Forest crop law parcel transfer for certain small parcel re nonprofit archery club [Sec. 1829g-r]  -  Act 28
Student housing: property tax exemption created; residency requirements and U.W. Madison provision [Sec. 1515m, 1516c, 9343 (21g)] -  Act 28
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities; ``Cancer and chronic diseases drug repository" changed to ``Drug repository" -  Act 142
charter schoolCharter school, see School
chase, town ofChase, Town of, see Wood County
Employee pay deductions: penalty for employer failure to list [Sec. 2186f] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Soliciting purchase of goods or services by unsolicited delivery of a document that appears to be a check or money order payable to recipient prohibited, exception and conditions specified; DATCP authority and forfeiture provisions  -  Act 150
chequamegon school districtChequamegon School District, see Price County
child careChild care, see Day care
child laborChild labor
Child labor permit fees for information technology costs and to fund operational expenses of the Division of Equal Rights [Sec. 517d, 2206d] -  Act 28
Minors under 12 years of age employed without a work permit by a nonprofit organization to perform snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and similar work around homes of elderly or persons with disabilities allowed under certain conditions -  Act 92
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  Act 3
Bills of rights for foster children and for foster parents created; requirements cited [Sec. 1051n, o, 9108 (6f), 9408 (5f)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  Act 78
Corr.Dept rates for juvenile alternate care services revised [Sec. 2675, 2677] -  Act 28
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
Food sold by certain licensed child care facilities: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report  -  Act 204
Foster and treatment foster parents: training requirements created; DCF prohibited from promulgating rules as emergency rules [Sec. 1062, 9108 (5), 9408 (11] [9108 (5) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Foster and treatment foster parents: training requirements revised, kinship care relatives provision  -  Act 336
Foster care and kinship care revisions re monthly rates, payments, certification, licensing, and levels of care  -  Act 71
Foster care public information campaign to be funded on one-time basis from vital records fees [Sec. 979]  -  Act 28
Foster care rates revised [Sec. 1014d, 1067, 1085, 1202, 9408 (8)] -  Act 28
Free-standing pediatric teaching hospital: DHS required to issue a single certificate of approval [Sec. 1289m, 1417r]  -  Act 28
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for children under 18: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions specified -  Act 14
Hunting and firearm possession revisions re accompaniment of hunters under age 16, hunting with a crossbow on certain lands, and age restriction on possession of firearm for target practice; hunting mentorship program established and minimum hunting age lowered; hunting approval fee provision  -  Act 39
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children adopted, state council provision  -  Act 329
Prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination: providers in City of Racine certified re children who have not attained the age of two [Sec. 1313k, 2550d-h, 3410]  -  Act 28
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans and certain dependents: required to use certain federal education benefits first [Sec. 744d-747f, 753d-756f, 770j, k, 9323 (1q), 9423 (1q)] [745f, 747f, 754f, 770k — partial veto]  -  Act 28
children _ abuse and neglectChildren — Abuse and neglect, see also School — Discipline
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  -  Act 82
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program revisions; expansion re home visitation program services [Sec. 1102-1127, 2547, 2549, 2550, 9108 (6)] -  Act 28
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  Act 78
Child or juvenile taken into custody: notice to relatives and disclosure of information to facilitate a relationship or placement; parent to provide names of relatives re potential placement; permanency planning; exception to confidentiality requirements [Sec. 919p, 921h, 958p, 1086f, 1101c, 3290n, p, 3292h, 3327p, 3339j] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Child welfare alternative response pilot program created in five counties; evaluation report required [Sec. 1097, 1098, 1100] -  Act 28
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  -  Act 185
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Landlord required to change locks if tenant requests it and provides a copy of an injunction or criminal complaint re domestic abuse; exception, rental agreement, civil damages, and lock changed by tenant provisions -  Act 117
Reckless bodily harm to a child: penalty revised; JRCCP report  -  Act 308
TROs and injunctions re domestic abuse, child abuse, adult at risk, or harassment: petition law revisions  -  Act 262
