AB75-SSA1-SA1,171,12 9"(14q) Reconciliation provision related to primary enforcement of seat
If this subsection takes effect after June 30, 2009, the treatment of sections
11347.48 (2m) (gm) and 347.50 (2m) (a) of the statutes by this act and Sections 9350
12(4) and 9450 (6) of this act are void.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,171,13 13577. Page 1834, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,171,18 14"(11x) Shared use of administrative facilities in or near city of Tomah.
15During the 2009-11 fiscal biennium, the department of transportation shall consult
16with the department of natural resources concerning the shared use of
17administrative facilities used by the state traffic patrol and the department of
18natural resources in or near the city of Tomah.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,171,19 19578. Page 1834, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,171,24 20"(12y) CTH "KP" project in Dane County. In conjunction with the highway
21rehabilitation project on USH 14 between the village of Cross Plains and the village
22of Mazomanie, the department of transportation shall complete, after the completion
23of the USH 14 project and during the 2009-2011 fiscal biennium, a repaving project
24on CTH "KP" between the village of Cross Plains and the village of Mazomanie.".
1579. Page 1835, line 11: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,8 2"(3g) Director of Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology. Of the
3moneys appropriated to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
4under section 20.285 (1) (s) of the statutes, as created by this act, for the 2009-10 and
52010-11 fiscal years, the board shall allocate $110,000 in each fiscal year to the
6Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology at the University of
7Wisconsin-Stevens Point to provide funding for the position of the director of the
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,9 9580. Page 1836, line 1: delete lines 1 to 8.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,10 10581. Page 1840, line 5: delete "creation" and substitute "treatment".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,18 11582. Page 1840, line 6: delete that line and substitute "66.0903 (1) (a), (d),
12(dr), (g) 1. and 2., (h), and (im), (2), (3) (am) (with respect to improvement of a public
13facility), (ar), (br), and (dm), (4) (a) 1. and 2. and (b) 1. and 2., (5) (b) and (c), (8), (9)
14(b) and (c), (10) (a) and (b), (11) (b) 2., 3., 4., and 5., and (12) (d) and 103.49 (1) (a), (bg),
15(bj), (d) 1. and 2., (dm), (f), and (fm), (1m), (2) (with respect to improvement of a public
16facility), (2m) (a) 1. and 2. and (b) 1. and 2., (3) (a), (am), and (c), (3g) (b) and (c), (4r)
17(b) and (c), (5) (a) and (b), (6m) (b), (c), (d), and (e), and (7) (d) of the statutes by this
18act is intended to".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,19 19583. Page 1840, line 10: delete "creation" and substitute "treatment".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,20 20584. Page 1841, line 1: delete "893.80" and substitute "893.82".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,21 21585. Page 1841, line 15: delete "employe" and substitute "employee".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,172,22 22586. Page 1842, line 5: after that line insert:
1"(2i) Required general fund structural balance. Section 20.003 (4m) of the
2statutes shall not apply to the 2010-11 fiscal year.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,3 3587. Page 1843, line 9: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,5 4"(hx) The sum of $5,000 to the Human Concerns of South Milwaukee Food
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,6 6588. Page 1845, line 3: before that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,10 7"(3f) Development fund; lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (b) of the
8statutes, on July 1, 2010, there is lapsed to the general fund $14,850,000 from the
9appropriation account of the department of commerce under section 20.143 (1) (tm)
10of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2009.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,11 11589. Page 1852, line 3: delete "$250,000" and substitute "$225,000".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,12 12590. Page 1852, line 5: delete "$250,000" and substitute "$225,000".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,13 13591. Page 1853, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,17 14"(1q) General fund transfer to recycling and renewable energy fund. In
15each fiscal year of the fiscal biennium in which this subsection takes effect,
16$2,500,000 is transferred from the general fund to the recycling and renewable
17energy fund.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,19 18592. Page 1854, line 22: delete the material beginning with "each" and ending
19with "effect" on line 23 and substitute "fiscal year 2009-10".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,21 20593. Page 1859, line 9: delete the material beginning with "49.145" and
21ending with "(intro.)," on line 9.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,173,22 22594. Page 1859, line 11: before "49.153" insert "and".
1595. Page 1859, line 12: delete "(b), and (c), and 49.155 (1m) (a) 1. and 1m.
2(intro.)" and substitute "(b), and (c)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,3 3596. Page 1859, line 15: delete lines 15 to 21.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,5 4597. Page 1860, line 16: after "(title)" insert "and (c) (intro.) and 3. and 49.159
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,6 6598. Page 1860, line 17: after "(a)" insert "and (b)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,7 7599. Page 1861, line 12: delete lines 12 to 14.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,8 8600. Page 1861, line 19: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,12 9"(4c) The treatment of sections 802.03 (9) and 846.35 (1) (c), (4), and (5) of the
10statutes, the renumbering of section 799.41 of the statutes, and the creation of
11section 799.41 (2) of the statutes, first apply to actions commenced on the effective
12date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,13 13601. Page 1863, line 17: on lines 17 and 21, delete "and 8.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,14 14602. Page 1864, line 1: delete lines 1 to 6 and substitute:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,20 15"(1x) Qualified economic offers. The treatment of section 111.70 (1) (dm),
16(fm), (nc), and (ne) and (4) (cm) 5s., 6. a. and am., 8p., and 8s. and (m) 6. of the statutes
17first applies to petitions for arbitration that relate to collective bargaining
18agreements that cover periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009, and that are filed
19under section 111.70 (4) (cm) 6. of the statutes, as affected by this act, on the effective
20date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,174,23 21603. Page 1864, line 8: delete the material beginning with "and (nd)" and
22ending with "(m) 6." on line 9 and substitute ", (3) (a) 4., and (4) (cm) 5., 7., 7g., 7p.,
237r. (intro.), and 8m. a., b., and c., (cn), and (d) 2. a.".
1604. Page 1865, line 6: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,5 2"(3f) Medical assistance services by managed care organizations. The
3treatment of section 49.45 (24d), (44g), and (50m) of the statutes first applies to
4contracts between the department of health services and a managed care
5organization entered into on the effective date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,6 6605. Page 1865, line 24: delete "(s) and (4)" and substitute "(s), (4), and (5)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,7 7606. Page 1867, line 4: delete lines 4 to 22.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,8 8607. Page 1869, line 14: after "contraceptives" insert "and dependents".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,9 9608. Page 1869, line 15: after "(n)" insert "and (nm)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,11 10609. Page 1869, line 15: delete "609.805" and substitute "609.755, 609.805,
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,12 12610. Page 1871, line 6: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,18 13"(1m) First class city police officer salary after discharge. The treatment
14of section 62.50 (18) (a) and (b) of the statutes first applies to any member of the police
15force who is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that contains provisions
16inconsistent with the treatment of section 62.50 (18) (a) and (b) on the day on which
17the collective bargaining agreement expires or is extended, modified, or renewed,
18whichever occurs first.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,19 19611. Page 1871, line 16: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,175,23 20"(3e) Construction landfill fees. The treatment of sections 289.63 (1), 289.64
21(1), (2), (5), and (7) (a), 289.645 (1), (2), (5) (intro.), and (7) (a), and 289.67 (1) (a), (b),
22(g), and (i) 1. of the statutes first applies to building waste disposed of on January
231, 2010.".
