New and increased diversions
The general prohibition on new diversions and on increases in existing
diversions and the three exceptions to the prohibition continue to apply after the
compact takes effect. The precompact standards for approval for new and existing
diversions continue to apply, but for some diversions new requirements also apply,
as described below.
Straddling communities
In addition to the requirements that apply before the compact takes effect, a
proposal for a diversion to a straddling community that results in a very large new
or increased water loss to the Great Lakes basin must be reviewed by the regional
body before DNR decides whether to approve the proposal.
Intrabasin transfers
In addition to the requirements that apply before the compact takes effect, a
proposal for an intrabasin transfer that results in a very large new or increased water
loss to the Great Lakes basin must be reviewed by the regional body and DNR may
not approve the proposal unless the council approves the proposal with no
disapproving votes.
Communities in straddling counties
In addition to the requirements that apply before the compact takes effect, a
proposal for a diversion to a community in a straddling county must be reviewed by
the regional body and DNR may not approve the proposal unless the council approves
the proposal with no disapproving votes.
Water supply planning
The statewide water supply planning provisions described above continue in
effect, but, for some public water supply systems that withdraw water from the Great
Lakes basin, new requirements are added.
Once the compact takes effect, DNR may not approve a water supply plan that
covers a water supply system serving a population of more than 10,000 if the plan
provides for a new withdrawal from the basin, or for the increase in an existing
withdrawal from the basin, that exceeds the threshold for application of one or more
of the decision-making standards, as described below, unless DNR determines that
the new withdrawal or increase in the existing withdrawal meets the applicable
decision-making standards. In other words, for withdrawals by a public water
supply system serving a population of more than 10,000, the decision-making
standards are applied through the water supply planning process instead of through
the withdrawal permitting process.
Statewide registration and reporting of withdrawals
The statewide requirement for registration and reporting of withdrawals,
described above, continues after the compact takes effect.
Permitting of withdrawals in the Great lakes basin
Permit requirement
The permitting requirement for a withdrawal of water from the Great Lakes
basin that averages 100,000 GPD or more in any 30-day period continues after the

compact takes effect. A notice of coverage under a general permit or an individual
permit issued before the compact takes effect continues to be valid, but postcompact
decision-making standards apply to withdrawals that are proposed to be increased
by one of the threshold amounts, as described below.
General permits
The provisions relating to coverage under a general permit generally do not
change after the compact takes effect. However, after the compact takes effect, DNR
may not issue a notice of coverage under a general permit for a withdrawal for the
purpose of providing water to a public water supply system that serves a population
of more than 10,000 unless the withdrawal is covered by an approved water supply
Individual permits
The process for issuing and modifying individual water supply permits does not
generally change when the compact takes effect.
After the compact takes effect, the bill conditions the issuance of an individual
permit for a new withdrawal that equals at least 1,000,000 GPD, but less than
10,000,000 GPD, for any 30 consecutive days on compliance with the state
decision-making standard, described below. The bill conditions the issuance of an
individual permit for a new withdrawal that equals at least 10,000,000 GPD for any
30 consecutive days on compliance with the compact decision-making standard. In
addition, if a new withdrawal that is subject to the state or compact decision-making
standard results in a water loss that averages more than 2,000,000 GPD in any
30-day period, it is subject to the consumptive use decision-making standard.
If a person proposes to increase the amount of a withdrawal that is covered by
a water supply permit so that it equals at least 1,000,000 GPD, but not 10,000,000
GPD, for any 30 consecutive days over the withdrawal amount for the withdrawal
as of the beginning of the current permit term, the compact's effective date, or the last
date on which the state or compact decision-making standard was applied to an
increase in the withdrawal, whichever is latest, approval of the increase is
conditioned on compliance with the state decision-making standard. If a person
proposes to increase the amount of a withdrawal that is covered by a water supply
permit so that it equals at least 10,000,000 GPD for any 30 consecutive days over the
withdrawal amount for the withdrawal as of the beginning of the current permit
term, the compact's effective date, or the last date on which the compact
decision-making standard was applied to an increase in the withdrawal, whichever
is latest, approval of the increase is conditioned on compliance with the compact
decision-making standard. In addition, generally, if the state or compact
decision-making standard applies to a proposed increase in a withdrawal and the
water loss from the proposed increase, plus other increases since the beginning of the
permit term, averages more than 2,000,000 GPD in any 30-day period, the increase
in the withdrawal is subject to the consumptive use decision-making standard.
