State agencies and authorities required to clearly display a telephone number for general information on their Internet home pages; links to subunits and list of certain employee telephone numbers also required; DOA duty set  - AB7
State agency expenditures, contracts, and grants: DOA required to make available on a Web site - AB862
State agency expenditures, contracts, and grants: DOA required to make available on a Web site; agencies to report to DOA within 24 hours that an expenditure is made  - SB543
Tax disclosure statements required of certain corporations doing business in this state; public record provision; DOR to make available in paper and on the Internet  - AB751
Tax disclosure statements required of certain corporations doing business in this state; public record provision; DOR to make available in paper and on the Internet  - SB367
Taxation district's listing on the Internet of property taxes assessed: searchability limited - AB496
UW information technology reporting requirements re strategic plan, policies, commercially available products, master lease financing, high cost contracts, and open-ended contracts; JCIPT review and report requirements [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9p, rk, 731m, p, 736x, 2994g, 9152 (2v), (2w)]  - SB40
Value-based health care purchasing initiatives; Wisconsin Health Information Organization and centralized data repository provisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 543t, 2898h]  - SB40
Video display devices: recycling requirements; manufacturers, collectors, and recyclers to register with and report to DNR; landfill ban, audits, state purchasing, and other electronic devices provisions -  SB397
Virtual charter school provisions re location, teaching license requirement, definition, pupil residency, and tuition for out of state pupils; U.W. Parkside provision; pupil may attend a charter school in a nonresident school district through the Open Enrollment Program -  AB697
WHEFA bonds interest: tax exemption if proceeds used by health facility to fund acquisition of information technology hardware or software [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1947m, 2021m, 2087h, 9341 (6j)] -  SB40
Wholesale drug distributor licensing requirements created; Pharmacy Examining Board authority; electronic track and trace pedigree technology requirement [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 217h, 678t, 686r, 3462q, 3465p, q, s, 3526a-p, 3530a-i, 9140 (1j), 9440 (1j), (2t)] -  SB40
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) Web site: removing civil forfeiture, misdemeanor, or felony case if the case or charge is dismissed, defendant is found not guilty, or case or charge is overturned on appeal - AB754
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) Web site: removing civil forfeiture, misdemeanor, or felony case if the case or charge is dismissed, defendant is found not guilty, or case or charge is overturned on appeal - SB458
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Computerized communication that invites harassment or sends obscene, lewd, or profane language made a misdemeanor  - AB51
Electronic message sent and made to appear from a person without that person's consent: felony crime created  - AB548
Forfeiture of computers used in committing a serious child sex offense permitted, conditions and innocent security interest holders provisions; use of computer by child sex offender on parole, probation, or extended supervision restricted, Corr.Dept required to monitor -  AB22
GPS device placed in a vehicle without the person's knowledge or consent made a felony -  AB846
Retail theft with intent to sell stolen property on the Internet made a felony; purchasing property on the Internet known to be stolen also made a felony -  AB874
Sex offender registrants: computer use prohibitions; providing email accounts, user names, and Internet address of every Web site the registrant maintains required  - AB791
Sex offender registrants required to provide email accounts and Internet address of every Web site maintained by the registrant - AB562
Sex offender registrants required to provide email accounts and Internet address of every Web site maintained by the registrant for personal or household use -  SB382
Special orders of business for March 11, 2008 established re AB-482, AB-668, AB-685, AB-688, AB-709, AB-735, AB-745, AB-765, AB-769, AB-798, AB-803, AB-807, AB-809, AB-828, AB-846, AB-849, AB-862, AB-863, AB-893, AB-898, SB-49, SB-72, SB-86, SB-142, SB-260, SB-288, SB-403, SB-430 -  AR17
Special orders of business for March 12, 2008 established re AJR-106, AB-187, AB-422, AB-702, AB-737, AB-739, AB-778, AB-806, AB-857, AB-874, AB-878, AB-894, AB-896, AB-900, AB-905, AB-906, AB-908, AB-913, SB-20, SB-28, SB-48, SB-124, SB-128, SB-269, SB-351, SB-409, SB-483, SB-514, SB-517 - AR18
Violent offender registry created; Corr.Dept duties set; offenses specified and Internet provision - AB566
data processing _ privacy issuesData processing — Privacy issues
Locker rooms: capturing nude or partially nude image on recording device prohibited; written policy on use of recording devices required [for further revisions, see entry under ``Athletics"] -  AB8
Public records containing certain personal information, including SSN: state or local government prohibited from posting on the Internet; SSN must be deleted before permitting access to the record; penalties for misrepresenting identity or purpose re obtaining SSN -  AB102
Real estate transfer return: electronic filing required, undue hardship provision; SSN and telephone numbers must remain confidential -  AB900
Real estate transfer return: electronic filing required, undue hardship provision; SSN and telephone numbers must remain confidential -  SB549
day careDay care
Child and dependent care: federal income tax deduction for certain expenses [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1959]  - SB40
Child care licensing funding reduced [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Child care providers re W-2: DWD to provide quality rating system [Sec. 1336, 9155 (2)] -  SB40
Child care subsidies under W-2: DWD authorized to implement waiting list [Sec. 1424, 1431, 1432]  - SB40
Child care subsidies under W-2: maximum family income level revised [Sec. 1426-1430] -  SB40
Child care subsidy phase out; DOA authority re facility providing services to state employees deleted [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Child care worker loan repayment assistance program created -  AB867
Children and Families, Department of, created; DHFS duties re services to children and families transferred to; DWD duties re W-2, child and spousal support, paternity, and medical support liability transferred to; DHFS renamed Department of Health Services [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  - SB40
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions (remedial legislation) -  SB350
Children's products: sale by commercial suppliers regulated re unsafe products; DATCP duties specified; recall, baby crib, injunction, and forfeiture provisions; residential care center for children and youth, foster home, group home, day care center or provider, or shelter care facility prohibitions and inspection requirements -  SB37
