2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
March 2, 2010 - Offered by Representative Wood.
AR14-ASA1,1,3 1Relating to: the expulsion of Jeffrey Wood, a representative from the 67th Assembly
2District, in accordance with article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution
3and Assembly Rule 21.
AR14-ASA1,1,64 Whereas, article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution provides that each
5house may punish for contempt and disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence
6of two-thirds of all the members elected, expel a member; and
AR14-ASA1,1,107 Whereas, Assembly Rule 43 (3) provides that any resolution to reprimand,
8censure, or expel a member of the assembly shall identify the charges against the
9member cited and shall be referred to the committee on ethics and standards of
10conduct for review; and
AR14-ASA1,2,211 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly has adopted Assembly Rule 21,
12providing for the appointment of a special committee on ethics and standards of
13conduct to consider any resolution to reprimand, censure, or expel a member of the

1assembly for the purpose of holding one or more public hearings on the resolution and
2to make a recommendation for action on the resolution; and
AR14-ASA1,2,43 Whereas, under Assembly Rule 21 (2), a duty of the special committee is to
4ascertain the facts of the controversy, which are summarized below; and
AR14-ASA1,2,75 Whereas, Jeffrey Wood currently serves as the representative to the assembly
6from the 67th Assembly District for the term of the 2009-2010 legislative session;
AR14-ASA1,2,108 Whereas, Representative Scott Jensen was charged in Dane County Circuit
9Court on October 18, 2002, with four felony offenses for misconduct in public office;
AR14-ASA1,2,1311 Whereas, Representative Jensen's crimes involved allegations that he directed
12state employees to perform election campaign contribution fundraising and other
13campaign-related work while on state time and using state resources; and
AR14-ASA1,2,1714 Whereas, Representative Jensen served in the assembly over a period of five
15and one-half years, through a trial on those charges commencing in February 2006,
16until finally resigning his seat on March 21, 2006, ten days after the jury returned
17a verdict finding him guilty of three felonies and one misdemeanor; and
AR14-ASA1,2,2018 Whereas, no legislator sought a resolution to expel, censure, or reprimand
19Representative Jensen from the time he was charged until he resigned upon
20conviction; and
AR14-ASA1,2,2221 Whereas, Representative Steven Foti was charged in Dane County Circuit
22Court on October 18, 2002, with one felony offense for misconduct in public office; and
AR14-ASA1,2,2423 Whereas, Representative Foti's crime involved allegations that he committed
24ethics violation for keeping a campaign fundraiser on his legislative payroll; and
1Whereas, Representative Foti was reelected to his assembly seat within weeks
2of being charged and served his full two-year term in the assembly, whereupon he
3determined to not seek reelection; and
AR14-ASA1,3,64 Whereas, no legislator sought a resolution to expel, censure, or reprimand
5Representative Foti from the time he was charged until his term ended two years
6later; and
AR14-ASA1,3,87 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
8under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,3,109 Whereas, Representative Bonnie Ladwig was charged in Dane County Circuit
10Court on October 18, 2002, with one misdemeanor for ethics violations; and
AR14-ASA1,3,1311 Whereas, Representative Ladwig was reelected to her assembly seat within
12weeks of being charged and served her full two-year term in the assembly,
13whereupon she determined to not seek reelection; and
AR14-ASA1,3,1614 Whereas, no legislator sought a resolution to expel, censure, or reprimand
15Representative Ladwig from the time she was charged until her term ended two
16years later; and
AR14-ASA1,3,1817 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
18under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,3,2219 Whereas, Representative Mark Gundrum drafted legislation prohibiting
20lawmakers from promising official action in exchange for campaign contributions,
21also known as "pay-to-play," following the uncovering of significant unethical
22activity in the state capitol, also known as the "caucus scandal"; and
AR14-ASA1,3,2323 Whereas, the bill was signed into law on August 11, 2003; and
1Whereas, Representatives Jensen, Foti, and Ladwig were all sitting
2representatives at the time the bill was passed into law, and remained legislators for
3a full 16 months thereafter; and
AR14-ASA1,4,64 Whereas, neither Representative Gundrum nor any other legislator made a
5motion to expel, censure, or reprimand any legislator involved in the "caucus
6scandal"; and
AR14-ASA1,4,87 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
8under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,4,99 Whereas, Representative Frank Boyle was convicted in 2004 of OWI; and
AR14-ASA1,4,1110 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
11under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,4,1312 Whereas, Representative Shirley Krug was convicted in 2005 of OWI for an
13incident which occurred in 2004; and
AR14-ASA1,4,1514 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
15under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,4,1716 Whereas, Representative David Travis was convicted in 2001 of OWI for an
17incident which occurred in 2000; and
AR14-ASA1,4,1918 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
19under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,4,2020 Whereas, Representative Lorraine Seratti was convicted in 2000 of OWI; and
AR14-ASA1,4,2221 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
22under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,4,2523 Whereas, Representative David Plombon was jailed in June 1995 for allegedly
24violating conditions of probation stemming from a previous conviction for marijuana
25possession; and
1Whereas, Representative Plombon requested his probation be revoked and he
2was resentenced in July 1995 for misdemeanor possession of marijuana; and
AR14-ASA1,5,43 Whereas, Representative Plombon was sentenced to 16 days in jail which was
4satisfied by 12 days time served and 4 days credit for good behavior; and
AR14-ASA1,5,65 Whereas, Representative Plombon was arrested after failing a drug test
6ordered by his probation officer in December 1994; and
AR14-ASA1,5,97 Whereas, Representative Plombon pled no contest to misdemeanor possession
8of marijuana and was sentenced to 18 months probation and $1,812 in fines and court
9costs; and
AR14-ASA1,5,1010 Whereas, Representative Plombon was convicted in 1994 of OWI; and
AR14-ASA1,5,1311 Whereas, Representative Plombon pled no contest to misdemeanor disorderly
12conduct in May 1994 stemming from an incident involving his car and estranged
13wife; and
AR14-ASA1,5,1514 Whereas, Representative Plombon was sentenced to one year probation and
15ordered to undergo assessment for chemical dependency; and
AR14-ASA1,5,1716 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
17under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,5,1818 Whereas, Representative David Lepak was convicted in 1988 of OWI; and
AR14-ASA1,5,2019 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
20under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,5,2321 Whereas, Representative Scott Fergus forfeited $500 in 1987 for violating
22ethics law by accepting food and lodging in connection with a visit to Chicago in
23January 1987; and
AR14-ASA1,5,2524 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
25under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
1Whereas, Representative Walter Kunicki forfeited $500 in 1987 for violating
2ethics law by accepting lodging and food in connection with a visit to Chicago in
3January 1987; and
AR14-ASA1,6,54 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
5under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,6,86 Whereas, Representative Thomas Hauke paid $1,418 in fines and court costs
7in 1986 for violating ethics law by accepting a Door County fishing trip and was
8convicted in 1976 of OWI; and
AR14-ASA1,6,109 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
10under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,6,1211 Whereas, Representative John Robinson forfeited $1,000 in 1985 for violating
12ethics law by accepting an airline ticket to Chicago; and
AR14-ASA1,6,1413 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
14under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,6,1615 Whereas, Representative David Opitz was fined $356 in 1983 for a hit-and-run
16accident; and
AR14-ASA1,6,1817 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
18under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,6,2019 Whereas, Representative Robert Behnke was charged in 1982 with two counts
20of second-degree sexual assault; and
AR14-ASA1,6,2221 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly had taken no action on this matter
22under article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and
AR14-ASA1,6,2423 Whereas, Representative Behnke was convicted in 1982 of disorderly conduct
24stemming from an argument over a state capitol parking spot; and