Dam safety program changes; funds earmarked for specific projects [Sec. 647, 713-721d] -  Act 28
Lifeguard staffing requirement: certain exemption authorized [Sec. 2552g] -  Act 28
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower -  Act 186
Movable soccer goal safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish -  Act 390
Public safety interoperable communication system: OJA may charge use fees to state public safety agencies [Sec. 149-151, 152, 158, 574] -  Act 28
Sale of mercury-added products regulated, including fever thermometers, manometers, thermostats, instruments and measuring devices, switches and relays, and specified household items; public, parochial, and charter schools prohibited from purchasing or storing free-flowing elemental mercury, a device containing mercury, or a mercury-containing compound, exceptions provided; DNR duties -  Act 44
Salvinorin A (from the plant Salvia divinorum): manufacture, distribution, or delivery intended for human consumption prohibited; fine and exception provisions  -  Act 141
Substances that create a fire hazard when mixed with organic matter: repealing the prohibition on selling or distributing packages that lack warning labels (remedial legislation)  -  Act 239
public service commissionPublic Service Commission
Enhanced 911 grant program, surcharge, and advisory council created; requirements set [Sec. 40w, 225d, 665su, 681i, 1835dr, 1836er, 1849w, 2572hb-hy, 2573b-h, 9141 (1j), (2j), 9341 (1j), 9441 (1j)(b), (2j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Legal Services, Division of, created in DOA; authorized to provide and charge for legal services to executive cabinet agencies only; classified attorney positions in specified agencies deleted [Sec. 31, 48, 560, 3408, 9457 (1)]  -  Act 28
Library aid funding from universal service fund; use for contracts with providers for specialized library services authorized [Sec. 251-253, 818-822, 2461, 2463]  -  Act 28
Loans to manufacturing businesses for energy efficiency, retooling, clean energy production, and job creation; energy utility programs provision; water consumption tax credit created, sunset provided; Comm.Dept and PSC provisions  -  Act 332
Police and fire protection fee imposed; administration provisions [Sec. 225k, 665t, 682k, 1850eb, 2454k, 2460d, r, 2475k, 9441 (1j)(a)] -  Act 28
Police and fire protection fee sunset [Sec. 225L, 665w, 682L, 2454L, 2460f, t, 2475L, 9441 (1j) (b)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
PSC authority re electric public utility fuel cost plan -  Act 403
PSC: changes to certain review, reporting, and out-of-date requirements (remedial legislation)  -  Act 238
PSC intervenor grants for nonprofit corporation with history of advocating on behalf of residential ratepayers [Sec. 222m, 2463m] [vetoed] -  AB-75
PSC intervenor grants for nonstock, nonprofit corporation with history of advocating on behalf of residential ratepayers -  Act 383
Public library system aid in 2008-09 fiscal year: payment made from universal service fund [Sec. 9239 (1), (2), 9439 (2)] -  Act 28
Renewable resource credit based on use of solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, biogas, synthetic gas, densified fuel pellets, or fuel produced by pyrolysis of organic or waste material that displaces the use of electricity created; PSC duties set -  Act 406
Telecommunications requirements: funding for DATCP revised; PSC to assess in proportion to gross operating revenues; consumer protection assessment extended to commercial mobile radio (wireless) and landline telecommunications providers [Sec. 179, 2460d, 2476] -  Act 28
Wind energy system: PSC to establish common standards for political subdivisions to regulate construction and operation of; definition, ordinance, enforcement, and PSC review provisions; exception for certain electric generating facilities with a certificate of public convenience and necessity; Wind Siting Council created and report required  -  Act 40
Wireless 911 fund revisions re shared revenue and certain distributions [Sec. 617, 619, 1895, 2573]  -  Act 28
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  -  Act 378
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  -  Act 379
Utility aid payments to counties and municipalities: per capita limits [Sec. 1896, 1897] -  Act 28
U.W. Madison Charter Street heating and cooling plant: appropriation changes [Sec. 259e, 261q, 738e]  -  Act 28
public welfarePublic welfare, see also Public assistance
Income maintenance: federal funding adjustments; FoodShare and tribal funding provisions [Sec. 362p, r, 1371p-s, 9422 (13x)] [1371r — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 15
Milwaukee County income maintenance funding provided; DHS to provide JCF copies of reports documenting the program management; DOJ investigation re county administrative fraud [Sec. 9122 (5x), 9130 (1q)] [9130 (1q) — vetoed]  -  Act 28
public worksPublic works
Apprentice employment on state public works projects permitted; regulations and reports; Internet posting provision [Sec. 2207n] [partial veto] -  Act 28
City and village laws revisions -  Act 173
Construction work (including road work) re project directly or indirectly owned, funded, or reimbursed by a private person: counties may not perform [Sec. 1444v] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Emergency management: chap.166, Wis.Stats, recodified -  Act 42
Energy conservation standards for the construction of certain buildings, LEED certification for public building projects, graywater and rainwater systems; DOA, Building Commission, and Comm.Dept duties; report and lease provisions [vetoed] -  SB-616
