2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
October 19, 2009 - Offered by Representative Clark.
AB271-ASA1,2,12 1An Act to repeal 443.01 (4), 443.06 (2) (a), 443.06 (2) (b), 443.06 (2) (c) and 443.06
2(2) (e); to renumber and amend 59.43 (8) and 443.14 (16); to amend 15.405
3(2) (intro.), (a) and (b), 26.09 (3) (b) 1., 30.11 (3), 30.13 (3) (a), 59.20 (2) (c), 59.43
4(8) (d), 59.45 (1) (a) 2., 59.45 (1) (b), 59.45 (3), 59.46, 59.73 (2), 59.74 (2) (b) 1.,
559.74 (2) (c), 59.74 (2) (g), 59.74 (2) (h), 59.74 (2) (j), 59.75, 60.84 (1), 60.84 (2),
660.84 (3) (a), 60.84 (3) (c) (intro.), 60.84 (4), 70.27 (5), 70.27 (6), 70.27 (7) (intro.),
770.27 (7) (d), 84.095 (5), 157.07 (1), 157.07 (2), 157.07 (3), 236.02 (2m), 236.12
8(8), 236.15 (1) (a), 236.15 (1) (d), 236.15 (2), 236.16 (3) (title), 236.16 (4) (title),
9236.20 (2) (g), 236.21 (1) (intro.), 236.21 (1) (a), 236.21 (1) (d), 236.32 (1), 236.34
10(1) (a), 236.34 (1) (d) (intro.), 236.34 (1) (d) 1., 236.34 (1) (d) 4., 440.03 (13) (b)
1134., 440.08 (2) (a) 39., chapter 443 (title), 443.01 (3), 443.02 (4), 443.06 (title),
12443.06 (1) (title), 443.06 (1) (a), 443.06 (1) (b), 443.06 (2) (intro.), 443.06 (2) (am),
13443.06 (2) (bm), 443.06 (2) (cm), 443.06 (2) (d), 443.06 (2) (em), 443.06 (3), 443.10

1(title), 443.10 (2) (b), 443.10 (5), 443.12 (title), 443.12 (1), 443.12 (3), 443.135 (2)
2(a), 443.135 (2) (b), 443.14 (8) (a), 443.14 (8) (b), 443.14 (8) (c), 443.14 (8) (d),
3443.14 (9), 443.14 (11), 443.18 (2) (a), 443.18 (2) (b), 470.025 (7), 703.02 (6m),
4703.11 (2) (b), 703.11 (4), 703.115 (1) (b), 703.13 (6) (e), 703.13 (7) (c), 703.13 (8)
5(c), 707.215 (5) (intro.), 709.02 (1), 709.07 and 893.37; and to create 16.967 (3)
6(f), 59.001 (2k), 59.43 (8) (b), 59.43 (8) (d), 93.70 (1m), 157.061 (13m), 236.02
7(9b), 236.025, 236.20 (6), 443.01 (1g), 443.01 (1r), 443.01 (3b), 443.01 (6s),
8443.01 (7m), 443.135, 443.14 (8) (dm), 443.14 (15), 443.14 (16), 443.14 (16)
9(form), 703.02 (13r), 895.477 and 943.13 (4m) (d) of the statutes; relating to:
10professional land surveyors, the practice of professional land surveying,
11surveying land abutting navigable waters, and granting rule-making
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, with certain exceptions, a person may not practice land
surveying or represent that he or she is a land surveyor unless the land surveyor
section (section) of the examining board of architects, landscape architects,
professional engineers, designers and land surveyors (board) has issued a certificate
of registration or permit to the person. "Land surveying" is defined as determining
the location of land boundaries and boundary corners; preparing maps that show the
shape and area of tracts of land or subdivisions or the layout of roads, streets, or
rights-of-way; or preparing official plats or maps of land in this state.
This substitute amendment replaces "land surveying" with the term "practice
of professional land surveying" and defines the term as any of the following:
1. Any service comprising the determination of the location of the boundaries
of one or more tracts of land or the boundaries of any of the following interests in real
property: a) the layout and rights-of-way of roads or streets; b) air or property
rights; or c) public or private easements.
2. Designing or coordinating designs for the purpose of platting or subdividing
land into smaller tracts.
3. Placing, replacing, restoring, or perpetuating monuments in or on the
ground to evidence the location of a point that is necessary to describe the shape,
area, and boundaries of one or more tracts of land or the subdivision or consolidation