1612. Page 1873, line 10: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,4 2"(7i) General aid; consolidation. The treatment of section 121.07 (6) (e) 1. and
3(7) (e) 1. of the statutes first applies to the distribution of school aid in the 2009-10
4school year.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,5 5613. Page 1873, line 10: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,8 6"(7j) Open enrollment; supplemental aid. The treatment of section 118.51 (16)
7(e) of the statutes first applies to the number of pupils who attend public school in
8a nonresident school district in the 2008-09 school year.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,9 9614. Page 1873, line 17: delete lines 17 to 19.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,10 10615. Page 1873, line 22: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,11 11"(1j) Enhanced 911 surcharges.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,13 12(a) The creation of section 256.35 (3g) (a) 1. of the statutes first applies to bills
13provided to subscribers on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,15 14(b) The creation of section 256.35 (3g) (a) 2. a. of the statutes first applies to
15retail transactions occurring on the effective date of this paragraph.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,16 16616. Page 1874, line 21: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,18 17"(4i) Agricultural land. The treatment of section 70.32 (2) (c) 1g. of the
18statutes first applies to the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2010.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,19 19617. Page 1875, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,176,20 20618. Page 1875, line 11: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,2 21"(12d) Advance payments; earned income tax credit. The treatment of section
2271.07 (9e) (g) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of
23the year in which this subsection takes effect, except that if this subsection takes
24effect after August 31 the treatment of section 71.07 (9e) (g) of the statutes first

1applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year following the year in
2which this subsection takes effect.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,3 3619. Page 1875, line 17: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,10 4"(13x) Changes to EdVest income tax deduction. The treatment of section
571.05 (6) (b) 32. (intro.) and a. and 33. (intro.) and a. of the statutes first applies to
6taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year in which this subsection takes
7effect, except that if this subsection takes effect after August 31, the treatment of
8section 71.05 (6) (b) 32. (intro.) and a. and 33. (intro.) and a. of the statutes first
9applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year following the year in
10which this subsection takes effect.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,11 11620. Page 1876, line 16: after "(2) (a)," insert "(2m)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,12 12621. Page 1876, line 16: delete "(6) (b)" and substitute "(6) (a), (b), and (c) 1.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,13 13622. Page 1877, line 23: delete lines 23 to 25.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,15 14623. Page 1878, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
15ending with page 1879, line 2.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,16 16624. Page 1879, line 9: delete lines 9 to 11.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,21 17625. Page 1880, line 1: delete lines 1 to 4 and substitute "a project proposal,
18including a preliminary plat or final plat under chapter 236 of the statutes, for a
19publicly funded private construction project, as defined in section 66.0904 (1) (i) of
20the statutes, as created by this act, submitted to a local governmental unit for
21approval on the effective date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,22 22626. Page 1880, line 14: delete lines 14 to 19.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,177,23 23627. Page 1880, line 19: after that line insert:
1"(5f) Prevailing wage; remedies. The treatment of section 103.49 (6m) (f) of the
2statutes, the renumbering of section 103.49 (6m) (a) of the statutes, the renumbering
3and amendment of section 66.0903 (11) (a) of the statutes, and the creation of sections
466.0903 (11) (a) 2.and 4. and 103.49 (6m) (ag) of the statutes first applies to hours
5worked on the effective date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,6 6628. Page 1880, line 20: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,9 7"(1f) Expedited marriage license fee. The treatment of section 765.08 (2) of
8the statutes first applies to marriage license applications that are submitted to
9county clerks on the effective date of this subsection.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,10 10629. Page 1880, line 24: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,12 11"(1f) Low-income assistance. The repeal of section 16.957 (2) (d) 2m. of the
12statutes takes effect on June 30, 2011.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,13 13630. Page 1881, line 12: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,15 14"(2x) Animal health appropriation repeal. The repeal of section 20.115 (2) (q)
15of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2011.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,16 16631. Page 1882, line 10: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,19 17"(5f) Bill of rights for foster children. The treatment of sections 48.648 and
1848.649 of the statutes and Section 9108 (6f) of this act take effect on January 1,
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,21 20632. Page 1885, line 3: delete the material beginning with "20.437 (2)" and
21ending with "4. (intro.)," on line 5.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,23 22633. Page 1885, line 7: delete the material beginning with "49.153" and
23ending with "948.45 (1)" on line 9 and substitute "and 49.153 (1) (a), (b), and (c)".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,178,24 24634. Page 1885, line 9: delete "and (6)".
1635. Page 1887, line 19: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,179,3 2"(2x) Salaries and fringe benefits; public benefits. The repeal of section
320.475 (1) (s) of the statutes takes effect on June 30, 2011.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,179,4 4636. Page 1888, line 7: delete lines 7 to 9.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,179,5 5637. Page 1888, line 10: delete lines 10 to 13.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,179,6 6638. Page 1889, line 4: delete lines 4 to 6.