Public records containing certain personal information, including SSN: state or local government prohibited from posting on the Internet; SSN must be deleted before permitting access to the record; penalties for misrepresenting identity or purpose re obtaining SSN -  AB102
Scrap metal sales, purchases, and dealers: definitions, photograph and records requirements, fines, civil action provision, and theft of property modified [S.Amdt.1: definition revisions; S.Amdt.2: photographic or video image of vehicle license plate requirement deleted; S.Amdt.3: confidentiality of certain information] -  SB473
Special orders of business for March 5, 2008 established re AB-47, AB-67, AB-92, AB-151, AB-212, AB-281, AB-346, AB-424, AB-479, AB-486, AB-517, AB-543, AB-553, AB-569, AB-579, AB-603, AB-635, AB-645, AB-663, AB-672, AB-673, AB-676, AB-677, AB-692, AB-693, AB-717, AB-736, AB-753, AB-755, AB-771, AB-772, AB-793, AB-804, AB-805, AB-817, AB-819, AB-825, AB-835, AB-842, AB-853, AB-864, AB-869, AB-872, AB-901, SB-69, SB-176, SB-272, SB-289, SB-294, SB-324, SB-325, SB-326, SB-327, SB-328, SB-335, SB-368, SB-369, SB-370 - AR16
SSN: state or local governmental unit or elected official prohibited from using as a personal identifier re program administration; exception provision -  AB771
SSN: state or local governmental unit or elected official prohibited from using as a personal identifier re program administration; exception provision -  SB552
SSN use prohibited or restricted re civil service exam, requests by merchants to customers, government records posted to the Internet, access to certain public records, employer records, and credit reporting agencies -  AB102
Tax preparers prohibited from disclosing information obtained in preparing a client's tax return; disclosure provisions; DATCP duty set -  AB166
Tax preparers prohibited from disclosing information obtained in preparing a client's tax return; disclosure provisions; DATCP duty set [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, penalty provisions added; A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, exceptions added] - SB69
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions  - AB487
Voter registration ID number made publicly accessible [A.Amdt.1: county clerks and executive directors of county boards of election commissioners added to list of officials responsible for registration list]  - AB295
private detectivePrivate detective, see Detective
private investigatorPrivate investigator, see Detective
private securityPrivate security, see Detective
product liabilityProduct liability
Children's products: sale by commercial suppliers regulated re unsafe products; DATCP duties specified; recall, baby crib, injunction, and forfeiture provisions; residential care center for children and youth, foster home, group home, day care center or provider, or shelter care facility prohibitions and inspection requirements -  SB37
Manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products may be held liable if injured party proves the specific product or chemically identical product that caused the injury was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted by the defendant, in addition to other considerations; relevant production period provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf. Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products may be held liable if injured party proves the specific product or chemically identical product that caused the injury was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted by the defendant, in addition to other considerations  - SB61
Manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products may be held liable if injured party proves the specific product or chemically identical product that caused the injury was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted by the defendant, in addition to other considerations; time limit provision - AB128
Person injured by manufactured product: criteria established re liability of manufacturer, distributor, or seller  - AB147
Person injured by manufactured product: criteria established re liability of manufacturer, distributor, or seller  - SB59
product safetyProduct safety, see Public safety
program revenue _pr_Program revenue (PR), see Appropriation; specific subject
promissory notesPromissory notes, see Debt, Public
property taxProperty tax, see also Homestead credit
Adverse possessor of real property who prevails in an action to establish title to property: court to determine and order payment of fair market value and real estate taxes to person who lost title - AB285
Charter towns: towns meeting certain criteria authorized to become; referendum, TIF, zoning, and annexation provisions - AB79
Charter towns: towns meeting certain criteria authorized to become; referendum, TIF, zoning, and annexation provisions - SB17
Charter towns: towns meeting certain criteria authorized to become; referendum, TIF, zoning, and annexation provisions - SB36
Community theater: income and franchise tax credit created for property taxes paid on property owned by a nonprofit entity and operated as; conditions specified - AB957
Converting agricultural land: county payment of penalty to taxation district modified -  AB33
Converting agricultural land: deadline for counties to distribute assessed penalties set [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Converting agricultural land: term ``penalty" changed to ``conversion charge"; taxation district assessor duty provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, notice provision added] - AB470
Equalized value determination error by DOR: provisions created for loans to property owners in the amount overpaid  - AB20
Equalized value determination error by DOR: provisions created for loans to property owners in the amount overpaid  - SB14
Flood damaged property in Grant County: second installment of property taxes delayed [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9141 (2v)]  - SB40
Homeowner's property tax credit created; school property tax credit revised re rent paid on principal dwelling  - AB452
Imposing local general property taxes on certain property of electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and light, heat, and power companies: DOR study group eliminated  - AB654
