2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
February 21, 2007 - Introduced by Senators Harsdorf, Coggs, Erpenbach,
Grothman, Lehman, Risser
and Sullivan, cosponsored by Representatives
Kessler, Davis, Albers, Berceau, Boyle, Cullen, Fields, Grigsby,
Hilgenberg, Hintz, Molepske, Nelson, Nygren, Pocan, Pope-Roberts,
Seidel, Sheridan, Sinicki, Toles, Turner, A. Williams, Young
and Zepnick.
Referred to Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs, Biotechnology and
Financial Institutions.
SB57,1,3 1An Act to amend 25.17 (intro.), 25.18 (1) (intro.) and 25.18 (2) (intro.); and to
25.184 of the statutes; relating to: prohibiting the Investment Board
3from making certain investments relating to Sudan.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill generally prohibits the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB)
from making certain future investments, and requires SWIB to divest itself of prior
investments, related to Sudan. Within 90 days after the bill's effective date, SWIB
must make its best efforts to identify all scrutinized companies in which SWIB has
direct or indirect holdings. A "scrutinized company" is, with certain exceptions, a
company that: 1) has business operations involving contracts with, or the provision
of supplies or services to, the government of Sudan (not including the regional
government of southern Sudan) or entities related to the government of Sudan if
more than 10 percent of the company's revenues or assets linked to Sudan involve
oil-related activities, mineral extraction activities, or power production activities; 2)
is complicit in the Darfur genocide; or 3) supplies military equipment within Sudan.
A "direct holding" is a security of a company held directly by SWIB in SWIB's name
or in "street name" for SWIB or held in an account or fund in which SWIB owns all
shares or interests. An "indirect holding" is a security of a company held in an
account or fund, such as a mutual fund, managed by external managers in which
SWIB owns shares or interests together with other investors. Best efforts by SWIB
include, as applicable: reviewing and relying, as appropriate in SWIB's judgment,
on publicly available information regarding companies with business operations in

Sudan, including information provided by nonprofit organizations, research firms,
international organizations, and government entities; contacting asset managers
contracted by SWIB that invest in companies with business operations in Sudan; and
contacting other institutional investors that have divested from, or engaged with,
companies that have business operations in Sudan. By the first regular meeting of
SWIB trustees after this initial 90 day identification period, SWIB must assemble
a list of all scrutinized companies that it has identified, and the list must be updated
on a quarterly basis.
After the bill's effective date, with certain exceptions, SWIB may not acquire
securities of scrutinized companies on SWIB's list unless the company merely holds
property, including rights, not presently used to generate revenues. In addition,
immediately after the first regular meeting of SWIB trustees described above, SWIB
must do all of the following with respect to companies in which SWIB has direct or
indirect holdings: 1) send written notice to each company on the list that merely
holds property or rights not presently used to generate revenues of the provisions of
this bill and encourage the company to continue to refrain from initiating active
business operations in Sudan, with such correspondence repeated semiannually;
and 2) send written notice to all other companies on the list to inform each company
of its scrutinized company status and to advise the company that it may become
subject to divestment by SWIB. With certain exceptions, SWIB must divest itself of
all publicly-traded securities of a scrutinized company sent the notice identified as
2) above unless it ceases active business operations within 90 days of the notice.
SWIB must accomplish 50 percent of this divestment within nine months of the
company appearing on SWIB's list and full divestment within 15 months of the
company appearing on SWIB's list. If, within this 90 day period, the company ceases
those business operations making it a scrutinized company, SWIB must remove the
company from its list and need not divest from the company unless it resumes such
business operations, in which case it becomes subject to immediate and full
divestment. However, if the company remains a scrutinized company but, within
this 90 day period, stops revenue-generating activities in Sudan, the company
remains on SWIB's list but is not subject to divestment.
The prohibitions on investment in, and requirement of divestment from,
certain companies under the bill do not apply with respect to: 1) any company that
is affirmatively declared by the federal government to be excluded from any federal
sanctions regime relating to Sudan; 2) indirect holdings in actively managed
investment funds, including private equity funds, although the bill requires SWIB
to submit letters to the managers of such funds containing certain information and
SWIB may, under specified circumstances, be required to replace investments in
such funds. The requirement of divestment from certain companies under the bill
also does not apply if clear and convincing evidence shows that the value for all assets
under SWIB's management has decreased to 99.5 percent or less of the value of all
assets under SWIB's management when calculated as if no divestment had occurred,
but, in such case, the divestment requirement is only suspended to the extent
necessary to avoid a decrease in the value of assets to or beyond this threshold. The
provisions of the bill do not apply at all if the U.S. congress or president declares that

the Darfur genocide has been halted for at least 12 months, the United States
revokes all sanctions imposed against the government of Sudan, or the U.S. congress
or president declares that mandatory divestment of the type provided for in the bill
interferes with the conduct of U.S. foreign policy.