of one or more tracts of land or that is necessary to describe the boundaries of any
interest in real property identified in item 1.
4. Preparing maps that depict any interest in real property identified in item
1. for the purpose of establishing the boundaries of any such interest in real property.
5. Preparing any of the following: a) an official map established or amended by
a city, established or amended by a village, or adopted by a town; b) an assessor's plat;
c) a map or plat of cemetery lands; d) a subdivision plat, certified survey map, or
correction instrument; e) a condominium plat or correction instrument; or f) a project
and time-share plat.
6. Performing cartographic, construction, or geodetic surveying in connection
with any of the practices specified in items 1. to 5.
The substitute amendment also replaces the certificate of registration
requirement under current law with a licensure requirement. Therefore, under the
substitute amendment with certain exceptions, a person may not engage in the
practice of professional land surveying or represent that he or she is a professional
land surveyor unless the person is issued a license or permit by the section.
In addition, the substitute amendment changes the name of the section to the
professional land surveyor section and changes the name of the board to the
examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers,
designers and professional land surveyors. The substitute amendment also replaces
various references under current law to "registered land surveyor," "land surveyor,"
and "surveyor" with "professional land surveyor."
After July 1, 2018, the substitute amendment requires employees of this state
and public utilities to obtain a license or permit to engage in the practice of
professional land surveying. Such employees are exempt from the certificate of
registration and permit requirements under current law.
The substitute amendment creates a new exemption from licensure for
employees of a cooperative association organized under the laws of this state for the
purpose of producing or furnishing heat, light, power, or water for its members while
the employees are engaged in the practice of professional land surveying. This
exemption from licensure does not apply after July 1, 2018.
The substitute amendment creates an exemption from licensure for employees
of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) who are
engaged in establishing the boundaries of easements acquired by DATCP under the
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), if the DATCP employees
include on any map prepared in connection with a CREP easement a written
disclaimer indicating that the map has not been prepared by a professional land
surveyor licensed under chapter 443 of the statutes, and has been prepared using
protocols established by the Federal Department of Agriculture under the Wetlands
Reserve Program, 16 USC 3837 to 3837f.
The substitute amendment also exempts from licensure employees of state
agencies and local units of government who operate a land information system or
geographic information system and who prepare maps on that system if the maps
show approximate property boundaries and if the maps contain the following or a
substantially similar disclaimer:

"This map shows the approximate relative location of property boundaries but
was not prepared by a professional land surveyor. This map is provided for
informational purposes only and may not be sufficient or appropriate for legal,
engineering, or surveying purposes."
The substitute amendment also exempts from licensure persons who prepare
any of the following maps: a) a map used in connection with a regulatory program
established by, or in connection with the exercise of police powers by, or in connection
with the enforcement of the public trust doctrine or any other constitutional
authority by, the state or a local unit of government or b) a map showing the
boundaries or the shape and area of land designated as forest cropland or as
managed forest land by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), if the map
includes a disclaimer substantially similar to the disclaimer required under the
substitute amendment on certain maps prepared by employees of state agencies and
local units of government who operate land information systems and geographic
information systems.
Under current law, a professional surveyor who prepares a lake or stream shore
plat must show certain dimensions as measured from the ordinary high water mark
(OHWM) of the lake or stream. The substitute amendment authorizes a professional
land surveyor to incorporate an OHWM that has been determined by the DNR or that
has otherwise been determined by law or to approximate the OHWM. The substitute
amendment requires that statements be included on the face of certain plats or maps
that explain that the land below the OHWM of a navigable water is subject to the
public trust doctrine for navigable waters and that exposed land between the OHWM
and the water's edge is to be used exclusively by the owner of the adjacent waterfront
property, unless otherwise provided by law or by the owner's title.
The substitute amendment exempts a professional land surveyor and an
employee working under the direct supervision of the professional land surveyor
from civil liability for trespass occurring during the practice of professional land
surveying or damage caused as a result of the surveyor's approximation of an OHWM
or of high and low water elevations, provided the action of the surveyor or his or her
employee were in good faith and not reckless, wanton, or involving intentional
Under current law, with limited exceptions, a county register of deeds may not
record a map, plat, survey, or other document within the definition of land surveying
unless the map, plat, survey, or other document contains the signature and seal of
the land surveyor under whose charge the document was prepared. This limitation
on recording does not apply to a deed, contract, or other recordable document
prepared by an attorney, or to a transportation project plat prepared by a state
agency if the plat conforms to the requirements established for transportation
project plats under current law. This substitute amendment requires that a map,
plat, survey, or other document within the definition of the practice of professional
land surveying bear the signature and seal of the professional land surveyor in order
for the map, plat, survey, or other document to be recorded with the county register
of deeds, and creates two additional exceptions to the signature and seal
requirements. Under the substitute amendment, the signature and seal of a

professional land surveyor is not required on any of the following documents: a) a
map that depicts the approximate boundaries or the shape and area of one or more
tracts of land or one or more interests in real property if either a legal description of
the tract or tracts of land or interest or interests in real property, or a map, survey,
plat, or other document that depicts the tract or tracts of land or interest or interests
in real property and that bears the signature and seal of the professional land
surveyor who prepared the map, plat, survey, or other document is incorporated into
or attached to and submitted for recording with the map; and b) a map that depicts
the boundaries of CREP easement acquired by DATCP if the map is prepared in
accordance with the requirements established in this substitute amendment.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB271-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.405 (2) (intro.), (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,5,122 15.405 (2) Examining board of architects, landscape architects,
3professional engineers, designers
, and professional land surveyors. (intro.)
4There is created an examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional
5engineers, designers, and professional land surveyors in the department of
6regulation and licensing. Any professional member appointed to the examining
7board shall be registered or licensed to practice architecture, landscape architecture,
8professional engineering, the design of engineering systems, or the practice of
land surveying under ch. 443. The examining board shall consist of the
10following members appointed for 4-year terms: 3 architects, 3 landscape architects,
113 professional engineers, 3 designers, 3 professional land surveyors, and 10 public
AB271-ASA1,6,213 (a) In operation, the examining board shall be divided into an architect section,
14a landscape architect section, an engineer section, a designer section , and a
15professional land surveyor section. Each section shall consist of the 3 members of
16the named profession appointed to the examining board and 2 public members

1appointed to the section. The examining board shall elect its own officers, and shall
2meet at least twice annually.
AB271-ASA1,6,73 (b) All matters pertaining to passing upon the qualifications of applicants for
4and the granting or revocation of registration or licensure, and all other matters of
5interest to either the architect, landscape architect, engineer, designer, or
6professional land surveyor section shall be acted upon solely by the interested
AB271-ASA1, s. 2 8Section 2. 16.967 (3) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB271-ASA1,6,159 16.967 (3) (f) Ensure that state agencies and local governmental units with
10land information responsibilities include on any map that depicts the boundary of
11one or more tracts of land, or of one or more interests in real property, the following
12or a substantially similar disclaimer if the map was prepared using the land
13information system, but was not prepared by a professional land surveyor, as defined
14in s. 443.01 (7m), engaged in the practice of professional land surveying, as defined
15in s. 443.01 (6s):
AB271-ASA1,6,19 16"This map shows the approximate relative location of property boundaries but
17was not prepared by a professional land surveyor. This map is provided for
18informational purposes only and may not be sufficient or appropriate for legal,
19engineering, or surveying purposes."
AB271-ASA1, s. 3 20Section 3. 26.09 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,7,221 26.09 (3) (b) 1. A court shall award damages that equal the stumpage value of
22the raw forest products harvested if the person harvesting the raw forest products
23or the person giving consent for the harvesting reasonably relied upon a recorded
24survey that was done by a person who is registered licensed under ch. 443 as a
25professional land surveyor or who is issued a permit to engage in the practice of

land surveying under s. 443.06 even if the recorded survey is
2determined, after the harvesting, to be in error.
AB271-ASA1, s. 4 3Section 4. 30.11 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,7,154 30.11 (3) How established. Whenever any municipality proposes to establish
5a bulkhead line or to reestablish an existing bulkhead line, the municipality shall
6indicate both the existing shore and the proposed bulkhead line upon a map and shall
7file with the department for its approval 6 copies of the map and 6 copies of the
8ordinance establishing the bulkhead line. The map shall use a scale of not less than
9100 feet to an inch or any other scale required by the department. The map and a
10metes and bounds description of the bulkhead line shall be prepared by a
land surveyor registered in this state licensed under ch. 443. The
12department may require the installation of permanent reference markers to the
13bulkhead line. Upon approval by the department, the municipality shall deliver the
14map, description, and ordinance to the office of the register of deeds of the county in
15which the bulkhead line lies, to be recorded by the register of deeds.
AB271-ASA1, s. 5 16Section 5. 30.13 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,7,2417 30.13 (3) (a) Any municipality authorized by s. 30.11 to establish a bulkhead
18line may also establish a pierhead line in the same manner as it is authorized to
19establish a bulkhead line, except that a metes and bounds legal description is not
20required nor is the map required to be prepared by a registered professional land
21surveyor licensed under ch. 443 and except that if the municipality has created a
22board of harbor commissioners the municipality must obtain the approval of the
23board concerning the establishment of the pierhead line in addition to obtaining the
24approval of the department.
AB271-ASA1, s. 6 25Section 6. 59.001 (2k) of the statutes is created to read:
159.001 (2k) "Professional land surveyor" means a professional land surveyor
2licensed under ch. 443.
AB271-ASA1, s. 7 3Section 7. 59.20 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,8,94 59.20 (2) (c) In counties that elect a surveyor, the surveyor shall be a registered
5professional land surveyor. In lieu of electing a surveyor in any county having a
6population of less than 500,000, the board may, by resolution, designate that the
7duties under ss. 59.45 (1) and 59.74 (2) be performed by any registered professional
8land surveyor employed by the county. Any surveyor employed by a county having
9a population of 500,000 or more shall be a professional land surveyor.
AB271-ASA1, s. 8 10Section 8. 59.43 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 59.43 (8) (intro.) and
11amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,8,1912 59.43 (8) Required signature and seal on survey document for filing or
(intro.) It is unlawful for the register of deeds of any county or any proper
14public authority to file or record a map, plat, survey, or other document within the
15definition of the practice of professional land surveying under s. 443.01 (6s), which
16does not have impressed thereon, and affixed thereto, the personal signature and
17seal of a registered professional land surveyor under whose responsible charge the
18map, plat, survey, or other document was prepared. This subsection does not apply
19to any of the following:
AB271-ASA1,8,21 20(a) A deed, contract, or other recordable document prepared by an attorney, or
21to a
AB271-ASA1,8,23 22(c) A transportation project plat that conforms to s. 84.095 and that is prepared
23by a state agency.
AB271-ASA1, s. 9 24Section 9. 59.43 (8) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
159.43 (8) (b) A map that depicts the approximate boundaries or the shape and
2area of one or more tracts of land or one or more interests in real property if any of
3the following are incorporated into or attached to and submitted for recording with
4the map:
AB271-ASA1,9,75 1. A legal description of the tract or tracts of land or interest or interests in real
6property. In this subdivision, legal description has the meaning given in s. 706.01
AB271-ASA1,9,138 2. A map, plat, survey, or other document within the definition of the practice
9of professional land surveying under s. 443.01 (6s) that depicts the boundaries of the
10tract or tracts of land or interest or interests in real property and that has impressed
11thereon, and affixed thereto, the personal signature of a professional land surveyor
12under whose responsible charge the map, plat, survey, or other document was
AB271-ASA1, s. 10 14Section 10. 59.43 (8) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB271-ASA1,9,1615 59.43 (8) (d) A map that depicts the boundaries of an easement acquired by the
16department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under s. 93.70.
AB271-ASA1, s. 11 17Section 11. 59.43 (8) (d) of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act ....
18(this act), is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,9,2119 59.43 (8) (d) A map that depicts the boundaries of an easement acquired by the
20department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under s. 93.70 if the map
21is prepared in accordance with the requirements under s. 93.70 (1m)
AB271-ASA1, s. 12 22Section 12. 59.45 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,9,2623 59.45 (1) (a) 2. Make, personally or by a deputy, a record, in books or on
24drawings and plats that are kept for that purpose, of all corners that are set and the
25manner of fixing the corners and of all bearings and the distances of all courses run,

1of each survey made personally, by deputies or by other professional land surveyors
2and arrange or index the record so it is an easy to use easy-to-use reference and file
3and preserve in the office the original field notes and calculation thereof. Within 60
4days after completing any survey, the county surveyor shall make a true and correct
5copy of the foregoing record, in record books or on reproducible papers to be furnished
6by the county and kept in files in the office of the county surveyor to be provided by
7the county. In a county with a population of 500,000 or more where there is no county
8surveyor, a copy of the record shall also be filed in the office of the regional planning
9commission which acts in the capacity of county surveyor for the county.
AB271-ASA1, s. 13 10Section 13. 59.45 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,10,1711 59.45 (1) (b) Surveys for individuals or corporations may be performed by any
12professional land surveyor who is employed by the parties requiring the services,
13providing that within 60 days after completing any survey the professional land
14surveyor files a true and correct copy of the survey in the office of the county surveyor.
15In counties with a population of 500,000 or more the copy shall be filed in the office
16of the register of deeds and in the office of the regional planning commission which
17acts in the capacity of county surveyor for the county.
AB271-ASA1, s. 14 18Section 14. 59.45 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,10,2119 59.45 (3) Surveyor; fees. In addition to the regular fees of professional land
20surveyors that are received from the parties employing the county surveyor, the
21county surveyor may receive a salary from the county.
AB271-ASA1, s. 15 22Section 15. 59.46 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB271-ASA1,11,2 2359.46 Penalty for nonfeasance. Any county surveyor, any city, village, or
24town engineer, or any professional land surveyor who fails or refuses to perform any

1duty required of that person by law shall forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $50
2for each such failure or refusal.