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) jurisdictional provisions and minimum standards for Indian child custody proceedings incorporated into Children's Code provisions re CHIPS, TPR, adoption, and the Juvenile Justice Code re JIPS  -  Act 94
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children; creates an Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children  -  Act 339
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
children _ delinquentChildren — Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
Chaperoning a sex offender: individual required to sign agreement notifying, in writing, any other person with whom the individual has a child of his or her intent to chaperone a sex offender; Corr.Dept civil liability immunity  -  Act 257
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  Act 78
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -  Act 28
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  Act 81
Child welfare alternative response pilot program created in five counties; evaluation report required [Sec. 1097, 1098, 1100] -  Act 28
Child welfare provider rate regulation re treatment foster homes; emergency rules and JLC study provisions [Sec. 1274-1286, 3314, 3315, 9108 (2), 9308 (3), 9408 (5)] [9108 (2) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established; DCF to certify need for new group home or increasing capacity at an existing one, emergency rules provision -  Act 335
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  -  Act 185
Corr.Dept rates for juvenile alternate care services revised [Sec. 2675, 2677] -  Act 28
Graduated foster care licensing system created to license foster home care, treatment foster home care, kinship care, and long-term kinship care based on graduated levels of care; provisions re rule-making, DCF report, notice to LRB of effective dates, and JCF approval of plan [for section numbers and partial veto, see entry under ``Children and Families, Department of"] -  Act 28
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer if it provides medically accurate information and addresses specified topics including marriage and parental responsibilities, the sex offender registry, and criminal penalties for crimes against children; notification required if not offered; instruction by volunteer health care provider, definitions, and State Superintendent duties  -  Act 134
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) jurisdictional provisions and minimum standards for Indian child custody proceedings incorporated into Children's Code provisions re CHIPS, TPR, adoption, and the Juvenile Justice Code re JIPS  -  Act 94
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children; creates an Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children  -  Act 339
Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council: annual report and public hearing requirements; DCF duties  -  Act 337
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Proof of financial responsibility requirement re motor vehicle accident: liability release executed by a parent or guardian ad litem on behalf of a minor is acceptable (remedial legislation) -  Act 242
Tribal gaming receipts appropriation re high-cost out-of-home placements of Indian children by tribal courts [Sec. 478j, 586t, 979v] -  Act 28
children _ special educationChildren — Special education
Birth to 3 Program: DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law; counties to pay nonfederal share; reimbursement by MA program [Sec. 363, 438, 912, 1316, 1317, 1324, 1325]  -  Act 28
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  -  Act 334
children and families, department ofChildren and Families, Department of
Appropriations reorganized [Sec. 475, 476, 481, 482, 491, 492, 495-509, 511-513] -  Act 28
Bills of rights for foster children and for foster parents created; requirements cited [Sec. 1051n, o, 9108 (6f), 9408 (5f)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Brighter Futures program: annual funding for Diverse and Resilient, Inc. [Sec. 989f] -  Act 28
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  -  Act 82
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program revisions; expansion re home visitation program services [Sec. 1102-1127, 2547, 2549, 2550, 9108 (6)] -  Act 28
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  Act 78
Child care allocations, kinship care funding, allocation for public assistance program fraud and error reduction, and W-2 cash benefits allocation and state agency contract and administration services; funding for Milwaukee and statewide child welfare information systems reduced [Sec. 477, 478, 497, 996, 999, 1193-1200c, 1228-1232, 1238-1241, 1243-1250, 9408 (4)]  -  Act 28
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Child care providers under W-2 child care subsidy program: personal liability of officers, directors, and employees of a corporation or LLC for penalties -  Act 77
Child care quality rating system: DCF required to provide; review, plan, and Internet provision [Sec. 1057, 9108 (7f)] -  Act 28
Child care search database: DCF to make available specific description of violations and steps taken to remedy violations [Sec. 1056t] -  Act 28
Child care subsidies and cost savings options; authorized hours provision [Sec. 1214, 1214a] [1214a — partial veto] -  Act 28