forestry _ taxationForestry — Taxation
Forest crop law parcel transfer for certain small parcel re nonprofit archery club [Sec. 1829g-r]  -  Act 28
Managed Forest Land Program revisions, DNR and DOR duties -  Act 365
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower -  Act 186
Tribal lands withdrawal from Managed Forest Land Program [Sec. 1872g, r] [1872r — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Apprentice contract law revisions; Wisconsin Apprenticeship Council appointment and composition modified  -  Act 291
Automotive oil filters, oil absorbent materials, and waste oil: disposal of used materials in landfills prohibited, exception provided -  Act 86
Bicycle and EPAMD distance from parked vehicle requirement limited to school bus or motor bus, audible signal when passing deleted; opening motor vehicle door on a highway without checking traffic first prohibited, passengers under age 16 and forfeiture provisions -  Act 22
Business advertising sign in highway right-of-way prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions -  Act 227
``Child's container" containing bisphenol A: retail sales and manufacturing or selling at wholesale prohibited; definition, label requirements, and penalty provisions; DATCP and DA authority specified; JRCCP report -  Act 145
``College" or ``university" may not be used in a school name unless the school awards an associate or higher degree and has certain accreditation; ``state" and ``Wisconsin" may not be used in a school name if the school is not affiliated with the U.W. System or TCS; false academic credentials, definitions, EAB duties, employment discrimination, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  Act 300
Dog sellers, animal shelters, and animal control facilities: licensing requirements created; standard of care, penalties, and DATCP duties -  Act 90
Electronic records of the juvenile court and electronic records maintained by DCF in the Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System: transfer provisions created; CCAP, Director of State Courts, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions -  Act 338
Electronic text or mail message: driving while composing or sending prohibited; exceptions, penalty, and driver education course provisions -  Act 220
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, public school, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfill and incineration prohibited  -  Act 50
Health care providers and insurers required to disclose to consumer upon request information re median billed charge for certain health services, specified charge information for the most frequent presenting conditions, and public information regarding quality of health care services; DHS duties and hospital and forfeiture provisions -  Act 146
Littering: maximum forfeiture increased, large item of solid waste provisions -  Act 368
Low-speed vehicles: operation on certain highways with speed limit of 35 mph or less permitted, exceptions and ordinance provision; neighborhood electric vehicle redefined as a low-speed vehicle and electric power requirement removed; forfeiture and demerit point provisions -  Act 311
Mother may breast-feed her child in any public or private location where she is authorized to be; prohibits a person from directing a mother to move or cover herself or otherwise restrict a mother from breast-feeding; penalty provision  -  Act 148
Motor vehicle operating privileges: seizure of license by court or law enforcement modified; nonresident, reinstatement, and DOT provisions -  Act 103
OAR and OWS: penalties revised [Sec. 2954, 9350 (3)] -  Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -  Act 100
Patient health care records: laws revised re access, inspection, fees, statutes related to evidence, electronic format, and forfeiture for noncompliance; health care provider definition expanded [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Medical service"] -  Act 28
Payday loan and motor vehicle title loan regulations and licensing requirements created; payday lender zoning, disclosure, DFI, Division of Banking, and penalty provisions; annual report required [partial veto] -  Act 405
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent and DPI duties specified -  Act 250
Safety belt law primary enforcement authorized, forfeiture made mandatory; federal incentive grant provision; effective date clarified [Sec. 2991, 2992, 9150 (5c), (14q), 9350 (4), 9450 (6)-(7q)] -  Act 28
