Ferry operation after hours to transport arrested person: reimbursement of costs to law enforcement agency required  -  Act 72
Intoxication test prior to arrest: law enforcement officer may request of a person involved in an accident causing death or substantial or great bodily harm -  Act 163
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -  Act 55
Law enforcement investigative records: information technology unit must deny requests for access, custody remains with the local governmental unit; law enforcement agency that shares information with OJA is considered the custodian of the information -  Act 259
Law enforcement training re cultural diversity and sensitivity toward racial and ethnic differences required [Sec. 2450, 9430 (1)] -  Act 28
Motor vehicle operating privileges: seizure of license by court or law enforcement modified; nonresident, reinstatement, and DOT provisions -  Act 103
Operator's licensing tests: DOT contract with third-party testers (law enforcement agencies) [Sec. 2216e, 2916b, 2917g, r, 2918m, 2962g, r] -  Act 28
Photographs on motor vehicle operators license and ID cards: DOT to make available to DOJ in digital format; DOJ to provide electronic access to certain law enforcement agencies  -  Act 167
Police and fire protection fee imposed; administration provisions [Sec. 225k, 665t, 682k, 1850eb, 2454k, 2460d, r, 2475k, 9441 (1j)(a)] -  Act 28
Police and fire protection fee sunset [Sec. 225L, 665w, 682L, 2454L, 2460f, t, 2475L, 9441 (1j) (b)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Police and fire protection fund re county and municipal aid [Sec. 617, 619d, 1898] -  Act 28
Police escorted vehicle or procession of vehicles: provisions created; rights-of-way penalty specified  -  Act 46
Presumption for employment-connected infectious disease established for fire fighters, EMS providers, law enforcement officers, and correctional officers; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 284
Structural collapse emergency response: establishment of regional structural collapse teams, standards specified; DEM duties set -  Act 43
Substantial bodily harm to a law enforcement officer while resisting or obstructing the officer made a felony  -  Act 251
Tribal and state, county, or municipal law enforcement agencies: mutual assistance provisions created; DOJ duties  -  Act 264
political partiesPolitical parties
Employment discrimination re employee's refusal to attend meetings or participate in communication re religious or political matters prohibited, exception and definition provisions -  Act 290
polk countyPolk County
Region One development manager: Comm.Dept to fill vacancy by certain date [Sec. 9110 (18f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Stower, Rev. Pharis Harvey, Jr.: life and public service [AJR-90]  -  JR-24
polychlorinated biphenyls _pcbs_Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), see Environmental protection
polygraphPolygraph, see Lie detector
BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan established; Benchmark Plan revisions; LAB audit and reports to JCF required; sunset provision -  Act 219
Community action agency program: income eligibility threshold increased until set date -  Act 11
Energy and weatherization assistance programs: ``low-income household" definition revised -  Act 11
High-poverty school district aid and calculation revisions [Sec. 2301p-v] -  Act 28
Housing re low-income, retirement homes for the aged, WHEDA financed, or owned by nonprofit associations: property tax exemption provisions [Sec. 1515m, 1516d-h, 9143 (3d), 9343 (21cd)] -  Act 28
Judgments in municipal courts and traffic courts: payment in installments if defendant is unable to pay because of poverty; operating privilege suspension provisions  -  Act 17
Skills enhancement grants created, DCF to award to community action agencies -  Act 265
Transitional jobs demonstration project and trial job program expanded re TANF Emergency Fund; DCF report to JCF required; DWD duties -  Act 333
Transitional jobs for low-income adults: DCF to conduct demonstration project; job allocation specified [Sec. 1216k] -  Act 28
populous countyPopulous county, see Milwaukee County
port edwards, village ofPort Edwards, Village of, see Wood County
portage countyPortage County
FoodShare employment and training plan: DHS to work with certain counties re increase in federal funding [Sec. 9122 (12u)] -  Act 28
Railroad crossing improvement in Town of Stockton: DOT grant required [Sec. 294o, 9150 (11f)] -  Act 28
postage and postal servicePostage and postal service
Personal identifying information collected by and may be released by DRL: information included in individual's decision to opt out revised -  Act 388
Towing and storage lien revisions -  Act 201
Animal slaughter fee created, to fund meat safety inspections and animal health programs; may not be on per-head basis; funding for animal health inspection; testing and enforcement to be from agricultural chemical cleanup fund; meat and poultry inspection provisions [Sec. 177, 180f, 2037r]  -  Act 28
power of attorneyPower of attorney
