253.16 (2) In a county with a population of at least 190,000 but less than 230,000, from the appropriation account under section s. 20.435 (5) (1) (eu) of the statues, as created by this act, the department of health and family services shall distribute $250,000 in each state fiscal years year to the city health department to provide a program of services to reduce fetal and infant mortality and morbidity.

(3) (intro.) Notwithstanding section s. 251.08 of the statutes, in implementing the program under paragraph (b) sub. (2), the city health department shall, directly or by contract, do all of the following in or on behalf of areas of the county that are encompassed by the zip codes 53402 to 53406 and that are at risk for high fetal and infant mortality and morbidity, as determined by the department of health and family services:

(c) Develop and implement models of care for all women in the areas who meet risk criteria, as specified by the department of health and family services, and provide comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care coordination and other services, including home visits, by registered nurses who are public health nurses or who meet the qualifications of public health nurses, as specified in section s. 250.06 (1) of the statutes, or by social workers, as defined in section s. 252.15 (1) (er) of the statutes.

(e) Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the services provided under subdivisions 3. and 4 pars. (c) and (d).

(4) (intro.) the The city health department shall prepare a report on fetal and infant mortality and morbidity in areas of the county that are encompassed by the zip codes 53402 to 53406. The report shall be derived, at least in part, from a multidisciplinary review of all fetal and infant deaths in the relevant year and shall specify causation found for the mortality and morbidity. The city health department shall submit the report to all of the following:

(b) The department of health and family services.

(c) The legislature, in the manner provided under section s. 13.172 (3) of the statutes.

SECTION 9221. Fiscal changes; Health Services.


(a) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (i) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (i) of the statutes, as affected by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.

(b) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (ky) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (ky) of the statutes, as created by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.

(c) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (kz) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (kz) of the statutes, as created by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.

(d) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (ma) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (ma) of the statutes, as created by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.

(e) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (md) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (md) of the statutes, as created by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.

(f) The unencumbered balance of the appropriation to the department of health services under section 20.435 (5) (na) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (1) (na) of the statutes, as created by this act, on the effective date of this paragraph.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Weidner, BB0006 - Angel investment tax credit changes
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Income taxation
Under current law, a person may claim as credit against the person's income or franchise tax liability, in each of two consecutive taxable years, 12.5 percent of the person's investment in a qualified new business venture, as determined by Commerce. The maximum amount of a person's investment that can be used as the basis for the credit is $2,000,000 and a business may receive no more than $1,000,000 in investments that qualify for the credit.
Under this bill, a person may claim an income and franchise tax credit equal to 25 percent of the person's investment in a qualified new business venture. The bill allows a person to use more than $2,000,000 in investments as the basis for the credit and to transfer the amount of any unused credit to another taxpayer.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 71.07 (5b) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 2. 71.07 (5b) (c) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 71.07 (5b) (c).

SECTION 3. 71.07 (5d) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 71.07 (5d) (b) (intro.) and amended to read:

71.07 (5d) (b) Filing claims. (intro.) Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and in s. 560.205, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 or 71.08, up to the amount of those taxes, the following:

1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, in each taxable year for 2 consecutive years, beginning with the taxable year as certified by the department of commerce, an amount equal to 12.5 percent of the claimant's bona fide angel investment made directly in a qualified new business venture.

SECTION 4. 71.07 (5d) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:

71.07 (5d) (b) 2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, for the taxable year certified by the department of commerce, an amount equal to 25 percent of the claimant's bona fide angel investment made directly in a qualified new business venture.

SECTION 5. 71.07 (5d) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

71.07 (5d) (c) 2. The For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, the maximum amount of a claimant's investment that may be used as the basis for a credit under this subsection is $2,000,000 for each investment made directly in a business certified under s. 560.205 (1).

SECTION 6. 71.28 (5b) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 7. 71.28 (5b) (c) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 71.28 (5b) (c).

SECTION 8. 71.47 (5b) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 9. 71.47 (5b) (c) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 71.47 (5b) (c).

SECTION 10. 73.03 (63) of the statutes is amended to read:

73.03 (63) Notwithstanding the amount limitations specified under ss. 71.07 (5b) (c) 1. and (5d) (c) 1., 71.28 (5b) (c) 1., 71.47 (5b) (c) 1., and 560.205 (3) (d), in consultation with the department of commerce, to carry forward to subsequent taxable years unclaimed credit amounts of the early stage seed investment credits under ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), and 71.47 (5b), and 76.638 and the angel investment credit under s. 71.07 (5d). Annually, no later than July 1, the department of commerce shall submit to the department of revenue its recommendations for the carry forward of credit amounts as provided under this subsection.

SECTION 11. 76.638 of the statutes is created to read:

76.638 Early stage seed investment credit. (1) DEFINITIONS. In this section, "fund manager" means an investment fund manager certified under s. 560.205 (2).

(2) FILING CLAIMS. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, subject to the limitations provided under this subsection and s. 560.205, an insurer may claim as a credit against the fees imposed under s. 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66, or 76.67, 25 percent of the insurer's investment paid to a fund manager that the fund manager invests in a business certified under s. 560.205 (1).

(3) INVESTMENT BASIS. The Wisconsin adjusted basis of any investment for which a credit is claimed under sub. (2) shall be reduced by the amount of the credit that is offset against the fees imposed under s. 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66, or 76.67.

(4) CARRY-FORWARD. If the credit under sub. (2) is not entirely offset against the fees under s. 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66, or 76.67 otherwise due, the unused balance may be carried forward and credited against those fees for the following 15 years to the extent that it is not offset by those fees otherwise due in all the years between the year in which the expense was made and the year in which the carry-forward credit is claimed.

