145.08 (1) (d) For Issuing a journeyman plumber's license, $180, and $180 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10.

SECTION 6. 145.08 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (e) For Issuing a temporary permit pending examination and issuance of a license for master plumber, $400; for or journeyman $150 and which shall also cover the examination fee prescribed and the license fee for the 4-year period in which issued plumber.

SECTION 7. 145.08 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (f) For Administering a master plumber's (restricted) examination, $50. For each subsequent examination, $30.

SECTION 8. 145.08 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (g) For Issuing a master plumber's license (restricted), $500, and $500 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $20.

SECTION 9. 145.08 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (h) For Administering a journeyman plumber's (restricted) examination, $30. For each subsequent examination, $20.

SECTION 10. 145.08 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (i) For Issuing a journeyman plumber's license (restricted), $180, and $180 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10.

SECTION 11. 145.08 (1) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (k) For Administering an automatic fire sprinkler contractor's examination, $100.

SECTION 12. 145.08 (1) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (L) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler contractor's license, $2,000, and $2,000 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $25.

SECTION 13. 145.08 (1) (Lm) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (Lm) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler - maintenance only registration, $400, and $400 for each renewal of the 4-year registration if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $25.

SECTION 14. 145.08 (1) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (m) For Administering a journeyman automatic fire sprinkler fitter's examination, $20 and $20 for each subsequent examination.

SECTION 15. 145.08 (1) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (n) For Issuing a journeyman automatic fire sprinkler fitter's license, $180, and $180 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10.

SECTION 16. 145.08 (1) (nm) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (nm) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler fitter - maintenance only registration certificate, $60, and $60 for each renewal of the 4-year registration if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10.

SECTION 17. 145.08 (1) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (o) For Issuing a utility contractor's license, $500 and $500 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10.

SECTION 18. 145.08 (1) (p) of the statutes is renumbered 145.08 (1g) and amended to read:

145.08 (1g) For The department may not charge a plumbing supervisor employed by the department in accord with s. 145.02 (3) (a), no cost a fee for the appropriate 4-year license for which the plumbing supervisor has previously qualified.

SECTION 19. 145.08 (1) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (1) (q) For Issuing a pipelayer's registration, $180 at the time of registration and $180 for each subsequent 4-year period of registration.

SECTION 20. 145.08 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

145.08 (3) To establish a record of beginning an apprenticeship, as a plumber, as an automatic fire sprinkler system apprentice, or as a plumber learner (restricted), every plumbing and automatic fire sprinkler system apprentice and every plumbing learner (restricted) shall within 30 days after beginning an apprenticeship or learnership register with the department. A fee of $15 established by the department by rule shall be paid at the time of registration and before January 1 of each subsequent calendar year during which the apprentice is engaged in the apprenticeship or learnership.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Weidner, BB0003 - Repayment appropriation for Wisconsin energy independence fund
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
commerce and economic development
Economic development
Under current law, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) may award a grant or make a loan to a business or researcher to fund certain renewable energy projects. Currently, repayments of the loans are deposited into the general fund. This bill appropriates the repayments to Commerce to fund additional renewable energy grants and loans and certain other economic development grants and loans.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.143 (1) (gh) of the statutes is created to read:

20.143 (1) (gh) Recycling and renewable energy fund; repayments. All moneys received in repayment of loans under s. 560.126, to be used for grants and loans under ss. 560.126 and 560.61.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Weidner, BB0001 - Change appropriation for state shelter subsidy grant and transitional housing from annual to biennial and delete Dec. 31 lapse
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Commerce and economic development
The Department of Commerce currently awards grants to fund transitional housing and associated supportive services for, and to fund the provision of shelter to, homeless individuals and families. The grants are funded by an annual appropriation from general purpose revenues, and currently, moneys in the appropriation account that are allocated but not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund unless JCF transfers the moneys to the next calendar year. This bill deletes the lapse requirement and makes the appropriation a biennial appropriation. As a result, unencumbered moneys in the appropriation account will lapse to the general fund at the end of each fiscal biennium.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.143 (2) (fm) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.143 (2) (fm) Shelter for homeless and transitional housing grants. The Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for transitional housing grants under s. 560.9806 and for grants to agencies and shelter facilities for homeless individuals and families as provided under s. 560.9808. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All funds allocated but not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless transferred to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Palchik, BB0010 - Gifts and grants appropriation for board for people with developmental disabilities
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Health and human services
Mental illness and developmental disabilities
This bill creates a continuing appropriation of program revenue for the receipt and expenditure of gifts, grants, and bequests by the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.438 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:

20.438 (1) (i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, and bequests for the activities of the board for people with developmental disabilities, to carry out the purposes for which made and received.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Palchik, BB0011 - Program revenue appropriation for board for people with developmental disabilities
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
health and human services
Mental illness and developmental disabilities
This bill creates an appropriation account for the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities into which the board may deposit moneys from rent collection, conference fees, and revenue from publications.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.438 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:

20.438 (1) (h) Program services. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to carry out the responsibilities of the board for people with developmental disabilities. All moneys received by the board for people with developmental disabilities from invoicing entities for using state-owned space, as conference fees and other related expenditures, and from printing and publishing forms, documents, pamphlets, and other publications shall be credited to this appropriation account.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.
2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Palchik, BB0012 - Authorizing ombudsman to advocate for residential care apartment complex residents
For 2009-11 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2009 BILL