74.09 (3) (gd) For Milwaukee County, if it imposes a sales and use tax under s. 77.70 (2), indicate the amount of the reduction in property taxes associated with the requirement under s. 77.70 (2) to remove transit expenditures from the property tax levy.
76.67 (2) If any domestic insurer is licensed to transact insurance business in another state, this state may not require similar insurers domiciled in that other state to pay taxes greater in the aggregate than the aggregate amount of taxes that a domestic insurer is required to pay to that other state for the same year less the credits under ss. 76.635, 76.636, 76.637, 76.638, and 76.655, except that the amount imposed shall not be less than the total of the amounts due under ss. 76.65 (2) and 601.93 and, if the insurer is subject to s. 76.60, 0.375% of its gross premiums, as calculated under s. 76.62, less offsets allowed under s. 646.51 (7) or under ss. 76.635, 76.636, 76.637, 76.638, and 76.655 against that total, and except that the amount imposed shall not be less than the amount due under s. 601.93.
1829. Chapter 77 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
COUNTY, transit authority,
CAR TAX; Premier resort area
taxes; state rental vehicle fee;
dry cleaning fees; SOUTHEASTERN
REGIONAL TRANSIT authority fee
Section 1829g. 77.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
77.02 (1) Petition. The owner of an entire quarter quarter section, fractional lot or government lot as determined by U.S. government survey plat, excluding public roads and railroad rights-of-way that may have been sold, may file with the department of natural resources a petition stating that the owner believes the lands therein described are more useful for growing timber and other forest crops than for any other purpose, that the owner intends to practice forestry thereon, that all persons holding encumbrances thereon have joined in the petition and requesting that such lands be approved as "Forest Croplands" under this subchapter. Whenever any such land is encumbered by a mortgage or other indenture securing any issue of bonds or notes, the trustee named in such mortgage or indenture or any amendment thereto may join in such petition, and such action shall for the purpose of this section be deemed the action of all holders of such bonds or notes. Land for which a petition is submitted under sub. (4) is exempt from the size requirements specified under this subsection.
Section 1829j. 77.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
77.02 (3) Decision, copies. (a) After receiving all the evidence offered at any hearing held on the petition and after making such independent investigation as it sees fit the department shall make its findings of fact and make and enter an order accordingly. If it finds that the facts give reasonable assurance that a stand of merchantable timber will be developed on such descriptions within a reasonable time, and that such descriptions are then held permanently for the growing of timber under sound forestry practices, rather than for agricultural, mineral, shoreland development of navigable waters, recreational, residential or other purposes, and that all persons holding encumbrances against such descriptions have in writing agreed to the petition, the order entered shall grant the request of the petitioner on condition that all unpaid taxes against said descriptions be paid within 30 days thereafter; otherwise the department of natural resources shall deny the request of the petitioner.
(b) If the request of the
a petitioner is granted under par. (a) or sub. (4), a copy of such order shall be filed with the department of revenue, the supervisor of equalization and the clerk of each town, and the order shall be recorded with the register of deeds of each county, in which any of the lands affected by the order are located. The register of deeds shall record the entry, transfer or withdrawal of all forest croplands in a suitable manner on the county records. The register of deeds may collect recording fees under s. 59.43 (2) from the owner. Any
(c) Except as provided in sub. (4) (b), any order of the department relating to the entry of forest croplands issued on or before November 20 of any year shall take effect on January 1 of the following calendar year, but all orders issued after November 20 shall take effect on January 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which orders issued on or before November 20 would have been effective.
Section 1829m. 77.02 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
77.02 (4) Exemption for certain smaller parcels. (a) A landowner of a parcel that is less than a quarter quarter section in size may petition the department of natural resources to allow the land to be entered as forest croplands under this section. The department shall grant the petition and issue an order entering the land as forest croplands if all of the following apply:
1. The landowner of the parcel is a nonprofit archery club.
2. The parcel of land was part of a quarter quarter section or lot that was entered as forest croplands before January 1, 1968.
3. The parcel of land was divided from the section or lot and was sold to the landowner before January 1, 2009.
(b) An order issued under par. (a) shall take effect on the date of its issuance. Notwithstanding the 25-year or 50-year requirement under s. 77.03, the date for the ending of a order entered under par. (a) shall be the same date as the date for the ending of the order that applies to the section or lot from which the parcel was divided.
(c) Subsections (2) and (3) (a) do not apply to a petition submitted under this subsection.
