Relating to water conservation and water use efficiency for water withdrawals and affecting small business.
Report received from Agency, August 18, 2010.
To committee on Natural Resources .
Referred on August 24, 2010 .
Relating to water withdrawal fees in the Great Lakes basin and affecting small business.
Report received from Agency, August 18, 2010.
To committee on Natural Resources .
Referred on August 24, 2010 .
Relating to debarment, suspension, and ineligibility of department of administration contractors
Report received from Agency, August 18, 2010.
To committee on Jobs, the Economy and Small Business.
Referred on August 24, 2010 .
Relating to annual injured patients and families compensation fund fees and medical mediation panel fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, and may have an effect on small business.
Report received from Agency, August 9, 2010.
To committee on Insurance.
Referred on August 11, 2010 .
Relating to license reinstatement.
Report received from Agency, August 10, 2010.
To committee on Transportation.
Referred on August 11, 2010 .
Relating to the state apprenticeship program and affecting small businesses.
Report received from Agency, August 11, 2010.
To committee on Workforce Development .
Referred on August 18, 2010 .
Relating to the use of race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names by school boards.
Report received from Agency, August 9, 2010.
To committee on Education.
Referred on August 11, 2010 .
Relating to education reform.
Report received from Agency, August 9, 2010.
To committee on Education.
Referred on August 11, 2010 .
Relating to educator preparation and licensing flexibility.
Report received from Agency, August 19, 2010.
To committee on Education.
Referred on August 23, 2010 .
Speaker's Communications
August 10, 2010
The Honorable Jim Doyle
115 East, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Governor Doyle:
Due to a scheduling conflict, Representative Pedro Colon will be replacing Representative Gordon Hintz as a member of the Building Commission and the Higher Education subcommittee for the meeting on August 11, 2010.
This appointment is effective for this meeting only.
Michael J. Sheridan
Assembly Speaker
A1003 Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Government Accountability Board
August 6, 2010
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
On behalf of the Government Accountability Board (Board), I am pleased to provide you with an Interim Report on Extending the Government Accountability Board's Hours of Operation for the 2010 Spring Election Cycle. This report summarizes an examination of clerks' requested extended hours of operation for Board staff, and the effectiveness of those hours during the 2010 February Spring Primary and April Spring Election in accordance with the Board's obligation under Section 7.08 (11), Wisconsin Statutes.
This statute was created by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, Section 2q, enacted on June 29,2009, and requires the Board to ensure that adequate staff are available to answer local election officials' questions for each statewide election and recount. Accordingly, the Board continued its established practice, previously base don past election experience, of offering extended operating hours during the 2010 Spring Election Cycle.
In our continuing effort to more effectively meet the needs of participants in the election process, we sought to solicit input from local election officials, our partners, on what extended hours would best meet their needs. 790 or 45.5% of the 1,738 clerks able to receive email notifications completed a survey and, in their responses, highlighted two aspects about extended hours. First, no one set of extended hours fits every election. Second, clerks desire greater Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) support before an election and Election Administration support on Election Day.
Additional data on the number and types of inquiries fielded by Board staff during the spring elections was captured in extended hours Election Activity Logs. The two main concerns reported on Election Day for the 2010 February Primary and April 6 Spring Election were issues at the polling place (i.e. voters at the wrong polling place, signs or buttons that upset other voters, Election Day registration confusion) and how to process absentee ballots. This suggests that more may need to be done to educate both voters and poll workers on how to handle common polling place issues, including unusual absentee situations.
This interim report summarizes the efforts of Board staff to meet customers' needs during the 2010 Spring Election Cycle. Following the 2010 November General Election, a Final Report on Extended Hours will be prepared to document our services during the Fall Election Cycle. The Final Report will also serve as an overall evaluation of the extended hours provided during the entire 2010 Election Season.
Kevin J. Kennedy
Director and General Counsel
Referred to committee on Elections and Campaign Reform.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
August 10, 2010
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
We have completed a biennial performance evaluation of the Department of Administration's (DOA's) Division of Gaming, as required by s. 13.94 (1)(eg), Wis. Stats. The Division oversees Indian gaming, pari-mutuel racing, and charitable gaming activities in Wisconsin.
In fiscal year (FY) 2008-09, the Division's expenditures to regulate all three types of gaming activities totaled $3.1 million in program revenue. We analyzed a judgmental selection of its expenditures over a three-year period and found that reimbursements were sufficiently documented and appear to be reasonable. We note that during this period, $26,300 in reimbursements were made to an employee for mileage, food, and lodging costs incurred while traveling between his home in Chicago and the Division's office in Madison, where he works as legal counsel. These expenditures warrant careful monitoring to ensure they are reasonable and necessary.
Indian gaming represents the most significant gaming activity in Wisconsin. In 2009, Indian gaming revenue was $1.3 billion, tribal gaming expenses were $780.2 million, and tribal gaming profits were $543.4 million. In FY 2008-09, the State received $122.2 million from tribes under the revenue sharing provisions of the negotiated gaming compacts.