Committee on Tourism, Recreation and State Properties
The committee on Transportation reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 465
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates associated with the Lions Clubs of Wisconsin and making an appropriation.
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Steinbrink, Zigmunt, Vruwink, Garthwaite, Fields, Bernard Schaber, Sinicki, Petrowski, A. Ott, Stone, Bies and Ripp.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Steinbrink, Zigmunt, Vruwink, Garthwaite, Fields, Bernard Schaber, Sinicki, Petrowski, A. Ott, Stone, Bies and Ripp.
Noes: 0.
To joint committee on Finance.
John Steinbrink
Committee on Transportation
Reference Bureau Corrections
Senate Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 47
In enrolling, the following correction was made:
1. Page 1, line 13: delete "delete "is"" and substitute "delete the second "is"".
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
Enrolled Bills
The following Assembly proposals, which have been approved by both the Assembly and Senate, have been enrolled by the Legislative Reference Bureau:
Assembly Bill 47
Assembly Bill 198
Assembly Bill 248
Assembly Bill 332
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
A629 Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 83
Assembly Bill 177
Assembly Bill 178
Assembly Bill 202
Assembly Bill 229
Assembly Bill 325
Assembly Bill 364
Assembly Bill 376
Assembly Bill 418
Presented to the Governor on Tuesday, February 2.
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Supreme Court of Wisconsin
February 3, 2010
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Under ss. 758.l9 (5)(e) and 758.19(6)(d), Wis. Stats., each county is required to submit an annual report to the Director of State Courts which provides information on the actual amount expended in the previous calendar year for court costs relating to the circuit court support and the guardian ad litem payment (GAL) programs. The Director of State Courts is required under s. 758.19 (5)(i), Wis. Stats., to compile the data submitted by Wisconsin's counties and report this information to the Governor and Legislature by October 1st of each year.
On October 1, 2009, we submitted our annual report which compiled the counties' calendar year 2008 expenditure data. We noted in the report that counties do not submit audited reports and, as a result, there are differing and inconsistent accounting practices among and within counties so the reported expenditures are not comparable among counties, We also reported that in fiscal year 2009-10, we would be performing audits of these expenditures to ensure consistency and uniformity among and within counties when reporting this information. Through our review process, we recently found that some of Milwaukee County's calendar year 2008 expenditures appeared to be misstated. We followed up with Milwaukee County and they agreed that they misclassified a portion of their indigent counsel and GAL costs for calendar year 2008. Milwaukee County immediately re-submitted a corrected 2008 annual report of actual costs.
While it is not our intent to re-issue the October l report whenever an error is found during our audit process, the misclassifications of Milwaukee County's 2008 expenditures are considered material. Because GAL expenditure data is detailed in our annual report, we believe it is necessary to re-issue our October 1, 2009 report to correct the reporting error. The enclosed report includes corrected 2008 GAL expenditure data and shows that the statewide total GAL costs for 2008 were $11,059,773 rather than the $12,829,168 as originally reported.
Since audits of counties 2008 data are still underway, we want to reiterate that caution should be used with comparing these numbers among counties. These numbers should still be considered unaudited. Please direct any questions regarding this re-submission to the court system's Fiscal Officer Brian Lamprech. He can be reached at 608-266-6865 or at
A. John Voelker
Director of State Courts
Referred to committee on Children and Families.