(d) The taxes and penalties under s. 77.10 do not apply to a parcel affected by an order of withdrawal if an order of entry is subsequently issued for the parcel under par. (a). If an order of withdrawal is issued for such a parcel after the issuance of the order for entry under par. (a), the landowner shall be liable for all withdrawal taxes and penalties under s. 77.10 that would have been levied on the parcel if the parcel had continuously been subject to the original order of entry issued for the entire quarter quarter section or lot.
Section 1829n. 77.03 of the statutes is amended to read:
77.03 Taxation of forest croplands. After the filing and recording of the order with the officers under s. 77.02 (3) the lands described therein shall be "Forest Croplands", on which taxes shall thereafter be payable only as provided under this subchapter. The enactment of ss. 77.01 to 77.14, petition by the owner and the making of the order under s. 77.02 (3) or (4) (a) shall constitute a contract between the state and the owner, running with the lands, for a period of 25 or 50 years at the election of the applicant at the time the petition is filed, unless withdrawn under s. 77.10, with privilege of renewal by mutual agreement between the owner and the state, whereby the state as an inducement to owners and prospective purchasers of forest croplands to come under ss. 77.01 to 77.14 agrees that, unless withdrawn under s. 77.10, no change in or repeal of ss. 77.01 to 77.14 shall apply to any land then accepted as forest croplands, except as the department of natural resources and the owner may expressly agree in writing and except as provided in s. 77.17. If at the end of the contract period the land is not designated as managed forest land under subch. VI, the merchantable timber on the land shall be estimated by an estimator jointly agreed upon by the department of natural resources and the owner, and if the department and the owner fail to agree on an estimator, the judge of the circuit court of the district in which the lands lie shall appoint a qualified forester, whose estimate shall be final, and the cost thereof shall be borne jointly by the department of natural resources and the owner; and the 10% severance tax paid on the stumpage thereon in the same manner as if the stumpage had been cut. The owners by such contract consent that the public may hunt and fish on the lands, subject to such rules as the department of natural resources prescribes regulating hunting and fishing.
Section 1829ng. 77.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
77.04 (1) Tax roll. The clerk on making up the tax roll shall enter as to each forest cropland description in a special column or some other appropriate place in such tax roll headed by the words "Forest Croplands" or the initials "F.C.L.", which shall be a sufficient designation that such description is subject to this subchapter. Such land shall thereafter be assessed and be subject to review under ch. 70, and such assessment may be used by the department of revenue in the determination of the tax upon withdrawal of such lands as forest croplands as provided in s. 77.10 for entries prior to 1972 or for any entry under s. 77.02 (4) (a). The tax upon withdrawal of descriptions entered as forest croplands after December 31, 1971, may be determined by the department of revenue by multiplying the last assessed value of the land prior to the time of the entry by an annual ratio computed for the state under sub. (2) to establish the annual assessed value of the description. No tax shall be levied on forest croplands except the specific annual taxes as provided, except that any building located on forest cropland shall be assessed as personal property, subject to all laws and regulations for the assessment and taxation of general property.
Section 1829nr. 77.04 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
77.04 (2) Tax per acre; payment; penalty. The "acreage share" shall be computed at the rate of 10 cents per acre on all lands entered prior to 1972 or entered under s. 77.02 (4) (a). On all lands entered after December 31, 1971, the "acreage share" shall be computed every 10 years to the nearest cent by the department of revenue at the rate of 20 cents per acre multiplied by a ratio using the equalized value of the combined residential, commercial, manufacturing, agricultural, undeveloped, agricultural forest, and productive forest land classes under s. 70.32 (2) within the state in 1972 as the denominator, and using equalized value for these combined land classes in 1982 and every 10th year thereafter as the numerator. All owners shall pay to the taxation district treasurer the acreage share on each description on or before January 31. If the acreage share is not paid when due to the taxation district treasurer it shall be subject to interest and penalty as provided under ss. 74.11 (11), 74.12 (10) and 74.47. These lands shall be returned as delinquent and a tax certificate under subch. VII of ch. 74 shall be issued on them. After 2 years from the date of the issuance of a tax certificate, the county clerk shall promptly take a tax deed under ch. 75. On taking such deed the county clerk shall certify that fact and specify the descriptions to the department of natural resources.
Section 1829r. 77.13 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
77.13 (3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to any petition submitted under s. 77.02 (4).
1830. 77.25 (8n) of the statutes is created to read:
77.25 (8n) Between an individual and his or her domestic partner under ch. 770.
Section 1830b. 77.51 (1a) (a) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (1a) (a) 5. Newspapers or other news or information products.
77.51 (1a) (b) For purposes of this subchapter, the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of a digital code is treated the same as the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of any additional digital goods for which the digital code relates.