If a proposal will result in a new water loss or an increase in water loss that
averages 5,000,000 gallons or more in any 90-day period, DNR is required to provide
notice of the proposal to the other states and to Ontario and Quebec. Also, if a
majority of the members of the regional body request regional review of a regionally

significant or potentially precedent setting proposal, the proposal must be reviewed
by the regional body before DNR decides whether to approve the proposal.
State decision-making standard
A proposal meets the state decision-making standard if it satisfies several
criteria, including the following:
1. The amount of the withdrawal is needed to meet the projected needs of the
persons who will use the water.
2. Cost-effective conservation practices will be implemented to ensure efficient
use of the water.
3. One of the following applies:
a. The withdrawal will cause no significant adverse environmental impacts to
the waters of the state.
b. If the withdrawal is from a surface water body, the withdrawal will not result
in the violation of water quality standards or impair fish populations.
c. DNR has issued an approval for the withdrawal under laws related to high
capacity wells, the withdrawal of water from streams, or the placement of structures
in navigable waters.
DNR may by rule add to the state decision-making standard other criteria that
it determines are necessary.
Compact decision-making standard
What the bill calls the compact decision-making standard is very similar to the
decision-making standard in the compact itself. A proposal meets the compact
decision-making standard if it satisfies several criteria, including the following:
1. The withdrawal will not result in significant adverse impacts to the quantity
or quality of the waters of the Great Lakes basin, to related natural resources, or, if
the withdrawal is from a stream tributary to one of the Great Lakes, to the watershed
of that stream.
2. Environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation
measures will be used in implementing the withdrawal.
3. The proposed use of the water is reasonable, based on a consideration of
factors specified in the bill.
Consumptive use decision-making standard
The consumptive use decision-making standard is similar to the standard in
current law that applies to withdrawals that result in water losses averaging more
than 2,000,000 GPD in any 30-day period. A proposal meets the consumptive use
decision-making standard if it satisfies several criteria, including the following:
1. No public rights in navigable waters will be adversely affected by the
use of the water.
2. Reasonable water conservation practices will be applied to the use of the
3. The proposed consumptive use will not have a significant adverse effect on
the quantity or quality of the waters of the state.
4. If the water loss averages 5,000,000 gallons or more in any 90-day period,
the consumptive use will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment
of the Great Lakes basin or the state.

Statewide water conservation
The requirement for a statewide water conservation and efficiency program
continues to apply after the compact takes effect. The bill requires DNR to specify
water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives for the waters of the Great
Lakes basin that are consistent with the goals in the compact and the objectives
specified by the council. By two years after the compact's effective date, DNR must
implement a water conservation and efficiency program, for all users of waters of the
Great Lakes basin, that is designed to achieve those goals and objectives.
Public participation
The bill includes procedures that facilitate public participation in the review of
proposals for diversions, proposals for withdrawals for which individual permits are
required, for proposed general permits, and for proposed water supply plans. The
bill also requires consultation with a federally recognized American Indian tribe
concerning a proposal that may affect the tribe for which council approval or regional
review is required.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB523, s. 1 1Section 1. 14.95 of the statutes is created to read:
SB523,16,6 214.95 Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources
(1) There is created a Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water
4Resources Council as specified in s. 281.343 (2) (a). The governor may take such
5actions as are necessary for the initial organization and operation of the Great
6Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council.
