or a
18relative of the proposed adoptive parents
or in any home outside this state if the
19conditions under sub. (1r) (c) are met
SB464, s. 11 20Section 11. 48.837 (4) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB464,9,2521 48.837 (4) (dm) May, in the case of a child who has been placed under sub. (1r),
22order the child to be maintained in the placement pending the hearing on the petition
23or order the department or a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e) or (hm), at the
24request of a petitioning parent or on its own motion after ordering the child taken
25into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (c), to place the child, pending the hearing on the

1petition, in any home licensed under s. 48.62 except the home of the proposed
2adoptive parents or a relative of the proposed adoptive parents.
SB464, s. 12 3Section 12. 48.837 (6) (br) of the statutes is created to read: