Relating to medicare supplement insurance and affecting small business.
Submitted by Insurance Commissioner.
Report received from Agency, March 30, 2009.
To committee on Insurance.
Referred on April 2, 2009
Relating to the application of reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compound emissions from certain operations within the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, March 30, 2009.
To committee on Natural Resources
Referred on April 2, 2009
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Joint Resolution 37
Relating to: proclaiming the Wisconsin Centennial of Flight.
Representatives Hebl, Benedict, Schneider, Brooks, Berceau, Pope-Roberts, Townsend, Bies, Vruwink, Murtha, Spanbauer and Molepske Jr.; cosponsored by Senators Miller, Robson, Risser, Hopper, Lehman, Lassa, Taylor, Olsen, Schultz and Darling.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Joint Resolution 38
Relating to: the life and military service of Sergeant Daniel James Thompson.
; cosponsored by Senator Olsen
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 179
Relating to: notification to the state and certain public agencies regarding a medical malpractice claim and limits on liability.
Representatives Cullen, Staskunas, Montgomery, Richards, Smith, Berceau and Spanbauer; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Lehman, Robson, Kreitlow and Grothman.
To committee on Insurance.
Assembly Bill 180
Relating to: changes to and extension of the Environmental Results Program, extension of the Environmental Improvement Program and the length of a compliance schedule under that program, and reporting requirements for certain environmental programs.
Representatives Clark, Tauchen, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Hebl, Jorgensen, Lothian, Molepske Jr., A. Ott, Parisi, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ripp, Roys, Sinicki, Smith and Townsend; cosponsored by Senators Miller, Kedzie, Cowles, Erpenbach, Harsdorf, Holperin, Lassa, Lehman, Olsen, Plale, Risser, Schultz and Taylor.
To committee on Natural Resources
Assembly Bill 181
Relating to: operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license or after suspension or revocation of an operating privilege and providing penalties.
Representatives Krusick, Gundrum, Stone, Ballweg, Cullen, Gunderson, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kleefisch, Knodl, LeMahieu, Lothian, Mursau, Nass, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Pridemore, Ripp, Spanbauer, Suder, Townsend, Turner, Zipperer and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter, Lazich, Darling, Grothman, Kanavas, A. Lasee, Lehman, Plale and Schultz, by request of the family of Nicholas Dams, the family of Kristy Wanek, Greendale Police Chief Rob Dams, father of Nicholas, Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association, Wisconsin County Police Association, Milwaukee Police Association, Milwaukee County Law Enforcement Executives Association, Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm.
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 182
Relating to: assignment of income, prizes, and earnings to pay a municipal court judgment.
Representatives Krusick, Gottlieb, Richards, Sinicki, Ballweg, Townsend and Grigsby; cosponsored by Senators Plale, Darling, Carpenter, Lehman, Olsen, Schultz and Taylor.
To committee on Corrections and the Courts
Assembly Bill 183
Relating to: the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal of motor vehicles for multiple nonmoving traffic violations.
Representatives Krusick, Gottlieb, Richards, Staskunas, Zepnick, Mursau, A. Ott, Stone, Townsend and Vos; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter and Darling.
To committee on Urban and Local Affairs
Assembly Bill 184
Relating to: increasing expense deductions for income and franchise tax purposes.
Representatives Roth, Ziegelbauer, Vos, Townsend, Petrowski, A. Ott, Murtha, Mursau, LeMahieu, Kleefisch, Gunderson and Brooks; cosponsored by Senators Taylor, Olsen, Grothman and Darling.
To committee on Jobs, the Economy and Small Business.
Assembly Bill 185
Relating to: prohibiting the use of information in credit reports for issuing or setting premiums for motor vehicle or property insurance.
Representatives Berceau, Vruwink, Zepnick, Schneider, Wood, Young, Black, Sinicki, Pocan, Nass, Mason, Mursau, Grigsby, Gunderson, Toles, Ballweg, Hixson, A. Williams and Hilgenberg; cosponsored by Senators Lehman, Carpenter, Erpenbach and Plale.
To committee on Insurance.
Assembly Bill 186
Relating to: salvinorin A and providing a penalty.
Representatives Cullen, Staskunas, Richards, Gunderson, Berceau, Nass, Kleefisch, Bies and Spanbauer; cosponsored by Senators Plale, Taylor and Lehman.
To committee on Public Health.
Assembly Bill 187
Relating to: school bus seating positions and passenger loading and unloading and providing a penalty.
Representatives Molepske Jr., Kerkman, Pasch, Vruwink, Townsend, Berceau, Benedict, Bies, Soletski and Barca; cosponsored by Senators Lassa and Taylor.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 188
Relating to: awarding grants to school districts for language immersion schools and making an appropriation.
Representatives Kessler, Cullen, A. Williams, Zepnick, Richards, Sinicki, Grigsby and Pasch.
To committee on Education Reform
Assembly Bill 189
Relating to: increasing the amount of the homestead exemption.
Representatives Hebl, Black, Berceau, Pope-Roberts, Turner, A. Williams, Zepnick, Fields, Spanbauer and Molepske Jr.; cosponsored by Senators Taylor, Holperin, Lehman, Miller, Decker, Erpenbach, Wirch and Vinehout.
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 190
Relating to: disclosing drafts of drafting requests that did not result in legislation.
Representatives Molepske Jr., Zepnick, Berceau and Smith.
To committee on Assembly Organization
Assembly Bill 191
Relating to: drunken driving and creating a penalty.
Representatives Hintz, Kaufert, Staskunas, Townsend, Richards, Nelson, Tauchen, Cullen, Hraychuck, Roth, A. Ott, Berceau and A. Williams; cosponsored by Senators Taylor, Hopper, Sullivan, Plale, Lehman, Schultz, Darling and Cowles.
To committee on Public Safety.
Assembly Bill 192
Relating to: battery to a highway construction or maintenance worker and providing a penalty.
Representatives Vos, Kerkman, A. Ott, Turner, Zepnick and Brooks; cosponsored by Senators Lehman and A. Lasee.
To committee on Criminal Justice
Assembly Bill 193
Relating to: the privilege of self-defense.
Representatives Hraychuck, Danou, Vruwink, Mursau, Friske, Van Roy, Ballweg, Suder, Strachota, Petrowski, Vukmir, Zipperer, Davis, Bies, Kleefisch, Gunderson, Vos, Spanbauer, Kerkman, Nerison, LeMahieu, Kestell, Honadel, Rhoades, Zigmunt, Ripp, Jorgensen, Tauchen, Roth, Kaufert and Huebsch; cosponsored by Senators Holperin, Vinehout, Decker, Plale, Schultz, Lazich, Leibham, Grothman, A. Lasee, Kanavas, Darling, Kapanke, Harsdorf and Hopper.
To committee on Personal Privacy
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Reference Bureau
DATE: March 31, 2009
TO: Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
Robert Marchant
Senate Chief Clerk
FROM: Bruce J. Hoesly
Code Editor
SUBJECT: Rules published in the March 31, 2009
Wisconsin Administrative
Register, No. 639.
The following rules have been published: