2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 5, 2007 - Introduced by Committee on Senate Organization. Referred to
Committee on Senate Organization.
SR2,1,7 1To amend senate rule 5 (2) (a), senate rule 11 (title), senate rule 13, senate rule 14,
2senate rule 17 (1) (c), senate rule 17 (1) (j), senate rule 18 (1), senate rule 20 (7),
3senate rule 34 (1), senate rule 41 (1) (a), senate rule 41 (1) (c) and senate rule
446 (2) (c); to repeal and recreate senate rule 36 (1m); and to create senate
5rule 8 (5), senate rule 11 (8), senate rule 11 (9), senate rule 17 (6), senate rule
618 (1m), senate rule 25 (4), senate rule 27 (6) and senate rule 96 (1m); relating
the senate rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution makes the following changes to the senate rules, in addition to
other technical changes:
Conduct in the senate chamber
Prohibits members and other persons while in the senate chamber, and
members specifically during debate, from displaying a chart, sign, or other visual aid
or promoting a private business by prominently displaying a branded product or logo.
Access to senate floor
Provides that a person who provides technical services under a license
agreement to broadcast senate proceedings may be invited on the floor of the senate
by the presiding officer to perform those services. The resolution also provides that
a person who delivers the opening prayer may be admitted by the presiding officer
to the floor of the senate, but only for the purpose of delivering the opening prayer.

Senate meetings
Allows the Committee on Senate Organization to prescribe the time the senate
will meet. Currently, the senate must meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday
unless a different day or hour is prescribed by a resolution or motion adopted by
majority vote.
Orders of business
Provides that reference of appointments is to occur on third order of business
during a floor session day. In addition, the resolution provides that consideration of
motions, resolutions, and joint resolutions not requiring a third reading is to occur
on tenth order of business during a floor session day.
Consideration of actions during floor session days
Provides that any action that would occur on the second, third, fourth, fifth,
seventh, or eighth order of business during a daily session, but that actually occurs
after the completion of the applicable order of business on that day, is considered to
have occurred on the applicable order of business for the purpose of producing the
senate journal.
Establishment of senate calendar
Specifies that any motion to withdraw a matter from the Committee on Senate
Organization, if approved, places the matter on the next succeeding calendar
established by the Committee on Senate Organization.
Disturbances in senate by members
Eliminates a provision that whenever any substantial disturbance is caused by
or substantial disorderly conduct is engaged in by a member on the senate floor or
in the lobby or gallery while the senate is sitting in session, the president may order
the sergeant at arms to escort the member out of the senate chamber and prevent the
member's return to the senate chamber for the remainder of the session day.
Temporary replacements on senate committee and joint committees
Provides that, if a senate member of a senate committee or a joint committee
is unable to serve, the senate majority leader may select a temporary replacement
for a member of the majority party who is unable to serve from among those senators
of the same party and may select a temporary replacement for a member of the
minority party, upon recommendation of the minority leader, who is unable to serve
from among those senators of the same party. The resolution further provides that
the replacement takes effect when the member who is a temporary replacement
answers the roll call of the senate committee or joint committee and terminates upon
the adjournment of the senate committee or joint committee meeting or the return
of the member who was unable to serve, whichever occurs first.
Balloting and polling in committee executive sessions
Provides that a committee may not conduct an executive session on a proposal,
amendment, appointment, or proposed administrative rule by ballot or polling
unless the chairperson of the committee determines that voting by ballot or polling
is necessary in an emergency for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety,
or welfare. Before circulating a ballot or conducting a poll, however, the chairperson

must post a notice on the bulletin board of each house describing the business to be
conducted by ballot or polling.
Committee action on amendments and substitute amendments
Provides that, if a committee reports out an amendment or substitute
amendment to a proposal that is rereferred to another committee, the succeeding
committee's action on the proposal shall supersede the prior committee's action for
purposes of consideration of the proposal on the senate floor.
First reading of certain proposals
Provides that whenever a senate proposal is introduced or offered and referred
or an assembly proposal is received and referred, the referral by the president
constitutes the proposal's first reading.
Withdrawal motions
Provides that a motion to withdraw from committee may not take effect during
the seven days preceding any scheduled committee meeting or the seven days
following the date on which a committee meeting is held. Currently, a motion to
withdraw from committee may not take effect during the seven days preceding any
scheduled committee hearing or the seven days following the date on which a
committee hearing is held.
Request for fiscal estimate
Provides that the chairperson of any committee may request from the
Legislative Fiscal Bureau an original fiscal estimate on a bill if the chairperson
believes that a fiscal estimate on the bill will not be completed by the state agency
assigned to prepare the fiscal estimate before the deadline specified in the joint rules.
Currently, only the Committee on Senate Organization may make such a request.
Layover of proposals before consideration
Provides that all bills and joint resolutions, and all resolutions except those
privileged for immediate consideration, after introduction, must lay over for at least
24 hours before being considered. Currently, the proposals must lay over one day.
Rereferral of proposals
Provides that the president may, with the consent of the chairperson of the
standing committee and the chairperson of the committee on senate organization,
withdraw a proposal or appointment from the standing committee to which it is
referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. Currently, the president must
only receive the permission of the chairperson of the standing committee.
Requirement for public hearing on bills for senate consideration
Provides that no bill may be placed on the calendar that has not received a
public hearing, but allows the committee on senate organization to waive the public
hearing requirement.
SR2,3,1 1Resolved by the senate, That:
SR2, s. 1 2Section 1. Senate rule 5 (2) (a) is amended to read:
1Senate Rule 5 (2) (a) Superintend the recording of the journals of the
2proceedings and determine the placement and order of the proceedings in the
SR2, s. 2 4Section 2. Senate rule 8 (5) is created to read:
SR2,4,7 5Senate Rule 8 (5) A member or other person may not, within the senate
6chamber, display a chart, sign, or other visual aid or promote a private business by
7prominently displaying a branded product or logo.
SR2, s. 3 8Section 3. Senate rule 11 (title) is amended to read:
SR2,4,10 9Senate Rule 11 (title) Who may be admitted to the floor; recording
; listing of visitors.
SR2, s. 4 11Section 4. Senate rule 11 (8) is created to read:
SR2,4,14 12Senate Rule 11 (8) A person who provides technical services under a license
13agreement to broadcast senate proceedings may be invited on the floor of the senate
14by the presiding officer to perform those services.
SR2, s. 5 15Section 5. Senate rule 11 (9) is created to read:
SR2,4,18 16Senate Rule 11 (9) A person who delivers the opening prayer may be admitted
17by the presiding officer to the floor of the senate, but only for the purpose of delivering
18the opening prayer.
SR2, s. 6 19Section 6. Senate rule 13 is amended to read:
SR2,5,2 20Senate Rule 13. Disturbances. Whenever any disturbance or disorderly
21conduct occurs on the senate floor or in the lobby or gallery, the presiding officer may
22order the same cleared of all persons except members and officers. Whenever any
23substantial disturbance is caused by or substantial disorderly conduct is engaged in
24by a member on the senate floor or in the lobby or gallery while the senate is sitting
25in session, the president may order the sergeant at arms to escort the member out

1of the senate chamber and prevent the member's return to the senate chamber for
2the remainder of the session day.
SR2, s. 7 3Section 7. Senate rule 14 is amended to read: