Electronic payment mechanisms for fees and deposits paid to DOT permitted; convenience fee authorized [Sec. 296, 307, 670, 671, 1933, 2851, 2993] -  Act 28
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union
Credit union conversion to mutual savings bank: procedure created [Sec. 2453w-y, 2476nm-t, 9417 (1f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) sale or lease of motor vehicles as routine operation of the credit union permitted [Sec. 2453um, v] [vetoed] -  AB-75
credit unions, office ofCredit Unions, Office of
Credit union conversion to mutual savings bank: procedure created [Sec. 2453w-y, 2476nm-t, 9417 (1f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) sale or lease of motor vehicles as routine operation of the credit union permitted [Sec. 2453um, v] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for persons who use alcohol and drugs and grants to certain county with highest crime rate: OJA grants [Sec. 572, 9101 (3), (4)]  -  Act 28
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from a child care provider; DCF duties, emergency rule, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  -  Act 19
Child safety alarms in child care vehicles: certain effective dates re 2009 WisAct 19 modified [Sec. 3416g-j]  -  Act 28
``College" or ``university" may not be used in a school name unless the school awards an associate or higher degree and has certain accreditation; ``state" and ``Wisconsin" may not be used in a school name if the school is not affiliated with the U.W. System or TCS; false academic credentials, definitions, EAB duties, employment discrimination, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  Act 300
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee provision -  Act 358
Crime alert network: DOJ may create to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and gifts and grants provisions [Sec. 525m, 535m, 2447m] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Criminal justice programs: federal revenues appropriation re ARRA created -  Act 11
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
Expungement of criminal record re certain misdemeanors or nonviolent Class H or Class I felonies committed before age 25; only applies to first-time convictions [Sec. 3384-3386, 9309 (1)] -  Act 28
Housing discrimination based on person's status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking prohibited; defense to action for eviction provision -  Act 95
John Doe proceedings re state officer or employee: procedures revised; DA authority; judicial discretion over scope of examination and special prosecutors; protections and payment of attorney fees and costs -  Act 24
Littering: maximum forfeiture increased, large item of solid waste provisions -  Act 368
Prescription drug monitoring program: Pharmacy Examining Board directed to create; DORL to apply for federal grants; confidentiality and civil or criminal liability immunity provisions -  Act 362
Probation elimination for persons committing misdemeanors: Corr.Dept may petition the sentencing court [Sec. 3392d, s, 9311 (4)] [3392d — partial veto; 3392s — vetoed] -  Act 28
Salvinorin A (from the plant Salvia divinorum): manufacture, distribution, or delivery intended for human consumption prohibited; fine and exception provisions  -  Act 141
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  Act 3
Trespassing liability exemption under set conditions for assessor and staff making an assessment; certain civil liability immunity for owner and notice provisions; municipal assessor must publish a notice prior to revaluation of property and may not enter real property more than once per year to conduct an assessment -  Act 68
crime and criminals _ batteryCrime and criminals — Battery
Reckless bodily harm to a child: penalty revised; JRCCP report  -  Act 308
Substantial bodily harm to a law enforcement officer while resisting or obstructing the officer made a felony  -  Act 251
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals — Felony
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
Expungement of criminal record re certain misdemeanors or nonviolent Class H or Class I felonies committed before age 25; only applies to first-time convictions [Sec. 3384-3386, 9309 (1)] -  Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -  Act 100
Reckless bodily harm to a child: penalty revised; JRCCP report  -  Act 308
Sentence adjustment for certain felonies; Parole Commission renamed the Earned Release Review Commission [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Sentences and penalties"]  -  Act 28
Substantial bodily harm to a law enforcement officer while resisting or obstructing the officer made a felony  -  Act 251