77.51 (2) "Contractors" and "subcontractors" are the consumers of tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) used by them in real property construction activities and the sales and use tax applies to the sale of tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) to them. A contractor engaged primarily in real property construction activities may use resale certificates only with respect to purchases of tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) which the contractor has sound reason to believe the contractor will sell to customers for whom the contractor will not perform real property construction activities involving the use of such tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d). In this subsection, "real property construction activities" means activities that occur at a site where tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) that are applied or adapted to the use or purpose to which real property is devoted are affixed to that real property, if the intent of the person who affixes that property is to make a permanent accession to the real property. In this subsection, "real property construction activities" does not include affixing property subject to tax under s. 77.52 (1) (c) to real property or affixing to real property tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) that remain remains tangible personal property after they are it is affixed.
77.51 (3rm) (intro.) "Finished artwork" means the final art used for actual reproduction by photomechanical or other processes or for display purposes, but does not include Web site or home page designs. "Finished artwork" also includes all of the following items regardless of whether such items are reproduced:
Section 1830f. 77.51 (7h) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
77.51 (7h) (a) (intro.) "Manufacturing" means the production by machinery of a new article of tangible personal property or item or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c) with a different form, use, and name from existing materials, by a process popularly regarded as manufacturing, and that begins with conveying raw materials and supplies from plant inventory to the place where work is performed in the same plant and ends with conveying finished units of tangible personal property or item or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c) to the point of first storage in the same plant. "Manufacturing" includes:
1831. 77.51 (7h) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (7h) (a) 3. Conveying work in progress directly from one manufacturing process to another in the same plant; testing or inspecting, throughout the manufacturing process, the new article of tangible personal property that is being manufactured; storing work in progress in the same plant where the manufacturing occurs; assembling finished units of tangible personal property; and packaging a new article of tangible personal property, if the manufacturer, or another person on the manufacturer's behalf, performs the packaging and if the packaging becomes part of the new article as it is customarily offered for sale by the manufacturer.
Section 1831b. 77.51 (7h) (a) 3. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
77.51 (7h) (a) 3. Conveying work in progress directly from one manufacturing process to another in the same plant; testing or inspecting, throughout the manufacturing process, the new article of tangible personal property or item or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c) that is being manufactured; storing work in progress in the same plant where the manufacturing occurs; assembling finished units of tangible personal property or item or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c); and packaging a new article of tangible personal property or items or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c), if the manufacturer, or another person on the manufacturer's behalf, performs the packaging and if the packaging becomes part of the new article as it is customarily offered for sale by the manufacturer.
1832. 77.51 (7h) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (7h) (b) "Manufacturing" does not include storing raw materials or finished units of tangible personal property, research or development, delivery to or from the plant, or repairing or maintaining plant facilities.
Section 1832b. 77.51 (7h) (b) of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
77.51 (7h) (b) "Manufacturing" does not include storing raw materials or finished units of tangible personal property or items or property under s. 77.52 (1) (b) or (c), research or development, delivery to or from the plant, or repairing or maintaining plant facilities.
1833. 77.51 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
77.51 (10) "Person" includes any natural person, firm, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, joint stock company, association, public or private corporation, the United States, the state, including any unit or division of the state, any county, city, village, town, municipal utility, municipal power district or other governmental unit, cooperative, unincorporated cooperative association, estate, trust, receiver, personal representative, any other fiduciary, and any representative appointed by order of any court or otherwise acting on behalf of others. "Person" also includes the owner of a single-owner entity that is disregarded as a separate entity under ch. 71.
77.51 (10) "Person" includes any natural person, firm, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, joint stock company, association, public or private corporation, the United States, the state, including any unit or division of the state, any county, city, village, town, municipal utility, municipal power district or other governmental unit, cooperative, unincorporated cooperative association, estate, trust, receiver, personal representative, any other fiduciary, any other legal entity, and any representative appointed by order of any court or otherwise acting on behalf of others.
1834. 77.51 (10b) of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (10b) For purposes of sub. (7h), "plant" means a parcel of property or adjoining parcels of property, including parcels that are separated only by a public road, and the buildings, machinery, and equipment that are located on the parcel, that are owned by or leased to the manufacturer.
1835. 77.51 (10c) of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (10c) For purposes of sub. (7h), "plant inventory" does not include unsevered mineral deposits.
Section 1835dr. 77.51 (12m) (b) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (12m) (b) 10. The surcharges imposed under s. 256.35 (3g) (a) 1. and 2. a.
77.51 (13) (k) With respect to a lease, any person deriving rentals from a lease of tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) situated in sourced to this state as provided under s. 77.522.
