Child support distribution change and pass-through; SSI and caretaker supplement [Sec. 1155c, 1156, 1369c, 1370, 1371, 9308 (8d), (9), 9322 (7), 9408 (13d), (14), 9422 (12)]  -  Act 28
DCF funding re AFDC, Milwaukee child welfare, and TANF; ombudsman and LAB audit provisions [Sec. 1233, 1234, 9108 (8u), 9131 (2f), 9208 (1), 9408 (12), (13)] [9108 (8u), 9131 (2f) — vetoed] -  Act 28
Emergency assistance to needy persons under certain circumstances: DCF to establish maximum amount granted and publish them in the Administrative Register if not established by rule; energy crisis added to list of circumstances  -  Act 45
Emergency Shelter of the Fox Valley: annual funding for services to homeless individuals and families [Sec. 488d, 1140g] -  Act 28
Energy and weatherization assistance programs: ``low-income household" definition revised -  Act 11
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  -  Act 393
Low-income energy assistance: eligibility expanded, benefit specified [Sec. 68, 69] -  Act 28
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Public benefit fees revised re weatherization or other services and DA salaries and fringe benefits; additional fee applies only to 2009-11 biennium [Sec. 64m, 542p, s, 558, 9101 (1f), 9113 (6x), 9413 (2x)] -  Act 28
Relief block grant program eliminated to reflect implementation of BadgerCare Plus Childless Adults demonstration project [Sec. 348, 349, 353, 354, 836-838, 840, 841, 846, 847, 854, 899, 1129, 1131-1138, 1141, 1291, 1294m, 1365, 3173, 3231, 3354, 9322 (9), 9422 (6), (7)] -  Act 28
Shelter for the homeless and transitional housing grants: appropriation changed from annual to biennial; December 31 lapse deleted; award of grants permitted except to the extent that doing so would reduce federal funding [Sec. 215p, 9110 (12u)] -  Act 28
Skills enhancement grants created, DCF to award to community action agencies -  Act 265
TANF and W-2 appropriation revisions [Sec. 43-45, 9208 (1), (2)] -  Act 2
Transitional jobs demonstration project and trial job program expanded re TANF Emergency Fund; DCF report to JCF required; DWD duties -  Act 333
Weatherization and other energy conservation services funding; sunset provision [Sec. 120b-y, 9101 (1f), 9401 (1f)]  -  Act 28
WIC and emergency food assistance program transferred from DCF to DHS; electronic benefit transfer for all DHS benefits permitted [Sec. 485, 488, 490, 829, 1144, 1217-1220, 1376, 2480, 3237-3239, 3392, 9122 (1)] -  Act 28
public buildingPublic building
Authorized state building program for 2009-11 [Sec. 9106 (1)]  -  Act 28
Building program projects funded from non-GPR sources: loans authorized [Sec. 9106 (3)] -  Act 28
Building program (2009-11) bonding authorizations [Sec. 641m-p, 646e, m, 652m-p, 655d, n-x, 656e]  -  Act 28
Building projects and financing authority enumerated under previous state building program continued into 2009-11 biennium [Sec. 9106 (2)] -  Act 28
Commercial construction site erosion control program and responsibilities transferred from Comm.Dept to DNR [Sec. 275d, 702m-t, 1449s, 1954g, 2075c-j, 2576n, p, 9110 (11f), 9410 (2f)] -  Act 28
Energy conservation standards for the construction of certain buildings, LEED certification for public building projects, graywater and rainwater systems; DOA, Building Commission, and Comm.Dept duties; report and lease provisions [vetoed] -  SB-616
Federal economic stimulus funds: Governor to submit plan to JCF; transportation and exception provisions; new procedure created re state building projects; materials prepared by DOA and LFB to be posted to LFB's Web site [Sec. 9131 (1)]  -  Act 2
Sale of certain state-owned property: provisions re 2005 WisAct 25 and 2007 WisAct 20 modified; sunset provided [Sec. 3406] -  Act 28
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in private clubs, sports arenas, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required; definitions; local ordinance provision re public property and entrance to certain establishments, such as restaurants  -  Act 12
public debtPublic debt, see Debt, Public
public defenderPublic defender
Assistant DAs and assistant SPDs: compensation provisions [Sec. 535s, 542m, 598m, 2252m, 2443m, 3400p-v, 9413 (1u), 9430 (2u), 9438 (1u)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Contractual services during a hiring freeze or furloughed period: restrictions created; exception re SPD use of private attorneys [Sec. 104L] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)] [2483 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; FTE positions increased [Sec. 598k, 2741e, 3392b, 3398r, t, 3400g-n, 9338 (1j), 9438 (1j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  Act 164
Maximum fees for copies: Public Defender Board to set by rule [Sec. 3376, 3399, 3401] -  Act 28
public documentPublic document
Legal notices in counties over 500,000: revision re compensation for printing [Sec. 3405ay, b] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
public employeePublic employee, see also Civil service
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 191
Attorney positions in the executive branch eliminated by 2005 WisAct 25 as affected by 2007 WisAct 5: date extended; DOA Secretary to eliminate certain number of FTE positions [Sec. 3408, 9457 (1)] -  Act 28
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  -  Act 21
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)] [2483 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; FTE positions increased [Sec. 598k, 2741e, 3392b, 3398r, t, 3400g-n, 9338 (1j), 9438 (1j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  Act 164
John Doe proceedings re state officer or employee: procedures revised; DA authority; judicial discretion over scope of examination and special prosecutors; protections and payment of attorney fees and costs -  Act 24