SECTION 12. 560.205 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

560.205 (1) ANGEL INVESTMENT TAX CREDITS. (intro.) The department shall implement a program to certify businesses for purposes of s. 71.07 (5d). A business desiring certification shall submit an application to the department in each taxable year for which the business desires certification. The business shall specify in its application the investment amount it wishes to raise and the department may certify the business and determine the amount that qualifies for purposes of s. 71.07 (5d). Unless otherwise provided under the rules of the department, a business may be certified under this subsection, and may maintain such certification, only if the business satisfies all of the following conditions:

SECTION 13. 560.205 (1) (f) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

560.205 (1) (f) It has the potential for increasing jobs in this state, increasing capital investment in this state, or both, and any of the following apply:

1. It is engaged in, or has committed to engage in, innovation in any of the following:

a. Manufacturing, biotechnology, nanotechnology, communications, agriculture, or clean energy creation or storage technology.

b. Processing or assembling products, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, computer software, computer hardware, semiconductors, any other innovative technology products, or other products that are produced using manufacturing methods that are enabled by applying proprietary technology.

c. Services that are enabled by applying proprietary technology.

2. It is undertaking precommercialization activity related to proprietary technology that includes conducting research, developing a new product or business process, or developing a service that is principally reliant on applying proprietary technology.

SECTION 14. 560.205 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:

560.205 (1) (g) It is not primarily engaged in real estate development, insurance, banking, lending, lobbying, political consulting, professional services provided by attorneys, accountants, business consultants, physicians, or health care consultants, wholesale or retail trade, leisure, hospitality, transportation, or construction, except construction of power production plants that derive energy from a renewable resource, as defined in s. 196.378 (1) (h).

SECTION 15. 560.205 (1) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:

560.205 (1) (k) It For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, it has not received more than $1,000,000 in investments that have qualified for tax credits under s. 71.07 (5d).

SECTION 16. 560.205 (1) (kn) of the statutes is created to read:

560.205 (1) (kn) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2011, it has not received more than $4,000,000 in investments that have qualified for tax credits under ss. 71.07 (5b) and (5d), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), and 76.638.

SECTION 17. 560.205 (1) (L) of the statutes is created to read:

560.205 (1) (L) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, it has not received more than $8,000,000 in investments that have qualified for tax credits under ss. 71.07 (5b) and (5d), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), and 76.638.

SECTION 18. 560.205 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

560.205 (2) EARLY STAGE SEED INVESTMENT TAX CREDITS. The department shall implement a program to certify investment fund managers for purposes of ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), and 71.47 (5b), and 76.638. An investment fund manager desiring certification shall submit an application to the department. The investment fund manager shall specify in the application the investment amount that the manager wishes to raise and the department may certify the manager and determine the amount that qualifies for purposes of ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), and 76.638. In determining whether to certify an investment fund manager, the department shall consider the investment fund manager's experience in managing venture capital funds, the past performance of investment funds managed by the applicant, the expected level of investment in the investment fund to be managed by the applicant, and any other relevant factors. The department may certify only investment fund managers that commit to consider placing investments in businesses certified under sub. (1).

SECTION 19. 560.205 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

560.205 (3) (d) Rules. The department of commerce, in consultation with the department of revenue, shall promulgate rules to administer this section. The rules shall further define "bona fide angel investment" for purposes of s. 71.07 (5d) (a) 1. The rules shall limit the aggregate amount of tax credits under s. 71.07 (5d) that may be claimed for investments in businesses certified under sub. (1) at $3,000,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2008, $5,500,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2011, and $18,000,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2010, plus, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, an additional $250,000 for tax credits that may be claimed for investments in nanotechnology businesses certified under sub. (1). The rules shall also limit the aggregate amount of the tax credits under ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), and 71.47 (5b), and 76.638 that may be claimed for investments paid to fund managers certified under sub. (2) at $3,500,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2008, $6,000,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2011, and $18,500,000 per calendar year for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2010, plus, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, an additional $250,000 for tax credits that may be claimed for investments in nanotechnology businesses certified under sub. (1). The rules shall also provide that, for calendar years beginning after December 31, 2007, no person may receive a credit under ss. 71.07 (5b) and (5d), 71.28 (5b), or 71.47 (5b), or 76.638 unless the person's investment is kept in a certified business, or with a certified fund manager, for no less than 3 years.

SECTION 20. 560.205 (3) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

560.205 (3) (e) Transfer. A person who is eligible to claim a credit under s. 71.07 (5b) 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), or 76.638 may sell or otherwise transfer the credit to another person who is subject to the taxes or fees imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.47 or subch. III of ch. 76, if the person receives prior authorization from the investment fund manager and the manager then notifies the department of commerce and the department of revenue of the transfer and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents. No person may sell or otherwise transfer a credit as provided in this paragraph more than once in a 12-month period. The department may charge any person selling or otherwise transferring a credit under this paragraph a fee equal to 1 percent of the credit amount sold or transferred. The department shall deposit all fees collected under this paragraph in the appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (gm).

SECTION 9310. Initial applicability; Commerce.

(1) EARLY STAGE SEED INVESTMENT CREDIT. The treatment of section 560.205 (1) (f) and (g), (2), and (3) (e) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1, 2009.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Weidner, BB0009 - Film production credit cap
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Income taxation
This bill eliminates the film production services and film production company investment income and franchise tax credits.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 71.07 (5f) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

71.07 (5f) (e) Sunset. No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008. Credits under par. (b) 1. for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2009, may be carried forward to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.

SECTION 2. 71.07 (5h) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

71.07 (5h) (e) Sunset. No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008. Credits under this subsection for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2009, may be carried forward to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.
