Monday, February 1, 2010
Ninety-Ninth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 259 offered by committee on Aging and Long-Term Care.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 659 offered by Representative Shilling.
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 694
Relating to: prohibiting a person who has been convicted or adjudicated delinquent for committing a drug-related felony or who is the subject of a pending criminal charge or delinquency petition for committing a drug-related felony from showing that he or she has been rehabilitated for purposes of being licensed, certified, or contracted with to provide child care, of being employed or contracted as a caregiver of a child care provider, or of being permitted to reside at a premises where child care is provided.
Representatives Gundrum, Honadel, Ziegelbauer, Davis, Kerkman, Pridemore, Strachota, Montgomery, Vos, LeMahieu, Townsend, Van Roy, Gunderson, Brooks, Suder, Kleefisch, Spanbauer, Murtha, Lothian, Bies, Petersen, Meyer, Vukmir, Ripp, Petrowski, A. Ott, Zipperer and Gottlieb; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Lazich, Plale, Olsen, Cowles and Hopper.
To committee on Children and Families
Assembly Bill 695
Relating to: requiring suspected drug activity on the part of a caregiver or nonclient resident of a child care provider to be reported to an immediate supervisor and to the sheriff and suspected or threatened child abuse or neglect on the part of such an individual to be reported under the child abuse and neglect reporting law and providing a penalty.
Representatives Gundrum, Honadel, Ziegelbauer, Davis, Kerkman, Pridemore, Strachota, Montgomery, Vos, LeMahieu, Townsend, Van Roy, Gunderson, Brooks, Suder, Kleefisch, Spanbauer, Murtha, Lothian, Bies, Petersen, Meyer, Vukmir, Ripp, Petrowski, A. Ott, Ballweg, Zipperer and Gottlieb; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Lazich, Plale, Olsen, Cowles and Hopper.
To committee on Children and Families
Assembly Bill 696
Relating to: authority of the Public Service Commission over certain telecommunications utilities, telecommunications access charges, universal service fund contributions based on interconnected voice over Internet protocol service, tandem switching provider electronic call records, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
; cosponsored by Senator Plale
To committee on Energy and Utilities
Assembly Bill 697
Relating to: the BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan, Benchmark Plan benefits, and making an appropriation.
; cosponsored by Senator Erpenbach
To committee on Health and Healthcare Reform
Assembly Bill 698
Relating to: an addition to the 2009-11 Authorized State Building Program.
Representatives Hixson, Hintz and Black; cosponsored by Senators Robson, Risser and Plale.
To committee on Colleges and Universities
The committee on Agriculture reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 206
Relating to: creating a committee to study the uses of industrial hemp.
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Vruwink, Radcliffe, Garthwaite, Jorgensen, Molepske Jr. and Danou.
Noes: 5 - Representatives A. Ott, Nerison, Murtha, Tauchen and Brooks.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Vruwink, Radcliffe, Garthwaite, Jorgensen, Molepske Jr. and Danou.
Noes: 5 - Representatives A. Ott, Nerison, Murtha, Tauchen and Brooks.
To committee on Rules.
Amy Sue Vruwink
Committee on Agriculture
The committee on Health and Healthcare Reform reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 651
Relating to: the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs.
Assembly Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 13 - Representatives Richards, Roys, Benedict, Shilling, Vruwink, Seidel, Pasch, Bernard Schaber, Vukmir, Rhoades, Stone, Strachota and Nygren.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 13 - Representatives Richards, Roys, Benedict, Shilling, Vruwink, Seidel, Pasch, Bernard Schaber, Vukmir, Rhoades, Stone, Strachota and Nygren.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Jon Richards
Committee on Health and Healthcare Reform