Snowplow: prohibition created on following closer than 75 feet on highways with speed limit 35 mph or less, penalty provision -  Act 255
Soliciting purchase of goods or services by unsolicited delivery of a document that appears to be a check or money order payable to recipient prohibited, exception and conditions specified; DATCP authority and forfeiture provisions  -  Act 150
Thermal system insulation: Comm.Dept to regulate the business of installing and maintaining; council and state inspector position created; licensing, definition, continuing education, and forfeiture provisions -  Act 16
Vehicles transporting raw forest products: exception to special weight limits re certain permit; suspension of permit and highway limitation provisions; DOT appendix report  -  Act 222
Worker classification compliance re employee and nonemployee: DWD duties re promoting and achieving compliance; stop work order, penalties, and LIRC provisions  -  Act 292
forgeryForgery, see Fraud
franchise _ taxationFranchise — Taxation
Beginning farmer and farm asset owner refundable tax credits created; requirements set [Sec. 627, 1540d, 1584, 1589b, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1667, 1677b, 1686, 1702d, 1733, 1741b, 1873d, 1974] -  Act 28
Biodiesel fuel production tax credit: effective date delayed [Sec.1554d, 1643d, 1709d] -  Act 28
Corporate income and franchise tax: combined group tax credit sharing [Sec. 1621km, Ld, 9343 (21b)]  -  Act 28
Corporate income and franchise tax: combined reporting technical and minor policy changes [Sec. 1537, 1538b-1539d, 1599d, 1619, 1620b-1621e, 1621f-1621k, L, m-r, 1798, 9343 (21b)] -  Act 28
Corporate income and franchise tax: election to include members of controlled group in combined report [Sec. 1621eb, 9343 (21b)] -  Act 28
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended and amount claimed increased -  Act 294
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit: dairy cooperatives allowed to claim [Sec. 18, 19, 90-99, 137-146, 181-190, 798, 799] -  Act 2
Early stage seed and angel investment credits: amount an individual may claim revised [Sec. 9, 101-105, 152, 153, 196, 197, 219, 223, 789-797, 9310 (1)] -  Act 2
Early stage seed and angel investment credits: required investment holding time revised [Sec. 1575, 1579, 1659, 1725]  -  Act 28
Early stage seed and bona fide angel investment credits revisions re: limits that may be claimed in 2010 and beyond, reallocation of credits, investment in a business outside this state, and JCF provision [partial veto] -  Act 265
Enterprise zone business that purchases tangible personal property, items, property, goods, or services from Wisconsin vendors: Comm.Dept to certify for tax benefits  -  Act 267
Enterprise zone revisions, Comm.Dept duties, definitions, and income and franchise tax credit re payroll provisions  -  Act 11
Ethanol and biodiesel fuel pump tax credits: computation order [Sec. 1583, 1670, 9343 (2), (14), 9443 (2)]  -  Act 28
Film production tax credit program changes re new refundable production services and company investment; provision re salary, wages, and non-labor expenses; ``production expenditures" and ``accredited production" defined; electronic games approved by Comm.Dept included; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Income tax — Credit"] -  Act 28
Food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit created; Comm.Dept cannot certify if the taxpayer has hired an alien [partial veto] -  Act 295
Historic building rehabilitation: tax credit provisions [Sec. 823, 1585-1588, 1663-1666, 1729-1732, 9343 (17)]  -  Act 28
Internal Revenue Code provisions re IRAs: adopting sections 512 and 811 and the federal Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008; JSCTE appendix report  -  Act 161
Jobs Tax Benefit created [Sec. 620, 1540d, 1569, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1654, 1677b, 1688d, 1702d, 1720, 1741b, 1873d, 3070, 9110 (6), (7), 9443 (11)] -  Act 28
Meat processing facility investment credit created [Sec. 17, 85, 100, 109, 113, 114, 132, 147, 165, 169, 177, 191, 207, 541, 800] -  Act 2
Postsecondary education credit created re businesses that pay tuition for an individual to attend university, college, or technical college -  Act 265
Records re income, franchise, or sales tax returns: penalties for failure to provide; standard response time, standard for noncompliance, and penalty waivers to be set by rule [Sec. 1796, 1854] -  Act 28
Related corporations required to file combined report for state income and franchise tax purposes and calculate state tax liability based on all business activity [Sec. 74-84, 86-88, 110, 111, 115-131, 133-135, 148-151, 157, 158, 166-168, 170-176, 178, 179, 192-195, 208-214, 9343 (1)]  -  Act 2
Research conducted in this state: super research and development tax credit created [Sec. 1597, 1624, 1635, 1656, 1669, 1690, 1722, 1734] -  Act 28
Taxpayer's sales factor for tax purposes: provision re percent of sales of certain tangible personal property (throwback sales) [Sec. 1537, 1619, 1798, 9343 (21b) (a)]  -  Act 28
Technology zones tax credit re net income calculations for insurance companies subject to franchise tax [Sec. 1702d, 1827, 9343 (15), 9443 (10)] -  Act 28
Unpaid tax: interest waivers for disasters and certain casualty losses [Sec. 1536, 1572, 1590, 1618, 1636, 1668, 1700, 1701, 1778, 1783, 9343 (11), (12)] -  Act 28
Woody biomass harvesting equipment: income and franchise tax credit created; definition provisions and Comm.Dept duties -  Act 269
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
``College" or ``university" may not be used in a school name unless the school awards an associate or higher degree and has certain accreditation; ``state" and ``Wisconsin" may not be used in a school name if the school is not affiliated with the U.W. System or TCS; false academic credentials, definitions, EAB duties, employment discrimination, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  Act 300
Customer access to toilet facility for use by employees of a retail establishment: persons with certain medical conditions allowed to use under set conditions; forfeiture, civil liability immunity, forged statement, and ID card provisions  -  Act 198
Fraud by W-2 participants: notification to DCF and DHS of date program established and amounts recovered; use of moneys set [Sec. 489, 494, 1257-1262, 1263-1265, 1266, 9308 (2), (2f)] -  Act 28
Milwaukee County income maintenance funding provided; DHS to provide JCF copies of reports documenting the program management; DOJ investigation re county administrative fraud [Sec. 9122 (5x), 9130 (1q)] [9130 (1q) — vetoed]  -  Act 28
MPCP payments to schools barred from the program: laws modified [Sec. 244s, 2295g, h, 9439 (3c)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Residential real estate transaction: tort action against the transferor (seller) for fraud or intentional misrepresentation permitted; definition provision -  Act 4
Viatical settlement law revisions and term changed to ``life settlement" -  Act 344
freedom of speech and pressFreedom of speech and press
News persons: limiting disclosure of information gathered by -  Act 400
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
Biodiesel fuel production tax credit: effective date delayed [Sec.1554d, 1643d, 1709d] -  Act 28
Biofuels: financial assistance for biorefinery, ``agricultural use" definition revised, Bioenergy Advisory Council, forestry diversification program, Biofuels Production Facility Regulatory Review, marketing orders, personal renewable fuel production and use, income tax credit for blender pumps, offering unblended gasoline to motor fuel dealers, renewable motor vehicle fuel sales goals, state fleet provisions; reports required; OEI, DATCP, DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOR duties; JSCTE appendix report -  Act 401
Carbon monoxide detector requirements for buildings with one or two dwelling units, exceptions and building inspector provisions -  Act 158
Chartered fishing boats: sales and use tax exemption created for fuel consumed during business operations [Sec. 1849m, 9443 (8d)] -  Act 28
Ethanol and biodiesel fuel pump tax credits: computation order [Sec. 1583, 1670, 9343 (2), (14), 9443 (2)]  -  Act 28
Personal renewable fuel production and use: certain tax, fee, and license exemptions -  Act 401
PSC authority re electric public utility fuel cost plan -  Act 403
Renewable and alternative fuels: OEI to promote use of in state owned and operated vehicles -  Act 401
Renewable resource credit based on use of solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, biogas, synthetic gas, densified fuel pellets, or fuel produced by pyrolysis of organic or waste material that displaces the use of electricity created; PSC duties set -  Act 406
Weights and measures program changes re vehicle scales and liquid petroleum gas meters [Sec. 178, 2038-2068, 9103 (1), (2)] -  Act 28