2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
February 8, 2010 - Offered by Representative Zepnick.
AB696-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB696-AA1,1,3 21. Page 2, line 9: delete "access charges" and substitute "wholesale access
AB696-AA1,1,4 42. Page 2, line 10: before "tandem" insert "and".
AB696-AA1,1,6 53. Page 2, line 11: delete "records, granting rule-making authority, and
6making" and substitute "records.".
AB696-AA1,1,7 74. Page 2, line 12: delete that line.
AB696-AA1,1,8 85. Page 7, line 1: delete lines 1 to 4.
AB696-AA1,1,10 96. Page 9, line 18: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
10page 14, line 9.
AB696-AA1,1,12 117. Page 14, line 10: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
12with page 15, line 8, and substitute:
1" Section 13m. 196.194 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
AB696-AA1, s. 13q 2Section 13q. 196.194 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB696-AA1, s. 13s 3Section 13s. 196.194 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 196.194 and amended
4to read:
AB696-AA1,3,2 5196.194 Public Gas utility individual contracts. Nothing in ss. 196.03,
6196.19, 196.20, 196.21, 196.22, 196.37, 196.60, 196.604 and 196.625 prohibits the
7commission from approving the filing of a tariff which permits a gas utility to enter
8into an individual contract with an individual customer if the term of the contract
9is no more than 5 years, or a longer period approved by the commission, and if the
10commission determines that substitute gas services are available to customers or
11potential customers of the gas utility and the absence of such a tariff will cause the
12gas utility to be disadvantaged in competing for business. A tariff filed under this
13subsection section shall include the condition that any such contract shall be
14compensatory. The tariff shall include any other condition and procedure required
15by the commission in the public interest. Within 20 days after a contract authorized
16under this subsection section or an amendment to such a contract has been executed,
17the gas utility shall submit the contract to the commission. The commission shall
18give notice to any person, upon request, that a contract authorized under this
19subsection section has been received by the commission. The notice shall identify the
20gas utility that has entered into the contract. Within 6 months after receiving
21substantial evidence that a contract may be noncompensatory, or upon its own
22motion, the commission shall investigate and determine whether the contract is
23compensatory. If the commission determines that the contract is noncompensatory,
24the commission may make appropriate adjustments in the rates or tariffs of the gas
25utility that has entered into the contract, in addition to other remedies under this

1chapter. The dollar amount of the adjustment may not be less than the amount by
2which the contract was found to be noncompensatory.".
AB696-AA1,3,3 38. Page 15, line 18: delete "tariffing requirements under s. 196.194 (1) or".
AB696-AA1,3,5 49. Page 18, line 5: delete "ss. 196.193, and 196.195" and substitute "ss. s.
5196.193, 196.195".
AB696-AA1,3,7 610. Page 18, line 6: delete "(12) and 196.196" and substitute "(12) and
AB696-AA1,3,10 811. Page 18, line 20: after "196.025 (6)" insert "and except that only with
9respect to its wholesale access services an alternative telecommunications utility is
10subject to 196.03 and 196.37,".
AB696-AA1,3,11 1112. Page 19, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22.
AB696-AA1,3,13 1213. Page 20, line 8: delete "any provision of ch. 201 or a provision of this
13chapter" and substitute "any a provision of ch. 201 or this chapter".
AB696-AA1,3,14 1414. Page 21, line 3: before "(3) (a)" insert "(2r),".
AB696-AA1,3,15 1515. Page 21, line 5: delete "or 196.858" and substitute "196.858, or 196.859".
AB696-AA1,3,16 1616. Page 22, line 18: delete lines 18 to 24 and substitute:
AB696-AA1,3,17 17" Section 55m. 196.205 of the statutes is repealed.".
AB696-AA1,3,18 1817. Page 23, line 13: delete lines 13 to 15.
AB696-AA1,3,19 1918. Page 24, line 2: after that line insert:
AB696-AA1,4,2 20"(2) Call originators. Beginning no later than 12 months after the effective
21date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], a commercial mobile radio service
22provider or competitive local exchange carrier that originates a call must transmit
23with that call all information necessary for the proper identification of the provider

1or carrier originating the call and for the proper billing of intercarrier compensation
2to the call.".
AB696-AA1,4,3 319. Page 24, line 3: delete "(2)" and substitute "(3)".
AB696-AA1,4,4 420. Page 24, line 3: delete "24" and substitute "18".
AB696-AA1,4,5 521. Page 24, line 21: delete lines 21 to 23.
AB696-AA1,4,6 622. Page 25, line 8: delete lines 8 and 9 and substitute:
AB696-AA1,4,8 7"196.218 (3) (f) Notwithstanding ss. 196.196 (1) and (5) (d) 2., 196.20 (2m), (5)
8and (6), 196.213 and 196.215, a
A telecommunications utility that provides local".
AB696-AA1,4,9 923. Page 26, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.
AB696-AA1,4,10 1024. Page 26, line 8: delete "and price".
AB696-AA1,4,11 1125. Page 26, line 9: delete "regulation and" and substitute "and".
AB696-AA1,4,12 1226. Page 26, line 13: delete lines 13 to 21.
AB696-AA1,4,13 1327. Page 27, line 1: before that line insert:
AB696-AA1,4,14 14" Section 71g. 196.219 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB696-AA1,4,2015 196.219 (2) (a) Notwithstanding any exemptions identified in this chapter
16except s. ss. 196.202, 196.203, and 196.50, a telecommunications utility or provider
17shall provide protection to its consumers under this section unless exempted in
18whole or in part by rule or order of the commission under this section. The
19commission shall promulgate rules that identify the conditions under which
20provisions of this section may be suspended.
AB696-AA1, s. 71r 21Section 71r. 196.219 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB696-AA1,5,222 196.219 (2r) Wholesale access rates. Any reduction in wholesale access rates
23ordered by the commission prior to the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB

1inserts date], including any reduction ordered pursuant to s. 196.195, shall remain
2effective unless modified by the commission in a subsequent order.".
AB696-AA1,5,5 328. Page 27, line 16: delete lines 16 and 17 and substitute "rates, tolls or
4charges without the approval of the commission, except as provided in s. 196.205 or
5196.215 (2)
AB696-AA1,5,6 629. Page 28, line 1: after that line insert:
AB696-AA1,5,7 7" Section 80m. 196.50 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB696-AA1,5,9 8196.50 (title) Competing public utilities; indeterminate permits,
; telecommunications utility certification.".
AB696-AA1,5,10 1030. Page 28, line 19: after "(i)" insert "and (im)".
AB696-AA1,5,11 1131. Page 28, line 19: delete "is" and substitute "are".
AB696-AA1,5,12 1232. Page 28, line 21: after "196.02 (2)," insert "196.03,".
AB696-AA1,6,8 1333. Page 28, line 23: delete that line and substitute "196.78, and 196.79,
14except that with respect only to their wholesale access services, a
15telecommunications utility certified under this section with less than 50,000 access
16lines is subject to s. 196.03 and, with respect only to their wholesale access services,
17a telecommunications utility certified under this subsection with more than 50,000
18and less than 150,000 access lines is subject to ss. 196.03 and 196.37. The intrastate
19access rates of a telecommunications utility with 150,000 or more access lines may
20not exceed the telecommunications utility's interstate rates for similar access
21services, except that such a telecommunications utility shall not assess an intrastate
22carrier common line charge or a substitute charge. Except to enforce this paragraph,
23the commission may not review or set the access rates for a telecommunications
24utility with 150,000 or more access lines. A telecommunications utility certified

1under this subsection may file tariffs with the commission designating the rates,
2terms, and conditions of its wholesale access services. A telecommunications utility
3certified under this subsection may decrease its wholesale access rates without
4notice to the commission. A telecommunications utility certified under this
5subsection with less than 150,000 access lines may seek to increase its wholesale
6access service rates by petitioning the commission for approval of such an increase
7and, after notice, the commission may review and approve or reject that petition
8subject to the standards set forth in s. 196.03 (6).".
AB696-AA1,6,9 934. Page 28, line 23: after that line insert:
AB696-AA1,6,10 10"(im) If the commission imposes a provision of this chapter or ch. 201".
AB696-AA1,6,11 1135. Page 29, line 9: delete "issuing" and substitute "granting".
AB696-AA1,6,13 1236. Page 29, line 10: delete "196.203 and terminating" and substitute
13"196.203. The granting of such certification shall operate to terminate".
AB696-AA1,6,15 1437. Page 29, line 14: delete "maintain the certification" and substitute
15"recertify the telecommunications utility".
AB696-AA1,6,16 1638. Page 29, line 15: delete "but to regulate" and substitute "and regulate".