SB523,17,2 7(2) The governor shall serve as this state's representative on the Great
8Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council. In discharging his or
9her responsibilities under s. 281.343 (2) and (3), the governor may designate the
10secretary of natural resources, or the secretary's designee, as the governor's
11alternate to attend all meetings of the Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water
12Resources Council and to vote at all meetings of the Great Lakes—St. Lawrence
13River Basin Water Resources Council in the absence of the governor. If the secretary

1chooses to specify a designee, the secretary shall specify an individual with
2knowledge of and experience with Great Lakes water management issues.
SB523,17,8 3(3) In discharging his or her responsibilities under s. 281.343 (2) and (3), the
4governor may appoint an advisor to attend all meetings of the Great Lakes—St.
5Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council and its committees. The governor's
6advisor may not vote at meetings of the council. If the governor appoints an advisor,
7the governor shall appoint an individual with knowledge of and experience with
8Great Lakes water management issues.
SB523, s. 2 9Section 2. 30.18 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.18 (2) (b) 1. and
10amended to read:
SB523,17,1611 30.18 (2) (b) 1. No Before the compact's effective date, as defined in s. 281.35
12(1) (bm), no
person, except a person required to obtain an approval under s. 281.41,
13may divert water from any lake or stream in this state without an individual permit
14under this section if the diversion will result in a water loss averaging 2,000,000
15gallons per day in any 30-day period above the person's authorized base level of
16water loss.
SB523, s. 3 17Section 3. 30.18 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB523,17,2318 30.18 (2) (b) 2. Beginning on the compact's effective date, as defined in s. 281.35
19(1) (bm), no person, except a person required to obtain an approval under s. 281.41,
20may divert water from any lake or stream in the upper Mississippi River basin, as
21defined in s. 281.35 (1) (j), without an individual permit under this section if the
22diversion will result in a water loss averaging 2,000,000 gallons per day in any
2330-day period above the person's authorized base level of water loss.
SB523, s. 4 24Section 4. 30.208 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
130.208 (3m) Notice to downstream communities. When the department
2receives an application for an individual permit under s. 30.12 for a structure
3through which water transferred from the Great Lakes basin would be returned to
4the source watershed through a stream tributary to one of the Great Lakes, the
5department shall provide notice of the application to the governing body of each city,
6village, and town through which the stream flows or that is adjacent to the stream
7downstream from the point at which the water would enter the stream.
SB523, s. 5 8Section 5. 196.49 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB523,18,249 196.49 (2) No public utility may begin the construction, installation or
10operation of any new plant, equipment, property or facility, nor the construction or
11installation of any extension, improvement or addition to its existing plant,
12equipment, property, apparatus or facilities unless the public utility has complied
13with any applicable rule or order of the commission and with s. 281.35, if applicable.
14If a cooperative association has been incorporated under ch. 185 for the production,
15transmission, delivery or furnishing of light or power and has filed with the
16commission a map of the territory to be served by the association and a statement
17showing that a majority of the prospective consumers in the area are included in the
18project, no public utility may begin any such construction, installation or operation
19within the territory until after the expiration of 6 months from the date of filing the
20map and notice. If the cooperative association has entered into a loan agreement
21with any federal agency for the financing of its proposed system and has given
22written notice of the agreement to the commission, no public utility may begin any
23construction, installation or operation within the territory until 12 months after the
24date of the loan agreement.
SB523, s. 6 25Section 6. 196.98 of the statutes is repealed.
SB523, s. 7
1Section 7. 281.34 (5) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB523,19,52 281.34 (5) (dm) Water supply service area plan. If a proposed high capacity well
3is covered by an approved water supply service area plan under s. 281.348, the
4department may not approve the high capacity well unless it is consistent with that
SB523, s. 8 6Section 8. 281.34 (5) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB523,19,97 281.34 (5) (e) 1. If s. 281.35 (4) applies to a proposed high capacity well, the
8department shall include in the approval conditions that ensure that the high
9capacity well complies with s. 281.35 (4) to (6).
