Liquefied petroleum gas supplier regulations and licensing requirements; one-call system for receiving excavation notices and transmitting notices revised, private transmission facilities provisions -  AB515
Liquefied petroleum gas supplier regulations and licensing requirements; one-call system for receiving excavation notices and transmitting notices revised, private transmission facilities provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.2: forfeiture revisions] -  SB273
PSC to require water utilities to establish water conservation programs and public outreach and educational activities; environmental assessment provisions; certain municipalities required to prepare an environmental assessment  - AB889
waterfowlWaterfowl, see Game bird
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Harbor; Lakes; Port; Wetland
Abandoned dam removal by DNR: additional considerations required -  SB127
``Agricultural land" definition for property tax assessment purposes modified re stream bank protection easement  - AB950
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision  - AB106
Ballast water management: oceangoing vessel that uses a port in this state required to obtain certain permit from DNR; aquatic nuisance species and forfeiture provisions  - AB86
Ballast water management: oceangoing vessel that uses a port in this state required to obtain certain permit from DNR; aquatic nuisance species and forfeiture provisions  - SB119
Dam that affects the water level of a drain re agricultural land: certain approvals for the construction, enlargement, or modification of required -  AB117
DNR prohibited from using the word ``squaw" in the name of any lake or stream and names in current use must be changed - AB180
Fox River Boardwalk in City of Green Bay: grant from WDF required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 195, 9108 (6c)]  - SB40
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; registration and reporting of water withdrawals, water conservation, and water supply planning for water utilities provisions -  AB925
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; registration and reporting of water withdrawals, water conservation, and water supply planning for water utilities provisions -  SB523
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; water withdrawal use, registration, and reporting; water conservation provisions; water supply planning  - AP8 SB1
Kickapoo Valley Reserve Visitor Center in Town of Stark: annual payments re aids in lieu of property taxes [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 770g, m] -  SB40
Lower Fox River Remediation Authority created; duties defined [for section numbers, see entry under ``Lower Fox River Remediation Authority"] -  SB40
Marina condominium: riparian rights, easement, boat slips and docking facilities, and definition provisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 717g, r, 3703g, r] -  SB40
Motor vehicle use on the beds of navigable waters: additional exception created re vehicle used to destroy or prevent spread of aquatic or terrestrial invasive species  - AB942
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves; boat slips; exemption for certain existing structures; repair, replacement, and maintenance; solid piers; and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement [S.Amdt.1: replacement provision removed]  - AB297
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves; boat slips; exemption for certain existing structures; repair, replacement, and maintenance; solid piers; and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement - SB169
Navigable waterway revisions re DNR determination and mapping of, farm drainage ditches, and disclosure on forms re building permits and offer to purchase real estate; circuit court and administrative rule provisions - SB235
Nonpoint source financial assistance and program assistance re flood control, riparian restoration, and storm water runoff: bonding authority increased [Sec. 587, 588, 590]  - SB40
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 282e, f, 9135 (2v), 9435 (1w)]  - SB40
Stillwater Bridge across the St. Croix River: DOT to contract with financial consultant re financing construction of [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9148 (9y)] -  SB40
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the 4th Street bridge over the Wisconsin River in the City of Tomahawk as; contributions from interested parties required - AB48
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the 4th Street bridge over the Wisconsin River in the City of Tomahawk as; contributions from interested parties required - SB55
``Veterans of the American Revolution Memorial Bridge": certain bridge across the Wisconsin River in Columbia County designated as; DOT duty set; contributions provision  - AB351
``Waupaca County Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark bridge across Waupaca River in City of Waupaca as; contributions from interested parties provision  - AB720
Arrearage collection procedure used by municipal utility that provides electric or water service to rental dwellings revised - AB649
Bottling of water provided by a local governmental unit: DNR approval required -  AB638
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; registration and reporting of water withdrawals, water conservation, and water supply planning for water utilities provisions -  AB925
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; registration and reporting of water withdrawals, water conservation, and water supply planning for water utilities provisions -  SB523
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; water withdrawal use, registration, and reporting; water conservation provisions; water supply planning  - AP8 SB1
PSC to require water utilities to establish water conservation programs and public outreach and educational activities; environmental assessment provisions; certain municipalities required to prepare an environmental assessment  - AB889
STH 78 reconstruction project in Village of Merrimac: DOT to pay portion of costs to relocate water and sewer utilities [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2523w] -  SB40
Utility installation cost reimbursement to City of Crandon [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 309c, 9148 (9x)]  - SB40
Utility security system plan: exception from public access to records created; definition provision  - AB728
Utility security system plan: exception from public access to records created; definition provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
waukesha countyWaukesha County
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 125g, 536m] -  SB40
waupaca, city ofWaupaca, City of
``Waupaca County Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark bridge across Waupaca River in City of Waupaca as; contributions from interested parties provision  - AB720
waupaca countyWaupaca County
``Waupaca County Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark bridge across Waupaca River in City of Waupaca as; contributions from interested parties provision  - AB720
wauwatosa, city ofWauwatosa, City of, see Milwaukee County
wdf _wisconsin development fund_WDF (Wisconsin Development Fund), see Commerce, Department of
Hail damage to vehicles: note on certificate of title requirement modified (remedial legislation) - AB595
Headlamps and other lamps on vehicles: use required during periods of limited visibility, definition provision  - AB723
Urban forestry grants expanded to include trees damaged by catastrophic storm events -  AB36
Winter highway maintenance grant program created -  AB833
Winter highway maintenance grant program created -  SB478
Aquatic plant management permit: qualified lake association exempt from certain permit fee - AB49
Aquatic plant management permit: qualified lake association exempt from certain permit fee - SB56
Forest grant program established for the control of invasive plants in weed management areas [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 281qm, 699c-x, 702] -  SB40
weigh stationWeigh station, see Bus and truck
weights and measuresWeights and measures, see also Bus and truck
Statutory weights and measures provisions: certain municipalities may contract with a private party to enforce; DATCP duties - AB655
Weights and measures testing and inspection in municipalities over 5,000 population [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Well compensation grant program expanded to include wells required to be abandoned [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 282p, 3081pb-qj] -  SB40
west allis, city ofWest Allis, City of
Bell, Jeannette: public service as mayor of the City of West Allis and as a former state legislator and commitment to her community commended -  AJR110
West Allis Crosstown Bike Trail: grant from the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program, local match required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9148 (9c)]  - SB40
west salem, village ofWest Salem, Village of, see La Crosse County
Comprehensive planning by local governments modified re mapping, subdivisions, zoning, and shorelines or wetlands [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
DNR water quality certification process and approvals re wetlands: exemption for specific road construction near the City of Tomahawk -  AB163
Nania, Jeff: 2007 National Wetlands Award recipient commended -  SJR50
Nania, Jeff: 2007 National Wetlands Award recipient commended -  SJR51
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -  AB915
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -  SB553
Wetland maps: DNR required to provide to each county; enforcement of state shoreland zoning standards and county shoreland zoning ordinances restricted  - AB839
Wetland mitigation exception from DOT acquisition of land with highway program moneys: notice to city or village requirement added -  AB259
Wetland mitigation exception from DOT acquisition of land with highway program moneys: notice to city or village requirement added -  SB140
wharfWharf, see Port
whistleblowerWhistleblower, see Public employee