77.51 (13g) (a) Any retailer owning any real property in this state or leasing or renting out any tangible personal property, or items, or property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), or (c), or (d), located in this state or maintaining, occupying or using, permanently or temporarily, directly or indirectly, or through a subsidiary, or agent, by whatever name called, an office, place of distribution, sales or sample room or place, warehouse or storage place or other place of business in this state.
1836. 77.51 (13g) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (13g) (d) Any person who has an affiliate in this state, if the person is related to the affiliate and if the affiliate uses facilities or employees in this state to advertise, promote, or facilitate the establishment of or market for sales of items by the related person to purchasers in this state or for providing services to the related person's purchasers in this state, including accepting returns of purchases or resolving customer complaints. For purposes of this paragraph, 2 persons are related if any of the following apply:
1. One person, or each person, is a corporation and one person and any person related to that person in a manner that would require a stock attribution from the corporation to the person or from the person to the corporation under section
318 of the Internal Revenue Code owns directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively at least 50 percent of the corporation's outstanding stock value.
2. One person, or each person, is a partnership, estate, or trust and any partner or beneficiary; and the partnership, estate, or trust and its partners or beneficiaries; own directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at least 50 percent of the profits, capital, stock, or value of the other person or both persons.
3. An individual stockholder and the members of the stockholder's family, as defined in section
318 of the Internal Revenue Code, owns directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at least 50 percent of both persons' outstanding stock value.
77.51 (14) (j) The granting of possession of tangible personal property or items, property, or goods under s. 77.52 (1) (b), (c), or (d) by a lessor to a lessee, or to another person at the direction of the lessee. Such a transaction involving tangible personal property is deemed a continuing sale in this state.
Section 1836d. 77.51 (14a) of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (14a) For purposes of ss. 77.54, 77.55, and 77.56, "sale" includes licenses, leases, and rentals.
Section 1836er. 77.51 (15b) (b) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
77.51 (15b) (b) 10. The surcharges imposed under s. 256.35 (3g) (a) 1. and 2. a.
77.51 (17x) "Specified digital goods" means digital audio works, digital audiovisual works, and digital books. For purposes of this subchapter, the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of a digital code is treated the same as the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of any specified digital goods for which the digital code relates.
77.51 (20) "Tangible personal property" means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, or that is in any other manner perceptible to the senses, and includes electricity, gas, steam, water, and prewritten computer software, regardless of how it is delivered to the purchaser.
77.51 (24) "Value-added nonvoice data service" means a service that otherwise meets the definition of telecommunications services, in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, content, code, or protocol of the information or data provided by the service and are used primarily for a purpose other than for transmitting, conveying, or routing data.
77.52 (1) (a) For the privilege of selling, licensing, leasing or renting tangible personal property, including accessories, components, attachments, parts, supplies and materials, at retail a tax is imposed upon all retailers at the rate of 5% of the sales price from the sale, license, lease or rental of tangible personal property, including accessories, components, attachments, parts, supplies and materials, sold, licensed, leased or rented at retail in this state, as determined under s. 77.522.
77.52 (1) (b) For the privilege of selling, licensing, leasing, or renting at retail coins and stamps of the United States that are sold, licensed, leased, rented, or traded as collectors' items above their face value, a tax is imposed on all retailers at the rate of 5 percent of the sales price from the sale, license, lease, or rental of such coins and stamps.
1837. 77.52 (2) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
77.52 (2) (a) 2. a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b. and c., the sale of admissions to amusement, athletic, entertainment or recreational events or places except county fairs, the sale, rental or use of regular bingo cards, extra regular cards, special bingo cards and the sale of bingo supplies to players and the furnishing, for dues, fees or other considerations, the privilege of access to clubs or the privilege of having access to or the use of amusement, entertainment, athletic or recreational devices or facilities, including the sale or furnishing of use of recreational facilities on a periodic basis or other recreational rights, including but not limited to membership rights, vacation services and club memberships.
1838. 77.52 (2) (a) 2. c. of the statutes is created to read:
77.52 (2) (a) 2. c. Taxable sales do not include the sale of admissions by a nonprofit organization to participate in any sports activity in which more than 50 percent of the participants are 19 years old or younger.
1839. 77.52 (2) (a) 8m. of the statutes is created to read:
77.52 (2) (a) 8m. The towing and hauling of motor vehicles by a tow truck, as defined in s. 340.01 (67n), unless at the time of towing or hauling a sale in this state of the motor vehicle to the purchaser would be exempt from the taxes imposed under this subchapter, not including the exempt sale of a motor vehicle to a nonresident under s. 77.54 (5) (a) and nontaxable sales described under s. 77.51 (14r).
Section 1839b. 77.52 (2) (a) 8m. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read: