3. `Adjustments.' a. Annually, the commission shall adjust the amount of the
21surcharge required under subd. 1. to reflect any change in the U.S. consumer price
22index for the midwest region as determined by the U.S. department of labor during
23the period beginning on August 31 of the year that is 2 years before the commission's
24adjustment and ending on August 31 of the year before the commission's adjustment.
1b. The commission shall annually monitor the revenues, including interest,
2generated by the surcharges remitted under subd. 4. a. If the commission determines
3that the surcharges generate revenue in excess of the amount required for grants
4under par. (d), the commission shall reduce the amount of the surcharge required
5under subd. 1., but only if the reduction ensures full cost recovery for grant recipients
6over a reasonable period. If the commission determines that the surcharges remitted
7under subd. 4. a. generate revenue that is less than the amount required for grants
8under par. (d), the commission shall increase the surcharge required under subd. 1.
9by an amount that ensures full cost recovery for grant recipients over a reasonable
10period, except that, in a year, the commission may not increase the surcharge by an
11amount greater than an increase allowed for that year under subd. 3. a.
c. No later than October 1 of each year the commission shall notify
13communications providers and sellers who offer prepaid wireless on behalf of
14communications providers of any adjustment to the surcharge required under subd.
151., and the adjustment shall be effective on January 1 of the following year.
4. `Collection and remittance.' a. A communications provider or seller that
17offers prepaid wireless on behalf of a communication provider shall remit surcharges
18to the commission no later than the end of the month following the month that the
19provider or seller collects the surcharges from subscribers, except that a
20communications provider may deduct and retain from the remittance an
21administrative allowance equal to $50, or 1 percent of the surcharges collected from
22subscribers, whichever is greater. The commission may require that
23communications providers and sellers report the amount of uncollected surcharges
24on an annual basis, or less frequently as determined by the commission. The
25commission may require that a communications provider or seller provide the
1commission with the name, address, and telephone number of a subscriber who
2refuses to pay a surcharge. The commission shall deposit all remittances under this
3subd. 4. a. into the 911 fund.
b. A communications provider or seller has no obligation to take any legal
5action to enforce the collection of the surcharge billed to a subscriber. The
6commission may initiate a collection action against a subscriber for an unpaid
7surcharge, and recover reasonable costs and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), attorney
8fees associated with the action.
Grant applications; communications providers. A communications provider
10may apply to the commission for grants for reimbursement of actual, commercially
11reasonable costs incurred in complying with the requirements for enhanced 911
12service, including the costs incurred for designing, upgrading, purchasing, leasing,
13programming, installing, testing, or maintaining all necessary data, hardware, and
14software required to provide enhanced 911 service, and the recurring and
15nonrecurring costs of providing enhanced 911 service. An application shall include
16invoices for the costs for which reimbursement is claimed.
Grant applications; local governments. 1. A local government that operates
18a wireless public safety answering point that was in operation on November 30, 2008,
19and that was identified in a resolution adopted under sub. (3m) (c) 3., and a local
20government designated under subd. 2., may apply to the commission for grants if the
21local government submits annual applications to the commission that identify the
22expenses eligible for reimbursement under subd. 3., list the invoices for
23reimbursement that are related to compliance with enhanced 911 service
24requirements, and include the costs of landline 911 trunks and charges for public
25safety answering points in the same county as the local government.
12. If enhanced 911 service was not available in a county on November 30, 2008,
2and the county designates one local government in the county, or the county itself,
3as the operator of the primary public safety answering point for the county, the local
4government or county so designated is eligible for grants under subd. 1. The
5commission shall promulgate rules establishing requirements and procedures for a
6county to make a designation under this subdivision.
3. Expenses that are eligible for reimbursement under subd. 1. are the actual
8costs incurred by a public safety answering point in complying with the requirements
9of enhanced 911 service, including costs incurred for designing, upgrading,
10purchasing, leasing, programming, installing, testing, or maintaining all necessary
11data, hardware, and software required to provide enhanced 911 service; the
12recurring and nonrecurring costs of providing enhanced 911 service; and the costs
13associated with training public safety answering point personnel.
Payment of grants. From the appropriation account under s. 20.155 (3) (r),
15the commission shall award grants to communications providers and local
16governments who submit applications under pars. (b) and (c) for reimbursement of
17costs that the commission determines are eligible for reimbursement. If the total
18amount of invoices for cost reimbursement that are submitted to the commission and
19approved for payment in a month exceeds the amount available from the 911 fund
20for reimbursement, the commission shall proportionately reduce the amount
21payable to each communications provider and local government so that the amount
22paid in grants does not exceed the amount available from the 911 fund, and the
23commission shall defer awarding grants for the balance due to each communications
24provider and local government until sufficient moneys are available from the 911
Information requests; audits. A local government that receives grants for
2a public safety answering point shall comply with all requests by the commission for
3financial information related to the operation of the public safety answering point
4and, upon request, provide a copy of any audits conducted of the public safety
5answering point to the commission.
Telephone relay service for hearing impaired. A local government that
7receives a grant under par. (d) shall ensure the each public safety answering point
8operated by or on behalf of the local government complies with requirements of the
9federal communications commission that all 911 answering positions are equipped
10with the necessary equipment for accepting 911 calls from the hearing impaired
11directly or through the use of a relaying service.
Audits. The commission may require a communications provider or local
13government that receives a grant under par. (d) to conduct an audit to ensure that
14the grant application and use of the moneys received is consistent with the
15requirements of this subsection and may require a local government that receives a
16grant under par. (d) to provide a copy of its annual audit of the public safety
17answering point for which the grant is received.
Unauthorized expenditures. The commission may, on its own motion, or, at
19its discretion, upon the complaint of any person, give written notice of violation to
20any communications provider or local government alleged to be expending grant
21moneys for a purpose not authorized under this subsection. Upon receipt of the
22notice, the communications provider or local government shall cease making any
23unauthorized expenditure, and may petition the commission for a hearing on the
24question of whether an expenditure is authorized. The commission shall grant a
25request for a hearing within a reasonable period. If, after the hearing, the
1commission determines that an expenditure is not authorized, the commission shall
2require the communications provider or local government to refund, within 90 days
3of the commission's determination, the unauthorized expenditure.
Proprietary information. Any information submitted by a communications
5provider to the commission or the 911 council that the communications provider
6designates as proprietary, and that the commission determines is proprietary, is
7confidential and not subject to inspection or copying under s. 19.35, except with the
8express consent of the communications provider. General information collected by
9the commission or the 911 council may be released or published only in aggregate
10amounts that do not identify or allow identification of numbers of subscribers or
11revenues attributable to an individual communications provider.
Statewide plan. The commission shall develop a statewide plan for
13enhanced 911 services for the state. The plan shall be consistent with the plan
14required under
47 USC 942 (b) (3) (A) (iii).
Rules. The commission shall promulgate rules for administering the
16requirements of this subsection.
Reports. No later than February 28 of each odd-numbered year, the
18commission shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that has
19complete information regarding receipts and expenditures under this subsection
20during the 2-year reporting period and that describes the status of the 911 system
21in this state at the time of the report and the results of any related investigations
22completed by the commission during the 2-year reporting period.
911 council. The commission shall consult with the 911 council in carrying
24out the commission's duties under this subsection.
(5) Requirement to provide enhanced 911 service. In accordance with
10the federal wireless orders, no communications provider is required to provide
11enhanced wireless 911 service until all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) The communications provider receives a request for the service from the
13administrator of a public safety answering point that is capable of receiving and
14utilizing the data elements associated with the service.
(b) The funds for reimbursement of the communications provider's costs are
(c) The relevant local exchange carrier is able to support the requirements of
18enhanced 911 service.
(7) Liability exemption. A telecommunications utility, wireless
21provider, as defined in sub. (3m) (a) 6.,
person that provides exchange telephone
22service to a telephone subscriber, cellular services, voice over Internet protocol
23services, or cable telephony services, person that provides services to a device that
24can access 911, or local government
, as defined in sub. (3m) (a) 4., shall not be liable
1to any person who uses an emergency number system created under this section or
2makes an emergency telephone call initially routed to a wireless public safety
3answering point, as defined in sub. (3m) (a) 7.
(8) Subscriber records and information. (a) Subscriber records that
6a communications provider discloses to a public safety answering point remain the
7property of the communications provider and use of the records is limited to
8providing emergency services in response to 911 calls. Any communications provider
9connection information of a subscriber, including the subscriber's address, that is
10obtained by a public safety answering point for public safety purposes is not subject
11to inspection or copying under s. 19.35.
(b) The disclosure or use of information contained in the database of the
13telephone network portion of a 911 system, for other than operations of the 911
14system, is prohibited.
(c) No later than 2 business days after a communications provider installs
16service for a new subscriber, the communications provider shall provide the relevant
17public safety answering point with subscriber information necessary to update the
18master street address guide or location database used by the public safety answering
19point to respond to emergency calls and the public safety answering point shall make
20the update.".
4"(c) Each fee paid under par. (a) and $95 of each fee paid under par. (b) shall
5be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (4) (mi).".
(4m) "Building waste" means solid waste resulting from the
10construction, demolition, or razing of buildings.
(5m) "Construction landfill" means a solid waste disposal facility used
13for the disposal of only construction and demolition wastes.
(5r) "Construction and demolition waste" means solid waste resulting
16from the construction, demolition, or razing of buildings, roads, and other
(3) The department may not require that ash resulting from the burning
2of a structure for practice or instruction of fire fighters or the testing of fire fighting
3equipment be disposed of in a landfill licensed under s. 289.31.".
(1) Imposition of groundwater and well compensation fees on
7generators. Except as provided under sub. (6), a generator of solid or hazardous
8waste shall pay separate groundwater and well compensation fees for each ton or
9equivalent volume of solid or hazardous waste which is disposed of at a licensed solid
10or hazardous waste disposal facility
and for each ton or equivalent volume of building
11waste that is disposed of at a construction landfill. If a person arranges for collection
12or disposal services on behalf of one or more generators, that person shall pay the
13groundwater and well compensation fees to the licensed solid or hazardous waste
14disposal facility
or to the construction landfill or to any intermediate hauler used to
15transfer wastes from collection points to a licensed facility
or to a construction
16landfill. An intermediate hauler who receives groundwater and well compensation
17fees under this subsection shall pay the fees to the licensed solid or hazardous waste
18disposal facility
or to the construction landfill. Tonnage or equivalent volume shall
19be calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for tonnage fees under s.
20289.62 (1).
(1) Imposition of solid waste facility siting board fee on generators. 23Except as provided under sub. (4), a generator of solid waste or hazardous waste shall
24pay a solid waste facility siting board fee for each ton or equivalent volume of solid
1waste or hazardous waste that is disposed of at a licensed solid waste or hazardous
2waste disposal facility
and for each ton or equivalent volume of building waste that
3is disposed of at a construction landfill. If a person arranges for collection or disposal
4services on behalf of one or more generators, that person shall pay the solid waste
5facility siting board fee to the licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal
or to the construction landfill or to any intermediate hauler used to transfer
7wastes from collection points to a licensed facility
or to a construction landfill. An
8intermediate hauler who receives the solid waste facility siting board fee under this
9subsection shall pay the fee to the licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal
or to the construction landfill. Tonnage or equivalent volume shall be
11calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for tonnage fees under s.
12289.62 (1).
(2) Collection. The owner or operator of a licensed solid waste or
15hazardous waste disposal facility
or of a construction landfill shall collect the solid
16waste facility siting board fee from the generator, a person who arranges for disposal
17on behalf of one or more generators or an intermediate hauler and shall pay to the
18department the amount of the fee required to be collected according to the amount
19of solid waste or hazardous waste received and disposed of at the facility
or at the
20construction landfill during the preceding reporting period.
(5) Reporting period. The reporting period under this section is the
23same as the reporting period under s. 289.62 (1). The owner or operator of any
24licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility
or of any construction
1landfill shall pay the solid waste facility siting board fee required to be collected
2under sub. (2) at the same time as any tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1) are paid.