Imposing local general property taxes on certain property of electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and light, heat, and power companies: DOR study group eliminated  - SB491
Kickapoo Valley Reserve Visitor Center in Town of Stark: annual payments re aids in lieu of property taxes [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 770g, m] -  SB40
Levy limits modified and extended; new exceptions created [Sec. 1879-1882, 1884-1899; Enrolled SB-40: further revisions, 1878d, 1883e, g, 1889e, g, 9155 (3t), 9441 (6n)]  - SB40
Local park district creation authorized; DNR local parks aid program eligibility; property tax levy, impact fees, issuing debt, and exemption from taxation provisions  - AB784
Local park district creation authorized; DNR local parks aid program eligibility; property tax levy, impact fees, issuing debt, and exemption from taxation provisions  - SB248
Lottery and gaming property tax credit: DOR distribution of penalty imposed on ineligible person who knowingly made a false claim -  AB642
Manufacturing devaluation property tax loss in certain counties: grant from WDF required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 195, 9108 (10q)] -  SB40
Municipalities with manufacturing tax base reductions: one-time aid payment; criteria specified [S.Sub.Amdt.1 as modified by Senate; deleted by A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Prescription drug assistance program for the elderly: DHFS to seek amendment to federal Medicaid waiver to allow property taxes be deducted from income when determining eligibility - AB137
Prescription drug assistance program for the elderly: DHFS to seek amendment to federal Medicaid waiver to allow property taxes be deducted from income when determining eligibility - SB76
Principal homesteads of individuals: exception from ``uniformity clause". Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR18
Property tax: different rates for parts of cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts added by attachments to school districts, consolidations, and boundary changes under cooperative agreements; exception from ``uniformity clause" requirement. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR39
Property tax installment paid no more than 5 days past the due date is subject to a penalty -  AB219
Property tax on personal property eliminated; state aid payments based on value of computers and related equipment that are exempt from the property tax also eliminated  - AB244
Property taxes and personal property taxes: revisions re refunded or rescinded taxes reported to DOR, charge-back to taxing jurisdiction of taxes owed, and when payment is due - AB662
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: income and franchise tax credits created re property taxes paid  - AB138
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: income and franchise tax credits created re property taxes paid  - SB94
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created; definition provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
School aids for the 2007-09 fiscal biennium; primary and secondary education law revisions re revenue limits and reimbursements; shared revenue and school levy tax credit provisions - AB506
School levy property tax credit and lottery and gaming property tax credit distribution revised - AB77
School levy tax credit distribution revision re general school aid formula -  SB299
School levy tax credit distribution revision re general school aid formula -  SB564
TID amended by City of Rhinelander: DOR to proceed as if certain forms and application had been timely filed  - AB621
TID: city or village may extend life to benefit housing -  AB752
TID: city or village may extend life to benefit housing -  SB426
TID created by Village of Union Grove: basis for certain DOR calculations modified -  AB456
TID creation by City of Rhinelander: DOR to proceed as if certain forms and application had been timely filed [S.Amdt.1: ``created" changed to ``amended"] - SB332
TID creation by Village of Edgar: DOR to proceed as if certain forms had been timely filed -  AB19
TID: 1st class city may extend life to benefit housing [Sec. 1905]  - SB40
TID number 4 in the Village of Union Grove: certain DOR calculations modified [A.Amdt.1: exception to minimum allowable amount of certain values re City of Beloit TID added] - AB457
TID number 4 in the Village of Union Grove: certain DOR calculations modified -  SB237
TID number 3 in City of Altoona: timing of joint review board action on project plan amendment resolution modified; DOR provision -  AB320
TID number 3 in City of Altoona: timing of joint review board action on project plan amendment resolution modified; DOR provision -  SB180
TID number 2 in Village of Pleasant Prairie: allowable number of project plan amendments increased  - AB730
TID number 2 in Village of Pleasant Prairie: allowable number of project plan amendments increased [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB417
TID project costs: area in which it may be expended expanded with joint review board approval; exception provided  - AB409
TID project costs: area in which it may be expended expanded with joint review board approval; exception provided  - SB223
TIF appropriation renumbered [Sec. 548] -  SB40
WHEDA property tax deferral loan for persons over age 65: income limit and maximum loan amount increased  - SB35
property tax _ assessmentProperty tax — Assessment
``Agricultural land" definition for property tax assessment purposes modified re stream bank protection easement  - AB950
``Agricultural land" definition modified [S.Sub.Amdt.1 as modified by Senate; deleted by A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Billboard value for personal property tax purposes: determination by assessor specified -  AB426
Billboard value for personal property tax purposes: determination by assessor specified -  SB220
Converting agricultural land: term ``penalty" changed to ``conversion charge"; taxation district assessor duty provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, notice provision added] - AB470
Homestead tax credit: definition of income modified re special assessments -  AB458
Improvements to a principal dwelling: ordinance to temporarily exclude from property tax assessment allowed  - AB299