(c) Other. The department may set other cost-sharing requirements that the department determines are necessary to keep the plan actuarily sound.
(5) Provider requirements. (a) Certification. Only a certified provider may receive payment from the department for services provided to individuals under the plan under this section.
(b) Payments and charges. 1. The department shall pay a certified provider for a service that is covered under the plan under this section an amount that is not less than the amount that is payable for the same service under the Medical Assistance program under subch. IV, except that the department shall make payments to federally qualified health centers and hospital outlier payments in an amount that is no higher than the amount that is payable under the Medical Assistance program under subch. IV. A certified provider that provides a covered service to an individual with coverage under the plan under this section shall accept the department's payment as payment in full and, subject to subd. 2., may not bill the individual to whom the service was provided for any amount other than any cost sharing required under sub. (4).
2. A certified provider that provides to an individual with coverage under the plan under this section inpatient or nonemergency outpatient hospital services to which a deductible under sub. (4) (b) applies may not charge for those services an amount that is higher than the amount that would be payable to the provider under subd. 1. for those services.
3. The department shall not make any payments that are required under s. 49.45 (3) (e) 11. under the plan under this section.
(6) Benefits. (a) May not exceed benefits under other plan. The benefits covered under the plan under this section may not exceed the benefits covered under the health care benefit plan under s. 49.45 (23).
(b) Coordination of benefits. 1. Benefits under the plan under this section shall not include any charge for care for injury or disease for which benefits are payable without regard to fault under coverage statutorily required to be contained in any motor vehicle or other liability insurance policy or equivalent self-insurance, for which benefits are payable under a worker's compensation or similar law, or for which benefits are payable under another policy of health care coverage, Medicare, or any other governmental program, except as otherwise provided by law. If an individual who has coverage under the plan under this section also has coverage under the plan under subch. II of ch. 149, benefits under the plan under this section are secondary to the benefits provided under the plan under subch. II of ch. 149.
2. The department is subrogated to the rights of an individual with coverage under the plan under this section to recover special damages for illness or injury to the individual caused by the act of a 3rd person to the extent that benefits are provided under the plan.
(c) Recovery of incorrectly paid benefits. 1. The department may recover a payment made incorrectly for benefits provided under this section on behalf of an individual if the incorrect payment was made as a result of any of the following:
a. At the time the individual obtained coverage under the plan under this section, the individual was on the waiting list established for the health care benefit plan under s. 49.45 (23) because of a misstatement or omission of fact by the individual.
b. The individual's coverage under the plan under this section was continued because of a misstatement or omission of fact by the individual.
2. The department's right of recovery is against the individual with coverage under the plan under this section on whose behalf the incorrect payment was made. The extent of the recovery is limited to the amount of the benefits actually paid.
(6m) Disclosure of benefits and cost sharing. When an individual applies for coverage under the plan under this section, the department shall provide to the individual written disclosure of the benefits provided under the plan and the premiums, deductibles, copayments, and any other cost sharing required under the plan.
(7) Review of coverage denial or discontinuation. Any individual who is denied enrollment in the plan under this section or whose coverage is discontinued may request that the department review the action by filing with the department a written request that includes the reasons why the individual disagrees with the denial or discontinuation of coverage. The written request must be filed within 60 days after the coverage denial or discontinuation. An individual must exhaust the process under this subsection before commencing any action in court relating to the coverage denial or discontinuation.
(7m) Audit. The legislative audit bureau shall perform a performance evaluation audit of the plan under this section no later than one year after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date]. The bureau shall submit copies of the audit report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3).
(8) Inapplicable provisions. All of the following apply to the plan under this section:
(a) It is not medical assistance under subch. IV.
(b) It is exempt from chs. 600 to 646.
(9) Reports to joint committee on finance. The department shall on a quarterly basis submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes information on the solvency of the plan under this section and that describes any changes that have been made under the plan since the last report was submitted to premiums, benefits, or provider payment rates.
(9g) Reports to joint committee on finance. The department shall on a quarterly basis submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes, relevant to the period since the last report, all of the following concerning the plan under this section:
(a) Information about solvency, including claims paid, premium collected, and condition of reserves.
(b) A description of any changes to premiums, benefits, enrollee cost sharing, or provider payment rates.
(c) Demographic information about applicants and enrollees, including age, gender, residence, health status, employment, income, health insurance history, and claims history under the plan under this section.
(d) A description of the department's process for verifying eligibility of applicants and enrollees and information about the number of applicants and enrollees found to be eligible and the number of applicants and enrollees found to be ineligible under the plan's eligibility criteria.
(9m) Termination of plan. The plan under this section shall terminate on January 1, 2014. The department shall not pay any claim under this section for services provided after December 31, 2013, to an individual with coverage under the plan under this section.
5. 227.01 (13) (ur) of the statutes is created to read:
227.01 (13) (ur) Relates to the benefit design, cost-sharing requirements, or administration of the health care benefits plan under s. 49.67.
6. 227.42 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
227.42 (7) This section does not apply to a decision denying enrollment or discontinuing coverage under s. 49.67, to a decision about benefits covered under s. 49.67, or to a payment made under s. 49.67.