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants, DPI duty set; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position  -  Act 293
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 15
Mixed martial arts fighting contests (amateur and professional): DRL authorized to regulate, fee and FTE positions provisions; boxing contest regulations revised  -  Act 111
Preparation time during school day made a mandatory subject of collective bargaining under MERA in school districts  -  Act 34
Sheriff or undersheriff authorized to depute a DMA security officer for certain purposes with approval of the Adjutant General; state employee status provisions -  Act 154
State agency budget requests to include contract labor information [Sec. 76L, 82L] [vetoed] -  AB-75
U.W. System funding for Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative, Wisconsin Institute of Sustainable Technology, and Innovation Entrepreneurship Institute; moneys from recycling and renewable energy fund; FTE authority [Sec. 262, 9154 (3g), (3q)] -  Act 28
public employee _ group insurancePublic employee — Group insurance
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required; definitions and minimum coverage provisions [Sec. 3138i, 3197r, w, 9326 (8L)]  -  Act 28
Colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; conditions and OCI and DHS duties -  Act 346
Contraceptives and related services: coverage by disability insurance policies required [Sec. 801t, 1463w, 2251w, 2297q, 2453tm, u, 3138g, 3198d, 9326 (9f), 9426 (3f)]  -  Act 28
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family"] -  Act 28
Group health coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured upon request provisions; equal coverage requirement exceptions -  Act 218
Health care providers and insurers required to disclose to consumer upon request information re median billed charge for certain health services, specified charge information for the most frequent presenting conditions, and public information regarding quality of health care services; DHS duties and hospital and forfeiture provisions -  Act 146
Insurance coverage of services provided by licensed mental health professionals: laws modified; provisions re grievance resolution, patient rights, and treatment records [Sec. 1424g, 1427r, 1431d, 1443f-k, 2995p, 3137r, 3197r-t, 9326 (9q), (10q)] [2995p — vetoed] -  Act 28
public employee _ hours of laborPublic employee — Hours of labor, see also Hours of labor
Contractual services during a hiring freeze or furloughed period: restrictions created; exception re SPD use of private attorneys [Sec. 104L] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Furlough of U.W. System faculty and academic staff during 2009-11 biennium required [Sec. 9154 (3r)]  -  Act 28
Mandatory temporary reduction of public employees' work hours or days (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011): treatment of earnings for WRS purposes stipulated [Sec. 772r, 775h, 779d] -  Act 28
public employee _ labor unionPublic employee — Labor union, see also Collective bargaining
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 51
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  -  Act 21
Professional engineering bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 194
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 52
State employees covered by SELRA and U.W. System faculty and academic staff: unfair labor practice for employers to use moneys received to discourage employees from exercising their collective bargaining rights; academic freedom provision -  Act 289
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants: 2007-09 contract ratification  -  Act 53
U.W. System faculty and academic staff provided collective bargaining rights similar to SELRA [Sec. 4, 9, 84, 102, 165-167, 320, 321, 598, 633-638, 660, 662, 663, 738, 777, 784-792, 805, 813-815, 2255, 2481, 2484, 2488-2490, 2493] [2255 — partial veto] -  Act 28
U.W. System research assistants: collective bargaining rights under SELRA provided [Sec. 2242s, 2243d-t, 2254L, 9416 (1g)] [2254L — partial veto]  -  Act 28
public employee _ salaryPublic employee — Salary, see also Public employee — Labor union
Assistant DAs and assistant SPDs: compensation provisions [Sec. 535s, 542m, 598m, 2252m, 2443m, 3400p-v, 9413 (1u), 9430 (2u), 9438 (1u)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
public employee _ travel provisionsPublic employee — Travel provisions
Court interpreter mileage reimbursement raised [Sec. 3205, 3234-3236] -  Act 28
Legislative service agency employees' out-of-state travel prohibited without written approval of Senate Committee on Organization and Speaker of the Assembly [Sec. 9131 (3q)]  -  Act 28
Customer access to toilet facility for use by employees of a retail establishment: persons with certain medical conditions allowed to use under set conditions; forfeiture, civil liability immunity, forged statement, and ID card provisions  -  Act 198
HIV testing consent provisions and disclosure of results revised; penalty and DHS duties -  Act 209
public inland lake managementPublic inland lake management, see Lakes
Adult literacy grants: maximum amount eliminated [Sec. 2255m] -  Act 28
Cooperative research on education programs and statewide student data system: DPI, U.W. System, TCS, and Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to enter into written agreement; privacy and exception provisions -  Act 59
Driver education grant program: DPI to submit proposal with 2011-13 budget request [Sec. 9139 (5x)]  -  Act 28
Federal economic stimulus funds for education: new appropriation created, DPI to expend [Sec. 247, 248, 9439 (1)]  -  Act 28
General school aids: revision re federal funding and aid adjustments relating to base funding reduction [Sec. 9139 (1j)] [partial veto] -  Act 28
Grants for improving pupil academic achievement: MPS to apply to DPI instead of DOA -  Act 58