Tuesday, June 30, 2009
11:00 A.M.
Ninety-Ninth Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by President Risser.
The Chair, with unanimous consent, asked that the proper entries be made in the journal.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Senate Enrolled Proposals
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 39
Senate Joint Resolution 40
Report correctly enrolled on 6-30-2009.
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Monday, June 29, 2009.
Messages from the Assembly
By Patrick E. Fuller, chief clerk.
Mr. President:
I am directed to inform you that the Assembly has passed and asks concurrence in:
Assembly Bill 281
Adopted and asks concurrence in:
Assembly Joint Resolution 61
Concurred in:
Senate Joint Resolution 40

Petitions and Communications
State of Wisconsin
Government Accountability Board
June 25, 2009
The Honorable, The Senate:
Please note that the below listed rule of the Government Accountability Board was submitted to the Senate Chief Clerk for referral to the appropriate committee:
Clearinghouse Rule 09-013 Date of Submission
Regarding the Definition of the April 29, 2009
term "political purpose"
Pursuant to Sec. 227.19(4)(b)3m., Wis. Stats., the Government Accountability Board hereby invokes the ability to recall said rule from the Senate consideration, pending a U.S. Supreme Court decision involving the subject area that would be regulated by the rule. The Government Accountability Board specifically reserves the right to resubmit the rule to the Senate at a later date as permitted by Sec. 227.19(4)(b)3m., Wis. Stats.
If you have any questions about this matter, or if I can be of any other assistance, please give me a call.
Shane w. Falk
Staff Counsel
Government Accountability Board
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to termination of employment and administrative leave of absence.
Submitted by Department of Employe Trust Funds.
Report received from Agency, June 26, 2009.
Referred to committee on Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs, June 30, 2009 .
Relating to fair hearings and continuation of benefits pending the outcome of a grievance, department review, or fair hearing under the family care program.
Submitted by Department of Health Services.
Report received from Agency, June 25, 2009.
Referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue, June 30, 2009 .
Relating to licensure of foreign trained dentists.
Submitted by Department of Regulation and Licensing.
Report received from Agency, June 26, 2009.
Referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue, June 30, 2009 .
Relating to administrative code and statute citations for land surveying experience.
Submitted by Department of Regulation and Licensing.
Report received from Agency, June 26, 2009.
Referred to committee on Economic Development, June 30, 2009.
Relating to the definitions of supervision, direct supervision, responsible charge, and direction and control.