SB523, s. 9 10Section 9. 281.343 of the statutes is created to read:
SB523,19,14 11281.343 Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources
(1) Ratification. The Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water
13Resources Compact, contained in subs. (1e) to (9), is ratified and approved, as
14implemented and interpreted in ss. 14.95, 281.346, and 281.348.
SB523,19,15 15(1e) Definitions. In this section, except as otherwise required by the context:
SB523,19,2016 (a) "Adaptive management" means a water resources management system that
17provides a systematic process for evaluation, monitoring, and learning from the
18outcomes of operational programs and adjustment of policies, plans, and programs
19based on experience and the evolution of scientific knowledge concerning water
20resources and water dependent natural resources.
SB523,19,2221 (am) "Agreement" means the Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin
22Sustainable Water Resources Agreement.
SB523,19,2523 (b) "Applicant" means a person who is required to submit a proposal that is
24subject to management and regulation under this compact. "Application" has a
25corresponding meaning.
1(c) "Basin" or "Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin" means the watershed
2of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River upstream from Trois-Rivieres,
3Quebec within the jurisdiction of the parties.
SB523,20,64 (cm) "Basin ecosystem" or "Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin ecosystem"
5means the interacting components of air, land, water, and living organisms,
6including humankind, within the basin.
SB523,20,97 (d) "Community within a straddling county" means any incorporated city,
8town, or the equivalent thereof, that is located outside the basin but wholly within
9a county that lies partly within the basin and that is not a straddling community.
SB523,20,1010 (dm) "Compact" means this compact.
SB523,20,1311 (e) "Consumptive use" means that portion of the water withdrawn or withheld
12from the basin that is lost or otherwise not returned to the basin due to evaporation,
13incorporation into products, or other processes.
SB523,20,1514 (em) "Council" means the Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water
15Resources Council, created by this compact.
SB523,20,1716 (f) "Council review" means the collective review by the council members as
17described in subs. (4) to (4z).
SB523,20,2018 (fm) "County" means the largest territorial division for local government in a
19state. The county boundaries shall be defined as those boundaries that exist as of
20December 13, 2005.
SB523,21,221 (g) "Cumulative impacts" means the impact on the basin ecosystem that results
22from incremental effects of all aspects of a withdrawal, diversion, or consumptive use
23in addition to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future withdrawals,
24diversions, and consumptive uses regardless of who undertakes the other
25withdrawals, diversions, and consumptive uses. Cumulative impacts can result

1from individually minor but collectively significant withdrawals, diversions, and
2consumptive uses taking place over a period of time.
SB523,21,53 (gm) "Decision-making standard" means the decision-making standard
4established by sub. (4r) for proposals subject to management and regulation in sub.
SB523,21,126 (h) "Diversion" means a transfer of water from the basin into another
7watershed, or from the watershed of one of the Great Lakes into that of another by
8any means of transfer, including but not limited to a pipeline, canal, tunnel,
9aqueduct, channel, modification of the direction of a water course, a tanker ship,
10tanker truck, or rail tanker but does not apply to water that is used in the basin or
11a Great Lake watershed to manufacture or produce a product that is then transferred
12out of the basin or watershed. "Divert" has a corresponding meaning.
SB523,21,2213 (i) "Environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation
14measures" mean those measures, methods, technologies, or practices for efficient
15water use and for reduction of water loss and waste or for reducing a withdrawal,
16consumptive use, or diversion that are environmentally sound, reflect best practices
17applicable to the water use sector, are technically feasible and available, are
18economically feasible and cost-effective based on an analysis that considers direct
19and avoided economic and environmental costs, and consider the particular facilities
20and processes involved, taking into account the environmental impact, age of
21equipment and facilities involved, the processes employed, energy impacts, and
22other appropriate factors.
SB523,21,2423 (im) "Exception" means a transfer of water that is excepted under sub. (4n)
24from the prohibition against diversions in sub. (4m).
1(j) "Exception standard" means the standard for exceptions established in sub.
2(4n) (d).
SB523,22,43 (jm) "Intrabasin transfer" means the transfer of water from the watershed of
4one of the Great Lakes into the watershed of another Great Lake.