One-time grants for specific local purchases and projects [Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  Act 28
Prevailing wage applicability thresholds, records, and publicly funded private construction projects; local and municipal public works projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Wage — Payment"] -  Act 28
publication of legal noticesPublication of legal notices, see Public document
pupil discipline or rightsPupil discipline or rights, see School — Discipline
purchasing, governmentPurchasing, Government
Contractual services during a hiring freeze or furloughed period: restrictions created; exception re SPD use of private attorneys [Sec. 104L] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available; exceptions re federal money and U.W. System -  Act 136
Disabled veteran-owned businesses and minority and disabled veteran-owned businesses certified by Comm.Dept: preferences in governmental procurement provisions created; DOA report required; DOT provisions -  Act 299
Endangered resources registration plate: second design allowed, fees and criteria set; plate to be purchased from Minnesota (re flat-plate technology); Corr.Dept to produce if using same technology [Sec. 266, 668, 674, 2811, 2815, 2818, 2820, 2821, 2824, 9450 (4)] -  Act 28
Railroad project bidding requirements [Sec. 1931L] -  Act 28
Surplus property sale or auction: access revised; DOA or other designated purchasing agencies may restrict resale [Sec. 104n, p, 680n] [vetoed] -  AB-75
q_r - Q+R -
qeo _qualified economic offer_QEO (Qualified economic offer), see Collective bargaining
qualified economic offer _qeo_Qualified economic offer (QEO), see Collective bargaining
rabbitRabbit, see Animal
racial profilingRacial profiling, see Minority groups
racine, city ofRacine, City of
Cops-n-Kids Reading Program in the City of Racine: OJA grant provided [Sec. 9101 (6f)] -  Act 28
Independent charter schools: per pupil payment; provision re National Association of Charter School Authorizers [Sec. 2273bd-bf, 2300m] -  Act 28
Infant mortality program in Racine County: funding allocation; DHS and City of Racine Health Department duties [Sec. 2550d-h, 3410] -  Act 28
Prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination: providers in City of Racine certified re children who have not attained the age of two [Sec. 1313k, 2550d-h, 3410]  -  Act 28
Root River Environmental Education Community Center: one-time granted provided to City of Racine [Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  Act 28
Southeastern RTA (SERTA) created; duties re federal transit funding and long-term plans; KRM commuter rail and stops at certain locations; vehicle rental fee provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  -  Act 28
Streetscaping project in City of Racine: DOT required to award grants [Sec. 9150 (5f)] -  Act 28
TID number 2 in City of Racine: life extended -  Act 67
racine countyRacine County
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -  Act 28
Infant mortality program in Racine County: funding allocation; DHS and City of Racine Health Department duties [Sec. 2550d-h, 3410] -  Act 28
Love Incorporated Food Bank in Burlington: one-time grant provided [Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  Act 28
MA dental service delivery in certain southeast Wisconsin counties: DHS to use fee-for-service model [Sec. 1317n] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Overweight trucks re STH 31 and local access highways in Kenosha and Racine counties: permits for specified purposes [Sec. 2992w, 2993c, 9450 (14f)] -  Act 28
Southeast Wisconsin Transit Capital Assistance Program grants; major transit capital assistance projects enumerated (Dane County and KRM commuter rail and any project re Milwaukee Downtown Transit Connector Study) [Sec. 5, 305m, 649, 1928m-t, 1932, 1937m, 2478] [1932 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Southeastern RTA (SERTA) created; duties re federal transit funding and long-term plans; KRM commuter rail and stops at certain locations; vehicle rental fee provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  -  Act 28
Transitional jobs for low-income adults: DCF to conduct demonstration project; job allocation specified [Sec. 1216k] -  Act 28
Union Grove Food Bank: one-time grant provided [Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  Act 28
WDF earmarks to the Center for Advanced Technology and Innovation of Racine County (CATI) and to Urban Hope Corporation deleted; annual grant to CATI, matching funds from nonstate sources and agreement required [Sec. 199, 207, 3009, 3033k] [199, 207 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Youth Diversion Program grant reductions [Sec. 9101 (6)] -  Act 28
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: sunset on speed limit repealed; exception for sanctioned race or derby -  Act 389
Burnett County temporary sales tax re upgrading radio towers authorized [Sec. 1856j, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 9443 (14u)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Telecommunications requirements: funding for DATCP revised; PSC to assess in proportion to gross operating revenues; consumer protection assessment extended to commercial mobile radio (wireless) and landline telecommunications providers [Sec. 179, 2460d, 2476] -  Act 28
raffleRaffle, see Gambling
Pesticide use by railroads: required information to be posted no later than 48 hours before application; worker protection and information available to the public via the Internet provisions -  Act 286
Rail property acquisition and improvement: DOT bonding authority increased; funding increased; report on freight rail preservation program [Sec. 652, 9150 (5x)] [9150 (5x) — vetoed] -  Act 28