crime and criminals _ homicide or murderCrime and criminals — Homicide or murder
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Martial arts instruction to a minor for a fee without a license prohibited; DRL licensing duties; DOJ to conduct background checks on applicants, disqualifying offenses specified  -  Act 130
crime victimCrime victim
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -  Act 28
Crime victim compensation award funding re victim and witness assistance, sexual assault victim services, and county programs [Sec. 537-538c, 3388-3391c, 9430 (1j)]  -  Act 28
Extended supervision discharge after two years: Corr.Dept authority created; notice to victims required; inmates sentenced to intensive sanctions excluded [Sec. 3378r, 3381, 9311 (4), 9411 (2u)] -  Act 28
Misappropriation from cemetery of object indicating deceased was a veteran: court to require reimbursement of replacement cost -  Act 105
Offender Reentry, Council on, created; duties defined; report required [Sec. 33r, 34g, 2669k, 9111 (12f), 9411 (1f)] [2669k — partial veto] -  Act 28
Sexual assault victims: court prohibited from ordering a psychiatric evaluation as a condition of giving testimony, defense cannot compel a pretrial interview or deposition, admissibility of sexual conduct in civil action seeking damages  -  Act 138
Victim recompense provisions deleted; procedure re cash bail and restitution [Sec. 3272m, 3349g, r, 3362m, 3364g-r, 3395t] [vetoed] -  AB-75
criminal discovery or procedureCriminal discovery or procedure, see Court — Procedure
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation, see also Witness
Background checks for handgun purchasers: DOJ required to check for court order or finding rendering the person ineligible under federal law re mental health status; courts required to determine ineligibility and other duties; person may petition court to cancel the order -  Act 258
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Criminal history search fee increased; expenditure authority increased re upgrade of criminal history and fingerprint ID databases [Sec. 2448-2448s, 9430 (1f)]  -  Act 28
Expungement of criminal record re certain misdemeanors or nonviolent Class H or Class I felonies committed before age 25; only applies to first-time convictions [Sec. 3384-3386, 9309 (1)] -  Act 28
Firearms restrictions record search fee increased [Sec. 2453] -  Act 28
Justice information surcharge increased; distribution revised; grants for indigent civil legal services [Sec. 55, 553, 555, 556, 577, 614, 3240] -  Act 28
Law enforcement investigative records: information technology unit must deny requests for access, custody remains with the local governmental unit; law enforcement agency that shares information with OJA is considered the custodian of the information -  Act 259
Martial arts instruction to a minor for a fee without a license prohibited; DRL licensing duties; DOJ to conduct background checks on applicants, disqualifying offenses specified  -  Act 130
News persons: limiting disclosure of information gathered by -  Act 400
cross plains, village ofCross Plains, Village of, see Dane County
d - D -
dairy plantsDairy plants
Agricultural grants re soybean crushing facilities, certain dairy cooperative for additional cheese-making facilities, manufacture of anaerobic digesters, and diversification of cheese-making capabilities [Sec. 180p, 9103 (3f)]  -  Act 28
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit: dairy cooperatives allowed to claim [Sec. 18, 19, 90-99, 137-146, 181-190, 798, 799] -  Act 2
dairy productDairy product, see also Food
Agricultural grants re soybean crushing facilities, certain dairy cooperative for additional cheese-making facilities, manufacture of anaerobic digesters, and diversification of cheese-making capabilities [Sec. 180p, 9103 (3f)]  -  Act 28
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants, DPI duty set; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position  -  Act 293
dairy product _ regulationDairy product — Regulation
Agricultural producer security program changes -  Act 296
Unpasteurized milk for human consumption: registration requirements for sale of created; sunset and emergency rules provisions [vetoed] -  SB-434
Asbestos claims filed against a successor corporation; liability provisions [Sec. 3283g, 9309 (3f), 9409 (2f)]  -  Act 28
Bittering agent added to engine coolant and antifreeze required; exceptions, penalty, and civil liability immunity provisions -  Act 381
Customer access to toilet facility for use by employees of a retail establishment: persons with certain medical conditions allowed to use under set conditions; forfeiture, civil liability immunity, forged statement, and ID card provisions  -  Act 198