Funding sources, duties, 38.04 (7)
General provisions, 15.07
Gifts and grants, acceptance, 38.04 (6)
Health professional training for underserved areas, promotion, 38.04 (24)
Incentive grants, 38.27
Information for tax bills, 38.04 (17)
Membership, 15.94
Powers and duties, 38.04
President, member of university regents board, 15.91
Review of district board appointments, 38.04 (15)
Rules on district policies, 38.04 (14)
Staff, appointment, 38.04 (3)
Student organization assistance, 38.04 (22)
University regents, coordination with, 36.31
Workplace literacy resource center, 38.04 (23)
Execution, 67.08 (1)
Procedure for issuance, 67.05
Borrowing from trust fund, 24.61 (3)
Children with severe disabilities, integrated service programs, 38.14 (12)
Collegiate transfer program, credit hours, limitation, 38.04 (4) (c)
Course requirements, 38.04 (4)
Deaf and blind school students, 115.53 (2)
Definitions, 38.01
Director, salary, 20.923 (7), 230.12 (3) (e)
Discrimination prohibited, 38.23
Physically or developmentally disabled, 106.56
Displaced homemakers' program, 38.04 (13), 38.14 (11)
District boards:
Advisory committees, membership, function, 38.14 (5)
Annual report, 38.12 (8)
Appointment committee, 38.10
Appointment of members, 38.10
Appointments, review, 38.04 (15)
Bonds for officers and employees, require, 38.14 (10)
Borrow money, 38.16 (2)
Buildings and equipment, purchase, lease, construct, 38.14 (2)
Capital expenditures, financing, 38.15
Chairperson, sue in name of district on official bonds, 19.015
Composition, terms, 38.08
Contracts, how let, 38.18
Contracts for services, 38.14 (3)
Cooperation with other state agencies, 38.12 (8)
District director, 38.12 (3)
Duties, 38.12
Faculty development grants, 38.33
Funds, 38.12 (2)
Gifts and grants, accept, 38.14 (4)
Levy taxes, 38.16
Meetings, publication of proceedings, open records, 38.12 (4)
Military service of personnel, leave, 321.63
Organization, 38.08
Personnel, 38.12 (3)
Policies, 38.12 (7)
Powers, 38.14
Sale of products of schools, 38.14 (7)
Sue and be sued, 38.14 (1)
Transportation for students may be provided, 38.14 (6)
Transportation planning duties, 38.12 (6)
Vacancies, 17.27 (3), 38.08
Actions against:
Damages, liability, 895.46
Expenses, 895.35
Notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Annual audit, 38.12 (5)
Annual budget, 38.12 (5m)
Assets and liabilities, adjustment, 38.20
Borrowing from trust fund, 24.61 (3)
Boundaries, 38.06
Budget requirements, 65.90 (1)
Contracts for payment of money, limitation, 893.61
Contracts, public works:
How let, 66.0901
Substance abuse prevention, required program, 103.503
Wage rate, 66.0903
Creation, disposition of school property by city or village, 38.20 (2)
Debt statement to secretary of state, 69.68
Drivers training, fees, 121.41
Fiscal agent when borrowing, 67.10 (2)
Grants to:
Health care education programs, 38.04 (28)
Incentive grants, 38.27
Training programs, 38.41
Investment of funds, 66.0603
Joint civic buildings with nonprofit corporations, authorized, financing, 66.0921
Judgments against, how collected, 66.0117
Loans from trust funds, certificate of indebtedness, execution, 24.67
Oaths and bonds of board members, filing, 19.01 (4) (j)