Proof of financial responsibility re motor vehicle accident: policy or bond issued by insurer not authorized to do business in this state does not have to execute a power of attorney authorizing DOT to accept service of process (remedial legislation) -  Act 244
Psychotropic medication: nursing home required to have written informed consent before administering to a resident with a degenerative brain disorder and must orally inform resident, or person acting on resident's behalf, of right to withdraw consent -  Act 281
Uniform Power of Attorney Act adopted re legal or business matters -  Act 319
prescriptionPrescription, see Drugs
prevailing wagePrevailing wage, see Wage — Payment
price countyPrice County
Chequamegon School District: grant for distance learning lab [Sec. 244r, 9139 (6i)] -  Act 28
printing _ statePrinting — State, see State printing
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  Act 261
Byrne justice assistance grants for Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center and the Drug Abuse Correctional Center: one-time funds utilized [Sec. 9101 (6q)]  -  Act 28
Commitment of prison inmate: alternative petition procedure modified; jail and house of corrections provision  -  Act 260
Female offender reintegration program eliminated [Sec. 895] -  Act 28
Offender Reentry, Council on, created; duties defined; report required [Sec. 33r, 34g, 2669k, 9111 (12f), 9411 (1f)] [2669k — partial veto] -  Act 28
Offender Reentry, Council on: report requirements revised -  Act 104
Presumption for employment-connected infectious disease established for fire fighters, EMS providers, law enforcement officers, and correctional officers; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 284
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in private clubs, sports arenas, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required; definitions; local ordinance provision re public property and entrance to certain establishments, such as restaurants  -  Act 12
Cancer researcher access to cancer registry data: DHS may disclose; procedure created; fee authorized; confidentiality required; JRCCP report [Sec. 328, 2431, 2553-2560]  -  Act 28
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  -  Act 185
Cooperative research on education programs and statewide student data system: DPI, U.W. System, TCS, and Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to enter into written agreement; privacy and exception provisions -  Act 59
Electronic records of the juvenile court and electronic records maintained by DCF in the Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System: transfer provisions created; CCAP, Director of State Courts, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions -  Act 338
HIV testing consent provisions and disclosure of results revised; penalty and DHS duties -  Act 209
Insurance coverage of services provided by licensed mental health professionals: laws modified; provisions re grievance resolution, patient rights, and treatment records [Sec. 1424g, 1427r, 1431d, 1443f-k, 2995p, 3137r, 3197r-t, 9326 (9q), (10q)] [2995p — vetoed] -  Act 28
Patient health care records: laws revised re access, inspection, fees, statutes related to evidence, electronic format, and forfeiture for noncompliance; health care provider definition expanded [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Medical service"] -  Act 28
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Personal identifying information collected by and may be released by DRL: information included in individual's decision to opt out revised -  Act 388
Prescription drug monitoring program: Pharmacy Examining Board directed to create; DORL to apply for federal grants; confidentiality and civil or criminal liability immunity provisions -  Act 362
Pupil records: DPI confidentiality requirement eliminated; federal regulations permit disclosure of certain information to the educational agency that disclosed the information to DPI -  Act 11
School safety plan criteria specified and required of public and private schools; DPI to develop model policy on bullying, school board requirements; Bullying Awareness Day designated; pupil records confidentiality and disclosure provisions -  Act 309
Sign language interpretation services: licensing requirements created, exceptions specified; Sign Language Interpreter Council created; confidentiality provision  -  Act 360
SWIB use of interns from U.W. Madison School of Business: exception created re employee disclosure of information [Sec. 667m] -  Act 28
Urine collection for drug testing purposes: restrictions created [Sec. 156n] -  Act 28
Veterans mentoring program: privileged communication provisions created -  Act 210
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions  -  Act 137
privileged communicationPrivileged communication, see Privacy
probate code and court procedureProbate code and court procedure, see also Estate of deceased person
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family"] -  Act 28
professional employer group _peg_Professional employer group (PEG), see Employment bureau