Corporate income and franchise tax reporting combined; renewable energy grant and loan program; Wisconsin higher education grants for technical college students; W-2 child care subsidy; manufacturing skills training grants; airport development and technology zones tax credits; fiscal changes; commuter rail transit system; WHEFA bonds for research institutes  - SB510
Direct child care subsidies; child care administrative agency duties [Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  MR8 AB1
DWD allocation of moneys re various public assistance and child care related purposes revised; grant moneys for the Educare Center of Milwaukee [Sec. 1421, 1436-1447, 1449-1451, 1453, 1454] -  SB40
DWD child care services allocation increased and allocation of earned income tax credit decreased for fiscal year 2006-07 [Sec. 4, 5] -  AB72
DWD child care services allocation increased and allocation of earned income tax credit decreased for fiscal year 2006-07 [Sec. 4, 5; S.Sub.Amdt.1: sections renumbered to 3 and 4] - SB39
Kinship care benefits funding [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1449] -  SB40
Quality care for quality kids: funding revisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1407c-j, 1420f, m, 1443c-1444c]  - SB40
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  AB395
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  SB195
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and place of employment, exceptions specified; other prohibited places listed; exceptions for bowling centers, taverns, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated; enforcement by person in charge of place required - SB150
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and place of employment, exceptions specified, tobacco retailer provision; other prohibited places listed; exceptions for bowling centers, taverns, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated; enforcement by person in charge of place required -  AB834
W-2 and TANF related revenues and expenditures re cash benefits, agency contracts and bonuses, child care subsidies, kinship care, EITC, child welfare safety services and information system, caretaker supplement, and emergency assistance [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1436-1442, 1445, 1449, 1451, 1453, 1454]  - SB40
daylight savingDaylight saving
Daylight saving time: federal law changes adopted; closing time for ``Class B" licensed premise revised  - AB46
Daylight saving time: federal law changes adopted; closing time for ``Class B" licensed premise revised  - SB52
deaf and hearing impairedDeaf and hearing impaired
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - AB30
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - SB8
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for children under age 18: Badger Care Plus to cover -  AB912
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for infants and young children: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions provided -  AB133
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for infants and young children: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions provided -  SB88
Newborn hearing: DHFS report re percentage of deliveries in hospitals with screening programs repealed [Sec. 3057]  - SB40
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists regulations revised, licensure and definition provisions; ``hearing aid" changed to ``hearing instrument" - AB610
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists regulations revised, licensure and definition provisions; ``hearing aid" changed to ``hearing instrument" - SB389
Anatomical gift as part of living will option created; provision that a specific physician carry out the procedures eliminated - SB62
Anatomical gift: donor's family, guardian, agent re power of attorney, or personal representative of estate prohibited from refusing to honor a document of gift  - AB240
Anatomical gift: donor's family, guardian, agent re power of attorney, or personal representative of estate prohibited from refusing to honor a document of gift  - SB156
Death of person in Corr.Dept custody, a county jail, or house of correction: coroner or medical examiner must conduct an autopsy; AG authority to order an inquest; Inmate and Resident Mortality Board created, report required, and open meeting and open records provisions -  AB139
Death reporting, inquests, and disposition of bodies revisions; coroner and medical examiner authority re jurisdiction to investigate, notification of death, autopsies and other diagnostic procedures, investigation and mental health treatment records, and handling of personal property; Board on Medicolegal Investigations created in DOJ -  AB783
Death reporting, inquests, and disposition of bodies revisions; coroner and medical examiner authority re jurisdiction to investigate, notification of death, autopsies and other diagnostic procedures, investigation and mental health treatment records, and handling of personal property; Board on Medicolegal Investigations created in DOJ -  SB428
Health care provider statement or gesture of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing - AB53
Living will and health care power of attorney: DOT to establish procedure to provide space on back of operator's license for identity of individual with custody of or designated as agent of; certain forms provided on DOT Web site  - AB356
Living will and health care power of attorney: DOT to establish procedure to provide space on back of operator's license for identity of individual with custody of or designated as agent of; certain forms provided on DOT Web site  - SB184
MA or Badger Care eligibility extended for parents following death of a child; DHFS to request federal waiver [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1554m] -  SB40
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for; requirements specified; physician, BOALTC, and penalty provisions  - AB298
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for; requirements specified; physician, BOALTC, and penalty provisions  - SB151
Motor vehicle operating privileges suspended if two or more specified traffic offenses occur in a single course of conduct and result in the death of another person  - AB958
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or without a valid driver's license: penalties revised; provisions of 2005 WisAct 412 repealed  - AB565
Special orders of business for March 12, 2008 established re AJR-106, AB-187, AB-422, AB-702, AB-737, AB-739, AB-778, AB-806, AB-857, AB-874, AB-878, AB-894, AB-896, AB-900, AB-905, AB-906, AB-908, AB-913, SB-20, SB-28, SB-48, SB-124, SB-128, SB-269, SB-351, SB-409, SB-483, SB-514, SB-517 - AR18
Suicide prevention: school boards and governing bodies of private schools to annually inform professional staff of certain resources -  AB878
Suicide prevention: school boards and governing bodies of private schools to annually inform professional staff of certain resources -  SB493