(7) (a) If a person required under sub. (1) to pay the solid waste facility
5siting board fee to a licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility
or to a
6construction landfill fails to pay the fee, the owner or operator of the licensed solid
7waste or hazardous waste disposal facility
or of the construction landfill shall submit
8to the department with the payment required under sub. (2) an affidavit stating facts
9sufficient to show the person's failure to comply with sub. (1).
(1) Imposition of recycling fee on generators. Except as provided
12under sub. (4), a generator of solid waste or hazardous waste shall pay a recycling
13fee for each ton or equivalent volume of solid waste or hazardous waste that is
14disposed of at a licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility
and for each
15ton or equivalent volume of building waste that is disposed of at a construction
16landfill. If a person arranges for collection or disposal services on behalf of one or
17more generators, that person shall pay the recycling fee to the licensed solid waste
18or hazardous waste disposal facility
or to the construction landfill or to any
19intermediate hauler used to transfer wastes from collection points to a licensed
or to a construction landfill. An intermediate hauler who receives the
21recycling fee under this subsection shall pay the fee to the licensed solid waste or
22hazardous waste disposal facility
or to the construction landfill. Tonnage or
23equivalent volume shall be calculated in the same manner as the calculation made
24for tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1).
(2) Collection. The owner or operator of a licensed solid waste or
2hazardous waste disposal facility
or of a construction landfill shall collect the
3recycling fee from the generator, a person who arranges for disposal on behalf of one
4or more generators or an intermediate hauler and shall pay to the department the
5amount of the fee required to be collected according to the amount of solid waste or
6hazardous waste received and disposed of at the facility
or at the construction landfill 7during the preceding reporting period.".
(5) Payment. (intro.) The owner or operator of any licensed solid or
11hazardous waste disposal facility
or of any construction landfill shall pay the
12recycling fee required to be collected under sub. (2) as follows:
(7) (a) If a person required under sub. (1) to pay the recycling fee to a
15licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility
or to a construction landfill 16fails to pay the fee, the owner or operator of the licensed solid waste or hazardous
17waste disposal facility
or of the construction landfill shall submit to the department
18with the payment required under sub. (2) an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show
19the person's failure to comply with sub. (1).
(1) (a)
Imposition of fee. Except as provided under par. (f), a generator
22of solid or hazardous waste shall pay an environmental repair fee for each ton or
23equivalent volume of solid or hazardous waste which is disposed of at a licensed solid
24or hazardous waste disposal facility
and for each ton of building waste that is
1disposed of at a construction landfill. If a person arranges for collection or disposal
2services on behalf of one or more generators, that person shall pay the environmental
3repair fee to the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility or
to the
4construction landfill to any intermediate hauler used to transfer wastes from
5collection points to a licensed facility. An intermediate hauler who receives
6environmental repair fees under this paragraph shall pay the fees to the licensed
7solid or hazardous waste disposal facility. Tonnage or equivalent volume shall be
8calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for tonnage fees under s.
9289.62 (1).
(1) (b)
Collection. The owner or operator of a licensed solid or hazardous
12waste disposal facility
or of a construction landfill shall collect the environmental
13repair fee from the generator, a person who arranges for disposal on behalf of one or
14more generators or an intermediate hauler and shall pay to the department the
15amount of the fees required to be collected according to the amount of solid or
16hazardous waste received and disposed of at the facility
or at the construction landfill 17during the preceding reporting period.".
(1) (g)
Reporting period. The reporting period under this subsection is
21the same as the reporting period under s. 289.62 (1). The owner or operator of any
22licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility
or of any construction landfill shall
23pay environmental repair fees required to be collected under par. (b) at the same time
24as any tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1).
(1) (i) 1. If a person required under par. (a) to pay an environmental
3repair fee to a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility
or to a construction
4landfill fails to pay the fee, the owner or operator of the licensed solid or hazardous
5waste disposal facility
or of the construction landfill shall submit to the department
6with the payment required under par. (b) an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show
7the person's failure to comply with par. (a).".
(21) Notify the director of the office of state employee relations
11whenever a unit supervisor position in the division of adult institutions becomes