The bill authorizes the attorney general to bring actions to enforce the
provisions of the bill. The bill also provides a certain immunity to SWIB, including
with respect to its standard of responsibility when investing money, in taking any
action in compliance with the bill. The bill also requires SWIB to make certain
reports to the legislature and to the attorney general.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB57, s. 1 1Section 1. 25.17 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB57,3,5 225.17 Powers and duties of board. (intro.) The "State of Wisconsin
3Investment Board" shall be a body corporate with power to sue and be sued in said
4name. The board shall have a seal with the words, "State of Wisconsin Investment
5Board". Subject to s. ss. 25.183 and 25.184, the board shall:
SB57, s. 2 6Section 2. 25.18 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB57,3,87 25.18 (1) (intro.) In addition to the powers and duties enumerated in s. 25.17,
8but subject to s. ss. 25.183 and 25.184, the board may:
SB57, s. 3 9Section 3. 25.18 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB57,3,1110 25.18 (2) (intro.) In addition to the powers set forth in sub. (1) and s. 25.17, but
11subject to s. ss. 25.183 and 25.184, the board may:
SB57, s. 4 12Section 4. 25.184 of the statutes is created to read:
SB57,3,14 1325.184 Prohibited investments relating to Sudan. (1) Definitions. In
14this section:
SB57,3,1615 (a) "Active business operations" means all business operations that are not
16inactive business operations.
1(b) "Business operations" means engaging in commerce in any form in Sudan,
2including doing any of the following:
SB57,4,43 1. Acquiring, developing, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing, or
4operating equipment, facilities, products, or services, or real or personal property.
SB57,4,55 2. Maintaining personnel.
SB57,4,76 3. Acquiring, developing, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing, or
7operating any other apparatus of business or commerce.
SB57,4,98 (c) "Company" means any of the following if it exists for profit-making
SB57,4,1210 1. Any sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership,
11joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability
12company, or other entity or business association.
SB57,4,1413 2. Any wholly-owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company,
14or affiliate of a company described in subd. 1.
SB57,4,2015 (d) "Complicit in the Darfur genocide" means having taken any action during
16a preceding 20 month period that has directly supported or promoted the genocidal
17campaign in Darfur, including any action to prevent Darfur's victimized population
18from communicating with each other or to encourage Sudanese citizens to speak out
19against an internationally approved security force for Darfur, and including actively
20working to deny, cover up, or alter the record on human rights abuses in Darfur.
SB57,4,2421 (e) "Direct holdings" by the board in a company means all securities of that
22company held directly by the board in the board's name or as nominee where the
23board is the beneficial owner or held in an account or fund in which the board owns
24all shares or interests.
1(f) "Government of Sudan" means the government in Khartoum, Sudan, which
2is led by the National Congress Party, formerly known as the National Islamic Front,
3or any successor government formed on or after the effective date of this paragraph
4.... [revisor inserts date], including the coalition National Unity Government agreed
5upon in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement for Sudan but not including the
6regional government of southern Sudan.
SB57,5,97 (g) "Inactive business operations" means the mere continued holding or
8renewal of rights to property previously operated or used for the purpose of
9generating revenues but not presently deployed for such purpose.
SB57,5,1210 (h) "Indirect holdings" in a company means all securities of that company held
11in an account or fund, such as a mutual fund, managed by external managers in
12which the board owns shares or interests together with other investors.
SB57,5,1313 (i) "Marginalized populations of Sudan" include any of the following:
SB57,5,1514 1. The portion of the population in the Darfur region that has been genocidally
SB57,5,1716 2. The portion of the population of southern Sudan victimized by Sudan's
17North-South civil war.
SB57,5,1918 3. The Beja, Rashidiya, and other similarly underserved groups of eastern
SB57,5,2120 4. The Nubian and other similarly underserved groups in Sudan's Abyei,
21Southern Blue Nile, and Nuba Mountain regions.
SB57,5,2322 5. The Amri, Hamadab, Manasir, and other similarly underserved groups of
23northern Sudan.
SB57,5,2424 (j) "Military equipment" means any of the following:
11. Weapons, arms, military supplies, and equipment that readily may be used
2for military purposes, including radar systems or military-grade transport vehicles.
SB57,6,43 2. Supplies or services sold or provided directly or indirectly to any force
4actively participating in armed conflict in Sudan.
SB57,6,55 (k) "Mineral extraction activities" include any of the following:
SB57,6,96 1. Exploring for, extracting, processing, transporting, or wholesale selling or
7trading of elemental minerals or associated metal alloys or oxides, such as ore,
8including gold, copper, chromium, chromite, diamonds, iron, iron ore, silver,
9tungsten, uranium, and zinc.
SB57,6,1110 2. Facilitating any activity described in subd. 1., including providing supplies
11or services in support of any such activity.
SB57,6,1212 (L) 1. "Oil-related activities" include any of the following:
SB57,6,1313 a. Owning rights to oil blocks.
SB57,6,1514 b. Exporting, extracting, producing, refining, processing, exploring for,
15transporting, selling, or trading of oil.